
I always feel like I should have more entries, considering how long I've had this diary.

I like back scratches, mail, and orgasms, not necessarily in that order.

I wish I was less emotional than I am. I cry a lot. Often typing up an entry about a time I cried will make me cry. It's a little bit disgusting.

My favorite diaries:

martinaa profile - diary
just-a-story profile - diary
wonderchai profile - diary
comments: She's gone. I know where, but I'm not telling.
hissandtell profile - diary
theturtle profile - diary
porktornado profile - diary
comments: "I may have screamed once when I thought I saw a mouse that was actually just a rat"
jonquill profile - diary
ricklets profile - diary
sweetmachine profile - diary
clapclapclap profile - diary
playinghouse profile - diary
comments: A woman I could be, but am not yet.
witty-remark profile - diary
amazinfuckup profile - diary
goose-girl profile - diary
non-descript profile - diary
secret-motel profile - diary
comments: I'm *pretty* sure we're not living on the same planet.
igotsprung profile - diary
notunique profile - diary
comments: I met him once. He plays a mean guitar with a moustache on it.
eatmorepizza profile - diary
idkwhatever profile - diary
thinfoil profile - diary
dangerspouse profile - diary
swordfern profile - diary
melodymetuka profile - diary
ladyofjazz profile - diary
lust- profile - diary
papotheclown profile - diary
cellini profile - diary
muffinhead profile - diary
strawberrri profile - diary

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

Pride and Prejudice
comments: Wonderful rendition. Very accurate to the book (and also six hours long).
Cannibal, The Musical
comments: Extremely entertaining. Don't let the cover put you off, it's really not as bad as it sounds.
Cry Baby
comments: Just...don't ask. It's a childhood thing.
Grease 2
comments: See previous.
comments: Holy mindfuck, batman!

My favorite authors:

Patricia. C. Wrede
comments: The author that got me reading.

leave a note for alethia
diaryrings which alethia belongs to
diaries which list alethia as a favorite diary
last updated: 2024-05-11 12:25:09
this user's total entries: 2076
user since: 2000-07-18

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ICQ number: 102357802
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