My Purgatory What am I looking at? Is any of this for real? It's like I'm dying inside with all this pain I feel. A hundred thousand same old smiles. And I am tired of all the games. But I have dignity as well. So I will not give any names. Here I am waiting. All of this is for you. Doesn't any of it matter, at all? Because I thought you loved me too. It's okay, I don't mind. Nothing else seemed to matter. The worst part is knowing that I'm in a bind. Sometimes, I can hear the little pitter patter- of small little feet. And the sounds slowly drifts away. But all I know is there are marks burned in heat, Into my heart, is where it shall stay. And this is my world, May's World, the World of May.
My favorite diaries: |
nasciamor profile - diary |
comments: "why, why do i allow myself to be consumed...i can already feel it pull on my throat, wanting me to swallow its loathesome negativity, wanting to drown me. "(My sister) |
gloryxxfades profile - diary |
comments: "in the world of conformists & paperdolls; i don't fall in line." |
rosyg profile - diary |
comments: "...we also switched neighborhoods and coasts and climates and so of course clothes and grocery stores and, oh, everything about our lives. But all that stuff was nothing compared to switching schools." |
hushedtears profile - diary |
comments: "i hope that the rain beats down like fucking razor blades on your wrists. it's an endless scream crumbling down walls of your love. hurt me again." |
slow-down profile - diary |
comments: "I don't know. I guess some days are just harder to live through than others. There are some I think we shouldn't have to live through at all." |
foomannchoo profile - diary |
comments: "It was understandable if I hated myself, not only my physical appearance, but my emotional and mental status as well, weren�t much better, if not worse. " |
sea-secret profile - diary |
comments: "Remember when we promised things about roommates and how we�d never forget each other, marriage and living in a cardboard box, but YOU CHANGED. Not me, I am still the same displaced person and you�re everything you used to ridicule with me." |
virulency profile - diary |
comments: "In other news, my vagina doesn't hurt anymore, although I am still a dripping bitch. It's a very pleasant experience not having shooting pains that make one nauseas when one moves, or even breathes!" |
montigogal profile - diary |
comments: "I wonder what has happened to the old days even two months back, when I knew who I was. Maybe we're both lost, just trying to find home. Home, where there is no pain, where the lessons stay without regret." |
cherrybomb7 profile - diary |
comments: Just, sometimes, you feel alone and you don't know why. And you feel crazy, and you feel like one of those artists that's going to end up going insane and writing their life stories on the walls of their broken down house. |
cryinlilgirl profile - diary |
comments: "*PrElUdE to a KiSs*-the kiss-*the end* now everyone applause because that was the most sensual and pleasureable thing that has happened in weeks." |
glasspromise profile - diary |
comments: "one day you will ask me which is more important, my life or yours, I will say my life and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life..." |
safetyxpins5 profile - diary |
comments: "how about i save you some trouble? i;ll lock myself up. then you won;t have to worry about locking me out. && then i won;t have to worry about anyone trying to break in." |
khyarete profile - diary |
comments: "" |
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My favorite authors: |
Shakespeare |
comments: "If words be made of breathe and breath of life I have no words to breathe what thou hast said to me." |
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last updated: 2022-03-04 20:45:45
this user's total entries: 422
user since: 2003-10-03
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