angelbaby67's Diaryland Diary


Learning To Mind My Own Business!!

Today is the day that I learn to "Mine my own business!!" I now realize that I have been overly helpful to the WRONG PEOPLE!! It is time for me to STOP wasting my precious time with unappreciative morons. These are some of the same people I couldn't find when I really needed someone to talk to.

I got myself caught up in a hell of a marriage to the wrong idiot. I have wasted nothing but time with this BUM. "Angela, where is your self-respect??!!" You can do 100 percent better than that. This creep shows you that he has no care or respect for you at all. You have given 25 years of your life to a selfish creep who sees nobody but himself. I have tried over and over countless of times to make this dead end of a marriage work. I'm tired now. I am so glad that I finally woke up. "Was it worth all of this to have a man in my life?" HELL NO!!

Right now, it is all about GOD and me. It is about me improving my quality of life. I will work on making better choices of who I allow into my personal life and space, no sorry good for nothing bums are ALLOWED. One thing I'm glad about is that I am not desperate to have just any man in my life. Some of these bums think that they are doing a woman a favor by being around. You already know what they can kiss. "THIS IS THE NEW AND IMPROVED ME!!" I like it and I plan to move forward with the best life EVER!!


3:16 p.m. - Sunday, Nov. 22, 2009


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