Elegant Freak Show

They call it a "mirror" because "soulless superficial skin reflector" is too many syllables. Oooh, Angsty!

My favorite diaries:

hangover profile - diary
comments: Gone. Sad.
marn profile - diary
comments: "There must be some sort of chemical imbalance in my brain because apparently I have morphed into the Jehovah's Witness of exercise."
kristintracy profile - diary
comments: "Much excitement is forthcoming, but for now I will just let Tuesday wash over me, and hope I don�t get midweek water up my nose."
twelvebeer profile - diary
comments: Where the funny people hide.
idiot-milk profile - diary
comments: "You know it's a bad sign when you start fantasizing about being institutionalized."
solarlab profile - diary
comments: "i don't know how i feel."
trancejen profile - diary
comments: "And lo, I am the light of the world, and verily I say unto you, we shall eat poi."
bornearly profile - diary
comments: "I've got my dukes up, and there's no one to fight."
katanabright profile - diary
comments: "And the odd thing is, Ray never understood what the problem was."
canned-air profile - diary
comments: Because I was asked. Nicely. Always ask nicely.

My favorite music:

comments: Radiohead, Radiohead, Radiohead... Radiohead, Coldplay, U2, Radiohead... Just cause you feel it...
The Pixies
comments: Modest Mouse, Death Cab for Cutie, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Wheezer, the White Stripes, Blondie, Foo Fighters, Tool, PJ Harvey, Nine Inch Nails, Our Lady Peace... Haven't you heard? Superman's dead!
John Lee Hooker
comments: Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith, Nina Simone... My Name Is Peeeeches!
comments: Air, Portishead, Moby, Plastyc Buddha, Enya, Delerium, Bjork, The Verve, Dirty Vegas, Dido, Cibo Matto, Dan the Automator... Music to make love to your old lady to.
Tori Amos
comments: Elliott Smith, Sarah MacLaughlin, Ani Difranco, Stuart Mathis, old skool Jewel, Norah Jones, Mazzy Star, Tim Easton, Jack Johnson, Natalie Imbruglia... I'm so... Torn.

My favorite movies:

The Royal Tenebaums
comments: I wince as I laugh. Lifelike.
The Zero Affect
comments: Searching for Anything.
Monty Python
comments: Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.
The Three Amigos
comments: A plethora of pinatas is not enough pinatas for me.
Fight Club
comments: Shoving feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

My favorite authors:

Joseph Heller
comments: That is the Catch 22.
Ernest Hemingway
comments: Pretend you saw him on Oprah, not that he was suggested by your English Teacher.
Herman Hesse
comments: I AM the Steppenwolf. Alright, everyone who read this book probably sees themselves as the Steppenwolf. But I really AM!
Simone De Beauvoir
comments: I've been having conversations with a dead French female philosopher. She likes my hair.
Henry Miller
comments: He makes me crave life.

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last updated: 2008-11-17 07:49:01
this user's total entries: 995
user since: 2002-09-19

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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