badrainbow's Diaryland Diary


Lions RUN!!!

"Don't go climbing around, its dangerous!" I heard my mother yell to me as I walked towards the beach. She still hasn't forgiven me for the time I "disappeared" at the Grand canyon. My mother wasn't one to take a risk. She would always worry about the what if, but I didn't want to live my life in a plastic bubble.Manchester park was incredibly beautiful, the sun was about to begin its fall into the sea and say goodnight. The sky had a deep purple haze that you only read about in romance novels. I could have watched the sea for all eternity, and never for a second, been anything but content. Off in the distance I could hear what sounded like barking, but I knew it wasn't a dog. Excitement filled my chest and throat as I ran towards the sound. It lead me farther, and farther down the rocky shores. Farther, and farther from the gift shop, museum, and my over protective mother. But I couldn't stop now, I was so close I could feel it. My heart skipped a beat when they finally came into view, I knelt worried they would spot me and dive back into the water. They were larger than I had imagined, after only seeing them on television. I knew I had to get closer, you only get a few chances like this in life and I wasn't about to waste mine. I started to creep closer, and closer, always careful to watch for any sign of fear. The anticipation was growing inside of me with every step towards them I took. They appeared to be a little nervous, so I slowed my pace. I couldn't have been more than 7 feet away from them. Their chocolate brown coats looked so incredibly smooth, and glittery in the soft glow of what was left of the sun light. They were majestic giants, and everything I had hoped they would be. That's when he came into view. 800 pounds of girth staring right at me. He was obviously the leader, and care taker of the pack. He would protect them against any threat in the world, and right now I was that threat.The knots in my stomach and throat threatened to steal my breath as each pound of my racing heart shook my body. Fear washed over me, much like a huge wave swallows any surfer who dares to challenge it, rushing in with a power like no other. He let out a long threatening bark and started to advance on me. Quickly closing the gap between us. All I could think of was to run but my body was frozen in place. In my head I was screaming at my legs to move but they wouldn't. The heat from his breath washed all over my body. Finally I was able to move. I dug my feet hard into the sand, pushing with everything I had, to make that first lunge away from him. I ran as fast as I could. My body screamed and cramped from the sudden movement but adrenaline pushed me on. I took my attention away from running to check behind me, I wanted to make sure I would be able to get away from the beast. That's when the sand swallowed my feet, holding them tight like a child holds its favorite stuffed animal right before bed. A yelp escaped my lips as my knees slammed hard onto the sand that had once felt soft, and forgiving, but was now harsh, and solid like cement. I heard a man yell as I pulled myself up, it sounded like nothing more than a distant whisper on the wind, but I knew it was meant for me. It took only a second before I spotted the forest ranger. Anger was painted on his face like a well worn mask. As soon as I had gotten back on my feet I started run again. The beast had gained some ground, and now the ranger raced to intersect me. My heart raced and my knees ached but I couldn't stop. Every muscle in my body screamed for me to stop, but I only moved on. The beast slowed, I was winning relief rushed over me. The ranger hadn't given up though, and I feared he never would. In the distance I could see cars. I could only hope that there, I would be able to find my salvation. I pushed myself harder than before. I was so close to getting away from my pursuers, so close to being free. I felt so alive as I raced through the parking lot, my legs were grateful to be on solid ground again. I could hear his shoes slapping on the pavement not far behind me. The maze of cars didn't even slow him down, I could only hope that I would be able lose him in the museum. I started to slow my pace as I got closer to the building. The ranger didn't miss a beat though. The reassuring cold door handle turned smoothly as I entered the building. I would lose him in all these people, he couldn't possibly pick me out there were too many. I found a crowded exhibit and pretended to be interested. My lungs begged me to cough but I couldn't break my cover. I slowed my breathing as much as I could but it wasn't enough. I could feel him right behind me. He was breathing hard, I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. Children ran screaming and taunting each other all around us. The adults scrambled to catch them and beg for a little peace. A few people even stopped to eye us suspiciously, only to give a small shrug and move on with their lives. I could only hold still and wait to see what would happen. My heart pounded in my chest as though it were trying to break free. Anticipation sat like a lump in my throat, no matter how hard I swallowed it wouldn't go away. Finally he spoke my heart stopped as he began "Damn you can run fast!" he said it with a laugh, a reassuring laugh. I turned to meet my captor, I wanted to get a good look at last. He was younger than I had expected, and met my gaze with a bright smile.

"I haven�t gotten to run like that in a while, no one around here puts up much of a fight" he looked at me expectant of a response, but I could only give him a nervous smile. "Don't worry all I am authorized to do is give you a warning about the dangers of wild life but I am pretty sure you learned that one your self." he stumbled over the words laughing so hard people began stare. "I don't think I have had that much fun in this old park in the entire time I have worked here!" with this his green eyes were bright with joy. With a blush I ran to meet my mother. She showed off all her new "goodies" and handed me a small stuffed sea lion, I couldn't help but laugh. All I gave was a small nod when she asked if I had a good time. An understatement to say the least To this day she still has no idea how great of a time I had.

10:43 p.m. - 2004-03-20


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