OK PARTY (of one, thanks)

I have a nervous feeling about posting my ideas and thoughts. I feel like I just got off a bus in Technadu'l (a fictional hotspot) and the natives are staring. And they're all wearing red but I'm wearing rusty red. And I'm crying inside because no one told me how to do this. And- it's hard being a woman. I thought by now this would have maxed out my 250 characters, but apparently not; so I sli

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My favorite diaries:

annanotbob profile - diary
comments: True. Funny. My first favorite.
dharmadaddy profile - diary
comments: a personal friend who writes personal stuff. Personally I think it's brave.
coldandgray profile - diary
comments: Left dl, but still posts (other places) & here occasionally. I have almost choked from laughter.
onewetleg profile - diary
comments: Used to love reading her stuff but for some reason cannot access it.
thedevlyn profile - diary
comments: another one I used to love to read but cannot access anymore.
grimm0826 profile - diary
comments: nice to read someone with an edge

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last updated: 2015-06-23 05:38:04
this user's total entries: 299
user since: 2003-10-18

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