Toaster Remnants

Just like a case of herpes - once you think I am never coming back, well what the heck, there I am again.

My favorite diaries:

ninabean profile - diary
groupie94 profile - diary
rdhdprincess profile - diary
sduckie profile - diary
mimseylou profile - diary
comments: Finally someone who loves pugs as much as me!
soulepiphany profile - diary
sunshine0221 profile - diary
sparkspark profile - diary
comments: Gone too soon. Go read all of her entries from the beginning. You won't be sorry.
wilberteets profile - diary
awittykitty profile - diary
wickedcrazy profile - diary
comments: Jawesomeness
orangeslush profile - diary
comments: Former Dillard's employee in Kansas, lots of slushy orange-y fun
dinahsoar profile - diary
neko-carre profile - diary
dieselengine profile - diary
comments: Jewelry maven, owner of a large-balled cat
bunny828 profile - diary
coldandgray profile - diary
comments: Jazzercise
artgnome profile - diary
bitterwineuk profile - diary
kungfukitten profile - diary
joistmonkey profile - diary
onepinksock profile - diary
comments: I hope you come back to dland someday, you were one of the first diaries I ever read!
Narcissa profile - diary
takenbytrees profile - diary
Kayemess profile - diary
Author1981 profile - diary
Curious-me profile - diary
Cocoabean profile - diary
Igotsprung profile - diary
Tinea profile - diary
ping-island profile - diary

My favorite music:

Jack Johnson
Crowded House
Kelly Clarkson
Kristie Stremel

My favorite movies:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
comments: Hopeful
Joe Versus the Volcano
comments: I watch this too much, whenever I am sad. I even wrote a paper about this movie once.
Where the Wild Things Are
comments: I don't even know why, I just love this movie.
Garden State
comments: Hopeful too
Before Sunset
comments: and Before Sunrise, but really liked the second one even better.

My favorite authors:

Steve Martin
Jennifer Weiner
Madeline L'Engle

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last updated: 2021-04-10 21:17:05
this user's total entries: 315
user since: 2005-03-15

AOL IM name:
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: kkelley474
MSN Messenger name: kkelley474

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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