
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002--12:08 p.m.

Another glorious day off from work. God, you'd think I hate the place or something! lol

Worked 8-3 on Sat. T was once again over an hour late, so instead of a lunch I just came home. Got some chinese from Dillons, then Hubby had to go to work. Sat. night I was all by my lonesome. I couldn't get online, it kept telling me that the server could not be found. It was a *very* windy day, so I thought maybe it had blown some lines down or something. Come to find out the cable had gotten unhooked from the modem. Damn Bagheera cat! Mental note, check cable. Since I couldn't check my mail or Diaryland faves I decided to watch a movie. I chose Moulin Rouge. This movie is so beautiful. The colors just pop and everything is so over the top, but in a good way. . Nicole Kidman is so beautiful, perfect for the part.

Sun I worked 2-9:30. Pretty uneventful day. Hubby and I went out for cheap tacos at Taco Tico before going to our respective jobs.

Yesterday I worked 9:30-6. After work Hubby and I went to see In The Bedroom. This movie was so great. I usually don't pay attention to how movies are shot, but this one was wonderful but simple. Shooting in a mirror or the reflection from glass is just a couple of examples. And I loved that the actors didn't have "Hollywood" hair or make-up. The characters were very simple but so real. This isn't an action packed movie. It's slow moving throughout, but if you let yourself get sucked into it it's fabulous. Came home and called to wish P a happy b-day. We chatted for awhile. Then Hubby and I went to bed.

Today I'm being a total bum. Bodhi woke me at 9 to take him outside. Watched some TV, then fell back to sleep on the couch for an hour or so. I think I'm going to take Bodhi for a walk. It's not too cold out and he hasn't gotten any exercise in awhile. Between the snow in the winter which he doesn't like to pooh on and the heat in the summer which makes his allergies act up; poor Bodhi is just not a KS dog. Hubby works his second job tonight. So I guess I'll watch Gilmore Girls and my shows on HGTV. I know, I can't stand the excitement either.

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