A Heaping Spoonful of Ridiculousness

I've had this diary for 18 years now, and I've changed the description a handful of times. Honestly? The only thing that has remained constant for the past 18 years is this:

Life is weird.

Welcome to my version of weirdness.

My favorite diaries:

julymalaise profile - diary
athenyx profile - diary
thruthecrowd profile - diary
bliss-sad profile - diary
loveherwell profile - diary
sevenmagpies profile - diary

My favorite music:

Mumford & Sons
comments: I have NEVER felt as connected to a band's music as I do with M&S. <3
The Beatles
comments: No comments needed, really. They're The Beatles =)
Tim McGraw
comments: I will forever and always adore Mr. McGraw for being a HUGE star and managing to stay out of the tabloids.
comments: I know, but in my mind, they will always be the awesome band from my middle school days.
Regina Spektor
comments: I think if abstract art could be put into music form, it would sound a lot like Regina Spektor's music.

My favorite movies:

The Princess Bride
comments: All-Time favorite movie. I love everything about it!
Finding Nemo
comments: Favorite Pixar movie!
comments: This is one of the few movies that could be considered a scary movie that I love.
Beauty and the Beast
comments: My all-time favorite old-school Disney movie. <3
Mary Poppins
comments: The ONLY instance where I have liked a movie more than the book. Thank you, Disney, for bastardizing the hell out of that book.

My favorite authors:

Douglas Adams
comments: Love the Hitchhiker's Trilogy, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, and Long Dark Teatime of the Soul...all excellent books!
Dan Brown
comments: I'll admit, I like reading about conspiracy theories, even if I don't always buy into them. Angels and Demons is my favorite by him so far.
Roald Dahl
comments: He will always be someone I admire, for having such a grand and colorful imagination.
Louis Sachar
comments: Probably about 80% of the books I adored as a child were written by him!
comments: J.K. Rowling, Max Berry, Judy Blume, Shel Silverstein, C.S. Lewis

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last updated: 2024-10-20 22:55:07
this user's total entries: 1234
user since: 2002-11-22

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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