I Will Become What I Deserve

“I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise.”

― Margaret Atwood

My favorite diaries:

won-too-tree profile - diary
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entragian profile - diary
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fuck--that profile - diary
slickaway profile - diary
sparkle-pink profile - diary
memmunch profile - diary
yesnotreally profile - diary
sexyatheist profile - diary
wifemotherme profile - diary
pyxopotamus profile - diary
fatcowww profile - diary
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loveherwell profile - diary
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ohell profile - diary
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Papotheclown profile - diary
Spit-n-lie profile - diary
lust- profile - diary
friskyseal profile - diary
Thecity profile - diary
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cellini profile - diary
shoelacepunk profile - diary
vxxen profile - diary

My favorite music:

Postal Service
comments: Jeremy Enigk-Dashboard Confessional-Rilo Kiley-Death Cab for Cutie
Fiona Apple
comments: The Damnwells-Weezer-Blink 182-Angels and Airwaves-Flaming Lips
Tv on the Radio
comments: Damien Rice-The Beatles-Violent Femmes-Pink Floyd-he CUte
Adam Ant
comments: and a lot more...Im too lazy to fill it all out.

My favorite movies:

Across the Universe
comments: Clerks, Clerks 2, The last Dragon, Highlander, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, pretty in Pink
The Last Unicorn
comments: Legend, Real Genius, Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Scream, LOTR
comments: Big Bang Theory, Eureka, HIMYM, New Girl
comments: and many more!

My favorite authors:

Chuck Palahniuk
comments: Snuff, Choke, Invisible Monsters, Lullaby, Fight Club
Aldous Huxley
comments: Brave New World
George Orwell
comments: 1984, Animal Farm
Ayn Rand
comments: Atlas , The Fountainhead
comments: John Irving, Harry Potter, Grapes of Wrath, Great Gatsby, The Stranger, Amusing Ourselves to Death etc.

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last updated: 2025-01-09 19:08:12
this user's total entries: 2291
user since: 2008-12-30

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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