book-club's Diaryland Diary


disorganised, muddled ol'naridu

Unfortunately I never got around to reading Forbidden Love even though my mother has told me she thought it was fantastic. *sigh* I guess this book is one I'll just have to put on the backburner and return to when I have a quiet moment.

I'm glad to see that those of you who were able to read this book found it thought provoking and a little challenging. This is exactly what we are here for.

8:05 a.m. - 2003-09-05


Erin-In The Name Of Honor

Okay, I've actually been meaning to write for a while but I kept on forgetting.

Let me first just say that I now appreciate living in a country where my opinions, whims, dreams and goals are equal to that of a man. But at the same time I'm reminded that if it weren't for the women who fought for equal rights and voting privilages I could be living under the same kind of control that Norma and Dalia did.

That said this book brought out two different wants in me. On one hand I didn't want to put the book down but on the other hand I wanted to throw it out a window. To be condemned to death for doing something as innocent as being seen in public with a man or falling in love with one is totally unheard here but over there it's most likely a common occurrence. It's extremely sad to know that in the 21st century, in the year 2003 women can still be killed for "tarnishing" family honor, even if it's only a suspicion of dishonor. My wish is that one day enough pressure will be placed, from both the world and the countries' own citizens that honor killings will be abolished in all countries that practice them.

10:39 p.m. - 2003-08-07



What a book! What an amazing book! I was gripped from cover to cover and beyond. I think of it everywhere and anywhere, especially in class when I�m supposed to be concentrating and when I�m walking home, my favourite thinking time.
At times I had to restrain myself from scratching at the words, ripping out the pages, for it was AralleMystique�s book.
If you loved reading this book (in a way) then you�d love �Princess� and �Daughters of Arabia� by the bestseller Jean Sasson. I read and re-read these two last year.
They all mean so much more to me than just paper and ink. If you can�t feel something behind the words, beyond the words, then you are only half experiencing it. My only hope is that one day, soon, these women can be freed from the male constraints of their society.

Onto a lighter topic, I think we need bios people, biographies! Just to help us learn a little more about each other and become a close-knit group! I�ll be making up a bio submitting page and questions for you all to answer soon and I�ll post it in-between Forbidden Love posts and posts about the next book.
Please email me if you�ve got some ideas for bio questions!

Thanks all,

7:58 p.m. - 2003-07-25



This was a book that I had a love hate feeling towards. Loving the style of writing, the feeling behind it. Yet, hating everything the book was saying, hating that while I was reading about it I had the knowledge that it was all happening, and I was powerless to stop it. I was able to relate a lot to what I�d do with my own friends if in the same situation. However, I was looking for more, what happened to Norma when she was out of her country? How did she come to the decision of writing a book to tell the world? Just the little things to satisfy my curiosity.

This book showed me a lot, and I hope it shows others, makes them care. In the hope that soon enough people will care for us to be able to make a change.

04:43 p.m - 2003-07-23



Fantastic, let's open a new book and see where it leads us. Norma Khouri's Forbidden Love appears to be an interesting read, and I look foreward to it. Incidentally, it is one of two books I gave my mother for christmas, what an excellent coincidence. I'll tuck into it once I've had her mail it down to me.

Happy reading everyone.

11:03 p.m. - 2003-07-07


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