
Nice guy, chronically unhappy, seeking the road out, but finding the road to perdition instead.

My favorite diaries:

Kodachrome profile - diary
comments: was tun Sie?
Hulamoons profile - diary
comments: quiet
Madrigle profile - diary
comments: Truly nice guy who shows good writing can happen without dictionaries
Lorster profile - diary
comments: Great mix of humor and the woman-next-door neighborliness
Twids profile - diary
comments: missing in action
RockyMtRangr profile - diary
comments: through the glass?
dbfeb profile - diary
comments: Haphazard but in action
Floodtide profile - diary
comments: requium, resurrection - and now limbo? Locked again
thegay profile - diary
comments: Moved on and I dont know where. Oz, where are you?
iamsorry profile - diary
comments: I'm interested
Pischina profile - diary
comments: She's back (for a while?)
cameraeye profile - diary
urbanbones profile - diary
evilyoyo profile - diary
comments: This one's good. Real good
moodswing profile - diary
comments: Beauty
AutumnRein profile - diary
comments: Keeping an eye on this one
sidewaysrain profile - diary
comments: Like meeting an old friend you've never known

My favorite music:

comments: I like it all
Everything else
comments: I like it all

My favorite movies:

Not a great fan of the movies
comments: But a few exceptions are allowed

My favorite authors:

I read everything that catches my eye
comments: Recommend a title in my guestbook.

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diaries which list non-descript as a favorite diary
last updated: 2014-09-02 15:12:01
this user's total entries: 1279
user since: 2002-02-09

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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