messages to warmlove:
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from warmlove :
Oh my goodness. I just saw this and naturally welled up! Thankyou so much. I hope you are well, sending much love (I'll have to read some of your entries I've missed over that past year + I've been negligent with mine)
from strawberrri :
I'm so sorry to hear about your granma x
from strawberrri :
I still love your diary :) <3
from warmlove :
Thankyou SO much!! That's very sweet of you. Hope you enjoy my recently very doom-and-gloom-ey diary entries!!I just had a more upbeat weekend yet still full of utterly cringeworthy moments! x
from strawberrri :
Thanks for letting me in to read! Not sure if you're still looking for work. My housemate has a lovely actor friend who's posted this on her facebook, about temp work: " To any of my talented and multi skilled friends who are looking for temporary work hollar at me! Especially if your a gorgeous lady and have reception discrimination! The hours are flexible and will be between 9-5pm Monday to Friday, there is not one particular role at the moment but we will add you to our pool of temps and then call on you for a days work, a week or a number of months, perfect for actresses, very flexible and pretty good money...all based in London, send your CV's to [email protected]"
from warmlove :
Hello! Aw, you know the supremely egotistical part of me hoped someone would be disappointed that I locked my diary!!(My good friend who I am secretly a bit in love with found it so it's to keep him out!) The user name is warmlove and the password is 860922
from strawberrri :
booooo! i keep checking to see if you've unlocked but no joy. may i have the password? i'm a nosey git and love reading what you write.
from strawberrri :
"I tried phoning her but no answer so I sat outside for 20 minutes feeling scared and lonely (hehe)" :D I love your diary! <3
from strawberrri :
one tramp at e&c actually stopped mid-song to tell my workmate he looks like elton john 'whoah, it's the rocket man!' he hates being told that! i have to use that station to get to king's cross these days as for some reason it is going to take A FUCKING YEAR to replace the lifts at borough, so it's exit-only there when i want to go home. and yes, london men do have a certain charm ;) i only seem to give money to tramps when i've had a few to drink and i reckon that's because i'm merrily ambling about rather than rushing to catch a train where stopping to fish out my purse would lose precious seconds.
from strawberrri :
two of my uni housemates found it a few years ago (who are actually two of my bezzie mates!) the worst thing is they didn't tell me, i found out through my tracker thingy and confronted them. they felt awful and bought me a bottle of wine and kinder egg to say sorry. ah. one of my workmates described elephant and castle, or the underground bit anyway, as a 'stinking nest of tramps' which made me chuckle.
from strawberrri :
that's funny, when i was reading your diary the other day i was just thinking how brilliant it is! your life is so much more exciting than mine. it is nice knowing random people are reading stuff you write. however it is far less fun when people in real life find your diary, ESPECIALLY if you have written about them.

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