
Living a life of loving, our souls have entertwined. Love, laughter, and happiness is all there should be.

My favorite diaries:

curious-me profile - diary
misfitstray profile - diary
fullmoon profile - diary
thruthecrowd profile - diary
jimbostaxi profile - diary
linguafranca profile - diary
life-my-way profile - diary
glorycloud profile - diary
whystinger profile - diary
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i-am-jack profile - diary
swordfern profile - diary
sparkle-pink profile - diary
toejam profile - diary
u2october profile - diary
nueces profile - diary
orangepeeler profile - diary
browndamask profile - diary
fatalbreath profile - diary
melissa1983 profile - diary
argentum profile - diary
tenderpoison profile - diary
chucksosa profile - diary
missdahling profile - diary
sunnyrain828 profile - diary

My favorite music:

Robin Trower

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

Anais Nin
comments: "I must live my life in a dream..."
Rainer Maria Rilke
comments: "How can I keep my soul in me, so that it doesn't touch your soul?..."
Anne Sexton
comments: "The thick petals, the exotic reds, the purples and whites covered up your..."
Greg Iles
comments: Greg keeps you entertained and wondering the outcome.
John Irving

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last updated: 2024-09-04 17:17:00
this user's total entries: 2256
user since: 2003-08-31

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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