velvtally's Diaryland Diary



Hello, pretty bunnies a.k.a. faithful readers of this crappy online spilling of my guts! *pets you all then runs and hides before you all brandish your shiny new "KILL KRYSTAL" knives and weapons*

I KNOW, I KNOW, it's been forever since I posted. I didn't even post on my birthday. *feels bad* Ekk, I'm slowing slipping into the role of just another non-updating diary owner. This can't happen! *notes to herself* Summer is here now though and until the facist gov't forces me to find a job, I can be here almost every day to update like I used to.

I figure today (the summer solstice) is just as good as any day to re-start my bickering and inane mumbling.

Everyone has a reason to fly, everyone has an excuse to get us out of here. Ryan is fighting a world-domination-plan needing craving for Zours as well as getting his criminal record check ready for his stint at Job Corps. Shayna and Tori haven't updated or written me to let me know how the GA sun is frying their brains, so they're missing in action for this lil' report. Aidan is going to spend his summer drooling @ various rock concerts and shipping himself back and forth between parents. Dayna is contemplating G.E.D. courses. Vlad has been in a gothic fashion show and threw an all goth calling picnic in Montreal, which I must say was a grand success. He has his radio show now to keep him bust this season....

Who else?

My oh-so-punk-gothy gal friend is coming to see me (and her dad but still) for the summer. She (Kristan) arrives next weekend and that means it's Rocky Horror season yet again. *purrrs*

So, I guess I've stalled enough, on to me? *reluctant* Um.....I'm trying to find a job, and hat would be about it. *smiles* LB is on hold, Cyndi is moving to art college in California in the fall, so we're not sure what we wish to do. The N Sanity booklet I'm making for Tori is on hold, I can't find the right glue....I haven't done any work (art or poetry) for a few months. I can't seem to find a satisfactory medium or paint. Kitti, my wifey from NY is going on a x-tain missionary trip to Romania. *not sure how to react to that one so she's leaving it alone*

Merry Solstice all.


Sorry, couldn't think of anything witty to end this with, oh yeh, by the way, I'm 17 now....

3:36 p.m. - June 21st 2001


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