
Rollicking tower of man flesh, unencumbered by ethics, sense or money.

My favorite diaries:

unclebob profile - diary
comments: I'm a herd animal.
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: She once sent me a C.A.R.E. package of Australian porn, and now she's dead. I don't know if there's a moral there, but I wish she hadn't died. I loved her. Loved.
hcatty profile - diary
comments: Always adorable, always delicious - always my Fave! Love ya, Catty!!
bigpimpinmba profile - diary
comments: Do you know how long I had this guy's diary name in here...MISSPELLED? Shit, he probably thinks I don't like him. Ah, fuck him if he does. He sucks anyway. Oh wait...that's me. THIS guy is talented. Even if he does have a stupid minivan
nogooddaddy profile - diary
comments: Fuckin guy sent me PORN. Even if he didn't have a diary he would now by default be my favorite diary. But - lucky you - he does have a diary. Drop by. He might send you porn too.
newschick profile - diary
stepfordtart profile - diary
comments: Life sucks and then you die. Often too soon. RIP, Steppy.
news profile - diary
comments: The Man.
andrew profile - diary
muffinhead profile - diary
barefootruby profile - diary
alethia profile - diary
kayemess profile - diary
raven72d profile - diary
comments: Locked now, but the same elegant style reminiscent of Waugh and Walpole. The word "insouciat" often springs to mind, although in a good way.....
ninabean profile - diary
Whystinger profile - diary
toejam profile - diary
catsoul profile - diary
shortst101 profile - diary
narcissa profile - diary
jimbostaxi profile - diary
jarofporter profile - diary
nacht-katze profile - diary
aryssa90 profile - diary
college-kid profile - diary
msafire profile - diary
kelsi profile - diary
papotheclown profile - diary
misfitstray profile - diary
integrating profile - diary
yellow-ninja profile - diary
eloira profile - diary
cloudy-night profile - diary
nineofswords profile - diary
bantenhut profile - diary
type-written profile - diary
melodymetuka profile - diary
sevenmagpies profile - diary
Gyka profile - diary
vxxen profile - diary
myramains profile - diary
buffylass profile - diary
theshivers profile - diary
astitchaway profile - diary
invisibledon profile - diary
swordfern profile - diary
ravengreen profile - diary
strawberrri profile - diary
life-my-way profile - diary
naomibeth profile - diary
annanotbob2 profile - diary
comments: Ooops. Why did I think I'd added her months ago? Sorry!
gr8legs profile - diary
gracielou345 profile - diary
darktruth profile - diary
weatethesea profile - diary
bridgecity profile - diary
candoor profile - diary
comments: Showed up again out of the blue last year. Hope it wasn't just for a swan song. Part of the Old Guard at DL, and much missed.
linguafranca profile - diary
mhscutie05 profile - diary
illusionless profile - diary
nerryna profile - diary
u-saved-me profile - diary
katherinhand profile - diary
mermaid8098 profile - diary
wordwhore profile - diary
sparkle-pink profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

leave a note for dangerspouse
diaryrings which dangerspouse belongs to
diaries which list dangerspouse as a favorite diary
last updated: 2023-10-30 19:20:39
this user's total entries: 366
user since: 2003-09-27

AOL IM name: notepad101
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MSN Messenger name: notepad101

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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