Here is a list of erunamagrnlf's favourite diary entries by other members:
Jesus is my homeboy by dylanwashere comment:   yes! yes! yes! go God! - "I guess Jules thinks I've lost it. But really, I feel between a rock and a hard place. Its not like Tara is forcing me in to anything. And its not like I'm going to become a priest out of all of this or anything. Its just those classes you have to take are pretty intense and you know, I've got enough homework to keep me busy as it is. Yet at the same time, I feel pretty good about going. You know, I don't think I'm being brainwashed. And I don't want to become a preacher. God, I'm so damn shy as it is. But Jules is a little uneasy about she might lose me or something. Its just a peace of mind. Thats all. And I certainly wouldn't want her to join a church and get baptised just because I want too, either. God, this is so hard. Hard to explain. Its sort of this ephaney. I mean, its not like a religious I'm speaking in tongues or I think 20 virgins are going to be waiting for me on the other side. Its just like opening this door in your soul you didn't know you had. And you know you can't give anyone the exact facts they want. It just has to happen to them. Its like a leap of faith. And some how in the end, you just feel stronger. Thats all. Yes, and you believe this stuff about a man who died for you sins, but the most important part is how he lived. You know, and thats where you've got to seek it. How he lived and you hope you can live a better life too. I don't mean that in a materialistic way, but seeking a new richness around your surroundings. Do I sound totally like a total Jesus freak now? Well, maybe I am." *does a little jig.* oh, i love God. Entry #155 - Keep the chain! Grr by smeagol123 comment:   I got home and we all watched ROTK. I hate watching movies with Dad. Especially LOTR. I mean, he makes all these jokes and wisecracks at everyone's favorite moments. I mean the every member of the fam knows that The Crack of Doom is my favorite scene. Dad: KEEP THE CHAIN!. Ugh... In Capital Letters by pippinsgirl comment:   start with "I really wanted to put that feeling that I got into effect today." and just GO! make sure you read, and re-read the CAPITAL letters! Passion by pippinsgirl comment:   the whole entry is great. read it. now. Extended Lifetime by pippinsgirl comment:   The only problem is you don't know what you've got when you're that young, and you only want to get older. The Lands of Middle Earth by smeagol123 comment:   Yeah. Ooo! Named al the places in our house after Middle-Earth Places!!! Property - The Shire House - Bag End Barn - Moria My Room - Gollum's Cave (I am Gollum) Em's Room - Rivendell (Em is Arwen) Mom and Dad's Room - Lothlorien. Their sink is the Mirror of Galadriel (Mom is Galadriel and Dad is Celeborn.) Basement - The Dominion of Evil The steps leading down there are the Stairs of Cirith Ungol. The chimney is Barad-Dur. The garage door is the Black Gate Dad's Office (he works at home) is Isengard and he is Saruman. All of it is Mordor The Furnace is Mt. Doom Bathroom - Amon Hen. The bathtub is the River Anduin. Hall - Paths of the Dead Front Room - Gondor Study - Minas Tirith. Books. FOTR. Gandalf, get it? Back Room - Helm's Deep Kitchen - Meduseld Screen Room - Bree Ish, no? The End Has Come by evenstar101 comment:   I did not go out on a cold winter's night at midnight to watch commercials for jeans and previews for R-rated films starring Ashton Kutcher. I came to watch Orlando and Viggo in action - not Ashton. Sleep, Can't Ever Get Enough by evenstar101 comment:   I think I should go to bed. Yes, Sleep, I need you. I want to be as good of friends with you as you are with my cats.
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