messages to urarah:
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from ihatepizza :
Yes, I cannot sign guestbooks because of AOL. They suck! Today is really cold here in Minnesota. Good thing too because I hate summer! :)
from ihatepizza :
Oooh, I want a search engine too! I am missing quite a few things!
from megami326 :
hi, I was glad to add you to my list of favorites! Your entries are great! Have fun on your vacation. I hope one day to travel to Japan myself, but that is in the distant future.
from urarah :
me too! :->
from applerobot :
i love you!
from urarah :
hi! such a honor to get your first message. im looking forward to visit your entry. im urarah. thats my name!
from yuk4 :
hi,it`s my first time to send a message for someone in this web.may i know your name? i hope that u can go to melbourne Ganbattene!! get lucky!!
from urarah :
this is another sad history's beginning. sigh.
from kirlianstate :
i totally agree with the last entry of yours... the war will end up just hurting the innocent rather than those who are really to blame :(
from urarah :
soybeans thing is mystery to me too. come to japan someday. so many japanese though.
from jason75 :
I cant say I have ever felt the urge to steal soya beans.. lol.. sounds cool though.. would love to see Japan some day.. it seems amazing
from applerobot :
hello!! i am from *near* melbourne in australia but now living in kyushu! Japan = exciting. thanks for saying nice things about my diary. yours is good too!! xx
from urarah :
lucky you! i have to remember spell of MELBOURNE before l live in. A,B,C,E,F...G??
from jason75 :
I already live in melbourne! haha

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