Pieces of the Sky

Everything unravels.And everyone is truly on their knees picking up their own pieces. Tear stained cheeks and bleeding internally.

My favorite diaries:

burnman profile - diary
comments: this is my man, my love, my heart, my soul, my dream, and now my fiancee....he is my destiny.
sojourn-wolf profile - diary
comments: a wolf in the pack, a close friend...sometimes you just need to be blunt...and oh are we ever!
eveslie profile - diary
comments: My Firefly, the girl who always reminds me who i am.
fairy-autumn profile - diary
comments: after meeting her...i realized that she was yet another kindred spirit. she holds a place in my heart
raen profile - diary
comments: seems like atrue veteran of diaryland. read through most of her stuff...i think we have quite a bit in common...
catpewk profile - diary
comments: LOVE this person's view on the Bush/Kerry Crap...you should too...go check it out.
theyknew profile - diary
comments: my political hero!!

My favorite music:

Tori Amos
comments: She is my goddess...i want to have her baby.
Nine Inch Nails
comments: I think he is a revolutionary artist and i love him too...simply amazing how his music can make the moods changed.
Switchblade Symphony
comments: incredible harmonies. i love those girls.

My favorite movies:

Neverending Story
comments: a childhood favorite...i still can't get enough..its one of my favorite ring tones on my phone.
Requiem for a Dream
comments: i just dont have anything to say...im rarely speechless. But this movie did it.
comments: imcredible...simply incredible.
comments: a classic...beautiful...i've never seen unicorns done better.
comments: originally a book by Dean Koontz an incredible movie...dont try to find it, it's impossible i've tried.

My favorite authors:

John Norman
comments: Kings this man is God...simply GOD.
Anne Rice(and all her other pen names)
comments: i've never felt so hot as i do when i read her words.
Jean M. Auel
comments: A fantastical visionary artist.

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last updated: 2004-11-22 22:47:47
this user's total entries: 80
user since: 2004-06-21

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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