Yankee Chick's Tales

That you can find the real me at yankee-chick dot wordpress dot com ;)

My favorite diaries:

my5cents profile - diary
comments: Logical, sound advice. Worth much more than 5cents!
requiel profile - diary
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: Simply awesome! Love her!!
dragging-ink profile - diary
akirisheyes profile - diary
polly-esther profile - diary
poolagirl profile - diary
comments: Just a hoot!
cosmicrayola profile - diary
AliceWonders profile - diary
capn-poo profile - diary
comments: Pie~Rat in hiding.
yaketyyak profile - diary
la-the-sage profile - diary
casa-rosie profile - diary
beyondpanic profile - diary
yrbkmom profile - diary
eitherorboth profile - diary
ship-jumper profile - diary
For-Tart profile - diary
DryHeat profile - diary
im2qt2kr profile - diary
Ladybug-Red profile - diary
Beauty4ashes profile - diary
wildrosie profile - diary
mzbee profile - diary
Blogreader profile - diary
crowflies profile - diary

My favorite music:

Rod Stewart
comments: He's still hot!!
Enrique Iglesiais
comments: Heavy Sigh!!
The Calling
comments: 'Where Ever You Will Go' is dedicated to the "Ozark Wonder"
Edwin McCain
comments: 'I Could Not Ask for More' is dedicated to the "Ozark Wonder"!
James Blunt
comments: 'You're Beautiful' takes me sadly back to reality

My favorite movies:

comments: and all Cher movies
On Golden Pond
comments: love Kathryn Hepburn!
comments: Kurt Russell and Sam Elliott, mmmmm.........
Die Hard-all
comments: Yippee-Ki-Ay--------------------!!!!

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: Have all of his books, but have a little trouble enjoying the newer ones. My last very favorites were Bag of Bones and Needful Things
Barbara Delinski
comments: Fun, fast reading. Takes you to a 'happy place' for awhile!
Phillipa Gregory
comments: She writes such fabulous, historical stuff! Keeps you glued to her books!!
Jodi Picoult
comments: Always leaves you thinking.

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last updated: 2008-08-28 13:41:14
this user's total entries: 1
user since: 2003-11-26

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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