Not everyone has a sob story...and even if they do, it's no excuse."

Making a change.
July 15, 2003 @ 2:34 p.m.

Britt said a few days ago that she was going to change herself and I told her it was impossible, but frankly, upon reflection on that thought, I think that was just me being a pessimist.

I mean I can't change my feelings but I am able to change my reactions. So i will.

From now on when I see a skanky go nuts whore, instead of commenting on it, or giving her a look, I will make myself tell myself, "maybe its a self esteem thing, she has more or less than you, we're all different" and keep my fucking gob shut.

In general, I plan on keeping my gob shut more often, smiling at more people, and getting over myself.

Also, from hereon out, and i swear this on the diaryland itself, no more fast food. At all. Not if I'm buying at least. Its a waste of my money and it makes me fat.

Also, I need to develop a good workout program. I want to be cut by the time we go to cuba/mexico/the dominican.

So okay, I know i can't do it, but i'll try. Seriously. From here on out.

I did go for a bike ride today you know.

I need to be more independent. And stronger. And less stupid and needy and lazy.

Wish me luck :-/

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