edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Dude, I think I'm back -- or something.

I think I�m back. I would go into detail about what has been really going on, but that would be oh so personal and unnecessary. It�s all about anonymity, here on the internet, oh wait, that went out the door a long time ago. I�d like to thank all that have expressed concern for my well being over the last few days. Danke, Cnacuba, Domo Arigato (Mr. Roboto), Blagodariya, Thanks ya�ll (that�s for Mandolen & Sa, because they are from Texas, and I do speak Texan).

ACHTUNG! ATTENTION! BNIMAVAITE! If you are a man and you are reading this, please help me understand you more by answering a few questions:

Question 1-Why do guys including non-teenaged guys use the word �DUDE� (variant forms: DOOOOD, D-uu-hood) to excess? Some of my students have been teaching me the subtle nuances of this word. I�m quite proficient in its usage �Dude, that�s wicked cool! Or, �Dude, no way!� �Dude, ya!�

Question 2 � Why do men prefer long hair on women to short hair? The only response I�ve even been able to elicit from this question is �Uh, Dude?�

Question 3 � Why do men pick their noses at stoplights and practically all other times whilst driving? Do you think that you are invisible in your four story Ford F-350 Pick-up truck with dulie wheels and a gun rack? Dude, you are so *not* invisible!

I�ve compiled some of my favorites for your reading enjoyment:

Eden�s favorite words: Megalomaniac, draconian, abscond, asinine, willy-nilly and pell-mell, surreptitiously, evil, pabulum, flibbertigibbet (that is especially dedicated to Ms. Toast, without whom, I would be a crumpy, horripilation of a person), waesuek, forswunk, urban sprawl (I know that�s really 2 words, but it will still bug Mr. Levski, and that�s the real reason I put it in there), soliloquy and last but not least, DUDE!

Eden�s Favorite TV shows: Law & Order: Regular, SVU and CI (join the L&O diaryring), This Old House (you know my thing with Norm Abram), The NBS Nightly News (and my thing with Tom Brokaw), The Practice (more Dylan McDermot please), The Guardian (Simon Baker, an Aussie hottie � put that shrimp on the Barbie), Philly, ER, The Simpsons (for it�s excellent social commentary of course!), West Wing, and That 70s Show (but only because that Dude, where�s my car? Guy is in it � ok not really, but I just wanted to work the word DUDE in here just one more time).

Eden�s favorite music: Sting, Lisa Loeb, Boston, Journey, Def Leppard, Amiee Mann, Sergio Mendes, Erik Satie, Gershwin, The Ocean Blue, Dean Martin, Beethoven�s 5th, 6th & 9th, Ella Fitzgerald, Queen, Supreme Beings of Leisure, Eric & the Philistines, Cheri Call, Holly Cole, and I think I should stop, because DUDE I love music, and my pal the Night Dragon will back me up on this, that Brittany and Justin, or any other made for TV �band� (and I use that word loosely) do not count. (ok admission, guilty pleasure, I sometimes, I don�t turn the radio station when those songs come on, because they are so cotton candy sweet and bebobity fun, but I would never knowingly or under duress buy a CD or any other merchandise related to or affiliated with these people).

Eden�s favorite Presidents of the United States(in no particular order except for John Adams, he�s #1): John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James K. Polk, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Regan (sorry LA, I know how much you dislike him) and Grandpa George (again apologies to my more left-leaning friends)

Enough for today, I�m missing late night ER reruns, oh and I should be getting my WW2 lessons in order too. Dude, so much to do, so little time.

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

10:38 p.m. - February 02, 2002


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