meximick's Diaryland Diary


Two Things Important in My Life

So I received a FedEx envelope last night. My coke blowin' neighbor had signed for it earlier. It was a printed infomercial touting all of Reuter's many accomplishments, and their desire for me to join them. Join us!-the literature cried in bold 24 font! nah. Basically, it said that if I agreed to crash on their corporate couch until next January, they'd hook me up with some large cash, from this guy they totally knew named Joe. And frankly, it's enough ducats for me not to complain about this job. Unless my working conditions get worse, which I don't see happening. Hopefully.

So I'll get the biggest paycheck I've ever received after Jan 31, 2002. Then, I think I'm laid off.

The letter said a lot of things. Things about Reuters being the greatest company ever, and things about benefits and 401(k)s and lots of other malarky. It also contained many instances of phrases along the lines of "All indications described herein are subject to change at any time without notice." What fucking shifty lawyerspeak!

So right now, it's all sounding good, but risky. Though I'm signing a paper that states I accept their job offer, nothing is certain. There's no contract.

I'll sign the papers, keep copies for myself and my legal team, but I hope they have free soda there...

Did I tell you about Vermont pot? How really, really good it is? Suffice to say, it was very green with orangish hairs woven through it, smelled like a pine forest, and took about an amount half the size of a Jelly Belly jellybean to get you wasted.

And now it's gone. Such is life.

I'm here way too late.


5:42 p.m. - 2001-07-25


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