*M A N O F T H E M I S T*


Feel Flows

the Beach Boys song "Feel Flows" plays at the very end of "Almost Famous", after the movie has ended and the credits are rolling. I remember sitting with my W in the dark theater through that strange and beautful song, in the glow of that great movie, Polaroid snapshots on the screen and the room steeped in that song I had never heard before. A whole bunch of the songs in that movie I had never heard before and later when I owned it on DVD I realized Cameron Crowe had done that on purpose, sprinkled in familiar artists with unfamiliar songs. But "Feel Flows" haunted me because of its sheer creative maturity. Its sensibility was so perfect for that moment. It's taken all these years for me to finally get to the original album that carried Feel Flows.


Last weekend I discovered a double CD at my sister's and promptly borrowed it with permission because she is careful about her dust-covered CDs. The Beach Boys had released their old albums "Sunflower" and "Surf's Up" on a single disc. In the liner notes Timothy White writes that neither was particularly popular in 1970/71 at the vinyl release.


What a few other gems are there: "Forever"; �Cool, Cool Water�; ��Til I Die�; �Surf�s Up�. They all have experienced Beach Boys harmony and an additional complexity. But "Feel Flows" is especially fine and sublime.

1:13 am - February 23, 2007


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