Hey, its me.

I'm getting married in March and bought a house with my fiance last year. I work full time and go to school full time because I'm crazy. Embarrassing things seem to happen to me a lot.

My favorite diaries:

warcrygirl profile - diary
comments: Very well wrtten and entertaining journal.
sas1981 profile - diary
comments: Fellow Austinite getting married to the one she loves.
elle-78 profile - diary
comments: Californian and fellow anti-Shrub. Very funny.
dukkha-tanha profile - diary
comments: Highly entertaining, and a pretty layout.
lv2write00 profile - diary
comments: Great design, really well written & enjoyable.
namastesakhi profile - diary
comments: She's in Tailand. But someday, she'll be back.
/purplebanana profile - diary
comments: She's an Alison too. And a Virgo... that might be where the comparison ends...

My favorite music:

comments: Sometimes screaming is good.
comments: Girl + Sad = Portishead
comments: They saved my life.

My favorite movies:

comments: best movie from 1959.
Legally Blonde
comments: Girl Power! And hair dye.
comments: Elle changera votre vie.

My favorite authors:

Katherine Kerr
comments: Sci Fi series. The triumph of a sorceress over everything.
Susan Vreeland
comments: "Passion of Artemisa" will make you love art again.
C.J. Tosh
comments: Take a big bite out of life.
Katie MacAlister
comments: So, so, so very funny!
Kim Harrison
comments: Haunting stories of a bounty hunter witch

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last updated: 2005-10-27 11:52:23
this user's total entries: 139
user since: 2004-04-10

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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