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marathon dreams flushed
Tuesday, Sept. 05, 2006 - 9:25 p.m.
the unmotivated
Monday, Jul. 03, 2006 - 5:22 p.m.
they don't dig
Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 - 3:43 p.m.
breadstick crumbs
Tuesday, Jun. 06, 2006 - 9:51 p.m.
too good to be true
Monday, Jun. 05, 2006 - 10:50 p.m.

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February 2003 is missing

Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003 - 4:10 p.m.

Today I called up National Geographic to complain about a missing issue. Last night I was sorta cleaning up and noticed that there was no February 2003 issue. I searched all over the house and in all the bathrooms and no February 2003. I went to the NG site to check out the cover and the articles and none of it looked familiar so either I�m really losing my memory or I never got it. So I called them up and said I�m missing February 2003 and they just said no problem, we�ll send you another issue but it�ll take 3-4 weeks. Best of all no charge. NG is awesome. And just so you know I�m a little NG geek, I�ve been a member since 1986.

I need to go buy a color ink cartridge for my printer, scissors, a bottle opener, envelopes and a portfolio case. I was developing some BW film and printing out some photos over the weekend and ran out of ink. I couldn�t find scissors so I had to use the one on my Swiss Army knife and couldn�t find my bottle opener to open the film canisters so I had to use the one on my Swiss Army knife. A handy thing those Swiss Army knives. The BW pics from KR�s wedding turned out to be not bad, at least good enough to show to the newly wed couple. Maybe my photography is getting better after all. I need some big envelopes to mail 8x10 prints and something to carry around my photos in.

I also need to go buy groceries because I�m going to start eating breakfast. After all these years I�m finally going to listen to the madre and eat breakfast. Maybe a good breakfast and a smaller lunch will give me more energy in my after-work runs.

Wednesday I just need to pick up my film from Black�s which is half the batch from the sea kayak trip.

Thursday I have the day off because I�m going on a hot air balloon ride, which was a birthday gift from the sis. That should keep me busy all morning. I also need to pick up my film from Henry�s, which is the other half of the batch from the sea kayak trip. Then I plan on heading down to West Camera to use their darkroom for a few hours. And then maybe meet up with AF1 for dinner downtown.

Somewhere in there I need to make an optometrist appointment because I�m in the mood for new glasses. And I also have a coupon for a free car wash that I need to use before the end of the month. And I want to get a hair cut because I'm feeling kinda scruffy.

I hope it doesn't rain later because I'm wearing sandals.

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