
I am a Christian. I am not Jesus Christ, so don't expect perfection. I was a teenage mother, now I am the mother of a teenager. I love and adore my husband, I sometimes want to choke him. I am moody. I am happy unless I am pissed off. I bitch A LOT. I am not allowed to talk about my sex life or I would. I am 37. I grew a chin hair the year I turned 30. I named it. I am the worlds worst speller - deal with it. And when I grow up I am going to be a writer......... or a funeral director.

My favorite diaries:

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My favorite music:

Rich Mullins
comments: I am searching for that peace beyond understanding that he had

My favorite movies:

Gone With The Wind
comments: Awww I love this movie!
Monsters, Inc.
comments: I love anything Pixar does and they out did themselves with this one
comments: My all time favorite (watch over and over and over) movie

My favorite authors:

comments: The Bible - Seems kinda silly to mention any books above this one. I am a rebel. I read the NIV version.
Philip Yancey
comments: If you only read one book in your life - make it the Bible but if you read two books then read "Where is God When it Hurts?"
Francine Rivers
comments: Reedeming Love haunted me for weeks after I read it.

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last updated: 2019-08-18 00:56:28
this user's total entries: 398
user since: 2001-12-29

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