suzyqmartin's Diaryland Diary



Jay has moved into our neighborhood. Coincidentally, Rick was in Cub Scout's with Jay's new roommate.

Mr. Winkle is one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life. Tears-inducing cute.

I found this link in Sarah's (the creator of "Action Girl") diary. I wish telephone exchanges were still used. Ours is "Glendale". I would love to go around giving out my 3 as GL-47899 but I'd just sound silly. I would have been a telephone operator in the 1940's.

I've now read all the Harry Potter books. Man, that last was one huge and the upcoming one is supposed to be even longer. Are the movies going to be 3-4+ hours long??

We have Time Warner's Digital Video Recorder (DVR) system. It's a TIVO-esque device. It is good for recording entire seasons of shows. Too bad "Firefly" has been cancelled (I'm still hoping another station will pick it up). Now Rick can finally catch the whole season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

Well, I've decided to grow my hair out to a chin-length bob-if I can last that long... (ooh, that's a bad pun). I've continued to copy one of Alicia's previous do's so it's brown with a blonde streak in the front.

I made cookies for our office Christmas goodie plates. I cheated a bit this year and made nothing from scratch. It was much less annoying. I made chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies topped with Hershey's kisses and Snickerdoodles (though I have to admit that real Snickerdoodles are better). Megan made popcorn balls and two kinds of fudge (all with Tupperware, of course), Mel made white chocolate peppermint brittle (mmm) and Michelle brought cutely packaged mixed nuts.

Work shut down for nearly 2 weeks-it was sorta weird to be gone so long. And it was hard to go back! Just this week I managed to catch up on my workload, after being behind for months. Hopefully it will pick up soon or else I'll be faced with the opposite dilemma!

Spent a nice family-type Christmas visit with my dad, step-mom, brother and his fianc�e (they are to be wed on Valentine's Day). We all spent the night (ate some tasty wild mushroom tamales) and the next morning we opened our presents by the tree and then we went to see Catch Me If You Can.

After our Christmas visit, Rick dropped me off at Alicia's house for a few days (I took the bus home). Alicia gave me a "Pin-Up" Gene doll and an outfit ("Shorts Story"). On a related note, along with Alayne's gift to me last year, I now have 3 Genes: a blonde, a brunette and a redhead!

Plus I got my bday gift-a cool silver and Onyx poison ring. As usual, we had a huge movie-fest. Ones I hadn't seen before: The Sweetest Thing (both versions!), 10 Things I Hate About You (much cuter than I expected), The Importance of Being Earnest (we are Colin Firth fans!), The Count of Monte Cristo, The Family Man, The Marrying Man and part of Monsoon Wedding (which I need to rent and finish. Alicia already did). Ones I had already seen but enjoyed again: Muriel's Wedding, An Ideal Husband, Mansfield Park, The Philadelphia Story and part of Mary Poppins

We even went out to see a movie-Two Weeks Notice. And we even hooked up with high school pal, Jeff Crye (who treated us to an IHOP-a-licious breakfast), in town from the NY area. We also met up for dinner with my mom and step-dad. Alicia's kids had lots of Christmas booty. Sami got the niftiest (huge) Barbie dollhouse (I only ever had the Townhouse and it was of pretty cheap construction-it's only redeeming factor was the plastic elevator). Josh was busy building Bioncles and such. Olive, the family dog had recently been hit by a car so she wearing one of those depressing cones (she has since had it removed and is faring much better).

I got two aprons for Christmas. My mom made me a really cool vintage one from a 1940's pattern and my grandmother gave me one that makes the wearer look as though they have on striped bloomers. Is this some sort of culinary sign? Am I supposed to get our oven fixed?

I'm really liking our new SonicCare toothbrush (courtesy of my dad and step-mom). It doesn't tickle as much as I expected and I've finally learned to turn it off before taking it out of my mouth.... In a way, it does not feel like I'm actually brushing my teeth. But on the other hand, I'm brushing for over the dentist recommended time of 2 minutes (I doubt I ever brushed that long with a regular toothbrush).

I took down all the Christmas decor the weekend before the Epiphany. And it's all still in my car... I need to go to the storage space. I had the old phone books in my car (to recycle) too but I finally just had to throw them away. I prefer to keep my car as empty as possible.

Spent a quiet New Year's Eve at home. As usual, took a nap around 9pm so we would be sure to stay awake. Ate Ritz crackers and salmon dip-yum! Watched 5 and half hours of VH1's "I Love the 80's" show (1980 through half of 1985). Then Shannon and John, in town for the holidays, stopped by and we ate at Central Market.

I simply adore my 2003 "Year of the Brat" appointment calendar. I've been writing in tons of reminders (like "update my journal" for example) and I've even been accomplishing things-Wow! But it is not only a calendar-it is filled with lots of fun activities plus a place to list New Year's Resolutions. I've never been big on resolutions but I've decided that this (calendar) is a great place to list all my "To Do" projects (some as simple as, "get yellow shoes re-heeled" to long term like, "reorganize extra bedroom" or even the purely vain like, "get teeth bleached") in ONE place. There is space for 103 items but I've got about 70. I don't mind if I don't accomplish them all� I gave Alicia the "Year of the Brat" calendar for Christmas and she listed all 103 resolutions-she rocks! The creator of the calendar (obviously) has her own resolutions list.

My 1st resolution was completed on 1/2/03. We purchased a timer for our "penguin" light. Rick had a plastic penguin (like you would display outside) at his office. He brought it home and put it on our back porch. Seeing as how our back porch light does not work and it's a pain to unlock the door in the dark, "Pengy" is our new porch light. And now that he's on a timer, the light comes on and off automatically. Yay for timers! Another resolution is to file all my "papers" (bills, letters, and general what-have-you) every month. I even used my calendar to make 12 "File papers" entries. The first one was a success-I hope I can keep it going.

After a brief hiatus due to holiday schedules, Sarah and I have resumed our weekly/bi-weekly lunches. We ate at Mongolian Barbecue-you make your own stir-fry (well you pick out your ingredients and put them in a bowl to be cooked)-delicious!

Recently attended the annual Mother-Daughter function with my step-mother's family. This year was different as the "daughters" (myself and 3 others) treated the 2 "mothers". We enjoyed a fun evening at Monica's house where we ate homemade pizzas, breadsticks, salad and desserts. Sue surprised us all with personalized wine sacks (each one had our likeness in felt on the front-so cute)! Then we played 2 rounds of one of my favorite games-"Taboo". Can't wait to see what Sue has planned for us next year (as we drew to see who would get the decision-making honors).

After getting a fancy French manicure, Barbara took me on my first visit to Kohl's. I bought some houseware-type items. Got to see 2 movies with my dad. At home we watched The Knack and How To Get It ("avante garde") and then we went out to see Nicholas Nickleby. It snowed on my last day in Dallas. My dad and I went downtown and walked around the train station before dropping me off at the bus station.

Other movies viewed since my last update: Ice Age, The Two Towers and Waking Life, Little Miss Marker (the Shirley Temple version), Jumanji.

Hillary has joined the Diaryland ranks! Yay! Don't YOU want to as well?!

Well as I mentioned before, updating my journal regularly (a.k.a. "monthly") is (of course) one of my resolutions and I have (of course) entered 12 "update journal" entries in my appointment calendar. So we'll see how it goes!

Wishing everyone a great 2003!

4:20 p.m. - Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003


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