Raven Green

Back from the dead. This diary is breathing once more. Escaping superficial world of social media and finding words again. Starting to remember my voice, lost in this ghost town, the silence. Missing all those creative souls that used to walk it's streets and hide in the back alleys.

My favorite diaries:

jwinokur profile - diary
comments: I splash around in water with the pure, wide�eyed joy of a retarded child opening a mountainous pile of Christmas presents in his front row seat at the Special Olympics X Games. We're talking about a serious joy and love for swimming here
fumblinglust profile - diary
comments: A woman on the street last night asked me if I meditate. "Meditate", I thought, "I barely have time to masturbate."
flnangel profile - diary
comments: I'm realizing that the sorority girls are following me throughout my life, which is really quite annoying. Maybe I should move to the U.K. where everyone is less attractive and doesn't mind a pint or two and NO ONE drinks cosmopolitans.
supercilious profile - diary
comments: "Yeah, I was on my way. It�s amazing, really, how a man�s cock will clear the schedule. I had shit to do tonight, goddamnit! But sure enough, I was 5 minutes early :)."
banana3159 profile - diary
comments: I wake up wearing nothing but my bra and panties. I stumble into the living room and yell holy shit!. At some point in the evening apparently Nero, Caligula, Syd Vicious, and Heidi Fleiss let themselves in and redecorated.
sharpwits profile - diary
comments: "If I were as dumb as most registered Republicans I'd probably have trouble keeping from swallowing my own tongue and/or using a hairbrush."
savecraig profile - diary
comments: "Tomorrow I'm going to call in 'just don't feel like it' at work. I have important things to do, like sleep."
halfdevoured profile - diary
comments: It feels like someone has pointed a giant remote control on the calendar and is refusing to let go of the fast forward button. To that person, I say that you, sir, are a bastard.
sturge profile - diary
comments: "If I get home from shooting today and my last beer is missing, the maids are going to be cleaning up blood. And probably some random semen.
hedgehoggy profile - diary
comments: I'm going to the loony bin for a little excitement with all the good vegetables. I'm not a carrot but a very good piece of broccoli with attitude.
lostincoma profile - diary
comments: How lame is that?! I put my money in a machine full of black thugs and get a white police officer. This is the story of my life.
iwantoomuch profile - diary
comments: Honestly. Why must people turn from perfectly wonderful human beings I trust, admire and hugely respect into fake shells of their former greatness within a single text message?
sirilyan profile - diary
comments: All I have is a CD burner and a Playstation. In a fairer world, with lower-salaried MPs, I could get beneficial legislation for myself with maybe a sneak preview of the new Grand Theft Auto. But now? Now the halls of power are closed to me.
m91879 profile - diary
comments: I've just explored the inner depths of my very being and found much therein to differ with. You woulda known all about it but some fuckwad had to dissconnect the fone without due care and attention.
vpg profile - diary
comments: today an internet quiz told me that people secretly think i am ugly. i would have believed it if i hadn't just masturbated in the mirror.
blueapple profile - diary
comments: I am, I think, in my jackbooted and eye-lined glory, a Wendy with a passel of postmodern lost boys.
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: And as I was stumbling around, I thought, "This is how it ends. I'm going to be molested by a fucking huge flightless bird with a brain the size of a dragonflys dick and --the story of my life--I'll be wearing the wrong shoes".
elegantfreak profile - diary
comments: I think I would make a splendid Hermit - If I could just maintain perfect isolation all the time.
fridayfilms profile - diary
comments: I now know that if I�m ever having thoughts that come too quickly and hold a significance beyond all reason, thus compelling me to make a chart of them that nobody else can read, that�s unfortunately not genius but crazy.
boxer-briefs profile - diary
quoted profile - diary
cmyk profile - diary
progressive profile - diary
ceciliaruns profile - diary
marianakeyes profile - diary
anexperiment profile - diary
yeahimadork profile - diary
dooki profile - diary
littlesins profile - diary
holdenrevolt profile - diary
itineration profile - diary
titsosaurus profile - diary
i-am-jack profile - diary
comments: Some people like to hear themselves talk. I like to hear myself think.
Astitchaway profile - diary
Itescapesme profile - diary
Dangerspouse profile - diary
Raven72nd profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: "I see you there posioning the air, prostituting nationalism, and I want to attack! To rip out your heart and lay you flat on your back, and vomit a world of agony and truth into your throbbing illness of memory.
Nine Inch Nails
comments: "Without you, everything falls apart, without you, It's not as much fun to pick up the pieces".
comments: "Choke on Guilt that's far to good for you, say one word, I'll laugh and bury you, leave you in the place where you left me."
Fiona Apple
comments: "I've Idealized and realized that there's no sacrifice because the price is paid and t here's nothing left to grieve."
The White Stripes
comments: But she met me, then led me, and I ate what was fed me, till I purged every word in this song.

My favorite movies:

comments: "Because I don't want to"
comments: "If you ask me we're heterosexual by default. You fancy who you fancy. It's all about ascetics and fuck all to do with morality"
comments: A brillent tale of politics, war, power and genocide. It would have been banned if anyone had a fucking clue.
Kill Bill Vol. 2
comments: "I didn't think you could, or would do that to me".
The Princess and the Warrior
comments: So beautiful.

My favorite authors:

Michael Cisco
comments: The Divinity Student. "Only ghost sensations now, like tingling in phantom limbs, clinging together but strained to a point of tearing fragmenting and flaking away in flecks that reflect the dark"
Graham Hancock
comments: The Fingerprints of the Gods ....and absolute must read for anyone in the world.
Mark Danielewski
comments: House of Leaves. The perfect example of Post-Modernism in Literature.
J.K. Rowling
comments: Goblet of Fire is my favorite.
Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
comments: Dranon Lance you fools. Raistlin is the man!

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last updated: 2016-05-22 03:24:42
this user's total entries: 921
user since: 2001-06-11

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