...go ahead and fly...

�Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?�

- Frida Kahlo

My favorite diaries:

fallenorra profile - diary
comments: kimme
illusionless profile - diary
chilindrina profile - diary
comments: helen
aura-chic profile - diary
eventhewind profile - diary
comments: mary
brightside25 profile - diary
comments: jennifer
supertechie profile - diary
comments: eric
caged-freed profile - diary
comments: this is mary's too
marilynstar profile - diary
comments: Her daughter Marci was born on my birthday :-) She's a good mom, even when she thinks she isn't.
rhetoric profile - diary
comments: :-D
unsentletter profile - diary
comments: <3
quoted profile - diary
comments: well...it *was* good
pbmario profile - diary
comments: he lives in a place I used to
simonebailey profile - diary
comments: huh...0:-)
hissings profile - diary
rana-kane profile - diary
comments: fellow writer-person :-)
fuckxthis profile - diary
comments: fuck everything but this diary :-D
bliss-sad profile - diary
madrigle profile - diary
comments: we're beneath the same stars
smashthegas profile - diary
crystalcb profile - diary
errantnights profile - diary
comments: I disproved his theory that it is utterly impossible to NOT get an A in philosophy...therefore I win. 0:-)
goyourownway profile - diary
comments: fascinating stuff
vicunja profile - diary
aryssa18 profile - diary
comments: apparently she *really* likes my diary...which is awesome. :-)
catsoul profile - diary
lawliiet profile - diary
aryssa90 profile - diary
journalmine profile - diary
famoustn profile - diary
blazingangel profile - diary
lobo21 profile - diary
comments: Her appreciation of my new role as d-land spam killer remains appreciated
her-story profile - diary
illusionless profile - diary
aura-chic profile - diary
ogawa profile - diary
bliss-sad profile - diary
peezone profile - diary
xnamehere profile - diary
raen profile - diary
cellini profile - diary
comments: a fellow writer-person...
lostasyou profile - diary
papersnow profile - diary
deflective profile - diary
enurta profile - diary
akasha90 profile - diary
swallowthkey profile - diary
unhealthyme profile - diary
comments: if only empathy and understanding could heal such wounds
musikoid profile - diary
cordeliameg profile - diary
almostrachie profile - diary
browndamask profile - diary
ping-island profile - diary
comments: fellow former labrador
achmardi profile - diary
comments: fellow disgruntled student
csalazar10 profile - diary
comments: empathy is more than simply teh act of understanding
photoweasel profile - diary
culpa profile - diary
vinternatt profile - diary
hitch-hike profile - diary
patheticness profile - diary
won-too-tree profile - diary
loveherwell profile - diary
theshivers profile - diary
movingsands profile - diary
third-eye profile - diary
raven72d profile - diary
theblackdog profile - diary

My favorite music:

Tori Amos
comments: "You caught me lingering in another girl's paradise, the way she paints the world - I want that in my life."
comments: "I'm a whisper in water, secrets for you to hear, you're the one who grows distant, when I beckon you near."
Fiona Apple
comments: "But then he rose Brilliant as the moon in full And sank in theBurrows of my keep"
Sarah McLachlan
comments: Wind in time, rapes the flower trembling on the vine."
comments: - my soul set to a tune - there are no words to express my love for Chopin

My favorite movies:

comments: "I hope the exit is joyful and I hope never to return."
Lady Jane
comments: "The soul takes flight into the world that is invisible, and there arriving, she is sure of bliss."
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
comments: Clementine: This is it, Joel. It's going to be gone soon. Joel: I know. Clementine: What do we do? Joel: Enjoy it. "
The Women
comments: "There is a name for you, ladies, but it isn't used in high society... outside of a kennel."
Meet Me in St Louis
comments: "Through the years we all will be together If the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough And have yourself a merry little Christmas now."

My favorite authors:

Sylvia Plath
comments: "I made a fire; being tired Of the white fists of old Letters and their death rattle"
Antoine de St Exupery
comments: "If some one loves a flower of which just one example exists among all the millions and millions of stars, that�s enough to make him happy when he looks at the stars. He tells himself, �My flower�s up there somewhere. . ."
Fyodor Dostoevsky
comments: "Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately, in love with suffering . "
Anais Nin
comments: "We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another, unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. "
Lewis Carroll
comments: "Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be: and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."

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last updated: 2024-06-25 03:28:49
this user's total entries: 1527
user since: 2005-06-13

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