
Get your fucking animals spayed or neutered and stop being stupid. Don't go to breeders and don't get a pet unless you are committed to the entire natural life of that animal. Assholes. And knock it off with declawing cats.

My favorite diaries:

thunderdave profile - diary
comments: Dave, my old friend...
ernst profile - diary
comments: I extra swoon and then some more.
weatherking profile - diary
comments: Jeff needs to update soon...
gloamling profile - diary
comments: I am staying with my original comment for her...Gloamling is sweet.
kelsi profile - diary
comments: I could write pages and pages for "Kelsi"....she is very mysterious.
givemeabreak profile - diary
comments: A very wonderful woman who lives in my beloved Southwest Michigan.
argolam profile - diary
comments: I am always very very impressed by this fellow. (where oh where has he gone?)
smartypants profile - diary
comments: I am always very very impressed by this woman.
chillier profile - diary
comments: disappeared
girlwander profile - diary
comments: See weatherking's comment but replace Jeff with Megan.
sunfuck profile - diary
theturtle profile - diary
comments: Cats!!!! I love theturtle because he loves his cats.
sheisdancing profile - diary
comments: disappeared
khazzy profile - diary
comments: I'M SORRY!!!! I SHOULD HAVE PUT YOU BACK HERE A LONG TIME AGO BUT I KEPT FORGETTING!! Khazzy, though she doesn't ever always there.
corin82 profile - diary
marn profile - diary
comments: I can't make anything with beans anymore without thinking about Marn.
scotvalkyrie profile - diary
bluemeany profile - diary
comments: the most honorable
janetplnetoc profile - diary
thedevlyn profile - diary
comments: Dear Devlyn, I wish you would write more.
blog451 profile - diary
straysparrow profile - diary
weatethesea profile - diary
killingjar profile - diary
harri3tspy profile - diary
comments: The kind of mother I would like to be if I were ever going to be a mother.
realchild profile - diary
vanoonoo profile - diary
calico7 profile - diary
fireflea profile - diary
comments: I expect her back any time now
blazingstar profile - diary
vickithecute profile - diary
smashthegas profile - diary
comments: I fookin love him.
thetinyone profile - diary
haloaskew profile - diary
comments: My new best friend. She's brilliant.
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: she's everybody's favorite, I never needed to add her to this list because I could click on any random profile and find her. But damn, she deserves to be on my list
veggieboy profile - diary
luvabeans profile - diary
monkey-king profile - diary
toastcrumbs profile - diary
dudemanflab profile - diary
ceilings profile - diary
badbadzoot profile - diary
orangepeeler profile - diary
sundaygirl profile - diary
goodsandwich profile - diary
alicewonders profile - diary
ingridwrites profile - diary
thundersnow profile - diary
zenayda profile - diary
bombasticat profile - diary
joistmonkey profile - diary
dangerspouse profile - diary
swordfern profile - diary
mr-pants profile - diary
Babyhead profile - diary
Jim515 profile - diary
Simeons-twin profile - diary
Whitepigeon profile - diary

My favorite music:

Scorpions, The
comments: It was love at first sting, for real
Concrete Blonde
comments: yep
Pete Yorn
comments: Like a belly massage.
Over the Rhine
comments: Sweet Jesus this is good music
Tom Petty
comments: By himself or with Heartbreakers. Also...I like Alice Cooper...and I adore The Scorpions and The Rolling Stones and Neill Young and shit...I like almost all music if it has a memory tied up in it.

My favorite movies:

La Fille Sur de Pont
comments: Who'd of known knives could so turn me on?
comments: There are several parts in this movie that make me laugh hysterically.
The Princess Bride
comments: It would be "inconceivable" not to like, love this movie.
Bram Stokers Dracula
comments: Sexy sexy sexy
Space Balls
comments: Plaid...also...The Burbs, Ever After, Legends of the Fall and Life as a House.

My favorite authors:

John Irving
comments: He is the greatest writer in the world. Pure genius. I kiss his feet upon waking.
Barbara Kingsolver
comments: I think she is me.
Jorie Graham
comments: The only person I have ever wanted to be. My idol.
Alice Munro
comments: Holy shit...I don't think there is a person out there that knows people as well as she does. And I'd be willing to bet that she is, ironically, NOT a people person.
Wallace Stegner
comments: .....also...Phillip Roth, Paul Auster and Jeffrey Eugenides and so on and so forth.

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last updated: 2024-10-08 13:58:06
this user's total entries: 1618
user since: 2001-10-29

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