orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


pizza dream

Mcfly - Obviously

I'm having pizza today.
It's like a dream come true.
Cause i just dreamt of it yest.
-sighs dreamily-

Min called this early fucking morning and she left me hanging there while she packed her room.
Smart mushroom.

I'm still waiting for gan ma's treat to seouls'.
Ooh-la-la baybee.

Ahh yes, many many apologies to that couple who were making out when Kyer decided to bark at you.
(Erm, her bark kinda made the lady who was nestling in the guy's lap fall onto the ground)
Really really really sorry.

I'm hungggry.
Gonna catch something.
I'm being a glutton today.
Sue me.

Min: You know. I'm super bored at home. Thus, this is the effect of it. -growls-

12:34 pm - 12.15.04


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