I don't want to be unlovable anymore...

Hopefully I can fully get out my emotions here.

I am 21 year old Mommy to a beautiful 3 year old boy named Taylor David and a gorgeous newborn boy named Alexander James. I'm married to my best friend and a fantastic daddy to his boys. I just lost my job due to 'department reconstruction'.

For now this is just the place where I can get my emotions about everything out. From plain ol drama frustrations to my lil' one. Happy to sad to angry to ecstatic, all around it's something new all the time...

My favorite diaries:

readyorknot profile - diary
comments: One of the greatest friends that I have had in my life. She and I can relate very closely and I admire her for the strength she has. ((**LOCKED**))
theflyingrat profile - diary
comments: Such a sweetie. She's such a truly wonderful mom! ((**MOVED**))
didster555 profile - diary
comments: Daniel. One of whom I consider to be one of my closest friends despite what others may believe. ((**LOCKED**))
meowstacie6 profile - diary
comments: Stacie. Taylor's godmother.
cera-jeanne profile - diary
comments: Very good read, I enjoy it. I wish her and J the best!
amazinfuckup profile - diary
comments: Old read gone New again.
lust- profile - diary
comments: New, I like so far! :-)
missbabybump profile - diary
comments: New Read
xx-angel-xx profile - diary
comments: locked
emaciana profile - diary
comments: Tianne. Such a sweetheart!
dreamofblue profile - diary
comments: New/old lol
bitterwineuk profile - diary
comments: Becca :)
my--life profile - diary
comments: New read...
take-two profile - diary
comments: New, Found at random but really love her writing!

My favorite music:

Kelly Clarkson
comments: She has such a beautiful voice.
Blue October
comments: My all time favorite song is "Calling You" because it's our song. And it describes us so well!

My favorite movies:

Bad Boys II
comments: Ok first off it's got to be one of the absolute BEST movies ever, I mean it's got tons of action, it's funny as hell and Will Smith. What more could you ask for?? WOOSAW!!
The Hills Have Eyes
comments: This is one of our favorite movies.
I, Robot
comments: In my opinion, WAY better than the book. Plus Will Smith I mean c'mon!!
comments: My all time favorite
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
comments: Definantly on this list, I LOVE that movie!!

My favorite authors:

Catherine Anderson
comments: Great Love Stories
Sharon Sala
comments: Wonderful love stories woven into a mystery/horror (if that's how to describe it) I love her.
Iris Johansen
comments: Starting to see a pattern yet??

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last updated: 2009-06-20 06:10:42
this user's total entries: 573
user since: 2005-02-17

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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