Purgatory on Five Dollars a Day.

Sometimes truth and fiction are the exact same thing.

My favorite diaries:

marconiplein profile - diary
comments: Come Ride With Me In My Streetcar By The Bay
dramathighs profile - diary
comments: What Is Pretty And What Is Real
orderwine profile - diary
comments: Absolution That Came With Cashmere Claws
stepfordtart profile - diary
comments: For Talking About Knickers And Biscuits And Sharing Knob-gags
jademariposa profile - diary
comments: I'm Safe At Home And Gus Is Not Real
swallowthkey profile - diary
comments: I Don't Give A Shit This Is What Living Feels Like
glorycloud profile - diary
comments: Time goes by without our permission
swordfern profile - diary
comments: Trees coated in rime glistening opaque white
orangepeeler profile - diary
comments: Violins played into a lunch of scrambled eggs
jimbostaxi profile - diary
comments: Words alone cannot hurt me

My favorite music:

The Clash
comments: "I wasn't born so much as I fell out"
comments: "Close your brown eyes and lay down next to me"
comments: "What if I was not your only friend in this world?"
The Jesus And Mary Chain
comments: "I always knew you'd take me back"
Social Distortion
comments: "Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't"

My favorite movies:

comments: "Endurance is more important than truth."
Fight Club
comments: "I am Jack's smirking revenge."
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
comments: "I'm the guy who keeps Mr. Dead in his pocket."
Raiders of the Lost Ark
comments: "It's not the years darlin', It's the mileage"
Vanishing Point
comments: "Kowalski, and the keys for a sawed-off weekend."

My favorite authors:

Douglas Adams
comments: "It takes an awful long time to not write a book."
Richard Brautigan
comments: "Everyone has a place in history. Mine is clouds."
Charles Bukowski
comments: "Sometimes you just have to piss in the sink."
Henry Miller
comments: "Everything remains unsettled forever, depend on it. "
J.D. Salinger
comments: "All I'm doing is trying to protect myself and my work."

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last updated: 2023-03-13 13:14:18
this user's total entries: 42
user since: 2002-06-10

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