Sweet Music

What is important to know about me? I have M.S. I have enough other physical problems to not be able to list them all here. I live in Israel, in the Negev. I am a survivor of horrendous childhood abuse but I am over it now - mostly. ;-) I am married with six children, three grandchildren. We are homeschoolers. We used to have a farm, but not so much now. My life is full of critters, kids, friends, and others to bursting. For anything and everything else, read the diary. I truly believe that it is all good. Okay - not the child abuse.

My favorite diaries:

alienamiss profile - diary
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fifidellabon profile - diary
life-my-way profile - diary
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teachin-usa profile - diary
theflyingrat profile - diary
thisismywish profile - diary
tooold2bcool profile - diary
wyndspirit profile - diary
fireflyez76 profile - diary
annanotbob profile - diary
meffinmisfit profile - diary
malanoche profile - diary
dangerspouse profile - diary
narcissa profile - diary

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diaries which list melodymetuka as a favorite diary
last updated: 2017-07-20 13:07:57
this user's total entries: 59
user since: 2010-10-12

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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