Uncle Bob's Diary O' Chuckles

You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll get so mad at me that you'll declare me the Anti-Christ. I'm the crazy uncle that always got you the coolest presents when you were younger and who still embarrasses your parents to this day. Let's rock.

My favorite diaries:

anenigma profile - diary
comments: My first buddy in Diaryland. She taught me it was okay to discuss sex at first, then we both kinda moved on to other facets of life. I cannot function without reading her every morning.
sinnamon profile - diary
comments: Wise beyond her years. Jaki is too cool in my book ... at one point her Dad wanted me dead ... what more could a guy ask for?
gawain profile - diary
comments: This guy's funny as hell ... but nasty. He says the stuff I wish I had the balls to say. If he updated more often, my life would be more complete.
wendyloo profile - diary
comments: The only one on this list that's met me personally. Been to my house. Drank a beer with me. She's also a cool assed Mom with a heart of gold.
quoted profile - diary
comments: The greatest idea to come to Diaryland, bar none. Francine has done a great job in spreading the wealth around. It's a great diary for those who don't have time to read too many diaries.
discothekid profile - diary
comments: Disco cracks me up. I especially like it when he goes on vacation and leaves Ace Frehley to update the thing.
andrew profile - diary
comments: I've always dug this guy and that's not an ass kissing move. His wit is incredibly dry and his entries are so effortlessly written yet hilarious. I'm envious of his diary.
suckasspoems profile - diary
comments: Every poem is a gem. Man. Never in my life did I think this site would be as funny as it's become in just a few short days.
robin-smith profile - diary
comments: This is a helluva gal with an awesome flair for writing some hilarious stuff. Check her out!
peytonsplace profile - diary
comments: Very funny writer, plus I've actually met her! Had dinner with her, I did!
porktornado profile - diary
comments: I'm a growing boy who needs his pork. I hope to someday be the heir to his throne.
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: He listed me as a fave. I was bored and checked him out. He's not only amusing, but he doesn't make typos which is a plus in my pamphlet.
cosmicrayola profile - diary
comments: DSurvivor 5
genghis-jon profile - diary
comments: DSurvivor 5
hotcarl profile - diary
comments: A future Diaryland Gawd in progress
bigpimpinmba profile - diary
comments: Yet another funny guy over the age of 30 in Diaryland. We may be the minority, but we rock.

My favorite music:

Arcade Fire
comments: The most important band of this decade. They are going to be huge.
Bruce Springsteen
comments: Still the greatest songwriter and entertainer of our generation.
comments: "Pieholden Suite" is one of the most beautiful songs ever. "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" is the best album ever.
Okkervil River
comments: "The Stage Names" was my favorite CD of 2007. "Unless It's Kicks" is my favorite song. Nyah Nyah.
Elvis Costello
comments: "Imperial Bedroom" is still a masterpiece 20 years later. His wordplay is truly amazing.

My favorite movies:

Pulp Fiction
comments: My desert island movie. I could watch this one over and over again.
Welcome To The Dollhouse
comments: I laughed my ass off when I saw this in the theater. I was pretty drugged up at the time though.
Dawn Of The Dead
comments: Take your pick, the recent version or the classic. I love 'em both.
comments: I love bad movies. The worse, the better. This is by far the worst movie I've seen in years and I loved every second of it.
comments: When it was time to show the monster and you KNEW it was coming, I sat there thinking "I don't want to see it." That's a great feeling to have.

My favorite authors:

Mick Foley
comments: Yes...I'm a geek. But Foley's funny as hell sometimes.
Dave Barry
comments: He takes what I do and makes it seem so effortless.
Stephen King
comments: I haven't read any of his books in the last 20 years. But the ones before that rocked.
Bob Greene
comments: Only read two of his books, but read them several times.
Hunter S. Thompson
comments: My Literary God. Everyone should have to read "Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas". Mandatory reading.

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last updated: 2024-07-06 13:33:59
this user's total entries: 2037
user since: 2000-01-15

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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