A Review of the End of Days
Saturday January 4th, 2003 / 5:20 a.m.

I have a flight tomorrow at 2:00 pm and have to wake up tomorrow at 8:00 am to go to church, finish packing, etceteras, and yet I am up. I am crazy! I should be asleep right now.

Backtracking to Thursday:

Colleen and I met for coffee early in the morning and from there we went on to downtown. I love downtown. I love San Francisco. Ah, I will miss it so much when I leave for London or New York next year and can't come back all the time. We did some shopping, some using of the Christmas gift-cards. I got some perfume (Versace's 'Blonde' and Christian Dior's 'J'Adore') and cosmetics (MAC lipglass, Anna Sui lipliner, and Sephora eyepencil), and Colleen purchased some beautiful black leather knee boots and also got some MAC lipglass out of the day as pay-up for a lost bet�ask me if you want to know what it was about, lol. That evening my oldest girlfriend Alex called me up and asked me to come dancing with her at Gay Night of Club X, known as 'Faith.' I'm always up for dancing, especially JUST dancing. You know�when you can just move and not have to worry about being hassled by overly-aggressive guys. We drove over there and on the way we decide we want some Mel's, and then walking from Mel's to the club we cut through the Metreon to warm up a bit. I was walking along, just talking to Alex and her friend Bianca (aka Alicia Keyes) when I hear out of the blue, "CHONG!" After a moment of utter confusion I spot Aileen and Laura Santos right in front of me sitting on a bench. I think my jaw dropped. Sler, when do you run into friends in SF. Especially someone like Squirrel who I see all the time! Hah! She showed me some pictures from the party, and they are SO funny because everyone looks so smashed in them! She also had some from Katy D's dinner party, and the same was true. Let me just say that the champagne has been flowing this past week! We chatted a bit and I discovered they were seeing Chicago courtesy of some tickets from a homeless guy. Always something interesting brewing with those two I've heard.

We parted ways and then proceeded to 'Faith' where we randomly ran into Keiko and Mike! It was so crazy. Some other people from their class were there as well, but to run into some of your best friends on different occasions within the same half hour? Nuts!!!

The club was interesting. . .SO different than what I'm used to, but not a a bad way at all. We met up David there, and just danced our hearts out. Alex ditched us of course, which was annoying but typical.

Towards the end of it, the music quieted and a drag queen (a very convincing one�I actually thought he?she? looked like an actual woman. He?she? resembled Baby Spice but with blue and black hair, and not so innocent looking. The drag queen put on an insane and amusing-yet-somewhat-disturbing show before making the grand announcement that he?she? needed five males on the stage. David waved his hand frantically and after selecting four other fairly built and buff guys he?she? finally actually chose him! I dreaded what was coming up next because we had no idea what he was getting into. I should have dreaded it more, lol. It was a drag queen show. They went behind stage then a few minutes later came out all wearing their briefs, and only their briefs. In Round One they all frantically put on makeup, in Round Two they selected dresses and wigs, and then came Round Three�the performance. The drag queen put on random disco-y songs and the guy had to do a song and lip-synch number. The first three were excellent, especially the third who came before David. He got wild cheers and applause. David's was interesting. Very 'new wave' as the emcee put it. He seemed to just be up there enjoying himself instead of trying to milk applause, which was a good attitude.

Later that night Alex and I got in one of our typical arguments caused by typical behaviors, but anyway. . .

On Friday I can't really remember what i did during the day but that night Aileen, Stef, Katie and I shmarfed out to Daly City for a movie night at Scott's. Unfortunately we made it there late and Katie and I had to leave early to hang out with Drew at some cocktail party. More on THAT later. Maybe it was a good thing we stayed so briefly though, because while I really enjoyed seeing Peter, Mike, Keiko, and Scott, it was pretty awkward since Louis and his girlfriend Liz (yes that Liz) were there. There was blatant ignoring going on. And that stands for J too. Obviously we couldn't really do anything or even say much to each other since his brother was in such close proximity. I may have over-compensated a little, but I felt very uncomfortable in that environment. There were no movies playing anyway. Like Aileen says, it was a testosterone-fest with college football on. Mostly us girls clustered in the kitchen and giggled about one thing or another. And as always, Scott was a very gracious host ; )

At around nine thirty Katie and I changed into our 'cocktail party attire' and Mike would not stop giving us crap. he kept ribbing us saying, "Oh so you're off to your Presidential Ball now?" "Tell Dubya hi!" Ahh, you're so hilarious Mike! Heheh. I felt bad leaving early but this was my only chance to see Drew.

We invited Aileen and Stef to come but they didn't bring cocktail party like clothes so we dropped them at Starbucks. Then we tried to find this house. Oh boy, was that an adventure. So was trying to find a working gas station. Then trying to figure out how the nozzle worked. Finally we got there and Drew opened the door for us randomly, since "the servants" had left. We go upstairs and the girl we had seen through the window that we thought looked like D actually was D! Leia and Aimee were also there, looking hot. We mingled around a little, had a glass of champagne each (tiny itsy bitsy one for me) and then flopped down on the overstuffed couch and caught up with Drew. it was fantastic�I sometimes miss our Anything Goes Grouplet so much, but what can ya do? It's just too bad Kim wasn't there. She would have flipped over my, um, 'throat bruise.' "Omigosh you got that from Lou-less's buh-rother?! Loversly, slerlilously, omigosh." The party proceeded and it was so incredibly random. A guy started to play brilliant jazz piano, we were all reclined on the couch sipping champagne, and I looked around and realized how incredibly eighties it was. It had that eighties money/wealth kind of tackiness, people were actually dressed up in eighties cocktail dresses (no one told us there was a theme!) and attractive teenagers toting Prada purses were doing lines in the other room to go with their champagne. Twin and I got a good laugh out of this.

Finally, though, it was time to go and Katie and I tried to meet up with her SU friend Gina but it didn't work so we went home. Thus ended Friday.

Today I didn't do much. I packed a little, ran some errands, went to Target, and had some lunch, but tonight I met up with Colleen and Ry (and D, if she'd shown up, lol) for the movie Chicago. It was so fantastic! The actors really impressed me, more so with their ability to really dance than their ability to sing. They were all perfectly cast, in my opinion, with plenty of great cameos placed here and there. Afterwards we hung out for a while in Mel's before heading to Colleen's to watch a repeat of an SNL. Then I came home and packed some more. Well, not a very interesting entry, more long than anything. I'll be amazed if anyone's still around reading these words! Goodnight.


My Latest Effort - Monday, August 11, 2003
Missstik - Sunday June 29th, 2003
*Melt* - Friday June 27th, 2003
These Are The Days, They Really Are. - Wednesday June 25th, 2003
It's HERE! It's Finally Here!!! - Saturday June 21st, 2003

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