Cosmicrayola - I Live Therefore I Write.

I'm in the hereafter phase of my life. I walk into a room and ask myself, "What am I here after?

My Answer when someone tells me to have a good day, is, "Every day above ground is a good one.

My days of running around, partying and staying up all night are over. Now it's watch TV, drink coffee and in bed by 11:00

Am I missing anything? Not on your life. I've already seen most of it.

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My favorite music:

Elton John
comments: Still Going
comments: Still Love them
comments: Love the music
Kathy Mattea
comments: Irish music at it's best
Alan Jackson
comments: Gotta have my country

My favorite movies:

Die Hard
comments: "Adios Mutherfucker!"
Tango and Cash
comments: "You been bumping Uglies with my Sister?"
comments: Just loved the dinner scene song and dance.
comments: LOTR, Dragonheart, Neverending Story
comments: Princess Bride, Merlin, Highlander (all of them), Harry Potter

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: Good old fashioned horror! From my home state of Maine
Dean Koontz
comments: As good as King with a little less Gore
comments: Wow, I can say that now! Published and all!!

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last updated: 2008-07-20 01:21:49
this user's total entries: 1
user since: 2001-04-22

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