messages to spawkly:
(click here to add new message):

from gwumpysmurf : its about whores, whores rock the casbah
from straysparrow :
Hey there! Welcome to the Bilingual diaryring. I see that you seem to be in the Vancouver area... me too! A Montrealer living in Vancouver to be exact. This city is definitely strange... but you get used to its quirks, eventually. Oh. By the way, my second language is French (shocking I know). What's yours? Cheers. Sparrow. xx.
from gumphood :
Okay. So my notes have left. I mean I have left them. I am sorry you are missing your dishes. If I left my roommate they would be fucked as well.
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
hey thanks for the add. I hope you enjoy what you are reading. Or such.
from amber-yoder :
I found your diary through your banner and thought I'd just compliment you on your diary. I like it.
from almost-grown :
Found your diary through a b anner and thought that i'd drop you a line. Love your diary!
from mr-knowitall :
Did that a long time ago :)
from austinliz :
Rock on. :) Thanks for stopping by!
from rosyg :
Hey spawkly. Thanks for signing my guestbook and making me a fave. What's the job that pays you so well?
from spawkly :
ah, got it
from spawkly :
How does this work?

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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