Here is a list of onlygrace's favourite diary entries by other members:
COURAGE TO SING AGAIN by eowynne comment:   "Because it's in hardships that you grow stronger - it's in your pain and sorrow that you realize that you can't do it on your own, and your character is shaped. I suppose God felt I needed a lot of character building. I don't blame Him. It appears I still do... so, God, it's really hard for me to say, but please "let me down" again. Make me get closer to You. Don't let me have the easy life - I want it hard so I can have more of Your strength!" DON'T WANT TO LOOK IN YOUR FACE AND NOT REMEMBER YOU by eowynne comment:   "i see Your arms stretched wide for me, an obstinate people, waiting for this unfaithful daughter of Yours to come crawling back." Revelation by erunamagrnlf comment:   "i'm not a mistake. focusing on myself will never reveal my purpose. I was made by God for God and now i understand this. I dont' get to choose my purpose, but it's not about me now, is it. nope. God made me so he could love me." Dreams by mcdonaldsfry comment:   "I can tell that what I'm here for is so much bigger then me, so much bigger then my life and the people around me and what I do every day...But my one dream of doing what God has in store for me is still the greatest of them all." Rejoice in the absence of futility by pippinsgirl comment:   "The only greatest moment you can have is when God is involved somehow, because that's the only perfect thing there is."
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onlygrace has 1 entries listed by sunnyrain828 as favourites onlygrace has 1 entries listed by silverluna as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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