Requiel's dark side of the moon

I'm usually blonde blue-eyed and pretty much insane (kinda) I now have four...FOUR children! Am I freakin nuts or what? Ashley is 17, Jackson is 14, Noelle is 11 and Sierra is 3! Scott is the fab Hubby! My adorable kids are my main purpose in life,(at the moment), Friday night dates and Irish dancing are keeping me from the loony bin. Did I say I'm Mormon?

My favorite diaries:

bindyree profile - diary
comments: She updates everyday and I love it!
scotvalkyrie profile - diary
comments: shoes.
irisheyes70 profile - diary
comments: Irish stuff, she likes Flogging Molly and LKH! She had a baby a couple of months before me, I LOVE to read about her life.
im2evil4u profile - diary
comments: Evil hummmmm. so funny
acaldwell profile - diary
comments: Zippers Dad
wafflehead profile - diary
comments: Love waffles, funniest diary yet!
tooold2bcool profile - diary
comments: The coolest!
smedindy profile - diary
comments: I thought IIIII was into music!
kungfukitten profile - diary
comments: She sleeps with a kind of gal
suzannadanna profile - diary
comments: This chick is so fuuny.
anthronut profile - diary
comments: I wanna take her under my wing and go shopping.
barefootruby profile - diary
comments: Fish and chips anyone?
libbyo profile - diary
comments: Woo! Another Mo!
skibigsky profile - diary
comments: Go speed racer!
yankee-chick profile - diary
comments: My very fav, Irisheye's Mom
miame profile - diary
comments: Serious will power
akirisheyes profile - diary
comments: Shhh....
minstrelite profile - diary
comments: inspiring
wombaby profile - diary
poolagirl profile - diary
cocoabean profile - diary
comments: I like chocolate
hissandtell profile - diary
musicman6724 profile - diary
bitterwineuk profile - diary
comments: Another great new read.
casa-rosie profile - diary
comments: The most wonderful rescue-er in the world!
starkitten01 profile - diary
wifemotherme profile - diary
comments: She named her first chin hair! so funny.
beyondpanic profile - diary
comments: A cool new read!
tattoobelly profile - diary
fan4 profile - diary

My favorite music:

80's synth pop
comments: Erasure, Depeche Mode, Smiths, The Cure, Frankie goes to Hollywood,
Kick ass head bangin' stuff
comments: Rammstein, Orgy, Nine Inch Nails, OffSpring
Newer stuff
comments: Linkin Park, Pink, Good Charlotte, blink 182 , Disturbed, the White Stripes
comments: Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Josh Groban (ok, not classical but..whatever)
movie soundtracks
comments: Moulin Rouge, Immortal Beloved, Hiding out, City of Angels

My favorite movies:

The nightmare before christmas
comments: Jack, I totally identify
Romantic Tragedy
comments: I love it when someone dies at the end, Moulin Rouge, Wuthering Heights, Romeo and Juliet
Any and all Vampire movies
comments: Interview with the Vampire, Dracula 2000, Queen of the Dammned, Lost Boys (which started it all for me)
Immortal Beloved
comments: Ludwig, I would have loved to have known you.
Jane Austen
comments: Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfiled Park

My favorite authors:

Ann Rice
comments: She started me on my path
Laurell K. Hamilton
comments: Getting more twisted with every book
Kim Harrison
comments: My newest favorite Witch
Karen E. Taylor
comments: I love her stuff!
Austen, Bronte
comments: Wow, to live in her day...would that have sucked or what!

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last updated: 2013-05-20 23:30:31
this user's total entries: 441
user since: 2003-05-27

AOL IM name: angelrequiel
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