messages to unowhatihate:
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from stepfordtart :
Ce n'est pas difficile......Hmmm, peut etre un peu! s x
from idividedbyi :
fair enough! yr probably right, just run with what little there is. i like you.
from idividedbyi :
yr not going to let me in on the secret are you?!! i promise i won't tell! [email protected]
from idividedbyi :
i think i fixed the pop up problem. now, i guess i just have to write something worth reading.......
from idividedbyi :
ok now you have me ridiculously intrigued! i'm enjoying this......
from idividedbyi :
i don't even know what to say! thank you. i mean that. i am humbled to be added to both sites. if you have some spare time, i also write here: [moonsocket]. it's a little bit sporadic and on the depressing side right now, but if you have the time and dig a little, i'm sure you'll find something interesting! thanks again!
from ottodixless :
Ha, I was just thinking today "I need to make a blog listing all the things I hate so that I don't grow up to become a bitter old man." Although probably most of the things I hate are so ridiculous and personal and take about 3 paragraphs to explain that maybe I'd prefer to seethe. But well done anyhow, and I'll probably post soon.
from imajen :
ooh what a lovely lovely idea! both unowhatihate and unowhatilike. can i join? :)
from soapboxdiner :
This is such a clever idea. I love clever ideas.

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