messages to shoutsofjoy:
(click here to add new message):

from sugar-punk :
Hey hon, just wanted to say hey, I don't know what you were referring to that's pissing you off, but I hope it stops. Heard you were are the Leather Pocket the other night, we should go there together soon. Hope you're happy, I miss you, call me sometime, or tell me to call you! Take care,
from sugar-punk :
Hi! I miss you! I'm sorry that you're feeling down right now, don't you hate it when boys are dumb? I miss you! You have to e-mail me and tell me what's going on in your life! Wow, 3 years with you and Dave, you're all grown up now! Anyways, I should really go, as I'm at work (I've got myself a grown up job now!), but you should e-mail me, even just so that I have you e-mail address. I miss you! Say hi to Dave for me!
from sugar-punk :
Hey baby girl, just had to drop you a note, because I saw a certian girl you know named Anika on the bus yesterday. She is back in Calgary, still living at the same place and says you should give her a call at the same number. Anyways, I miss you honey, hopefully I'll talk to you soon.
from sugar-punk :
Hi honey! I miss you! What's new with you? Oh my god, I haven't seen or talked to you in so long! Anyways, you should e-mail me at [email protected], well if you feel like it that is, but you should because I miss you! And I want to know all that is going on in your life! Blah! Anyways, I should get going, my lunch break is almost over. I hope all is well and hopefully I will talk to you soon!
from borrisbean :
ketchup borrisbean (username) I'm back at my moms now... it sucks.. I miss you! Gotta hang out soon... later babe!
from borrisbean :
lol actually, he got a year, but they only serve two thirds of their sentence... only 5 months left!!!!
from borrisbean :
hey sweetie! what are you doing tonight? I'll call you later... love you my asparagus romanticus! ps why is your diary locked? :(
from borrisbean :
hey I miss you too! how's life going with you? what's your #? It seems to have changed on me... :p why is your diary locked? CALL ME!!!
from kerry-ann :
dude! hows it goin? how come your thingy needs passwords and shit? x x x x
from amy-lea :
I agree, both times we have gotten all of us together it has been quite a blast...if only we could do it more often, and quit making it so hard to do hey?? I dont ever remember having to try so damn hard to make these friendships work!!
from chinabean :
It was a real flashback that's for sure. Who would have known we were to end up like this? Anyway, I can't wait until Thursday - it's what's getting me through this week. Have a good one. Love you.
from kerry-ann :
hey darling! you know what you should do.. you should write me a letter and send me some photos... and ill do the same, you have my address right?? ill have to email you my number cause i dont want to just post it on this site... by the way, i tried to talk to you on messenger and you didnt reply.....?????? anyways im gonna leave you for 5 minutes to email you my phone number love you x x x x
from wnab-smbdy :
hey me
from wnab-smbdy :
from borrisbean :
Merry Christmas my love! I miss you sooo much... I hope life is good for you and that Dave is treating you right... :) You're impossible to get ahold of! Call me soon k? Love you lots! xoxo -your sugar plum
from brokin-doll :
amber I miss you!! *cries* we should get together sometime soon. I lost your number and keep forgetting to ask sarah/shannon for it. oh yeah, and my boyfriend thinks your boyfriend is really cool. another reason that we should hang out sometime in the near future... :P anyways, g2g to work. bye!
from amy-lea : are you? hopefully you've realized that I am trying to get ahold of you and this seems to be one of the most plausible ways to do it. Just wondering where you have been...I miss you. Could you please get ahold of me ASAP?
from chinabean :
Hey baby! How are things going? I haven't talked to you in a while... Amy and I were just talking about how we haven't talked to you lately... I totally understand that you've been busy and it's really sad about your other friend's divorce and all.. but I REALLY think you should phone Amy P ASAP!!! I'm not even kidding... you've missed SOOOO much... you need to talk to her... seriously! On another note, I hope all is well... say hi to Dave and all that! See ya!
from kerry-ann :
i cant tell you on the computer, ill have to tell you in my next letter
from kerry-ann :
amber, i think that you should sort things out with adam, and it seems you maybe arent getting along with dave either. i know its difficult, but you shoulds sort it all out. and i miss you too, that is why im so eager to keep in touch at a possibly over the top level. as i usually dont write letters much at all. and i know you want me to come home, but i just need you to understand that i have a lot going on right now, that is slightly more important at the present time. i dont mean that the way it sounds, i will explain. i cant write it on here tho. ill explain in my next letter. its pretty big. i love you and i miss you. dont let shit get you down! your kerbear
from jinx1 :
I'm sorry. I was quick to judge and slow to understand, niether of which are good things to be. I understand now though, about clearing your name and what not. I was wrong to be mad with you at all, and hope you can forgive me.
from kerry-ann :
HII!!! i miss u soo much!! sorry i havent emailed, i can only check m email when lee is home. which isnt al that often! i want you to come see this place before i come home! its really nice here! ugh! who am i kidding!?!?! i hate being in this country, but i dont all at the same time.. anyways, ill let you go!i love you lots and lots and lots! love your kerbear
from jinx1 :
I'm sorry, do I know you?
from chinabean :
from borrisbean :
heya! haven't talked to you for a while, so I was wondering how the whole thing is going with you and dave. good, I hope. don't let your cat eat the hampster! love you hun!
from borrisbean :
do you ever wonder why the whole yellow part doesn't get filled up for the notes? You'd think it'd safe a lot more space...
from borrisbean :
heya! what time's your birthday at? I'll be there, of course! love you hun! see you monday
from kerry-ann :
hi! its me.. im sorry i havent emailed you, for some reason the computers been not working. we just got it working, but it wont let me access my email, it said the server doesnt have my account info or something. well, im here. its quite strange being back. but im ok . how are you doin? other than dave being a prick! well let me know! i LOVE YOU LOTS AND MISS U LOTS!!
from borrisbean :
I miss you soo much Am... we should do something soon I want to talk to you about stuff and eat ice cream and all that fun stuff. Maybe walk into bars with bare feet again!!! @--^-- love you hun!
from kerry-ann :
hey, i just thought that i'd let you know, that cause i dont get online much anymore, i never can its on high demand in my house right now! if i dont get to email you, anything will be in my diary, and if you want any extra details definitely let me know! iLOVE YOU!! and i miss you lots and lots and lots and lots. im going to try and call you soon, just for a little while tho, cause our phone almost got cut off, so i have to watch the long distance calls, anyways, i hope i get to talk to you later if i can get on this damn contraption! i love you and miss you love kerry X X X X
from kerry-ann :
i didnt mean to not fill you in, i always just miss you when i go online
from kerry-ann :
i'm not being wierd or anything, but it is testing people that sometimes ruins things. some people are successful under testing, and others are not.
from chinabean :
A wise man once said People treat the past as though it's something to be forgotten or shunned, thrown away and shamed. Why not look at the past as a foundation; from there, it's up to you what you build on it A prison or a home hehehe guess who wrote that? Anyway, I thought of it when I read your entry... make of it what you want to. Love you!
from kerry-ann :
just so ya know, my diary was only locked for an hour! i just thought it would be funny...
from kerry-ann :
you know, sometimes i envy you.. you know what is ahead of you, and your happy where your at in life. i know that you wonder about things, but we all do. i just want you to know that im glad you're happy.
from kerry-ann :
aww. darling you know i LOVE you sooo soo soo much dont you?! -your kerbear
from endless-void :
hey my dear it's Nat :P i hope everything is going ok (i cant hope for more than that with how it sounds) yeah i know the fun you are having.....oh well it's time for yon single one to go on his way later
from chinabean :
Hey sexy beast! *kiss kiss*
from sugar-punk :
You know, as dumb as this may sound, I just realized who you are! God I'm dense. Anyways, suprised to see you here, but that's cool. I love you hon, and even though we may not always see each other as often as we'd like, I will never lose touch with you, we have too many memories. *hugz*

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