messages to catsoul:
(click here to add new message):

from i-am-jack :
I am glad you are continuing your tradition of letter writing, in a new way. I got your letter card! It was kind uncanny that the picture has similarities to a community mural at the nature center that I was part of making last week. As soon as I opened it, I saw it. It felt like a Universal pat on the back and encouragement to keep moving in a better direction.
from fatalbreath :
Thanks for mentioning the owls. That means a lot considering recent events in my life.
from sparkle-pink :
Thank you! And I have. On a family trip home from Kelowna (to Edmonton), we stopped in Banff to camp. I was a spoiled angsty teenager at the time so I didn't appreciate it. I was mad that I had to miss orientation day and I couldn't get a locker next to my friends. Would love to go back. One of these days I would LOVE to stay at the Fairmont Banff Springs.
from fatalbreath :
2 years is a labour of love! You should give it to her anyway - what was the old colour(s)? Maybe there's a way to add some pink to it somehow. Knitted stuff from grandma is always special <3 Thanks for the kind words. Hope you're doing alright.
from curious-me :
I am so sorry to read about your dad's passing. He lived a long life and I am sure your weekly letters brought him a lot of joy. My parents mention every week how much they enjoy our weekly conversations even when there is no news and it's just to say "hi". Hugs
from i-am-jack :
Yeah I was expecting a shit show circus, being Walmart and all and not before 10am. But it was pretty bad. And I had no patience for their stupid machines. The guy waiting next in line literally was walking and pacing around me for a few minutes. I just lost my shit and am lucky I didn't get in trouble or banned or something. I read about your quiet headphones in your last letter and was like you are after my own heart. I have some but have only taken them to the library. The computer area is a "social area" and gets pretty annoying sometimes. Once in a while I see someone wearing them while shopping and think I need a to go pair for that. It's not really strange to me, the way people are on their phone ear pieces all the time or diddling their phones. It feels like we are part of a club to me. Quiet club, lol.
from glorycloud :
Sorry to read of your Dad passing away. blessings Jonny
from cocoabean :
I didn't know, my condolences. I'm an orphan too..
from bliss-sad :
I'm so sorry about your dad.
from i-am-jack :
I am really happy it made it too.
from fatalbreath :
I'm sorry about your dad and especially sorry you couldn't be there. <3
from i-am-jack :
Your letter came today! I really enjoyed it, it was a lively one. Thanks for the little wooden cat. I love it. ;^}
from jimbostaxi :
I'm so sorry to read your dad passed., sending supportive hugs and love your way xoxo
from i-am-jack :
I am sorry about your dad. Maybe your sister was trying to protect you by hiding it, even if it really didn't and was not the best thing to do. I'm sorry this was sudden, even though you knew intuitively.
from jarofporter :
sorry to read about your dad, wish i had some supportive words. as you often say, i hope you'll find peace with you.
from i-am-jack :
I am starting to think they fired or laid people off and now there are not enough to handle the mail load in any kind of timely way.
from i-am-jack :
I have been watching for your letter. It hasn't come yet. I don't know how long it normally takes, but hopefully it will get here soon.
from i-am-jack :
You wondering if they thought the dead end sign was true is funny. I wish that few vehicles went by here.
from i-am-jack :
I'll let you know when it comes. Hopefully no mail shenanigans, though now I have a package in transit limbo that should have been here a week ago.
from i-am-jack :
Okay I am feeling more hopeful now. My friend's postcard finally made it, only almost a month later! From Michigan to Iowa.
from i-am-jack :
Yeah it's depressing sending mail into the void. Maybe it will eventually make it? Sometimes shit happens but that was twice in the same month. One of the cards my mom sent me disappeared and was probably stolen last year, so now she sends everything in mailers with tracking numbers. I might do that just to be able to track it, but it defeats the purpose of a post card. I wanted to make you one too. Trying a different city's office is a good idea.
from i-am-jack :
I wanted to write you a letter but in the last month, my mom never got the birthday card and letter I sent her and one of my Diaryland friends never got a postcard I sent. It's really getting depressing. Makes me wonder if someone is throwing bags of mail away.
from jarofporter :
hey! thanks for taking the time to watch my video & comment on it! i tried wearing compression knee sleeves for a while, but they don't help much in the warm weather. i do wear them in the winter though, and it helps to keep my knees 'warmed up' and feeling good. other than that, i haven't needed any, as my knees feel really good!
from fatalbreath :
Good to know! We do not have watermelon this year but have been talking about next year so I will keep this in mind :)
from i-am-jack :
Damn I didn't know turkey hens were that aggressive unless someone was feeding them. At the nature center they put out food for the birds most of the year (not summer so they will eat their natural diet). The manager was also feeding the turkeys, until they started getting aggressive and chasing him and other people. After that he stopped for a while then began putting the food out when they were not around and didn't connect it with people. Now they aren't a problem at all and are really entertaining to watch from the bird room. On one of the night hikes, there was a turkey in a tree and that was when I learned they could fly up there.
from jarofporter :
hey, thanks for the message! :-)
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you had a great time with your grand daughter. And yeah we are getting into the thick of it heat and humidity wise. I wanted to take an early evening hike, but even with the sun lower in the sky around 6, it was still 86 out and I felt sick just stepping outside. It was actually cooler in the house, in the front side anyway.
from i-am-jack :
I hope you aren't having any chicken too.
from glorycloud :
My favorite junk food are ice cream, candy bars, sweet rolls, potato chips, Diet Dr. Pepper and potato salad. I like hot dogs but we have bratts in our ice box. I really do not like the activity of eating. I am constantly amazed that my body works on such a terrible diet! Bodies are works of God. peace
from glorycloud :
6/20/2024 Carol left this morning and this afternoon I went and bought myself junk food. peace
from i-am-jack :
I did smell some daisies today. They were older and lost their fragrance but did have that polleny dandelion smell, which I really like.
from i-am-jack :
Daisies do have a smell. Most flowers that attract bees and butterflies do. Wind pollinated flowers don't. I think daisies have a mild spring time scent. It reminds me of smelling them at my grandma's house as a little kid.
from i-am-jack :
It really is bad. The summer before last was pretty much like this most of the time here. 90s and high humidity for weeks. The Canadian wild fires last summer were horrible for the air, but the only silver lining was it seemed to make it a little cooler and more like the normal summers I had most of my life. Other than the weird white sky and poison air, yeah. I am worried this isn't just a heat wave. The weather forecast says next Monday will be 80 but then it starts going right back up to 90 again.
from i-am-jack :
That sounds startling, funny and cute. I'm glad she went right back to her spot.
from i-am-jack :
That's sweet about the fawn. I'm sure you will see mother and fawn around. We were pretty sure we saw a pregnant doe on the trail the other day, on the last night hike.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe by being mindful you can stay present and grounded in the experience and joys of just being alive? Maybe there, the answers will come to you.
from i-am-jack :
Ha ha, thanks. I wasn't sure if I should post that. It seems either people think poop humor is funny or they really don't like it. But that is what it sounds like and what it's like living with. I am sorry that you are far enough away from the city to have bears and mountain lions roaming around, but still too close that you have to listen to the same exact shit.
from i-am-jack :
If you and Randy are separate incomes, you might be eligible for a Medicaid and Medicare dual plan. I have one and it covers pretty much everything I have needed so far. Vision is free exams but only like $20 or $50 towards glasses. But I pay nothing per month.
from i-am-jack :
As for the heat, that first 80 degree day almost always gives me a heat migraine, which I had yesterday. Especially if the temperature suddenly goes up. It went from the 60s to the 80s. And at about 80 it gets hot up here living in an attic apartment with crappy insulation. The shitty thing is it did not used to bother me until it was in the 90s and up.
from i-am-jack :
I agree with use it or lose it, but damn. You run circles around people younger than you. You sure don't seem to slowing down and that's great. I wonder if part of it has to do with living in the country. Both living a more peaceful life and the health benefits, as well as necessity and a can do attitude.
from i-am-jack :
That's pretty bad ass that you cut through the middle of that fallen oak at your age/s. You take really good care of your land. As for your cat, I hope it's just over eating or maybe both of those textures at the same time disagreeing with her. I have a cat with chronic vomiting issues, we still haven't figured out. She is doing a lot better on a hydrolyzed diet but it took her a few weeks to get used to it and for her stomach to settle down.
from i-am-jack :
That's a great memory of being in a girl scouts like group and going to camp. I went to a 3 day camp in school around the same age and have so many memories.
from cocoabean :
what makes a bluebird house different from other bird houses?
from i-am-jack :
Just write whatever you want to write. ;^} Unless you are specifically asking for prompts/ideas. In that case, a favorite childhood memory of spring.
from browndamask :
I think you may have left me a note meant for someone else. I must say, I’m terribly curious to know who lifted what =)
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you had a great time with your granddaughter. That's sweet that you are teaching her to make jewelry at the same age you started. Passing it on to her. I am sorry you had another anaphylactic episode, but I am really glad you are still here.
from nueces :
Hey my friend - I'll give you a week off, but two? I didn't get an entry written over the weekend, but I'm catching up this morning. Have a beautiful April, my dear.
from i-am-jack :
Wow that got there fast. Thanks for letting me know you got it and like it. ;^). Your letter came the day after I sent yours.
from i-am-jack :
I appreciate you relating that Diaryland is your home too. Sometimes even my therapist has trouble really understanding things like that, even if she objectively gets it. When I see pine cones at the nature park, I think of you, lol. There is a tiny spot of pines and just those few trees are dropping a lot. And if your cat growls at that guy through the window, he's definitely bad. I do the low growl thing too and don't always realize I am doing it.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you got the chipmunk out of your garage and they even made it easy for you getting in the bag.
from i-am-jack :
The entry before the last was a reference to a scene in Fight Club.
from i-am-jack :
Diaryland seems to be on the fritz again this morning, but I wanted to answer your note while it is letting me, so you don't worry. I was in a dark, paranoid place last night and I guess my schizo was hanging out a bit. I am sorry. Covid really messed up my stability and I felt like I was sick again but I am not, it just takes a few weeks to really get back to normal. It's like a flash of being sick again but only for a few hours or one day, then gone. I don't know how far back in the day you started reading me, but I used to write like this a lot. If it makes you feel any better? That's why I said I am just not used to being alone with my brain.
from i-am-jack :
That's cool you got to take your bike out in February. We got the same weather here. Up to 75 in the late afternoon and now cold and super windy. It is supposed to be in the 50s by the weekend.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for letting me know it arrived. Hopefully the ink made it through the mail okay. I won't be writing any more letters with that pen.
from i-am-jack :
I sent out your letter and got the one you sent me, both yesterday. I thought that was kind of cool. Your card made me laugh a bit. Those poor rabbits.
from i-am-jack :
I never sent it out. I wrote it Saturday early afternoon and by 4 that day I started feeling sick and had a fever. I tested positive on Monday (when I had been planning on mailing it) and have been isolating all week. Tomorrow as long as I don't have a fever I can leave the house. Felt horrible yesterday and a lot better today, so I have no idea.
from i-am-jack :
So I wrote you a letter yesterday with what I thought was my new favorite pen, only to find out that the "erasable" ink is actually heat sensitive rather than truly being erased and it will disappear in the sun, hot cars, with a hair dryer. Hopefully heat won't be an issue in the mail this time of year, but if it arrives blank or missing parts, that's why. Supposedly putting it in the freezer will bring it back, with varying degrees of success. I don't know if you have air, but try to keep it away from heat.
from i-am-jack :
That's also cool about the albino deer.
from i-am-jack :
That is great you are writing your grand daughter letters. I'm sure she loves getting them. I have a bunch of my grandma's cards and the envelopes. She had the most beautiful hand writing.
from i-am-jack :
I am so glad your cat is feeling better. I hope you can find some joy or fun soon. You seem a bit under the weather.
from glorycloud :
peace with yourself-here it is 40 degrees and the snow is melting
from glorycloud :
Here is West Michigan it is also snowing and howling wind. Stay warm. peace
from i-am-jack :
It's pretty wild here with the wind. I keep worrying it will knock the power out, like it has before. We got about 5 or 6 inches guessing by the pile up on my patio table. Some of it melted in the rain but not completely and more is coming down to top it off. Last night we had one of those thunder snow storms. We didn't dodge this one. You are really nice doing all the shoveling.
from i-am-jack :
Hopefully you are surviving the weather okay. We dodged the last big storm, it just rained a lot then got really cold and windy. But apparently there's more coming. It's like once the snow switch flips, it's on. Same with the heat.
from i-am-jack :
Sometimes I hear my Grandma in my head like that. She passed in August of 2021. I always listen to what she tells me. Your story about your dad needing a call when your mom told you to call him makes me think even more that it really is real.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you got my card and liked it. I thought that was a Sue card.
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks, It has been an interesting journey and I'm kind of proud of myself too! New Job new life might as well add a new girl to that.
from jimbostaxi :
My new supervisor's focus on the end of his career makes me feel uncomfortable. “Bert” is a few months older than me and I think his focus on retiring brings up fears of life ending for me. Yeah, his life has nothing to do with mine it's just the realization that our ages are similar that made me feel older than dirt. Lol
from curious-me :
Happy be-lated birthday! Your wish b-day meal sounds delicious. I hope you enjoyed your reality b-day meal and had a wonderful peaceful day!
from jimbostaxi :
Happy belated birthday! Sorry im so late!🍺🎉🎉🎁
from cocoabean :
Sorry I missed it! Hope you enjoyed your day!
from i-am-jack :
Happy belated birthday! ;^)
from nueces :
Hey friend!! Happy birthday. I didn't see this until now so don't expect a card! My most recent letter to you has been laying here on the desk all week. So your birthday is 11/11? What a great birthday! My nephew shares it and he will be 36 tomorrow. I will get the letter off to you and I will update my own diary. I'm so glad it is the weekend.
from i-am-jack :
Ok, I understand. I have gotten the mushrooms online before and follow a lady online who specializes in everything about them and has vetted vendors on her site. Just thought I'd ask. As for food dehydrators, that must be the top of the line. My landlord has one that he is lending me on long term borrow. It's a small, basic model but it does the job very well. I've dried all kinds of things in it, including moon glow mushrooms from the store. He's pretty frugal and sure wouldn't spend that kind of money on one. I was imagining something like that when I asked if you had one. Sorry if I imposed on you at all.
from i-am-jack :
Can you do me a big favor? Do you have a food dehydrator? If so could you pick me some amanita and dry it? You can handle them with gloves on, if you are going to be handling a lot. It can surface transfer somewhat when they are fresh. If not I understand, but it would be so amazing if you could. I could even pay you for your time and the mushrooms.
from i-am-jack :
That's an insane amount of pine cones! What do you do with them all? Can you get pine nuts out of them? Do you ever find amanita growing near the pines?
from i-am-jack :
That's encouraging hearing that you didn't always feel like it in the beginning and now look at you go. For me it's about leaving the house, everything I have to do before I leave and driving. Sometimes it feels like a journey of 1000 steps before even beginning journey. But if I can get there, I have no problem getting out of the car and going. My joke is it doesn't have to be long, it can be a short walk/hike then 3 or 4 hours later I am done. Some days it's easy. It's one of those magic days. But not usually and I know most of the time there is no magic moment. You just have to do it. Easier said than done. Thanks for the encouragement.
from i-am-jack :
Wow that's great! That is a lot of biking and walking. Go you! I used to walk more when I was younger. I would go to the park almost every day. I can't seem to get up that kind of motivation now, even though every time I push through and just do it, I have a good time.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for your beautiful note. ;^) It has been years and I still miss both of those trees. The reishi I have been harvesting in the front yard is growing on the remains of old tree under the ground. I realized that if the mycelium is digesting the old tree, then in a way, I am consuming the old tree through the mushrooms and now it is part of me. I feel like the reishi is gift from the old tree. And I really do believe the spider came to teach me, then went on her merry way. I am glad I chose to be a better person, instead of acting out of fear and then feeling bad about it.
from sparkle-pink :
I am so with you about the treatment of Bowie Jane. It especially hurts because I am a huge Cirie fan from Survivor and I hate how she is acting and treating people. That nomination ceremony was PERFECTION. My favourite part was when Izzy removed her glasses immediately because she was so sure she was safe and would get a pie to the face and then she was nominated. I died it was so perfect.
from i-am-jack :
The funny thing is I do the majority of my foraging right here in my own front and backyard. I've eaten a lot of spring and summer "weeds" as well as harvested some Oregon reishi. I harvested two large shelves. This year it's been fruiting like crazy. I have never seen it make this many mushrooms, ever. Most of them are small and oddly shaped, but it is making a lot of spores, which is a good thing.
from i-am-jack :
My favorite thing to go look for is mushrooms, though I am only just starting to eat a select trusted few. Last year I gathered some acorns (don't worry, there were lots left for the squirrels, there were heaps of them under the oaks, I only collected about a cup.) and some turkey tails. The acorns were a lot of work to process and get most of the tannins out, but it was fun. I still have some in a jar in the fridge. They're a good nibble. Maybe one day I'll make the flour.
from i-am-jack :
I love walking in the woods in the fall and foraging too.
from i-am-jack :
I'm guessing you walk around barefoot a lot? Have you ever done one of those "baby foot" peels that makes your feet shed like a snake? It kind of gave me train wreck syndrome the first time I saw someone's blog pictures of it. Of course, I had to show all my friends, lol. You might like it if you like foot care and don't mind shedding huge continents of dry skin for a week!
from cocoabean :
When I first woke up this morning I thought it was Sunday. Then after a bit I decided it was Friday. Wrong on both counts!
from cocoabean :
I totally understand your feelings about Randy retiring. I felt the same way before I left.
from glorycloud :
thanks for the Happy Birthday-I decided to keep writing because I am a Writer in my online diaries-I am to let my light shine-peace
from glorycloud :
glad you are OK
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you are feeling better and getting back to doing what you love. I think the hummingbird coming up to your face was a sign.
from jarofporter :
glad to hear you're feeling better!
from glorycloud :
No matter what I decide to do I will keep reading your online diary
from swordfern :
Holy jeeze, I'm sorry to hear that you experienced that but glad to hear that you made it out okay!!
from jimbostaxi :
I’m sorry you had to go through all that and happy help arrived in time. Sending positive healing vibes your way.
from nueces :
Good gosh, hon! That sounds horrible and traumatic and frightening!! I'm glad you survived and made it through and are "laughing" about it now. Be careful. Take care. Glad you are alive!
from i-am-jack :
I am so glad you made it and are still here, it sounds like you were close to crossing over. If you hadn't called 911, I don't know if you would still be with us!
from jarofporter :
man, really sorry to hear you went through this again - hoping you recover soon. positive energy being sent your way!
from life-my-way :
8/5/23 OMG Sue!!! I’m so glad you dialed 911 and that they were able to save you! Wondering what will replace the chicken in your diet and sending love and well wishes. XO
from jimbostaxi :
Yeah, think positive thoughts, and positive things follow. Not my forte but I will give it a try. :) Thanks for the note.
from swordfern :
Aww thank you. I’ll finish the story, I just became too tired and couldn’t do any more today. :((((
from swordfern :
I love how you are creating a safe and comforting space for Laila. She's so very lucky to have you in her life.
from glorycloud :
this is Jonny glorycloud my main online diary is Crookedfingers-I paste what I have written there into my Diaryland diary-
from glorycloud :
I have not written because I have been unable to use my main computer-I have been writing on my old lap top and just discovered last night I can get into Diaryland on this lap top-I can not get into my other sites because they think I am a hacker-thanks for thinking of me-peace
from i-am-jack :
I use a lot of different work gloves. As a kid, I hated washing the dishes with bare hands and felt nauseated by it. My mom got me some dish gloves and had to wear them too since her hands were so dry they were splitting all over like a million cuts. Even prescription ointment and having to wear cotton gloves 24/7 was not healing it for a long time. So between the feeling being gross to me and seeing my mom's hands, I use gloves for cleaning.
from i-am-jack :
*feet not feed, lol. No I don't eat it. You can use i on your lips but it tastes pretty bad.
from i-am-jack :
I have combination skin that is really greasy some areas and really dry others. I use Neutrogena. My favorite regular lotion is the Hydro Boost body lotion, fragrance free. It truly is almost scentless, except a hint of glycerin and I like that smell. I also love their Norwegian formula for hands, feed and occasionally super chapped lips. It is fragrance free and has a slight glycerin smell too.
from swordfern :
I love your spelling of Saskatchewan! My partner's mother lives in a log cabin on a lake in Northern Saskatchewan. Small world. :)
from i-am-jack :
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't remember you had dietary restrictions. Though now that you mention it, I remember you writing about it before, like your chicken and noodles. I have been wanting to make chocolate pancakes, regular box mix with cocoa added and chocolate chips. I just haven't felt like it either. And it's my turn, it's just been crazy around here, but I will write you.
from i-am-jack :
Maybe if you don't feel like making pancakes, treat yourself to a box of frozen ones. You like eating them cold anyway. Put as many as you want on a plate in the fridge and let them thaw out and there you go. I used to eat them frozen sometimes out of the box. I also ate them cold in the summer sometimes, thawed out.
from swordfern :
I'm a huge advocate for sleeping in different beds. I always like my partner better when I'm not annoyed at him for ruining my sleep.
from cocoabean :
here its called a red flag warning. high heat, low humidity and high winds. perfect for fires!
from i-am-jack :
I wonder if it's the same bear? Maybe it remembered where to find food.
from swordfern :
I wish that Randy had acknowledged his transgressions while discussing your anniversary. That's a big miss on his part. You deserve better. xoxo
from swordfern :
I really appreciate your note of support last week. It helped me feel reassured that everything was going to be okay.
from i-am-jack :
from curious-me :
I know there's nothing I can say to make this any better but I am thinking of you and wishing you love and healing right now. *Hugs*
from jimbostaxi :
Anytime you need to talk you have my number I'm here. We are all here for you and feel your pain. Xo
from swordfern :
Sending a hug. It's okay to cry. Of course you miss your mother.
from nueces :
Stunned to read that you lost your mother, too, and I'm just seeing this. My heart breaks for you!
from jimbostaxi :
My condolences. I'm so sorry.
from swordfern :
I'm sorry to hear that your mother passed away, and I'm especially sad to hear that you are alone with your grief. Know that myself and others are thinking of you.
from cocoabean :
my condolences. I'm so sorry
from curious-me :
I am so sorry for your loss.
from i-am-jack :
I am sorry about your mom. <3
from jarofporter :
i'm sorry to read about your mom, wish there was something helpful i could say...
from moodswing :
Love and hugs to you.
from thruthecrowd :
I'm so sorry about your mom. My heart goes to you, your family, and most especially to your dad.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for letting me know you got the card letter. I'm glad you like it. ;^) I was just wondering if it got there. I dropped it in the mail box on Sunday. That's a funny coincidence that you were at Target today. My Target is about 10 minutes away, so I go there a lot.
from i-am-jack :
I really like your poem. It's interesting that you are writing about darkness in the spring time. It's like a play of words, light and shadow.
from cocoabean :
ive gotten hooked on june's journey...
from i-am-jack :
Your entry made me laugh a little. Maybe you should name your snow shovel. Frosty. Also I love snow trees too. I imagine the trees are sleeping and probably don't notice.
from jarofporter :
me & mrs. jones was by billy paul! ;-)
from jimbostaxi :
2/24/23 my grandson arrived today! 10lbs 3 ounces!
from swordfern :
Interesting fact about owls and not being able to fly in the rain. Thanks for sharing. I saw a saw-whet owl in the forest on the weekend, and I had great empathy for the little fellow and the recent rainy stretch. <3
from linguafranca :
Oh, I know, and I don’t care what they think. But I do notice them thinking it. Maybe it’s my bully detection system. I don’t plan on stopping ever and I hope you don’t either!
from nueces :
Hello Sue --- I happened upon your diary today because you and I were the only ones writing (the little box lower right). I popped around and read a lot of your entries and enjoyed them because you write like me --- just to document, vent, remember, feel. I can sympathize with many of your issues. Ailing pets, aging, trouble in marriage, elderly parents. I cannot relate to your raking the woods and the roof! That sounds like really hard work. I can't relate to the snow (too much -- this week was different). And I can't relate to children and grandchildren. But I do have 3 cats. You said you miss "real" mail. I'm the same. I'm at 3047 Windmill Lane, Dallas, TX 75234 if you want to write! I promise I'll write back. Go pop around my 20+ years on Diaryland and see if you see commonalities. (Janice is my name)
from i-am-jack :
I like your new poem, you sound like playful ghost.
from whystinger :
I always value your opinion. You can always comment. As for the long distance relationships, I am trying to back away from them. Most of the time it was due to the situations I was in. At college where after graduating, we lived far apart. Maybe a job transfer split us another three times. Taking a job and moving away was responsible for another. Yes, long distance can give best of both worlds and comfort but you don't really get to know the real person.
from i-am-jack :
Merry Christmas and Happy Winter.
from jimbostaxi :
They had no idea what was going on and even after I finished they had confused looks on their faces. It felt very uplifting and freeing to let them know their hate won't bring us down. I think Fran would have been proud :) thank you for reading and for the kind words. :)
from cocoabean :
I lose track of the day of the week, too!
from sparkle-pink :
I actually own every single Jeffery Deaver novel! And as for things I want to read- I have a pile of Jeffery Deaver novels that I haven't got around to haha. Thanks so much for the offer tho!!!!
from jimbostaxi :
I'm someone! Maybe? Lol well, I read your entry, and I get what you mean. That entry kind of wrote itself. I intended to go another way with it but when I finished I saw it was a bit sad. Not every entry can be happy so I just left it up.
from i-am-jack :
I got your card today! I'm glad your squirrel showed up again, even if she cussed you out a little. Squirrel cussing is hilarious. They are such characters.
from jimbostaxi :
Did I miss your bday? 11-11 jeez I know I'm very late but happy belated birthday!🎉🥳
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for reading and for your note. I hope you had a good day just chilling at home. I always enjoy your letters and cards. I save them all. ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Happy Thanksgiving!
from whystinger :
A few years ago a friend lost about 100 trees in their woods and I had a bit of a difficult time understanding why. Then hurricane Irma took 11 of my trees and damaged one enough so it was 12 trees lost and I understood. People really do not understand all that is affecting global warming and the trees and plants are what have helped regulate the earth's temperatures. Hell, it was the plants and trees that transformed earth's atmosphere millions of years ago that gave us an atmosphere that would support life and ultimately brought humanity forth. While I am not too upset about the tree I lost to hurricane Ian, but it also had been a damaged tree, a water oak that is susceptible to disease and had been damaged by Irma (most likely). Sadly I probably have to remove a tree in the front yard as the roots are heading towards the septic system. If I remove it, I will replace it with other trees farther away from the septic system
from whystinger :
Happy belated birthday!
from swordfern :
A belated Happy Birthday! I bet that you do look good for your age - the natural look is always best.
from i-am-jack :
Happy Birthday! I just realized you are an 11/11 baby! I didn't forget you! I hope you have a good birthday.
from curious-me :
If you feel comfortable sending me your address I would love to send you a letter! You can email me at [email protected]
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for reading and relating. Maybe it's a loner thing to get lost drifting on our thoughts and often not realizing how far away we have become. Sometimes it's more meditative other times more thinking. I can imagine it intensifies living in nature, far away from people. Lately for me, I feel that my "real life" friends are in completely different places in their lives and for the most part are content. I on the other hand, I am a train wreck and don't have a lot to say for myself. It does not feel right to bring them down, make them worry or always walk away feeling bad after talking to me. Enter masking or isolating. As someone on the spectrum, masking can come as easily as breathing, as unnatural and exhausting as it is. It is very hard to stop.
from i-am-jack :
There is nothing wrong with going down the rabbit hole and doing some deep pondering. It's one of the best parts of solitude. As for your friend, maybe hold space for him, rather than write him off? It is hard sometimes to be friends with workaholics, my best friend old roomate is one. It might not be so much he doesn't care about you, but he might not be capable of sitting still and he packs his life in a way where it is a never ending whirlwind. If any time opens up, it immediately gets filled. It's an addiction and a coping mechanism. If he really is blowing you off and you can tell he is making excuses, then definitely let him go.
from life-my-way :
The tears are too relatable. Hope tomorrow is better (hope today was, too). Grief is an essential ingredient in love, I believe, and I'm working on transmuting my grief back into the love that spawned it. XO K
from i-am-jack :
I'm sorry that you are missing Malcolm, I hope the grief starts lightening. Maybe go out and take a long walk, not a ride, a slow mindful meander and just be you and feel what you are feeling in/with nature.
from i-am-jack :
You are the guardian of the critters. I hope the hawk goes away and leaves your animal friends alone.
from jimbostaxi :
Bubba the mountain man has a ring to it. A man of few words and craves homemade chocolate chip cookies.:)
from cocoabean :
I think dreams are the way our brains work things out. Things that never get to the conscious mind can come out in dreams..
from warmntoasty- :
Thank you for the words and reassurance that I'm not an evil monster, lol! It sure is a tricky walk, and I will tread lightly! <3
from warmntoasty- :
Hello! That is interesting! You know, I did have those potatoes sitting in the fridge for a while. They weren't exactly too fresh so that must have been it. The next bag I get, I'll keep in a basket on my counter or pantry :)
from i-am-jack :
Damn, I am sorry about the tooth. I hope you can get it taken care of as painlessly as possible.
from i-am-jack :
* and do your thing unnoticed
from i-am-jack :
I hate nosy neighbors too. And I am surrounded by them. Every time I step outside, it's like a Boo Radley sighting for them. The other week this lady on her porch was watching me like I was a TV show when all I was doing was going into my own truck for my registration. I know all about trying to just live your life and your thing unnoticed and that not being the case at all. As for the tooth, I hope it goes well. If you can afford an implant, you can just set it and forget it. I have a bad tooth too and already fixed it once. I want to just get an implant and be done with it.
from jimbostaxi :
Yeah, I agree with you on the meaning. I mean it's not fair to anyone rushing into something. I never thought I would be alone but I'm doing surprisingly well. I miss Fran every day and I think I'll adjust to the loneliness.
from whystinger :
I used to get these really great acidophilus capsules. I believe they killed off a yeast overpopulation for me back in the early 1990s, when I read the book "The Yeast Connection." I currently have an probiotic in the fridge which I bought from the pharmacy, says "best kept in the refrigerator, which I do. I went looking for these when I took Ill. I may go see a gastro-intestinal doctor as I still have some problems from time to time and want to make sure I am ok. Thanks!
from jimbostaxi :
Hi, just dropped in to say thanks for the great mention on Msafire’s page. That was very sweet of you. It takes great skill to move people with one's words. To make someone you never met feel as you did or as you do. I'm always in awe of those who make it look so effortless. Take care xo
from whystinger :
Thanks, I am getting concerned myself. I have been to the doctor, did a course of antibiotics and feel better but a problem is still there. I call the doctor back a few days ago and they can't get me in until Monday or Tuesday, which sucks. They will be doing some tests, testing for C-diff and such. This has been going on far too long, over 15 days. I don't think I am dehydrated as I get plenty of fluids. I thought I was getting better but today has been tough. I am taking an anti-diarrheal but it doesn't always work. Generally the issue is in the morning for a few hours but today it started in the AM, stopped and just hit me now. Thanks.
from whystinger :
Thanks for reminding me what the A in BRAT was... I sure forgot at the store and bought a few apples..
from msafire :
What better thing to do to stop obsessing and being self absorbed other than work and read about someone else's life? I so enjoyed reading your diary- I basically on occassion pick one and read highlights which is super fun from the WHOLE thing. I mean its fascinating and fun to pick up a random diary that has been here for YEARS that I have not regularly read. Yours is so lovely and I like the positivity even when discussing lifes challenges. I found your stories very encouraging! Your wise planning, and love and being so giving and thoughtful to provide for your granddaughter is just beautiful. Love the writing "my granddaughter's woods" as for sure you are providing stability and future for her. PR
from i-am-jack :
Damn that is fucked up that they expect you to clear the whole next month for them.
from whystinger :
I am sorry that Randy is such a stick in the mud, that really sucks!
from whystinger :
Of course the chipmunks are waiting and watching for you, you have trained them that you are a food source and you also talk to them. After a while they probably get some sense of what you are saying, similar to a dog or cat. I believe that wild creatures are more in touch with their instincts than us. I hope you and Randy do go out and do a few things during his vacation.
from i-am-jack :
Mostly you and nature and the animals sounds like paradise to me. I also love that you avoid the news. I for the most part do too, the important stuff reaches me, but no reason to fixate on the news all the time, every day.
from i-am-jack :
I love that about the the two Stevies. That's hilarious and reminds me of these two dogs I also named the same thing, because they were exactly the same, despite living at two different clients houses and never having met. If I ever get a dog like that, that will be his name too. It's funny we kind of have the same sense of humor here. Also I have never had a tattoo but I was the one to put ointment and later cocoa butter on my best friend/old roomate's tattoos. I also put the cooling Goldbond on her sunburns. It's actually one of our fondest memories.
from curious-me :
6/6/22 Oh my gosh I am so sorry I missed your message!! I wasn't ignoring you just forgot to check my notes! The book I was reading was called "It's Always the Husband" by Michele Campbell. I am finally getting back into reading again which is SO nice as every once in a while I go off it! For some reason I really enjoy reading in the summer months. I hope all is going well - I love that you are getting your tattoo done! Take care!
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note and thanks for the entry about the tattoo. I had pretty much decided to get a tat and now I will rethink it some more... ha ha ha
from i-am-jack :
You aren't whining at all. I feel your pain with the noise overload. It's the worst in the summer. Some people really do live in their own "drunk" bubble unaware of how loud they are being or that anyone else even exists.
from swordfern :
What is your tattoo of? I'm impressed that you have them! How does it feel to commit to something permanent?
from jimbostaxi :
Ty, it was a very sad day my youngest was so distraught I had to hold her as people helped me walk her away. The arrangements were beautiful and a lot of people were there to pay their respects. I appreciate your kind words ❤️
from i-am-jack :
It is only 80 and humid here and it's hotter than I'd like. Damn I am sorry you are already getting 90 and humid. We are in spring time's armpit. It's already unofficially summer here.
from moodswing :
You are so very sweet
from i-am-jack :
I got your Easter card today! I love it! I love rabbits. Happy Spring and Happy Easter! ;^)
from fairygodmum :
3/23/22 Just sayin hi... HI.... Hugzzz
from whystinger :
Thank you, I am feeling better. I hope I haven't spread it, but am pretty careful and will not fret if I did.
from i-am-jack :
Hey I just want to let you know I got your letters and I didn't forget about you! Between the weather and me getting the flu, I have been out of commission for a bit. I am just now getting my energy back and am getting the house back in order. I hope I can make this motivation last longer. I know the longer days are starting to put me into spring cleaning mode, despite it being very much winter here.
from whystinger :
I may just do that if I can get off my butt. After all, I cleaned off the craft table and put it away. I should dig it out and make a few pair of earrings.
from whystinger :
I like bananas too, used to have one for breakfast every day but got away from that. Lately the bananas seem to spoil very fast, but I did the experiment and wrapped the stem with plastic wrap and a rubber band and wow, it lasted a lot longer, like instead of two days, it lasted over a week.
from moodswing :
I haven't been checking in as often, but I still do, and just now the beginning of your 1-24 entry felt like a nice blanket. Love to you.
from glorycloud :
Last Summer 2021 June we bought marijuana thinking that it would relax me. But instead the marijuana blew my mind. There were times when I was stoned I thought I would go insane and do harm to my loved ones. It was a very scary experience! I also got now tinnitus in my left ear constant buzzing due to smoking high grade weed. I finally threw out the grass because it was only making me go nuts and not making me feel peaceful.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for letting me know. I had a scare that my diary had been moved offline into the void in Andrew's basement. I got the death notice, but it just blipped by and a refresh brought things back to normal. But it happened to a friend and no one can see his entries anymore.
from portlypete :
Small kindnesses can transform a strangers day.
from whystinger :
Your youth comes from your routines and how you take care and avoid crap. Cheers and Happy new year!
from whystinger :
I do love to see your poetry. This one, silent screams. Silent screams at times can be the loudest... that is one to think about. That is also what I almost wrote about... Maybe-
from jimbostaxi :
Always love to see your poetry here. Xo
from i-am-jack :
I was hoping you would. I picked up a card for you in case. I'll try to get it out within a reasonable time, I'm not the best with correspondence if you haven't noticed ;^). I get not wanting to decorate or celebrate. I was like that for years. Now either I go all out with my Scary Christmas carnival, or I don't do anything. It isn't too far post Christmas, it's the Christmas season until New Years. Wishing you a Happy New Year too.
from i-am-jack :
Merry Christmas! ;^)
from i-am-jack :
Would you like a Christmas card? Well at this point it would be more a winter/holiday card. I remember you exist. I don't always comment, but I read your entries. Writing letters is a lost art and you are keeping it alive. I don't think it's that people don't think of you or remember you exist, these days correspondence has mostly moved to the Internet. I was just talking about this with another friend on here. Now there is Social Media and honestly all the micro posting and people constantly texting each other is too much for me. But that's why people don't write real letters anymore. Sorry I never answered your email last summer about exchanging letters. It was a really really bad time. My Grandma died a few days before my birthday and it was a never ending string of one thing after another for months.
from linguafranca :
Delta 8 is a kind of THC that’s a little milder and less intense than regular THC.
from i-am-jack :
Happy belated birthday and happy Thanksgiving! ;^)
from moodswing :
happiest days after your birthday. Today the winds here sound like the ocean. That's a shiver. Sounds close to my ear make me shiver - but whether that's a good or bad shiver depends on the day.
from whystinger :
I was just smiling at you.
from whystinger :
from whystinger :
It would be understandable if you forgot as it has been about seven years since I made any jewelry. Time to get moving and make more!
from whystinger :
Did you and Randy do some fun things while he was on vacation? I hope so.
from whystinger :
I used to have certain nightmares (when a child), something would pick me up from my bed while sleeping and would carry me down the stairs to the door to the dark, damp, dank basement and would hurl me down the stairs. I would fly into the dark, down, down down and I would wake myself up before I hit the ground. It sucked, I would wake up sweating and shaking. I hated those nightmares... At some point something changed.
from swordfern :
A few things that you described resonate with me, in regards to bad dreams. I very much appreciate your insights.
from cocoabean :
I agree, there is a lot to be learned from bad dreams.
from swordfern :
What are your thoughts on persistent stressful dreams and nightmares? What is the truth that nightmares are trying to show us? I've been struggling with them for years and am open to all interpretations, even hard ones.
from jimbostaxi :
You are right on the money again with your interpretation. :)
from i-am-jack :
I love dreams, my own and hearing other people's. I find writing them out helps me see all the layers and sharing them with people gets more ideas and insights.
from cocoabean :
I've been playing June's journey lately, it a fun game! I know what you mean about the bugs.. I am trying to pull weeds but have to go in quickly to avoid the mosquitoes. Lots of short walks are just as good as long ones, but it's still too hot to walk here so I have a exercise bike to ride..
from glorycloud :
In the book 'Journey To The Abyss: The Diaries Of Count Harry Kessler 1880-1918' Edited And Translated By Laird M. Easton published in 2011 I am on page 190 Chapter Becoming Modern Weimar, October 3, 1897. Sunday. Laird M. Easton wrote a one volume biography on Count Harry Kessler that I bought used and is coming in the mail. I also bought recently the second volume 'Berlin In Lights: The Diaries Of Count Harry Kessler (1918-1937) Translated And Edited By Charles Kessler Introduction By Ian Buruma published in English 1971. You must have an earlier edition of 'Journey To the Abyss'-I am really enjoying this diary before going to bed at night. peace
from glorycloud :
What book did you wrote you had that I mentioned in my last diary entry? I mentioned several books in that last diary entry. Also I do not read all the books I mention in my diary entries. I am a book collector. peace Jonny
from jimbostaxi :
I think that's a very accurate assessment of my dream. Add in maybe some issues about my bday which wasn't too long ago and I think you hit a home run. 👍🏆🤣
from whystinger :
I like the older challenge better. I only have one TV in the house currently. I have been limiting the TV and when I want some background noise, rather than turning on the TV, I turn on the radio now. Thanks for the input.
from whystinger :
Of course you can say something about TV and my watching it. At one time you mentioned a challenge and I should have done that. I have been limiting TV but need to keep working on that.
from i-am-jack :
I am all too familiar with depersonalization/derealization. Luckily I only have episodes of it and don't live with the full on disorder. You might also find Cotard's syndrome interesting. The person believes they are dead. They can't explain how they are walking around, but in their mind they died.
from sparkle-pink :
Hi! I am so sorry I haven't been responding to your notes, I've been crazy tired at the end of every day. Slept in forever today though!! Thank you for the compliments on my island! I'm not sure if you know but the lily of the valley flowers spawn randomly when you have a 5 star island. I'm not super sure about how it works, but I think over decorating is a good thing to get that 5 star rating. You get points for certain items being placed outside. As for me giving you green mums, I need to actually visit your island. To do so you need to visit the airlines and open your gate. There are various ways to have me over. You can invite me as a friend, or create a 1 time use dodo code. I see I have a friend request who I think is you!!! Cass right? I can bring over green mums, and I can also spare some blue roses which are SO HARD to spawn, every fruit you don't have for your island, and bells if you need some. Do you have what's app? It's a conversation to have someone over because of letting know of open gates and such. Let me know!
from moodswing :
I feel like we should just salt half your land so you don't have to mow so much. ;)
from i-am-jack :
A good way to get cooler is to get a cold wet towel and lay in the fan and let it blow over you. Sometimes I will put a wet full sized wet bath towel over my body and flip it from my chest to my back a few times, to get to sleep. Also those cooling skull caps are great, if you dip them in water. I know you have long hair, but it would still cool the top of your head. I wet and comb my hair back then wet the skull cap and put it on.
from i-am-jack :
I have had enough of the high humidity too. Not having air, I have been soaking wet pretty much all the time the last week. I am tired of marinating in my sweat constantly. This is the most humid late summer I think I have ever seen. Usually around now, everything is hot and dry and turning brown.
from whystinger :
See if you have a county extension office or similar nearby, perhaps a college that works with local flora and see about low maintenance natural gardens using native plants. I need to do that myself, to save time & effort. I want to get rid of those crap looking bushes I have in front, that are probably rooting in my septic system and they look beat up. I want to remove the mulch, add stones and native plants that will be less maintenance and look better.
from sparkle-pink :
visited your island! I love all the installations on the beach! great idea. I also like your campsite area! Are any of the villagers your dreamies? Rosie was once for me! She's too cute.
from sparkle-pink :
here's the right dream address! DA-5617-7935-4565
from sparkle-pink :
Hiya! I'm sorry my da address is incorrect. I'm too wiped these days to even open my switch but as soon as I get the chance I'll send you the right one (and visit your island!!!)
from glorycloud :
Thank you for the Happy Birthday! peace
from sparkle-pink :
I have lots of green mums I can give you if you don't want to wait to breed them. Blue roses are also tricky. If you have a nintendo online account ($5 for one month) I can visit your island and drop them off.
from whystinger :
Tis in a cat's nature to be a watcher/stalker and observer...
from sparkle-pink :
project poster is ordering all the posters from inviting the villagers to harv's island. while the posters themselves don't show in the catalog proper, they show in the catalog at phototopia. i'm all about that 100%ing the game so it's a necessity. my dream address is DA-5617-7935-4656. do you have one? would love to check out your island!!
from whystinger :
I forgot that the trees are a bit different up North and it is best to wait until cold days before you trim. The oaks down here are different and you can trim them at other times, but then they have limbs that die and fall all the time. I wonder if they should get some 10-10-10 fertilizer and try feeding the tree? I used to use an old 1.5" drill bit and drill into the dirt, maybe 12" down and add fertilizer there, then cover up the holes all around the drip line. Speaking of which, they should check the tree for insects that may have killed the tree. I recently had a clump of 3 water oaks die from a fungus and a fourth I just noticed, that has saw dust on the leaves (boring insects are cutting into the trees, weakening them).
from glorycloud :
thank you for the note Yes I should walk every day
from raven72d :
Those are from the tales Anne Louise Avery posts at Twitter. She also did "Reynard the Fox" this year, a wonderful re-telling of the medieval tales of Reynard and friends. I think you'd love her book.
from whystinger :
Sorry, I meant L. I don't know why I confused the two.
from whystinger :
I am glad that you had fun with H. You are truly a blessing in her life.
from i-am-jack :
I'm glad you all had a fun time.
from sparkle-pink :
yeah I've been TTing in animal crossing since New Leaf. I didn't in the original or wild world, and I played city folk for like, 10 minutes. Hated the controls. I would actually get up at 5 a.m. to buy turnips. Never did hit 1 bil bells in the old games.
from whystinger :
I have had a few teachers like that too, but mostly in the four year college and especially with Art classes. One instructor told me "you aren't an art major, so I NEVER give a non-art major anything over a B minus and even that is rare. I ended his class and was pulled into his office, telling me "you worked really hard for a non-Art major and I am going to (grudgingly) give you an A. It is an A minus, but it is the only A I have ever given to a non-major. The Drawing professor was tough too, but a different story and that will be told later.
from i-am-jack :
You are such a kind and peaceful person. I used to write letters and send cards a lot, but not nearly as often as you. That is a really special thing you are doing for them and I'm sure it really brightens their day up.
from whystinger :
I used to write a lot of letters and miss doing so. BTW, great chicken recipe. I really enjoyed it, thank you!!!
from anni05 :
it won't let me add you as a friend on facebook for some reason. I will try to figure out how to delete the notes. thank you:)
from swordfern :
I love your description of watering the garden in the early morning. Beautiful.
from linguafranca :
The indignant miasma The chirping miasma The fluttering miasma Yes, it’s an image! Thank you for yours
from curious-me :
Your poem on June 1st was simply Beautiful.
from jimbostaxi :
Always glad when you share your poems! :)
from i-am-jack :
Your commentary on Southland Fucker is funny to me. The situation isn't, but the way you describe it is. I can *see* it as I read it.
from glorycloud :
I am exhausted meaning life is draining/spiritually and intellectually. Being exhausted is not physical but a present state of being in this fallen demonic world. Thank you for the note. peace
from whystinger :
I am glad you are writing again. BTW, I use white vinegar in my laundry too.
from i-am-jack :
"Does this mean that it will only get hotter and more humidity as the Summer season progresses?" Yes. Oh yes. Every summer has been getting hotter and more humid. This Sunday it will be 90 here. 90! We didn't see that kind of heat until mid to end summer, most of my life here. It really is getting worse and worse. Every spring, I pray for a volcano to go off somewhere where it won't hurt any people, like on a remote island, but will give us a cold summer, like when that one in the Philippines when I was a kid.
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the talk I enjoyed it. Happy Mother's Day! And enjoy your chicken and carrots! :)
from glorycloud :
Where is your plane to Paradise going? Another state of consciousness.
from glorycloud :
My plane is flying to Paradise. Paradise is the rest place of the saints after they depart this momentary life. peace
from sparkle-pink :
I got eyelash extensions! Basically they glue longer lashes to your existing ones. Pretty much like attaching falsies but I don't have to take them off at the end of the day!
from whystinger :
Good to see you writing
from jimbostaxi :
Awesome, good to see poetry is back up. :)
from i-am-jack :
It's good to hear from you. I'm glad your silence has been peaceful.
from whystinger :
How are you?
from whystinger :
Sent you an email.
from anni05 :
hi, nice to speak with you again:) I like to be by myself as well, I'm not too good with anyone telling me what to do or judging me haha. still, it gets a little lonely occasionally. I unfortunately don't have a cat. I seriously considered getting one but in the end I decided it would be too hard. cleaning is a constant struggle, and if they got sick, I would not be able to pay for big vet bills. I'd love to have one though and hopefully someday I'll be doing well enough to give it everything it deserves. cats are my favorite thing:) and yes, I do still live in the Midwest. I'll probably never leave here to be honest, even despite the awful winters.
from whystinger :
BTW, I would really like to rescue a cat or a dog, but when work is on the road, I spend a lot of time away and the cat or dog would have no company and nobody to take care of them.
from whystinger :
I have some thoughts/feedback - shall I FB message it, leave a note here (might be long), email it or put it in my diary? Feedback on one of your entries and what you have struggled with, or if you prefer, I can keep it to myself.
from whystinger :
Does Randy read your diary? I sort of suspect not, but let me know.
from anni05 :
thank you for saying that. I've been getting my head straighter the past few hours and realizing I didn't do anything wrong and that he's a jerk for purposely making me uncomfortable in order to try to get me to change my answer. I never should have given him my time to begin with.
from hitch-hike :
My grandparents were one of my biggest treasures from my childhood. Your Grandma Berg sounded very special!
from i-am-jack :
I don't live on my phone either. Most of the time it's in the other room. I do take it with me when I leave the house, mostly for safely reasons. When I leave the house, I actually leave. I can't imagine the Internet following me around like a clingy girlfriend who doesn't let me breathe. No smart phone for me. I also cover the alarm clock with a wash cloth (dry of course)so I can't see the time and used to have a bandaid over the time, until it melted and made a big mess. I sleep with just light bamboo blinds, that let light in.
from jimbostaxi :
That's your home! He's lucky you let him still stay there.
from whystinger :
I've heard a weird noice from the squirrels, but silence after I killed those two. I have heard some weird crying or keening noise in the front yard, I thought one squirrel was hurting the other. I have seen two squirrels chase a 3rd until it was less scared of me and more of them. That particular squirrel was hyperventilating on my window ledge with me standing there. I found him dead the next day, blood and fluid from his mouth, I think he had a massive coronary.
from i-am-jack :
"my home is within myself and outside in Nature" That is so beautiful and enlightened. I feel the second part, but not the first yet. When I am out in nature, I feel home too. It's the one place, I never feel lonely or on the outside of life.
from whystinger :
Patchouli oil... interesting. I should get some of that for the oil scent machine that i think of using but don't... As for the leaves, I had picked up 8 and 1/2 large bags of leaves and put them out to the curb, left town Monday night and was looking forward to coming home and starting something else but even more leaves have fallen and the process starts over!
from i-am-jack :
I had to ask, since when I lived in WI, I lived and worked around that area. One of my long time friends moved to Oshkosh, and she asked if I wanted anything special from there when she was coming here to visit me. That was kind of THE cheese shop in my mind, though I know there are more, probably lots of them.
from i-am-jack :
Mars Cheese Castle?
from sparkle-pink :
it took A LOT of motivation to do all that. I've been putting it off for weeks. I find I'm most productive when I do 10 minutes on and 2-5 minutes off. It's amazing what you can get done in just 10 minutes, and it's a reasonable goal so it doesn't seem forever!
from whystinger :
I need to start repeating mantras. I do think certain things to myself and sometimes pray to God (or the Universe depending on your beliefs) repeatedly.
from glorycloud :
we have a tailless squirrel who comes by to eat cracked corn under our bird feeder-I think she is a female and she is always alone-we have seen this tailless squirrel for several years.
from anni05 :
thank you for being so sweet to me! it means a lot.
from i-am-jack :
Yes, 2015. The year before the actual election is always the political spring before the heat really kicks in, when election year comes. I just wanted him to lose and his face to go away and life to get back to normal.
from i-am-jack :
I don't write about this stuff very much, but it was really weighing on me. I watched the news while it was happening for a few hours. My landlord stayed up late into the night watching it. Which is unlike him. He is not glued to the news, but he is one of those people that likes to watch history being made. I have been keeping ear on it, but mostly avoiding the news as usual. The important stuff will find me. I am beyond burned out on the state of the world. I miss when the average person wasn't political and it was mostly a seasonal thing. After the election or whatever, things went back to normal. Yeah well, that hasn't happened since election season 2015.
from linguafranca :
Sex would be great, I agree. However, my partners who require stamina are inaccessible right now due to the virus.
from anni05 :
thank you <3
from i-am-jack :
It has been a very strange winter. We have only had a few snow falls this year. The biggest one on Christmas, though it was not big big. We are going into snow storm season here though. The big storms can come any time in January into March.
from sparkle-pink :
thank you!!!!!
from i-am-jack :
Thanks. I just let myself rant and go down the rabbit hole. There is a second part I wrote to it, that I will probably get up today. I just got too tired last night, in a good way. I really put myself into my writing.
from i-am-jack :
Wow...I hardly know what to say. It makes me feel really good, that I was able to help. Thank *you*.
from whystinger :
I worry they will get frustrated with that one dog and be mean to it. I know her Mom & Dad has spoken to her, but sometimes kids will listen to someone else and ... I want them both well and happy (niece and dog). Her fiancé needs to step up a bit but I will stay out of that one. Thanks for your opinion, I never get mad when you make suggestions or voice an opinion.
from whystinger :
I did chat a bit about the dog with my niece. She is very frustrated and I wanted to know why a growling dog triggers her Mom. She makes statements like "if he gets away again, maybe I will just let him go." I simply said have patience and that it will take some time. The dog her BF and her chose is a bit of an asshole. Why risk saying something to them? Frustration breeds contempt. I am never mad about your input.
from i-am-jack :
Merry Christmas!
from whystinger :
Very cool. I wonder if he caught any fish while ice fishing? Cool about the knitting, I wonder if I still have the afghan somewhere that an old flame knitted for me or if Honi threw it out or made me throw it out.
from i-am-jack :
Yes I have read a few times that you were happy that you washed your hair and that it was a bit of a task. You also change your bedding too? Now that is one I am not good at. I only strip down the bed and wash everything when the seasons change and wash other sheets, blankets etc as needed when they seem stale. That's funny that the kitten sometimes pulls your braids apart when you sleep. Cats love picking at things they know they are not supposed to. When my hair gets really bad I just put on a beanie. I wear hats all the time anyway and sleep in them a lot, which makes my hair get dirtier faster. I actually do wash my hats regularly. But so many times I use hats to just forget about it, when I really need to just wash my damn hair. I start feeling nasty at about 3 days and can only really stand a week, but when I get depressed or whatever enough it can go for weeks. It was about a month this time and I don't want that to happen again any time soon.
from i-am-jack :
That makes me feel good that I was able to help. Thanks for letting me know. ;^) Even if you don't believe in twin flames, Lee and Sherry are amazing and they really have a lot of wisdom about self love and loving others. I have read that washing your hair takes a lot of energy and is a bit of a task. I am guessing you have super long hair? I know that can be a lot of work to take care of and can even take days to fully dry for some people. I have short hair, but it makes me feel better that you can relate. It made me feel better when I read it had been a long time for you once. Thank you for relating and for your support and kindness.
from whystinger :
Trust, there are several schools of thought about trust after an affair and it is not you that needs to really work on building trust, it is your husband. He needs to work very hard and work his ass off on rebuilding your trust. One school of thought says he shouldn't have told you, that he told you to make himself feel better, but he should have thrown the other person out of his life and taken the high road, not told you and made sure he didn't step out of line ever again, which means working very hard to insure it never happens again. Many people won't like that. A different school of thought says that "He needs to work very hard each and every day doing things to demonstrate that you can trust him, he will need to be an open book, give you access to his text messages, phone, email and no secret emails and things like that. It is on him to prove that he is trust worthy and this does take a long time. Is he working hard on this or is it all on you? Get a professional with help if you can. This can make you a stronger couple, but it will take hard work from both of you.
from life-my-way :
I can help with "beginners' mind", let's talk sometime soon about it. xo K
from i-am-jack :
Maybe you are still working on trust, but you have something even more powerful, unconditional love. You forgave, did not forget, but still love him, because you *want* a connection. Maybe you should look into twin flames. That is a dynamic where both parties can cause each other a lot of pain and loss of trust. I have unconditional soul deep love for my Ghost, but after being ghosted twice and blind sided once, I can't say there is trust. I never know if each time we see each other will be the last. Yet there is a deeper love and connection than I have ever known. I highly recommend Lee and Sherry Patterson on Youtube. Also whatever mindfulness is to you,then that is what it is to you. If something you read doesn't feel right, then it's not for you. Remember everything out there was written and filtered through someone's experience and not everyone's truth is everyone's truth, if that makes sense. I think a beginner's mind is to be like a child again, fresh and bright and curious about the world without fear or judgment. That sense that everything is wide open and exciting.
from anni05 :
i very much appreciate you saying so. peace to you as well.
from jimbostaxi :
We will set up a call for another day sorry I missed that one. I’m thinking about just closing up my Diaryland blog it all seems a bit repetitive. Soccara is struggling with lots of pain and it’s very difficult to elaborate on how I’m feeling. Well, that’s not 100 percent the truth,,, I could write about my feelings but I only really do that when It overwhelms me. So if I can’t get any closure it’s almost like what’s the fucking point? Sorry for leaving such a random note,,, peace
from whystinger :
Trust is big and there is plenty to write about it. How is that journey going? Cheers.
from whystinger :
LOL, it was early morning and I was just starting my morning coffee, I do need to lotion up, as the cold snap in Florida (40s) has my whole body dry, but I don't like to lotion up and put on a business suit. I will lotion up probably today as it is Saturday and it won't mess with anything. Thx
from glorycloud :
I do not feel safe leaving the house presently. All around us people are getting sick with COVID-19 and it seems wise to stay in place to the plague is past. I also have stopped going any place with my wife. I am not going anywhere till COVID-19 is gone forever. I am not ready to die or die alone in a hospital. Stay safe. peace
from whystinger :
Dairyland State Cheese... when I read this words I wondered if that was a state run store, but knew it probably wasn't. I also wondered if you were there for ice cream or cheese but the answer was a bit further in. I do love cheese and you are right - when it is at room temp, or maybe a bit warmer, the flavor really comes to life. I'll bet you are glad that you went for a ride.
from i-am-jack :
Of course I first read that as "Diaryland State Cheese" and did a double take. Also 70 socks? I have a lot, too many, but I am not sure I have that many. As a kid, I hated sorting my dad's socks (one of my jobs was laundry) because he only bought one kind and they all looked the same. Except for little things like level of wear and slight shade differences, which were HUGE to him. Even then, he didn't have enough for it to take hours. That's a lot of socks.
from anni05 :
thank you so much for your note and your kindness. it means a lot to me that you're sharing your mantras. i hope you're doing well.
from sparkle-pink :
No it's a lie that she owes him that much money. A ploy to get contact to her. She just met this dude at work. He's a legit drug addict, addicted to meth, which explains part of the crazy. It's scary business!!
from glorycloud :
I have catalogued in my LibraryThing site around 12,000 books. Carol has around 2,000 books that are not catalogued. I do not have all our books catalogued so I figure we have around 15,000 books in this house.
from whystinger :
Happy birthday!
from glorycloud :
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the note.
from hitch-hike :
Have a very happy birthday! To a new year of good health, peace, and thoughtful gifts big and small!
from sparkle-pink :
thank you! also I never thanked you for your advice with that family situation. I'm so bad at responding to notes........ how are you liking animal crossing?
from whystinger :
Wow, nice Mind Poetry.
from whystinger :
OMG! There is a shortage of ammo for sure! One place wants over $1 per 9mm cartridge. Crazy.
from swordfern :
I very much enjoy your poetry when you share it.
from jimbostaxi :
a cup of ice water please it's getting hot in here. :)
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for offer. For now, I am trying to make myself at home where I am now. I am not ready in a lot of ways yet to leave. I am torn between loving this place and knowing it's not where I want to spend the rest of my life.
from cocoabean :
I've been working.. not much else
from i-am-jack :
You definitely are a window into country life. It's a lot of work taking care of your land, but at the same time, you make it seem wonderfully satisfying and a source of peace and mindfulness. I hope I get there one day.
from whystinger :
By the way, cool pics of the beaver and knocking down trees. Reminded me of a story about a man with a creek going through his property and the State Game Warden fining him a few times for damming up the creek. He went to court. I can't remember but maybe it was something about he wasn't legally allowed to remove the beaver dam and legally could not have the dam on his property - it was some sort of conundrum.
from whystinger :
That must be why I forgot a few things on my grocery list...
from whystinger :
Definitely get a Lyme disease test. As you had a headache, I would be very careful. I have been told that Lyme can be tricky to diagnose too.
from cocoabean :
Raking and shoveling snow... Both things that don't demand attention and you can just let your mind wander while you do them. Still, I don't miss them!
from musikoid :
I was just reading your entry, and NOW I remember you. I don't know what's the matter with me. Anyway Diet Pepsi can be very addictive. I've been addicted to it before. Maybe you read my thing earlier about addictions? The ones that I have emotional attachments to are the hardest to break. The ones that are only psychological associations, I can break. I've pretty much broken my addiction to "scrolling." But not a couple of others -- they're just too sweet. + Was 36 degrees when I walked to the Sunset Market this morning for my breakfast burrito (another addiction). Didn't faze me, but I've always liked the colder temps.
from musikoid :
My bad. I thought I recognized your email address. It appears that in July of 2019 I did indeed send you an email with my user/pass including the usual admission of fear that my diary would in some way offend you. We have friends in common and I'll send you the new one. (My memory is not what it never was.)
from musikoid :
Are you sure you meant that for me, Amber? I don't think we've read each other before.
from i-am-jack :
I sent you a password. ;^)
from misfitstray :
you have to delete all the notes where there are links to websites with http-links in it.
from curious-me :
Wow - that is a really beautiful poem from your last entry in September.
from swordfern :
I appreciate your empathy around having an emotionally absent father. I wondered if I were alone in this, and given your and Anna's comments, I now know that I am not. I always thought that I had a 'nice childhood', which is partly true, but I now know that while I was fed and clothed and educated that I was missing a lot of emotional support. It's like a hidden rot of the middle class, and a legacy from generations of toxic masculinity.
from sparkle-pink :
Thank you!!! Mostly it's the increased meds that helped, but I also did put in work myself. Forcing myself to do shit that I didn't want to. That's really too bad about farmville!!! That game has been around for a while now. It looks like so much fun but I know I would get sucked in 100% to a game like that and animal crossing already takes up too much time. There was a halloween update released today. Some Halloween items are added, and various other spooky features. It will be fun!
from whystinger :
I wish you knew how you fixed it, because I see your notes the same way as well as some other folks notes.
from i-am-jack :
We both wrote about time today. Forever short. I like that.
from whystinger :
I'll see if I can leave a message for Andrew. He runs this sort of part time now... and can be difficult to reach.
from i-am-jack :
It looks okay on this end, but I have seen what you are talking about on other people's notes. I think what happens is sometimes someone leaves a note but when it gets posted the formatting is off and it posts too wide. I'm not sure if you would be able to scroll down and find the original "wide note" and delete it? I hope this makes any sense and helped.
from cocoabean :
Maximize your window
from jimbostaxi :
9/26/20 Hey sue, thanks for the note! We were very pleased to hear that chemotherapy is working. She still has many more treatments to go before I can smile but least Its a step in the right direction. The chat rooms were a blast back in the day they definitely should add something like that here. Maybe, we could set up a profile and link it to a zoom chat room.:) How is your poetry going? I enjoyed your stuff you should post something again. I haven't had a good cry in a while maybe I should work on some too! My poems almost always end with me in a pool of tears.
from misfitstray :
I'm glad that you are better again. Sorry, I'm late with this note, but I don't read here regularly. Take care! ♥
from whystinger :
I think we had a nice rain, about 1.5" in an hour...
from u-saved-me :
heya, thanks for the advice, I kept my own internal dialogue internal. best to do that all around i think, especially in these days of frazzled nerves and everyone being stressed by everything going on.. hope this note finds you well as can be <3
from jimbostaxi :
Glad you survived that harrowing ordeal. Xo
from life-my-way :
Thanks for the update--so glad Randy was there to call for help, and glad they got there in time! I hope you'll "favor yourself" and take it easy for a while! XO K.
from whystinger :
I am glad that you survived, but what happened? Of course we worry about you. How could we not?
from whystinger :
I was going to tell you to try a different browser to view your notes, but I get that "recent public entries" problem with both Safari and Google Chrome.
from whystinger :
I get it now about your Mom. About your notes, same when I read your notes page, but my own page doesn't show up that way. Email Andrew and ask him. Something is off with Diaryland I think.
from whystinger :
I want to go snorkeling here, during scallop season to harvest some wild scallops. As your your Mom, does she pick a fight before you hang up? It may be she misses you and this is her way of dealing. My ex did that a bit at times.
from jimbostaxi :
Snorkeling sounds amazing. I would love to dive down and feed some sharks in a steel cage! :)
from jimbostaxi :
You, my friend, would probably take a vacation somewhere with tons of snow because you love it so much. :)
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the advice about putting peanut butter on my pet's medications. She is so much more cooperative (and doesn't spit out the pill!), and loves the yummy treat!! xx
from swordfern :
Hah, i think we may have similar hair. Long and frizzy in the humidity. sigh. this is pretty much my hair every day, though brown not white:
from whystinger :
Hugs. I hope you are well, but remember to take care of you. You will regain trust again if he works hard to earn it.
from swordfern :
Sending a hug. Of course you've lost your appetite over the last several months. Grief can be a long process.
from glorycloud :
thank you for the Happy Birthday!
from whystinger :
I was concerned about the metal that broke of the mower. Glad you are ok. Sounds like you got a hell of a deal on that mattress. I think I paid about $600 or $700 more...
from sparkle-pink :
ty for your insight re: people being cold all the time. I suppose it doesn't help that she weighs like, 90 pounds! (she's super short, 4'11").
from hitch-hike :
Welcome, Hannah! You now have another spirit animal companion!
from swordfern :
I love Hannah's story. She was meant to come into your life, I just know it.
from sparkle-pink :
I used to live on the island! In Victoria. I haven't been back since I moved to Vancouver. We want a small holiday and to go over and maybe north to Tofino. Need to wait for a better time re: covid-19. Who knows when that will be but we are avoiding all non-essential travel. I have an hac-001 switch. Works just fine for me, no problems! Durable too, I've dropped it a few times and no cracks. I played pocket camp for a few months. Something very important to me in animal crossing is having a complete catalog. There were so many special events with special items that I couldn't keep up. I got overwhelmed and quit. I can't remember exactly but the flower events with catching butterflies was the worst re: getting all the items before the event ended. I felt like it was a huge push to buy micro-transactions with the leaf tickets. Still a fun and cute game tho!
from i-am-jack :
My mom also has a bulging disk and she recently got one of those firm body pillows like the kind pregnant women use. Maybe something like that would help while you look? It might be a good thing to have even after you get a better mattress. I wonder if one of those really hard nursing lap pillows would help too? My best friend used hers to sleep with before and after giving birth. I always know it's time for a new mattress when my back hurts in the morning or I feel the little futon spring things start coming up. That's weird that they don't want to take the old ones away anymore. I guess they expect you to drive out to the junk yard and do it yourself. People will just start ditching them wherever. I feel you, I am so slow taking action when it comes to taking care of me too.
from i-am-jack :
You might be able to find what you want at one of those cheap looking mattress stores rather than being $1000 or more at a big store. These futon stores sell real mattresses and box springs too. You might at least be able to get a decent box spring even if you get the mattress somewhere else. Last time I got a box spring (full) for $99. It is cheap but it works and has held up for years. I am the opposite of you and buy futon mattresses and use them with a box spring in a full normal bed, because I like a super soft mattress.
from i-am-jack :
You are living the kind of life I have always wanted since I can remember. Since 1st grade, believe it or not. I just want to go more remote.
from whystinger :
Everyone should take a bit of downtime!
from whystinger :
Good way to handle!
from whystinger :
So what does one do now? Maybe delay putting the bird feeders up a little while, hoping the bear won't find any food and leaves the area, going elsewhere maybe?
from jimbostaxi :
I'm sorry I couldn't go deeper with that I'm not ready. Maybe next time.
from jimbostaxi :
I'll call in the morning is that ok? I have wanted to call sooner but, something kept happening with her. I get off about 730 am-ish. If That doesn't work let me know. Right now I'm in between tears and anger. She's sleeping now so I'm going to charge my phone.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you. ;^) Sadly, I am in the suburbs outside Detroit. The dirty city I reference.
from sparkle-pink :
I bought a nintendo switch! I think it's the only platform you can buy Animal Crossing on since it's a nintendo game. They are pricey- $400 for one, not including the taxes and fees. Also they seem to have been sold out for ages. HOWEVER- there is a nintendo switch lite. It's much more affordable at $260, and they're in stock. I have not even seen a switch lite so I can't recommend one over the other. I did a bit of research and I think with the lite you can only play it as a handheld? The regular switch you can hook it up to your tv. The lower price point is very appealing. If you decide to get a lite I would recommend checking that animal crossing works on it. I'm 90% sure it does but I would HATE for you to buy a lite just to play animal crossing and not be able to. The game is also pricey at $80. I think it's worth it. It's a game that can last years and there is something to do every day, and it's wholesome as heck!
from i-am-jack :
"I just drift along, and it seems that I just was so very happily drifting endlessly in a Sunday." That is just beautiful. To me, that is true peace. That is the state of being I would love to spend the rest of my life in.
from sparkle-pink :
Thanks for your note! Upon reflection I don't blame myself either. And my Mom is moving in with me! We have been talking for years about living together and the opportunity finally presented itself. I am flying to Edmonton at the end of the month, and we are driving back to Vancouver with her car. I am excited.
from glorycloud :
Thank you for the note. Last night was Carol's last night of work. She is now retired and ready to start a new stage in her life. I am sure she will stay busy with home etc. . . Hope all is well. peace Jonny
from whystinger :
Of course I am interested in your thoughts about my dreams. Lately I have been trying to interpret some of them too. Oddly, I recognized that these are numerous connected dreams and paint a story line and sometimes these stories go over several days, sometimes the dreams are revisited. One of the dreams must be regretting loss - several dreams (not lately) have featured cars that I had owned and have been gone.. Maybe they mean something different. I do have some things for you, but have not really finished thinking about them.
from swordfern :
May 31 - Wow. His unwillingness to allow you space for your experience of his betrayal sounds invalidating. He seems to miss the fact that he needs to earn your trust back and can start to do that by listening and tending your emotions.
from whystinger :
I managed to miss a bunch of your entries. You have gent through a lot, I am sorry to hear about it. It takes a lot of time to build trust back after what has happened and he will need to work hard at building trust. His little friend is going through a divorce, eh? So she wanted him, but will jettison him after a while. If he is smart, he will work hard to rebuild what he had with you.
from cocoabean :
So basically he's embarrassed and doesn't want to take responsibility.
from i-am-jack :
Some people believe in the word/action "trying" and some don't. I think it depends on what kind of person you are. To me, trying means doing the best you can do in a situation, or giving something a chance. Trying out something new. Trying to understand. Trying your best despite your confidence, ability or skills at something. Other people believe in the Yoda philosophy of there is no "try" only doing or not doing. It's a pet peeve of mine having that one thrown in my face. I think you are genuinely trying to forgive him and make your relationship work, but your trust is broken and maybe now you aren't sure how you feel. It's worth thinking and being honest with yourself about. I hope you two can get through this and come out stronger.
from jimbostaxi :
You're sweet, thank you. I didn't want to make it a pity party so I decided to keep it short. She really deserves a much better tribute maybe one day I will write something more fitting. Take care.
from u-saved-me :
May 6 - ooh thanks, I will keep that in mind. I like the idea of writing the titles and authors down as I let them go on to new homes.
from whystinger :
I have really begun to love owls. Oh, I really liked them when I lived in Georgia and could visit the "island" but where I live now in FL, owls live around me. I absolutely love hearing them call. At times it is an owl symphony. I love it when several are around my house calling to each other when I hear the calls echo. Occasionally in the middle of the night I am blessed to have a few in my yard, in the trees talking and making a fuss. If awake I hear them. The Haitian lady behind me does not like owls.
from u-saved-me :
Apr25th - Ive decided to try getting rid of one thing a day, which naturally spirals into 5 things in one day, forgetting for three days, 7 things the day after that, lol. And Im absolutely counting scribbled lists on scraps of paper, or random things that should have been thrown out long ago because they are broken and un-fixable by me. These are my baby steps, re-training myself to recognize my limitations, regardless of how easy the internet makes it look to fix or repurpose all manner of things. Also books i'll never read again. I need to let them go too, somehow. How did you let so many go?
from whystinger :
I went the next day and removed the limb and a few others as far as I could reach - they were blocking the sidewalk, which the same neighbor passes each day as they walk their dogs. I think I am just really edgy from being confined to the house/yard/neighborhood. Thanks.
from sparkle-pink :
never played fv although it looks like fun! I spend too much time on games anyway and i know I'll get addicted to that game so I haven't tried it. I'll post pics once things are done!! And new horizons is a great game. lots of people don't like it but I'm having fun. It's for the nintendo switch!
from swordfern :
I agree with you about going into deeper conversations and truly listening. I mean, I would love for this to happen all of the time, but at least if we can focus on it now then we will all fare better. As for the one thing that I'd tell others about me? Here it is: all of my growth and success has resulted from catastrophic failure, grief, and loss. I am deeply grateful for former trauma because it has pushed me towards love, joy, and gratitude. How are things with Randy? He works in healthcare, right? Does this expose you to risk of catching COVID-19?
from jimbostaxi :
I was just updated again her dad doesn't have much longer. Thelma is a wreck,,,,,
from jimbostaxi :
Hey Sue, thanks for the note. I just asked her if there was any news and she said his condition is deteriorating. Take care, stay safe.
from jimbostaxi :
One thing ok here it is I once saw my whole life flash before my eyes when I was knocked unconscious. That experience was eye-opening and affects a lot of the decisions I make today.
from i-am-jack :
Two full wheelbarrows full of sunflower seed shells!!? Do you have a field of them or huge patch? That's an insane amount of shells. One thing about myself? Hmmm I just don't think I can sum myself up in a nutshell that small.
from i-am-jack :
The funny thing is that timeless void can be heaven or hell. I have found heaven there many times under different circumstances. I want to live the rest of my life there. I just can't seem to get there at the moment. But the first step for me is letting go of time. It is very hard for me to let go being the anxious, high strung control freak that I am. But I do understand. I also just read something about co-creating with God (however you believe). Your Ego wants to run the show but it doesn't and when it tries to control everything, not only does it find it can't but things do not go very well. The best art, writing, and everything happens when there is that magical sense of abandon. That letting go.
from sparkle-pink :
It's a regular daily planner! I chose one that has a lot of space on each day so I can write down lots of things to do. Then I write down everything for the week. Things from brushing my teeth, making a phone call, work, taking my meds, etc. The big thing is that I highlight the activities. Pink if I do it, green if I don't, purple if it's cancelled beyond my control, and blue if I make an error in writing the list. I try to keep as little green as possible. I have yet to have a non-green week. It's a great system that helps me out so much! My little sister Laura/Brux came up with the idea.
from sparkle-pink :
it was really hard to catch them all! everytime i got close i would get scared and biff it. my sister has a great strategy. stick to river fish since they are almost all common and easy to catch, there is a fair amount of time from when they bite down to catch it. the biggest key is not looking at the screen and just listening for the bites. helped me so much, it's how i was able to do it!
from jimbostaxi :
3/20/20 Hi Sue, Things here are for the most part still chugging along. There are major shortages on lots of items but at least today it finally looked like they were restocking. Each day brings a new set of problems and I'm doing my best to keep a level head. Thanks for checking in :) P.S I hope that Chapman chick gets hit by a bus.
from swordfern :
Hah! I hope he’s leaned his lesson what with her turning into a stalker! I’m glad to hear that you are working together as a team. That sounds promising.
from jimbostaxi :
It was good talking with you :) peace
from glorycloud :
You are a good woman. I cried when I read your last entry. peace
from swordfern :
I'm glad to hear an update from you; I was thinking about you today. I know that you will find clarity and a way through this.
from life-my-way :
Thinking of you, sister-friend, and loving that you're keeping on keeping-on and handling the snow yourself. You're my "she"ro!
from glorycloud :
hope you are doing OK
from whystinger :
Beautiful entry on 02/07/2020. I think you should have pursued why the tears? Tears of love? Tears that you feel like a treasure? Hold him close, you two are magic together.
from hitch-hike :
I hope the strength and all the support you can muster comes your way for this difficult time, and on so many levels!
from jimbostaxi :
Check messenger just sent you a text
from glorycloud :
I knew from your posts over the years that Randy and you were having marriage problems, but I did not see him leaving you. Sorry to read about all your recent troubles. I would get a lawyer and take Randy for all you can get. You are a wonderful loving woman and deserve better. It makes me sick inside reading how Randy has treated you after all the love you have lavish on him over the years.
from swordfern :
"Randy said he wasn't thinking about how this would affect me." Clearly not!! You are wise to embrace your wolf. Anger is a valid response to his lack of consideration of his commitment to you.
from theshivers :
Jesus, 'wow' barely begins to cover it. I am SO sorry to hear everything you've been through --especially the dismantling of that trust. Sending you healthy, healing vibes.
from curious-me :
Holy F*ck. I am so sorry to read all the crap you are going thru. Wow - doesn't even cover it. It's a shitty situation and he picked a really shitty time to drop this on you. Strength and Peace to you during this crazy unbelievable time. And who moves in with a woman and her ex?! That's messed up!
from jarofporter :
fucking WOW is right. I'm sorry...
from swordfern :
Cocoabean has my same thoughts, has he lost his mind?!! What in the actual fuck is he thinking. I suppose he's not. His lack of respect for you is beyond shameful.
from cocoabean :
Has he lost his mind? Wow.
from i-am-jack :
I can't believe everything you have been through in the last few days. I really can't believe his horrible timing. Telling you this, now? Wow is right. Wow. I don't feel sorry for you, but I am sorry this is happening to you. You seem like such a kind, loving, sweet person with a huge heart, but also incredible strength.
from swordfern :
So he had to tell you, but what is he going to do? Wow. I'm angry and sad to hear this is happening to you. You are an incredible woman; I know that your strength will be an asset as you move through this. ❤️
from thruthecrowd :
What in the actual hell? I'm so sorry... :-(
from jarofporter :
i'm sorry. i've been through this as well. hang in there, and talk to the people you know & trust. reach out for help, even if it's just emotional support.
from life-my-way :
Wow! I'm here if you need someone to talk to--I'll message you my number if you need it. Wow.
from cocoabean :
Wow is right. Wow.
from jarofporter :
really hope you get to feeling better soon, and that you find out what causes this to happen...
from life-my-way :
Hey Sue, I do not feel sorry for you, but I do love you and I'm glad Randy and the EMTs saved you! Take care of yourself. xo K
from misfitstray :
Thank you! I'm curious how your place in the woods is like.
from i-am-jack :
I am picky about toothbrushes as well as toothpaste and floss too. I recently discovered the Moon toothbrushes and never want to go back.
from glorycloud :
There was a sudden death our son Josiah' wife Hannah's family and at first there was going to be memorial service the week of Carol's visit. But the family pushed a memorial service ahead a week/the end of January. So Carol did not change her airline flight and is leaving tomorrow early morning for Washington State. I will just have to pray for grace while Carol is away. peace
from thruthecrowd :
<3 your note made me feel better...thank you.
from whystinger :
Simtimes I can't type. Sometimes we have to let the dark out, we need balance between the light and dark and sometimes the dark side just has to come out. Embrace it, let it puke out in your creative writing and you will feel better.
from i-am-jack :
"It is ok, though to be dark. Sometimes you just have to go there, and move through it." I agree. Well, you know me. I always like your poetry.
from linguafranca :
Oh how I wish I could. I don’t like to veto anyone else’s fun, but I wish it didn’t necessarily involve me. Early on they set up the expectation that they would be there for every kid’s birthday and every Christmas and so. Here we are.
from whystinger :
I do understand about your conversations with your Mom. My conversations with my Mom and Dad can go that way. My Dad worries more while Mom trusts my judgement more. Dad takes it better and Mom gets pissed and then starts complaining and saying shit like "Uncle Josh's kids wouldn't talk to him like that..." and she will do that to both my sister and me.
from i-am-jack :
What kind of tracks is the animal leaving? You could try to look them up online if you can get a good picture. If it's that tall, I wonder if you have a small bear. I don't know what kind of animals you get. Do you get moose at all?
from portlypete :
I bet you can't wait for global warming to really get a grip!
from jimbostaxi :
Jeez, I’m mad crazy late but happy belated bday! I’m going to start sending you Pics of warm places! You can dream your there instead of the deep freeze
from i-am-jack :
It's kind of amazing to me that somehow you can see through all my angry cathartic noise here and know that deep down all I want is to live in peace. It's all I have wanted since 1st grade. I am a funny dichotomy, I call myself an angry hippie. I am definitely a fiery passionate person but also I hate confrontation and just want my life to be as still a pond as possible.
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for asking about access. I had to regroup for a little while, but decided to open back up. I wanted to also wish a belated happy birthday and to stay warm and dry :) I know your weather very well!!!
from i-am-jack :
Happy belated birthday! And I don't even live in a state as cold as yours, but still northern, and I call that being frozen to the bone. The only thing that warms me up from that is getting in the tub and raising my body temperature back up from the inside.
from whystinger :
I remember those shivers.
from dietcokegirl :
Thank you for your kind words regarding my furbaby. She did follow the path you said and it was very heartbreaking .. in the end, she was in so much pain, it made the difficult choice to let go, easier - because at a certain point you don't care how sad you feel about it - you just want them to not be suffering any more. I hope you're doing well.
from linguafranca :
What would your bracelet say on it?
from swordfern :
Happy Birthday!! Hope that you have a lovely day.
from whystinger :
Happy birthday Catsoul! I hope your day is grand! Hugs.
from whystinger :
Happy birthday Catsoul! I hope your day is grand! Hugs.
from cocoabean :
Have a good birthday! I just turned 66 on the 3rd!
from glorycloud :
Happy Birthday!
from mindfluff :
Thank you for your message. I’m having another difficult day and your words helped.
from whystinger :
Snow... and raking season. We are in the beginning of raking season as the oaks are just starting to drop their leaves. The "officials" are telling us to consider leaving the leaves on the ground to decay and fertilize the lawn. The problem with that is the live oak and water oak leaves don't decompose well and kill the lawn, just like dropping a piece of plywood on the lawn would. Maybe I need a mower like those lawn guys I used to hire - their equipment would grind up the leaves pretty well, which probably helped then decompose. Cheers
from aryssa90 :
Thank you so much for your sweet note. Sometimes it’s hard to allow myself to feel things 💚
from glorycloud :
The volunteer at the library used books store The Book Nook going on 11 years. I love books and the Book Nook provides for me used books plus it gets me out into the dead American world-hope all is well peace Jonny
from i-am-jack :
You are such an incredibly kind soul! You left me that very empathetic note the same day you posted about losing Sadie. I hardly know what to say. You took the time to read my stuff and leave a note when you have your own going on. It's my turn to relate, I lost my cat last year and I am still grieving. I feel your pain. They are family.
from misfitstray :
I'm so very sorry for your loss! ♥
from swordfern :
Sorry to hear about Sadie's passing. Sending hugs. I will miss hearing about her.
from curious-me :
I am so sorry for your loss.
from jarofporter :
sorry to hear about your pup, hope you're doing ok.
from life-my-way :
Oh Sue, I am so sorry about your loss. Reading your entry brought back all of the many times I've mourned the loss of a beloved pet. My love is going out to you and Malcolm, now and always.
from cocoabean :
I'm so sorry for your loss. (and Malcomb's) xx
from whystinger :
Yes Ma'am I agree with you, this odor is normal for something coming out in my sweat. Some of the experts claim this is wrong, but I believe they are wrong. I think it is a toxin or something. This hydrogen sulfide odor only comes out under certain conditions. Usually when I haven't been working out in a long time, then it comes out maybe once or twice after I have been working out a few times and have built up some endurance. I also notice that some foods will affect my sweat odor, but this was a bit different.
from glorycloud :
Notice you have not written in awhile. Hope all is well. peace
from linguafranca :
That was an amazing suggestion, and I will be doing that one at some point! Also meant to thank you for the other kind note you left recently. It meant a lot.
from i-am-jack :
When it comes to worth and redemption, it is all about your belief system I think. I have too much to say on that for just a note. What exactly does "worth" mean to you and what do believe it means to God if you believe? Most belief systems believe in some kind of judgment/evaluation after death.
from musikoid :
The "Island" seems like a cool place to be. I like peace and quiet too. I get it around my apartment - it being secluded - but not around town in general. Peace back.
from life-my-way :
Thanks for the sweet note, Sue. You're exactly right and I'm all down for being calm and positive going forward. Also, things are starting to fall into place. XO k.
from misfitstray :
everything's ok :) ♥
from musikoid :
I'll be back.
from musikoid :
I suppose it would depend on the definition of "soulmate." But I think I misspoke. I'm just trying to let people know that I'm not one of those people who's out looking for one. Also, some people are just meant to be alone.
from musikoid :
Wild child hippie chick? I think I married one of those once. ;) People often refer to me as an "aging hippie." Only with all the stress on me to succeed right now is more like an aging yuppie. But I guess that's an oxymoron.
from in19seconds :
You are always a refreshing read. I find all of your entries have an optimistic undertone to them even if the entry isn't meant to be optimistic. It's probably the hippie chick in you. My family used to live out in the country and every time there was a thunderstorm, we'd have to go out and cut up the fallen tree limbs. The trees were alive and well, but it was amazing how many limbs fell off.
from musikoid :
That's funny. I mix up p's and o's all the time, but I didn't put together that "bpp" was supposed to be "boo." I was on the Internet looking for acronyms. + I was reading glorycloud some years back, so you must have been around for a while. I'm glad you're not judging me on the Jesus thing. That's always my biggest concern, whenever I meet someone new. + I don't let too many people from the Internet and particularly DiaryLand into my world, either. I just had a hunch you'd be cool, and you are. Thanks for reading. :)
from musikoid :
I happened on you randomly because I read a note you left for i-am-jack. Wanted to share that I've also been heading toward more listening lately, less talking, more reading, less writing. My mind is a generator and it has a hard time being passive enough to soak in the scenery. Also interesting your son is 35, my daughter's 34. If you want to read me, ask for the password. If not, just thought I'd say hello.
from jarofporter :
being a listener is a great thing - i wish more people would do that.
from life-my-way :
I'm sorry you're sad and can definitely relate...but I'm less successful than you seem to be at putting the sad away and getting on with things. But I'm always trying to learn from you. And to your note--yes I'm looking for a new purpose. I'm tired of my job, but that's not the only reason. There's so much that needs doing in the world, it feels like, and now more than ever. Surely there's a better use of my time than what I'm doing now. We shall see. XO K.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for your note, sorry I worried you. It was a few things going on. Sometimes I get lost in my own head and lose time. Sometimes I get manic and get lost in a whirlwind outside my head of go go go, do do do. And again lose time. Sometimes I just numb out and watch too much Youtube. I've done all these things the last couple weeks and hell yeah it has been too hot.
from whystinger :
Thank you, I am pleased that it looks like I will get a better percentage of my voice back. Perhaps now the hard work starts for me...
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for leaving the comforting reassuring note especially when you have your own stuff going on. (((Hugs))) if that's okay. I am really sorry about your friend. It sounds cliche, but I really do feel bad for you. And I relate in a less personal way, my client's husband is in his last days. He has been in home hospice with brain cancer since last November.
from hitch-hike :
Hello, the fragile dream poem reminds me of what others must feel at the end of their life as their mind slips. It makes me thinks of my friend who is handling an elderly mother who is very ill, and says her memory is starting to slip. She was a very sharp and multi-talented woman, and this is how she may go. The second dream reminds me of the parts of ourselves that just don't see. Fragile nightmares talks about how an internal darkness becomes extremely restricting. The first poem gives a sense of fading that cannot be fough, while the second speaks of things that seem to not be able to heal. They both have a sense of... finality. Thank you for sharing!
from whystinger :
I am sorry to hear of your friend with cancer. Cancer does suck, even when curable.
from i-am-jack :
The first poem sounds like dying, the fear of losing your memories, dreams, identity. You want to stay alive/asleep. The second sounds more like being trapped in a horrible nightmare hell you can not wake up from.
from i-am-jack :
I don't know Natalie Standiford, but I can see how it might sound like I do. I looked her up and saw she is the author of How to Say Goodbye in Robot. My friend was an aspiring YA writer and wanted to get published. It was her favorite genre, so she read a lot of it. I teasingly ribbed her about it. When I looked up Natalie, I read some of the reviews and holy wow it really does sound like our friendship dynamics. I wonder now if the book as well as her therapist influenced her to leave me. From the reviews, it packs an emotional punch you're not ready for. She said she will never talk to me again or read it again, but she will always keep her copy as some piece of our friendship.
from swordfern :
The fragile dreams poem evokes that feeling of waking up from a sweet dream, of wanting to drift back into it, of the pain of realizing that it was just that - a dream. Thanks for sharing; it's a gift to read your poetry.
from i-am-jack :
And I am honored that you read and re-read and ponder my words throughout the day.
from i-am-jack :
First, I'm glad you are feeling better and didn't have to go the hospital. I am also happy that your husband took good care of you. Second, WOW thank you so much for that really deep note. I have way more than I can fit into a note on that topic. Probably enough to write a very disjointed, dichotomy of a book with no real conclusion. Because none of us really know. I range from nihilistic to a sense of eternal creative freedom in a Universe of infinite possibilities. I am spiritually bipolar really. I wondered if I existed when I was a little kid. What is alive? What is real? I'm really here? My sister experiences total insanity over this sometimes and I get close. She gets in this head space where she is the only real person and everyone else are dream people but most of the time likens this reality to a MRPG our souls are playing.
from dietcokegirl :
5/31/19 -Well... I use to live in Wisconsin, but I moved to Missouri in 2010. I miss home a lot. Missouri never feels like home. Diet coke is still one of my favorite things.
from hitch-hike :
5/25: Thank you!! That was a beautiful assurance :)
from whystinger :
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I missed the illness as I was out of town on vacation and pretty much stayed off-line. I hope you are over the illness. I think you spelled vasal vagal incident correctly. I have had a nasal vagal reaction (reflex syncope) in the past, so I understand.
from glorycloud :
glad to read your feeling better-peace
from swordfern :
Thank you for the beautiful note in the midst of your health crisis. So generous. Thank you.
from life-my-way :
I'm glad you share the sucky as well as the magical--both make up our lives. Hoping today is easier on your body and that you can enjoy the coming weekend. xoxo K
from swordfern :
That sounds awful. Sending healing energy your way. xoxo
from curious-me :
I definitely don't blame you for writing about your sucky day! It's a crappy situation (pardon the pun!) so vent away! I hope you are feeling better!
from i-am-jack :
I love the idea of you having an imaginary friend. I have done it.
from glorycloud :
I think it is fine having a fantasy friend. I do not have any friends. I do not mine being alone. I have my wife and kids/grandchildren. Now a dog down the street Ollie. peace
from jimbostaxi :
I vote yes on the imaginary friend lol
from whystinger :
Some kids make up imaginary friends. I made up one when I was a child. I was an only child until I was six and I was the only child my age in the neighborhood until I was about four, so that was normal and healthy. I think it would make for a great story as you say and I believe while it could be controversial, it would be healthy as you aren't close to many. Hell, when I am alone, sometimes I have conversations with myself. Sometimes in my head, other times out loud. Go for it and try it.
from life-my-way :
I like your friend idea and look forward to reading the story. One of my favorite books is about something sort of like that. Go for it, friend!
from cocoabean :
I can agree with you! I kind of have the feeling that I am my own best friend, always looking out for me and doing what's best for me. Yes!
from whystinger :
I am sorry to hear about Sadie. People (mostly non-pet owners) don't understand how our pets become a member of our family. They love us and we love them and they are an integral part of our family. What are your compression socks for? From your description of foot care, I assume that you are working on calluses? Have you ever slathered your feet with vaseline and then pulled a pair of white socks on before bed? That will help soften your feet.
from whystinger :
Exactly what I was thinking - i could check in on them if needed. One of the problems it there are so many who should be snoozed ha ha ha!
from jarofporter :
sorry to hear about your pup's health issues. aging sucks.
from cocoabean :
Yes, I did mean antlers. Duh.
from cocoabean :
Do you sell those horns?
from jarofporter :
hi! thank you for the note about my gma, i appreciate you taking the time to write it.
from whystinger :
I have temptations... some can be numerous.
from life-my-way :
I am prey to temptations too numerous to mention...but many of them. Just today I was tempted to quit my job and come home for a nap. But I resisted.
from whystinger :
I hope your foot is better soon!
from whystinger :
Have you played with Haiku? 5-7-5? So what happened? Cosita Linda reached out and like a fool, I answered...
from jimbostaxi :
3/2719- well done 👍 and forget Monopoly now I’m requesting Randy play me in a game of “Risk” the board game of world domination! Lol
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the chat :)
from jimbostaxi :
I hearby challenge Randy to a game of Monopoly and the winner gets extra chicken casserole:)
from swordfern :
Oh, my heart goes out to Laila. So far from home, scared of flooding, and the ache of missing her daddy who always keeps her safe. It sounds like you are doing everything possible to comfort her, to help her feel safe and protected. ❤
from whystinger :
Hmmmm, this is uncharacteristic behavior for your Granddaughter. I wonder if she is worried about the flooding, missing her Dad or something else or a combination of it all. Take some notes and watch. Do some gentle probing. Could be a phase she is going through.
from jimbostaxi :
Tuna soup is disgusting ugh the mere sight of it makes me cringe! I will give your way try to see how it tastes. Take my word for this I pass on the tuna when I see it like that and make my own creation.
from hitch-hike :
2019.03.07. The neighbors of the city haven't gotten used to the area's patterns and the need to prepare. I'm sure with some slip-ups (or water in the house), they'll catch on quickly. Thanks for sharing this because I think I WILL buy some flood insurance for my place!
from jimbostaxi :
That coughing crud’s keeping you up on top of all that shoveling and preparations your doing I don’t know how you have the strength! I hope you feel better soon and you have no flooding least granddaughter is coming over to lift your spirits that’s a good thing. Just had grand baby #5 feb 14 7lbs 15 ounces my daughter Darlene named her Valentina for Valentines Day . Peace
from swordfern :
Sending shovelling energy your way. You're a trooper, and Randy is lucky to have you. (I've been reading you for quite some time now... Hi!)
from jimbostaxi :
Ugh the flu was going around like crazy here everyone just kept passing it back and forth. I hope Randy is doing better and that was a very awesome setup you had to monitor him.
from life-my-way :
Thinking of you, hoping Randy's all better and that your many (clever!) precautions spared you a dose of whatever he had. While I'm away it sounds like everyone at work is getting flu-b. So happy to be missing that. Less happy to be missing reading you...but I am missing it. Hope things are more normal and you're back soon. xoxo k.
from whystinger :
It is amazing how our pets can give us unconditional love (Malcolm looking up at you with loving eyes) and that we can actually see (and feel) it. Happy birthday to your Mom, I hope she is doing well. How far away does she live from you? Just curious. I need to find and try some of those BioSilk products. I have had very good luck with Udderly Smooth (Udder Cream) and Cetaphil lotions. Eucerin and Aquaphor are also really good but they are so darn greasy!
from whystinger :
You and your challenges ha ha ha. I am still considering taking the no TV challenge for six months and it is a bit scary. Well, not scary, but could I do it?. I am glad that you limit the dog's time in the cold, that is important. It is also important that you maintain your feeders like you do - that is so important for the birds and squirrels. My ex would always want to take the feeders in during the cold weather. As far as dressing for the cold, I also layered, scarves, insulated underwear. Hell, when I lived up North, I would even wear insulated underwear under my business suit, I had sone that was bigger than I needed, so I would look normal with all my insulation. I would also wear an insulated undershirt, my shirt and tie AND I would put a pullover sweater on then my suit coat. Top coat over it all.
from life-my-way :
Thank you (xxx) for your note which, oddly, I had -just- finished reading in another diary (hitch-hike). Literally the last words in her entry and when I clicked on notes, the first words in yours. And they're perfect words, the best words. It's cold af here and I'm wondering how you and flood and other cold weather friends manage!
from glorycloud :
My wife and I went to my doctor this morning and he gave me a prescription for more powerful drugs for my pain. My doctor said it might take several weeks before I feel less pain. Thanks for the note. Stay warm and safe.
from life-my-way :
Stay warm and don't shovel yourselves into the abyss. Great snow advice from your friend in Alabama. XXX k.
from whystinger :
Part of it with this guy, whom I will call Dave is probably fear or maybe simply not wanting to change. The whole office sort of tip-toes around him because he has learned if he grumbles, people leave him alone. So yes, it has a lot to do about not wanting change. After a while, he realized he had someone's ear and the feedback he was giving (about needed change there) was some great feedback. This was and will continue to be an interesting challenge.
from whystinger :
OMG! I am the same way with my skin - so dry that I have to use lotion. You use lotion and it has to soak in and you freeze waiting for that to happen, Sheesh, I know how you feel!
from jarofporter :
i miss poetry as well, i just don't have the 'voice' for it anymore.
from in19seconds :
It was 48 degrees outside here, too, which is very odd for this time of the year. Normally we have winds so cold they chill you to the bone. I don't miss that part of winter, but it is pretty scary how abnormal the weather patterns are lately.
from whystinger :
I did forget your suggestion in my notes and forgot to mention it - about the no TV challenge. I don't know if I could do that, but I really should consider it as a way to conquer TV. Thanks for the idea.
from life-my-way :
I have no advice for you and always welcome yours for me. This year, I'll work on being more serene and mindful. More aware. Loved the description of you being aware of your surroundings. Happy New Year friend! (1/2/19)
from whystinger :
Yes, I split this message... Since C. Linda has "adopted" V's daughter as a granddaughter, perhaps I should adopt your granddaughter. Wish I lived closer. Funny that you mentioned the owls - last night about 8:00 PM I heard the owls calling to each other. Not the symphony I sometimes hear, but some nice single calls. I love the way you hear them calling from different areas. As for "being on guard" what I meant was to be prepared for a call or potential visit by C. Linda, have something to do so I can't shuttle her to the airport. I don't want to be living my life on permanent guard like I had to years ago when I dated a stalker... Peace!
from whystinger :
Happy new year! I'm catching up with my reading, both here and books. Interesting about the counting. I sometimes count things, but I have difficulty counting the houses in the neighborhood. Seems silly, but it seems to take so long to reach the next house that I get distracted and lose count. I must try in ernest again and see how I do. BTW, thanks for the notes. I definitely had a nice time with my family and that makes me realize that I need to build a better social life here. I also realize that my nieces are growing up, youngest is 19 and soon I will see them less as they carry on with their lives. Speaking of family, I hope you make the pierogi noodles with your Granddaughter. One of the reasons I want to learn to make the pierogi is so I can make noodles with the dough - I can't find the hearty noodles that I like when I make a nice soup or gravy.
from glorycloud :
have a blessed New Year!
from dangerspouse :
Catsoul! What a sweet, sweet note. Thank you so much, and I wish you exactly the same thing - for ever and ever also :)
from i-am-jack :
The crazy thing is when I was younger I was a morning person. I only needed about 5 hours of sleep and felt great. I worked morning shift jobs for years. I didn't mind getting up or only had mild morning blah. I think what did it was working a grave yard shift for 7 years, having horrible insomnia. Also taking psych meds makes me sleep 10-12 hours. This is a known side effect of Seroquel which I am on, but anything that has actually worked for me also has this side effect. I would rather be able to sleep than not, but damn. Also I worked several hell jobs consecutively for years that trained my brain to hate getting up even more and hate just going through another day. All I did during that time was work, drink and sleep pretty much. I think the insomnia made me a binge sleeper once I could, the meds make it too easy, and I associated sleep as the only peace I had for years. Now it's a matter of trying to deprogram years of bad programming.
from thruthecrowd :
Thank you, I really appreciate your note. <3
from whystinger :
Sounds like rest was in order! I have times like that where I need extra rest and my body lets me know. I applaud you to getting the rest you need.
from in19seconds :
I am so sad to hear about Abby! The same thing happened to my great Aunt Anna's poodle, Florette. I hope the male dog is mending well and that your friend finds peace after such a tragic loss. On a lighter note, your chili sounds delicious. I will have to try to make some that way sometime - although I'm not much of a cook so it might turn out absolutely horrible.
from whystinger :
I love garbanzo beans and make a lot of hummus with them. You can mix them with extra virgin olive oil, salt and spices and bake them for a snack. I am sorry to hear about your friend's dog. I have heard of old dogs (and other animals) going off to die by themselves, so that may be what happened. Sometimes they want to die on their own terms. The dog could have chosen the time she left to die. Sometimes I feel our pets stay longer for us, even thought they are in pain. My feelings are like your, our pets are integral family members.
from dangerspouse :
I love chili! Never made one with garbanzo beans before though. That's too cool. I wish I could have tried yours! (Shame it doesn't make you fart, though. That's half the fun.)
from i-am-jack :
I think everyone goes into hibernation mode this time of year, between the cold and the shorter days. Once I get used to the shorter days, I really enjoy the winter, post holidays. The great indoors anyway. That's cool that you had your turkey feast early, nothing wrong with that. It seems that not faking it anymore is something each person has to arrive at in their own time. I am not there yet, but I am starting to at least move in the right direction. The holidays are a good place to start. I enjoyed my macaroni and cheese and my pie.
from jimbostaxi :
Happy belated bday greeting! And yes baby hugs are the best :)
from theshivers :
Happy birthday! I hope you treat yourself to something nice!
from cocoabean :
Happy birthday!
from whystinger :
I know that I mentioned that I use a small hand barbell as a foot roller. I am thinking of getting a commercial foot roller... Since I began running again, my plantar fasciitis flared up, but then dropped into control much better. Probably the movement and more stretching.
from whystinger :
By the way, I don't think I mentioned to you, but I keep raw, natural, local honey at home for my allergies and same with sugar. I use a raw sugar syrup that friends and I make from sugar cane they grow... that is what goes into my tea and coffee.
from whystinger :
I don't have a foot roller rocker, but I do have a golf ball and I have a hand held barbell that I put under my foot and roll it. Same for the golf ball. Great idea!
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note sue, I’m still kind of up in the air about the whole thing but it felt good just coming here and talking about it for a bit.
from whystinger :
Congrats on the upcoming marriage. Keep your eyes open around your granddaughter with the mom marrying the older fellow. With luck, she is marrying someone older to work on daddy issues. Keep your eyes open in case he is a perv who may be interested in kids. I'm hoping the grandchild's Mom just has daddy issues.
from whystinger :
The envelopes can work so well! I can't imagine misplacing an envelope with that much in it, then finding it. Glad you invested in stocks. We should compare notes about that sometime. My folks are 80 and 83 and my Dad keeps busy and gets my Mom involved. I think that helps keeps him younger than his age. I need to get off my ass and keep busier, watch less TV and do the same as my folks. I wish they would go to the Y or an exercise class. Hell, I need to also. Maybe I won't do an update and instead will go walk this morning.
from cocoabean :
If you ever want a few days away from the cold, fly on down to Tucson and stay with me!
from i-am-jack :
Thank you too for the warning. Yeah I am definitely going to leave it alone. I have bad enough nightmares as is and I am not in a good head space to begin with.
from glorycloud :
You must be remembering Tom's book 'Crying: The Natural and Cultural History of Tears' by Tom Lutz. peace
from jimbostaxi :
✌️Hi sue thanks for the note ! :) hope all is well with the family
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for checking in on me, I have been unusually busy this last week, under too much stress and and feeling exhausted and sick. Still feeling tired and sick today, but I am trying to take it easy.
from hitch-hike :
Thank you for the thoughts about souls and the end-of-life. It was something completely new and initially unsettling. It reminds me that instead of getting too swept up the the emotions of loss, there's something to be gained by being mindful of what is happening, and to focus on the person and their experience for that time so it can help them transition.
from glorycloud :
My wife bought bagels and cream cheese because they were on sale. I told her such food is fattening. I rather eat oatmeal in the morning and not a bagel. I really do not like food in general. peace
from misfitstray :
Thank you! Orals are tomorrow. I'm nervous, but I'll pass, I'm pretty sure. Take care!
from whystinger :
I resent the email and I had pulled up an email that you sent me long ago, so the address should be correct. Check the SPAM box. If still no go, then send me another email at whystinger"at"
from whystinger :
I sent you an email, let me know if you get it okay.
from whystinger :
I am sorry that life is solitary, I wish Randy was a bit more into making time with you. I am interested in the ointment and teas you make with the wild flowers and herbs.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks so much for being reading and being so supportive and encouraging. I recently lost my emotional support cat in February. I haven't slept peacefully since. I still have one remaining cat, a little siamese mix that adores me. I don't have the same bond with her but I do love her and she is ripening into quite the cuddly marshmallow. She actually begs to be picked up and hugged, very strange for a cat I know.
from whystinger :
Ok, I will jump in. I didn't know if you're using the abbreviation GB as a way to be discreet or were just cutting key strokes. Yes, I lived in Grand Blanc, MI long ago and I forget that y'all had some ties to Green Bay. I thought and thought and couldn't come up with a place with the GB initials in Michigan besides Grand Blanc, but I forgot to think outside of Michigan. While Michigan and Wisconsin seem far apart, I forget that there seems to be a lot of cross movement between the two states. Hugs.
from whystinger :
I agree, being hungrier and eating more can help. I hope you do gain back some of the weight that you lost. You mention GB. I used to live in a place with the initials GB, near Flint.
from glorycloud :
thanks for the Happy Birthday! wish
from cocoabean :
Got two kitties yesterday, they woke me up about 2:30... and I was dreaming that I took them for a vet appointment and was really late for work. Glad it was a dream!
from whystinger :
Intersting, I didn't think of the keys as to unlocking as it was keys to the car, but I did think "hmmm, this is the remote key fob, I can get into the door. I wonder what my subconscious is unlocking or wants to unlock? Thanks!
from curious-me :
Love your spontaneity & that it worked out for you! Enjoy the time with your grand daughter!
from life-my-way :
Mail on the way to you and Layla! (7/31/18)
from whystinger :
We are perfect as we are... You may enjoy and get some good things from reading "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. I have read his book "The Fifth Agreement" and am currently working in it. He has written several and they really resonate with some of us. Peace!
from whystinger :
I sometimes get tired of hearing myself, so I understand. It is within our power to change what we hear ourselves say. I can recommend a book and you can also find it online in Youtube. Email me if you want to know about it. I am trying to make more positive changes in my life now too, once again...
from glorycloud :
I need to get rid of a couple thousand books maybe more. I wish I could call someone and ask them to come and take around five thousand books for me.
from hitch-hike :
Thank you for the backstory! It's always interesting to learn about the path from there to here. I sometimes find something new when I share mine; maybe it's all about perspective!
from glorycloud :
I will tell you in a few words how our oldest son Caleb and his wife Emily bought a house down the street from us. Our daughter-in-law Emily was at the Lake with Josie and our daughter Beth and her girls-Emily heard these two women next to her talking/mother and daughter-the daughter was going to put their house up for sale-Caleb and Emily have been thinking about buying a house but they are very expensive in Grand Rapids where they currently live-here in Holland houses cost a lot of money but not as much as in Grand Rapids-example a average house would cost Caleb and Emily $3000,000.00 to $4000,000.00 in Grand Rapids-here in Holland you can find a average house for around $195,000.00-so Emily says the young woman that they were interested in buying a house in Holland and the woman says their house is on 30th Street/Emily tells the woman that her father-in-law and mother-in-law live on 30th Street also-Emily comes to find out the house for sale is down the street from us-so Emily tells the woman that they would like to look at the house-the woman says sure come by-so to make a long story short Caleb and Emily looked at the house and decided it was a kind of house they would like to live in-the house is in good shape/been taken care of over the years/new roof-also the next door neighbors are friends of Carol's my wife who has known them for many years-well this is a short summary of how our son Caleb and his wife Emily are buying a house down the street from us-yes Carol looks forward to having the grandchildren down the street/Now not everything is fixed in stone right now but right now it could come true depending on other things/too complex for me to explain.
from glorycloud :
No I have not missed a day writing in my paper diary since the 1970's. I write all the time. I am a writer. Writing is like breathing for me. I hope I am able to write as I am dying. Do you write every day in your diary. I have been curious what kind of work did you do in the past? peace
from theshivers :
Ugh, it is so hot here, too. I hope you manage to stay cool until it passes!
from misfitstray :
Why don't you buy peeled sunflower-seeds for your birds? You won't have to pick up the shells and the birds would have an easier snack...
from hitch-hike :
Thanks for the note! I’ve gradually been learning more about having high sensitivity and what it brings, including the many inter- and intrapersonal challenges to having to handle all the information. I’ve come to realize many of the lifestyle choices I made are things I do to manage it. Sometimes it is frustrating to not “be normal,” but on the other hand, it has helped me and others tremendously. I suppose if it disappeared, I’d be confused because at the same time, it is like an inner compass. I’d be glad to talk about this because iI see new dimensions of this the further I go in life.
from life-my-way :
I hope my card got there in time for Leila to see it, too. Do you guys facetime while she's away? Or skype? She'd love that, I'll bet you both would. I've brought Boo home with me and we'll see the doctor tomorrow. I wonder if he has the same issues with that house that I have...we'll see.
from life-my-way :
I'm so excited that your young buddy will be there soon--this time tomorrow! Lovelovelove reading about your adventures in peace and love and nature and critters. You are an amazing grandmother! XO K
from whystinger :
I would have to say that I am attracted to Cosita Linda but I really don't want to do another long distance relationship. She's 2500 miles away, I won't be able to see her when I want to, only when I can afford to. With all the work travel, I am only home on weekends, this would make that even worse. Then there's the piece where you really don't get to know the individual and some things can be hidden from you. Honi managed to Hide a most of her demons from me, I believe, due to the distance that separated us. I'm not saying she's like Honi, but her falling so madly in love with me does worry me. She does say "God will bring us together if it is right." This will be interesting. It will definitely be a growth moment.
from life-my-way :
I love reading about Layla and cannot wait for her visit. Y'all have the best time and are the best hippies. XOXO
from jimbostaxi :
I see Dland is working fir the moment :) dropped in to say hi
from glorycloud :
I was finally able to read your diary today! missed you-peace
from curious-me :
Glad you are okay - that sounds scary as crap!
from glorycloud :
what a memorial day party who had! glad you are OK
from misfitstray :
OMG! I'm so glad that you made it through this. What was the cause of your anaphylactic shock? I hope that you are back to your normals soon with caring for your family, pets and garden! Take care, better care, my dear! ♥
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for reading, relating and leaving me a note. I feel less alone and a little more validated for it.
from whystinger :
You are such a sweet heart of a neighbor!
from cocoabean :
If your son is like mine, someone reminded him about Mother's day! LOL also I have a new blog, think I emailed you about it....
from curious-me :
Thanks for the note! I don't think my feet have touched the ground since we left the doctor's office! I definitely have a very vivid imagination and am glad to let it rest for a while!
from linguafranca :
Thank you. Yes, I know it’s not normal. I am waiting for the nurse to call me back, and will make an appointment then!
from jarofporter :
thank you :-)
from whystinger :
We needed rain here and got some. We will need more rain shortly. Interesting about the 23 year old neighbor. When I was in my mid 20s, I worked for an asshole boss and came really close to either finding a new job or becoming a wilderness and hunting guide. I was leaning towards a guide until I got a teaching offer, then was transferred to a different asshole boss, but I managed to survive him. Have your neighbor go buy boxes from Uhaul or send him to a liquor store and ask for boxes.
from nineofswords :
Thanks for the nice note. :-)
from college-kid :
I will write you a letter if you're comfortable sending me your address. I've always wanted a pen pal and I feel like letters are a dying art. You can send it to [email protected] :)
from life-my-way :
Hey! Send me your address and I'll send you a letter--FB message it to me. I asked Bill for a letter for our first Christmas together. It's small and written on wrapping paper but it was nice of him to try. Hope you're well. XO from Alabama
from hitch-hike :
I hear you about the aging pets. Three of my friends are contending with their pets’ conditions that signal their end of life. My mini-dachshund will be 9 this month and I’m thinking about what may or may not happen with my aging companion! She is getting more white around her mouth and nose which makes her look— distinguished. It’s the physical conditions that me me wonder! I hope the vet results are favorable!
from whystinger :
Thanks for the note. My surgeon has been hesitant to get me vocal therapy and also do some interventions. Current theory suggest that the therapy and interventions help heal... He may have caused the damage too, albeit by accident. If that is all she wrote, then that is all she wrote. Still, they want me to wait another five months before they go for a permanent fix. So what will I do? Same thing I have been doing - just simply deal with it the best I can.
from linguafranca :
Haha, that’s true. I already am getting ideas for more...I think the long tattoo drought is over now.
from life-my-way :
Friends are out here, too, when you feel like being less alone. XOXO
from theshivers :
I am here reading you, too! Stay warm!
from life-my-way :
Thanks for the note! I wish you and your pups could come down here where they could pee in the green green grass with gay abandon. Or whatever kind of abandon they prefer, not judging. Hoping it warms up for y'all. XO
from life-my-way :
That food reaction sounds terrifying! I'm so glad Randy was there to help. And also glad that Malcolm is there to help Sadie. XO
from jarofporter :
cutting trees & splitting firewood is something i enjoy, sitting around a fire is nice too. thanks for the note. :-)
from life-my-way :
Sending love and thoughts of peace your way. We all do the best we can and you do very very well.
from linguafranca :
Can’t do that...she’s 88, Ingotta be the loving daughter. There are worse mothers out there. She does genuinely help and can be very good with them sometimes. She just can’t let go of her instinct to criticize and correct through shame. There are things she could do that would get her banned, but she hasn’t done them (yet), thank goodness.
from linguafranca :
Awww, thanks. I appreciate it. Q and E would be easy enough to deal with, but U has such defensive hostility against any unfamiliar grownup, it’s unbelievable. He just doesn’t recognize a need to take direction (or gentle suggestions, or accept help) from anyone, least of all adults who are not family members. And he will go out of his way to demonstrate that so everyone is clear about it! But I think it’s also the tattoo guys schedule that is to blame— I said any time in early April, and that’s the soonest he had. Hoping we can get it going right away after that. My copy of the print of the design hasn’t arrived yet anyway, and it would be useful to have it when we meet.
from whystinger :
Sorry to hear your husband was passive-aggressive. I wonder what his problem was.
from life-my-way :
I relate to you all the time, but I especially relate to you right now. I spent the night at the ManHaus (as I now call the house where B and J live) and was reminded of why I felt like I needed some serious time away. Serious. Passive aggression is the pits. Being a big ol' funless martyr all over others' fun is also terrible. Thank you for being such a good example of staying in the moment and going with the flow. You rock!
from cocoabean :
Just part of why I'm not married anymore....
from glorycloud :
I did not write the story 'He Worked' Dan poser or prophet wrote it-check out his website-
from whystinger :
Heavy snow... wow. It is raining here and I am glad - we need the rain and the tree pollen is bad.
from whystinger :
I see it in your archives. Very odd that that happened.
from glorycloud :
Why not put on your garage floor mats to walk on therefore you would not slip on icy garage floors?
from whystinger :
It is March 4 and I see you online. I hope you are putting in an entry. I hope all is well.
from whystinger :
Picking up dog poop. In the winter where you are, it is good to go on steamer patrol. We called them steamers because when the dog would poop, you would see steam rising off of them. I preferred to wait until they froze. That way, you could pick them up with your fingers... eeewwwwwwww! Just kidding. Even when frozen I would use a shovel, even though it is just poop.
from whystinger :
I am glad that you did something for you. You definitely deserve it.
from whystinger :
I was applauding you for removing socks before climbing on the chair (for better traction) then you fell! I hope you are ok and didn't get hurt.
from whystinger :
Hell yah! an hell yah for the cutting of the oak tree. Those definitely are a lot of work to clean up. Hell, I am still figuring how to finish my clean up.
from stormysky :
Thanks for dropping me a note :-)
from cocoabean :
I love my electric mattress pad! Best thing ever!!
from jimbostaxi :
I’m so sorry to read that Taffy passed away :0( and thanks for the note about that lady I mentioned in my diary. I thought I had it all figured out when I first learned he was leaving his mom and moving away, I was going alert everyone I could and save her from dying. Then I spoke to the lady and she begged me not to get involved she was of sound mind and it was her house and she didn’t want to lose it and go anywhere. I feel terrible But I’m going to respect her wishes and not get involved. I wrote that entry cause I have a lot of guilt about not being there for my mom but I can’t let that cloud my judgement about helping this lady.
from misfitstray :
I'm sorry to read that Taffy passed away. I still can remember that entry where you wrote about her becoming a family member. I really know how hard it is to loose a family member and I know how much you love your animals. They will always leave a hole in our hearts when they have to go. You should be happy about the thought that you gave her a loving and caring home for her last years in life. I guess she was a happy cat while living with you. People could hurt you but your animals never do. They are always your best friends. Take care my dear. ♥
from jarofporter :
thanks for the note! :-)
from whystinger :
Cell phones are a mixed blessing. I have to say, you saving up is awesome. Honi would have pissed that all away by now.
from curious-me :
I am so sorry to hear about Taffy. I know you will miss her terribly but knowing she is not in pain or suffering will hopefully help you heal. Thanks also for your suggestion, I wish it was that easy with my clothes but if I don't weigh myself weekly I lose focus and start cheating just once....then get the picture. I'll smarten up one of these days! Take care
from glorycloud :
sorry to read about Taffy passing away-it had to be-poor little kitty-it is always painful when we lose a friend-we can remember all the good times we had with our friends-peace
from life-my-way :
I'm so sorry, Sue, and I'll miss Taffy right along with you. She really won the lottery when she took up with you at your old workplace. You're a great cat-mom. XOXO
from cocoabean :
from glorycloud :
How is Taffy doing?
from whystinger :
I am sorry to hear about Taffy, but she will know when it is her time. This is a difficult time for you and all animal owners (especially cat and dog owners) who bond with these pets and non-pet owners really don't understand how these animals are such a big part of our families, but they are. Hold Taffy, she may be scared or she just may be trying to let you know that she loves and appreciates you. Rescue animals seem to realize their such at adoption and appreciate us more. We had to put our Maine Coon cat down a few years ago (when married to Honi) and that was hard for us both. He got to a point where he was beginning to suffer and we didn't want him to suffer. I still think of him often and miss him.
from nerryna :
sorry about taffy. how is she now? hope she's better and things are ok. it's always the hardest when you don't know what's wrong.
from whystinger :
I am sorry to hear that Taffy is not doing well. Perhaps take Taffy to the vet and see. Sometimes when cats get old, things happen, illness comes on but sometimes there are cures. One of our cats did this when he got old and he stopped eating. He was stopped up with a hairball that he could not pass. Some medicine and he passed the hairball and lived a few more years. I have seen this with some other illnesses. Perhaps it is Taffy's time, but perhaps not. See the vet and find out. Hugs.
from glorycloud :
poor Taffy-my heart goes out to you two-it is very painful to lose a friend-but she can't live forever-if she is not in pain I would let her die peacefully-or you could put her to sleep-such a hard decision
from life-my-way :
I am so sorry to hear about Taffy. Pets, they bring so much joy along with the most cutting heartbreak when their time comes. My 15 year old Siamese cat still looks and behaves like a young adult, but I brace myself knowing that her time is probably not so far away. You and Taffy will be on my mind and in my heart, and you'll know what's best for her as you always have. XOXO
from dangerspouse :
I am very sorry about Taffy. I'm a cat person too, and it's devastating when our little buddies start declining. I think you know what to do, deep down. For the cat's sake, please take it to a vet. It's obviously suffering. You wouldn't refuse medical care to any other loved one who hadn't eaten or pooped in days. Please extend this kindness to something that's loved you in return.
from i-am-jack :
As for age and self doubt, when I was a kid I used to think one day I would grow up and have no fears. I would be as wise, strong and infallible as I saw the adults around me. Only to find out it's all an illusion. We are just bigger older versions of ourselves. We are still human and self doubt is very human.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for your thoughtful note. The other day we had a quick break in the cold. It was 54 for one day and then back down to freezing the next. So I made sure to seize the day and get to the park. It had been so long. Too long. I used to go to that park or another one several times a week, almost daily sometimes. I realize that me and the Earth don't hang out nearly enough anymore. Nature heals. Underneath all my pain and anger, I am just this big old romantic hippie.
from whystinger :
You are an angel to people!
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for your note. I emailed you a password.
from glorycloud :
You also have a blessed New Year!
from moonbeams :
HI! Happy New Years staying toasty inside! That sounds marvelous. Just curious...why aren't you able to eat red meat and spices ever again? Have you tried probiotics to aid wit your digestion?
from cocoabean :
my friends and I were discussing that we might be able to stay up for the east coast ny eve... at 9pm. any celebrating after that is not for us!
from cocoabean :
I always thought the increase in winter deaths was because the snow and lack of sun is so depressing that it affects people's moods... and when you're down in the dumps, the illness has a chance to hit. That's why I love California, the sun shines almost every day.
from whystinger :
I too liked to shovel sugar snow. I think you should definitely write down your dreams and that way you will have a log and can figure out some things. I sometimes do that but not much lately, although I have one that was short that I really should write down. I hope you get more sleep - Im not sleeping so well lately and I don't know why. Maybe when I go visit family. I usually sleep well there.
from hitch-hike :
Wisconsin? Cool! I've never been to your fine state, but we always used to boast we had better beaches (lol).
from moonbeams :
Regarding your Entry "Dream State": Are you sure that isn't a past life you are describing? Quite possibly you are dreaming that because that happened? I dunno. I don't know if I believe in reincarnation. I don't think there 100% proof either way. I am Catholic...practicing, too. And we're not supposed to believe in that notion. But you never know....
from hitch-hike :
I thought so!! I miss the midwest; I'm from Michigan. I've learned so much about midwestern attributes after living in other regions: being down-to-earth, hardworking, pro-education, and wanting to do a job well. I am very proud to have grown up there!
from hitch-hike :
Where do you live? Everyone has snow this week along with cold (lol), but I was curious!
from dangerspouse :
from dangerspouse :
Lol, thanks for the home remedy! (Sounds like a recipe for one of my college dorm "cocktails".) Er...but did you read the entry? It was about roof shingles, not the herpes kind :)
from jimbostaxi :
Thank you ;0)
from jimbostaxi :
You ever feel like your the only one sounding the alarm about something and everyone just looks at you or treats you like concerns don’t matter. I don’t really have the ability to worry a little about something it’s either I’m in full alert or I’m a hollow shell no feelings. “F” came back from watching the granddaughter the other day and could barely breathe no one cared... I’ve spent so much time with her at the hospital over the years I’ve lost count... I’ve been there with her when I’ve had no sleep just sitting by her bedside,,, it fills me with terrible sadness even trying to elaborate to someone else how I felt. I’m sitting in my car right now just crying as I’m writing this and nothing bad has even happened. It’s just I don’t want to feel sad I don’t want to go back there I hate not being able to control that. Idont know what the fuck I’m saying ,,, I just try my best to keep her safe and well but sometimes my best is not good enough. I can’t talk about this anymore I’m too sad and I have to compose myself and go to work. Thanks for listening :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Morning, nope even as and adult never got the game system I wanted :0( I can’t see spending all that money on that sort of thing when we need so many other things. Spending time with Jane really made me feel happy ,, and believe me I never say “ I’m happy” but yeah for a brief few moments I was happy.
from catsoul :
howdy do, I use unscented Ludiderm. I also use unscented for sensitive skin Dove bar soap when I shower. Hey you, have a great Sunday. Peace Out. =^..^=
from whystinger :
Which lotion do you use? I favor Udder Cream as it works well for me, doesn't irritate my skin and soaks in fast. I used to use Intensive Care, but it started to irritate my skin. I have also used some lotion with lac-hydrin but cannot use it when I am in sunlight or it causes sun sensitivity and a rash.
from curious-me :
Happy belated birthday! It's a weird thing to 'age' but yet not feel older on the inside (our minds)!
from whystinger :
My apologies. So how did I read your entry and not leave you a Happy birthday wish? Happy belated birthday, I hope is was a great day for you. Most of the trees that came down have pulled most of their own roots out when they fell. I don't plan on pulling more out. I will probably cut some of the roots off instead of digging them up. The majority of the trees that fell are also away from other trees so not as many roots are intertwined. Some trees were damaged (snapped off) that are close to other trees, but I plan on just cutting the stumps and letting Mother Nature dispose of them on her own time. Thanks!
from theshivers :
Happy birthday!
from cocoabean :
Happy birthday! Hope it was a good one!
from glorycloud :
Happy Birthday!
from hitch-hike :
Helloi! It was through these pages where I was able to process a lot of the grief that was so hard to talk about. Thank you so much for your thoughtful words and for the add!
from whystinger :
Sorry to hear you were ill, but glad you are on the mend!
from whystinger :
Fluid in the lungs is not good at all. If you want to know more, do a web search. Raking in 20 degrees - wow, that is cold. I am surprised there is no snow if it is that cold.
from whystinger :
We've entered the beginning of the raking season now and I have been raking up the debris from hurricane Irma (still) so I am tired of raking already. I hope you enjoy your granddaughter's party!
from jimbostaxi :
It was good to hear from you and I’ll let you know how it turns out :0)
from whystinger :
I read about the sunburn the other day but did't leave a message - I hope the sunburn is healing well. I have been burning and getting age spots from the sun, from not reapplying enough. As for the reading, I have a few books I need to read but just can't get going. TTYL
from linguafranca :
Hmm, weird. Maybe secret group is super secret? Well, if you tell me who you are I will friend you/add you/etc. I think emailing through Dland still works?
from linguafranca :
Yes! Sure. We have a little secret FB group for diarylanders in case diaryland ever disappears-- it's a secret group called A Temporary Group Name. Come join that and then I can friend you! (And you can leave group if you want, but why would you want?).
from jimbostaxi :
Hope you feel better soon,! I hate doctors but maybe they could give you something for that pain or see what’s going on.
from glorycloud :
What is wrong with your stomach? Do you need to see a doctor?
from whystinger :
As usual.
from whystinger :
Ha, you are so right. Thanks.
from whystinger :
Catheter is out. doc recommended I remove today and I decided to remove it. Pretty sore and some blood, but that is to be expected. Both worried and hopeful.
from whystinger :
Thanks so much! I love a good book.
from theshivers :
I'm going to have to check out that book! I love a good story that makes me forget the outside world :)
from whystinger :
by the way, sorry that I haven't been around much and didn't follow up on a few things yet.
from whystinger :
I had heard that empath skips a generation between... How long did you say you have been married? I just can't remember.
from life-my-way :
Write that book! It sounds amazing. Have you read A God in Ruins? It's sort of similar, but opposite, sort of. It's part two of Life After Life, but you don't really need to read the first'll makes sense anyway. Please write that. Please.
from life-my-way :
I love your notes. Thank you! XOXO
from whystinger :
I am on Facebook. I need to log into email and make sure I have your email address. Give me a few days and I will try to send you a message.
from whystinger :
need bigger than a shotgun... Hello!
from jimbostaxi :
Ever worry about the bear getting too close? I've been watching those Alaskan Bush people and bears good meat lasts them all winter maybe hubby would like bear stew alls mama got to do is get a trusty shotgun :0)
from whystinger :
When I encounter certain wildlife, it usually is a sign that I am headed for an awesome day. What are the triggers? Seeing a bobcat, fox, flock of turkeys and some turtles.
from i-am-jack :
Thank you for your supportive and encouraging note. It might not seem like it, but notes like that really help keep me going. As for honesty, being raw is the only way I can do this. When I first began, I wrote myself a license to be as horrible as I wanted. An asshole license. I need somewhere to get it all out. It really does help. Thanks for reading and relating. If you want to be more raw and honest with yourself, try keeping a private journal. Not only is it great for private release, but it gets you more comfortable and in the habit of venting with total honesty. If you want to share you can, but that isn't the end goal.
from jimbostaxi :
Did anyone ask you if you wanted the lake house? Being by the lake is better than snow
from whystinger :
New houses? Wow and at mid-eighties yet. Glad the lake house stay in the family too.
from jimbostaxi :
I don't know I just been in this rut for months,,, i just saw your note made me smile ty! Miss u too :0) now let's see if I could churn out and entry !
from bridrinkspee :
Hi! Sorry for getting back to you way late. I do wire rings, make bracelets, stone wrapping and currently working with resin (: what kind of jewelry do you make?
from whystinger :
I saw that you didn't update for about ten days and wondered. I guess you have been woking (biking) hard - sometimes it does a body good to get a rest. A good rest.
from whystinger :
We have had our share of rain here lately, but it has been needed. I planned to drop some fertilizer on the lawn before some rain and now the grass is healing and growing very well, even the weeds. Sounds like the fireworks were bothering the dogs? For some reason, fireworks have been going on for about 8 days here now. While I generally love fireworks, I am ready for them to stop for a while...
from glorycloud :
Rudy has cancer and the Vet could not tell us how long he might live. If he has another bad spell like yesterday we will put him down. Carol and I are very sad to know Rudy's has come to end of his life.
from whystinger :
Don't be around mean people and folks who bring you down. Instead, find some people who are nice (like you). No offense, but your neighbor sounds like an ass.
from cocoabean :
No, you don't need to take that kind of verbal abuse from a neighbor. I'm with you... just don't go over to visit. He probably won't get the hint, but it's not your loss.
from whystinger :
Yes, I love Robin Trower's Bridge of Sighs. I came upon that album years ago and put it on cassette. Somewhere along the line I bought a CD of it because I liked it so. I find much of it relaxing.
from whystinger :
I do enjoy the band called Live and after your note, listened to more if them. I absolutely love "Lightning Crashes." after listening, I figured out that they have written more songs I really like, but didn't realize they were the ones doing them. I also didn't realize they did Dolphins Cry. Alice in Chains has been a long time favorite of mine :-)
from whystinger :
Ignore the neighbor's texts for a while...
from whystinger :
I'm glad your granddaughter is spending time with you!
from curious-me :
Okay I have to ask how do you make your jasmine rice lol? I am not a big fan of rice at all so I was just curious in finding out how you make your tasty rice?
from misfitstray :
I love the movie "The cider house rules". I think that Tobey Mcguire, Micheal Caine and Charlize Theron were acting awesome. Even if the book is a lot more detailed and quite some details and scenes were left out it is still a great movie.
from life-my-way :
Happy birthday to Randy, and happy everything to you! I'm going to chainsaw the things this weekend and I'll be thinking of you. Cheers! XOXO K
from jimbostaxi :
She's doing her own thing and in a few months her baby will be here, I've accepted she's got her own life I can't hold her back. Thanks for the note :0)
from glorycloud :
I can understand your husband's reaction-my wife is also a very private person-she does not understand why I am always sharing with strangers my life-when I was working I had the company I was working for take out 20% of my paycheck into a 41K Plan. When I got fired from my job back in the Summer of 2007 I had a large sum of money that I took and put into a Edwards Jones Account-I use this money to pay for stuff like trips, books, a new stereo, cameras, anniversary gifts, etc. . . My wife has her money in a separate investment company-I use my monthy social security check to pay for books and CD's-but in the end we know it is the Lord who will take care of us in our old age-not saying I look forward to growing old and certain death-peace
from life-my-way :
Your message is wise and on point as always. I think of you and Bergen often as I try to navigate uncertain waters with John. The boys will be fine, the both of them, but the transition from child to teenager to adult is a stone bitch and I struggle with it. A lot.
from whystinger :
Happy Easter Catsoul! Ain't nothing wrong with a waterproof piss pad. I keep on on the guest bed.
from jimbostaxi :
Happy Easter! :0)
from dangerspouse :
My god - I just remembered I promised to send you buttons! Please accept my apologies. In the stress and nuttiness of my job situation recently, I kinda let a number of things fall by the wayside, and that was one of them. I'll try to remember to get on that right after Easter (we're having guests, and NewWifey(tm) is a cleaning tornado at the moment so I'm just hiding in the basement til the dust settles). You didn't erase that post, did you? I haven't written down the address, so I've got to go back and find it. Anyway, hope you're well and have a great East...ah, who am I kidding. I hope you get drunk and laid :)
from life-my-way :
Hey, dear wise friend! It's not that I'd have to leave, more that I have always had something of a "running away from home" fantasy (on which I have acted a time or two). I dream of a break from everything in a situation where, after a day of work in which I'm available to all and sundry, I could come home to a place where I'm available to exactly no one unless I explicitly seek out their company. So there you have it. I stay in awe of your calm and steady approach to life. Do you suppose it has to do with the amazing level of physical exertion you take on almost daily? I'm feeling calm and a little wrung out after today's big walk. Maybe I should try this on the regular with more constructive tasks (as you do). XOXO from Dixie, K
from whystinger :
I spent some time catching up from late March. I like Gatorade, especially when sweating a lot, vomiting or bad diarrhea. Gatorade really helps rehydrate. I had so much to say, now I have blanked out... I will leave more if I remember.
from curious-me :
Your granddaughter is going to have such Amazing memories of being with you and vacationing at your place when she grows up. Oh and that whole do you hear silence conversation blew me away! What a clever girl!
from life-my-way :
You are the best and the wisest, always! Thank you for insight, I'd never have looked at it so lovingly. I hope this means your body is back to behaving itself at least somewhat. How did you ever work? You're my hero!
from dangerspouse :
You are so sweet. Thank you very very much for the note, and the kind offer. Although I hope I never have to take you up on it, you understand :)
from dangerspouse :
Cool! Thanks for letting me know. I'll ask NewWifey(tm) if she has any surplus buttons hanging around from any of her stitching projects. If she does, and I can afford a stamp, I'll send them out :)
from dangerspouse :
Buttons? Like...shirt buttons? There are people who collect them?? Or did you mean like political campaign buttons and such?
from dangerspouse :
Lol - thanks for the note! NewWifey(tm) was hooked on Farmville for a while, not it's Candy Crush. I'd yell at her about it, but that would take time away from selling turnips :)
from dangerspouse :
What a sweet, sweet story about the "sounds of silence". You're lucky to have experiences like that which mean so much to you. (And to answer your question: no, I didn't make her dinner. Too sick to cook. But there was still plenty left over from St. P-Day! Woo hoo!!) :)
from whystinger :
I am glad that your Granddaughter is there with you. You are so good for her.
from glorycloud :
It is hard being a parent and a grandparent. I personally would not give any money to your son. He needs to learn to be responsible and reap what he sows. But I know a mother's love because my wife spoils our kids still even though they are all doing well marriage and job's etc. Life is hard-peace
from misfitstray :
you could write me an ecard. That would be much more convenient. But if you want to send something via snailmail a simple card will arrive too. We are not living in in the middle ages over here in Germany, even if it sometimes seems like it ;) Take care ♥
from glorycloud :
Our clothes dryer is going on 30 years old. That is a long time! We bought when we lived in Houston Texas back in the 1980's. It is amazing it keeps running. I do not know if we have replaced our washing machine. What always amazed me about Carol's mother when she was living-she never had a washing machine or a dryer. She washed all the clothes by hand and hung them on a clothes line either in the basement during the winter or outside when the weather permitted. Carol tells me as a girl she was always ironing clothes. Also Carol's parents had no heating on the second story of their house. Only the upstairs bathroom had heating.
from lust- :
Thank you. I appreciate it
from misfitstray :
I often have similar dreams like yours but I loose bigger things I don't find anymore like my car or bike. I think it's fear of loss. Maybe your fear of loosing one of your pets is getting to you. I think my fear is more of the material side.
from glorycloud :
hoodie site only one size left X-Large
from glorycloud :
I got the hoodie from a place called Death To The World-they only make a few once in awhile and it cost me $50.00! The hoodie is called a Schemamonk Hoodie-a Schemamonk is an order of Eastern Orthodox Monks that where this type of clothing-well it is distortion of this type of monk clothing-not full head to toe-look at Google images for a Shemamonk-our second son Josiah turned me on to this hoodie-I finally got one but they are difficult to get because who wants to wear a hoodie that says DEATH TO THE WORLD? hope all is well-tonight I posted a photo of me wearing this hoodie. peace
from whystinger :
Wow, that sounds like a bad fall. I hope you didn't get a concussion. Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better. Did you break or fracture bones? I hope not. I am sorry to hear about Sadie and have been sort of following when you write about her. Pets become such an integral part of our family and most don't realize that. We love our pets and they love us.
from berkinix :
Thank you for adding my diary to your list of favorites. I'm sure I don't deserve the honor. Also, I am so sorry to hear about Sadie. I've had my share of heartbreak when it concerns pets. I hope you don't have to let her go just yet, but when that inevitable time comes (hopefully that's still years away for you), hold on to all the wonderful memories you have of her to help you through. All the best to you and yours; I hope everything turns out alright.
from misfitstray :
Wow, what a fall. Glad nothing too serious happened. Get well soon and be more careful next time and take your cell with you - just in case.
from glorycloud :
Glad you are doing OK after the bad fall-scary! Hope you feeling better-peace
from jimbostaxi :
When you say cracked you mean broken? That's quite a scare you had I'm glad you made it back inside on your own power. I hope your head and arm heal up quick and please becaerful out there :0) peace out
from jimbostaxi :
She's safe at home and that's all the matters but if she was hurt I would never forgive myself even though it would not be my fault. Thanks for the note :9)
from glorycloud :
Rudy is doing OK today 2/4/2017-he will be 13 years old next month-he has gone balded and what little fur he has has turned white-hope Sadie is doing well today-death comes to all of us man and beast-peace
from dangerspouse :
LOL. Very exciting indeed! So did she ever end up leaving for work? If not, do you think she has the day off, is sick, or died? It's gotta be one of them....
from whystinger :
Interesting and deep entry. Part of the equation is: do you want them listening and are you being too quiet?
from dangerspouse :
Lol. Good answer(s). Now put that tongue back in unless you intend to use it ;)
from dangerspouse :
That's waaaaaaaaay too deep for a Monday morning. You been pouring NyQuil on your waffles again?
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thank you very very much for the birthday wish. That was so sweet of you. Of course, it's overshadowed by my thoughts of concern for both Sadie and Taffy. Whystinger is right about how we care for pets like they are family - since they are. I don't hope things resolve themselves for the best. My thoughts are with you.
from whystinger :
I am sorry to hear about Sadie. Vet care is still cheaper than human care I think. The thing most do not realize is how we love our pets and how much an integral part of our family our pets are. I still miss the little white cat that passed away and the part Siamese cat that now lives with my ex-wife
from swordfern :
I'm so sorry to hear about Sadie. xoxo
from jimbostaxi :
I'm sorry Sadies sick the cost of vet care is insane, but the price is irrelevant when your saving a member of the family.
from misfitstray :
I'm sorry to hear that Sadie isn't well. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are able to find something that will help through pain and age a little longer. ♥
from whystinger :
I spent a lot of time lotioning up when I lived up North. I have dry skin too. Try some different stuff. See if your local Walmart has "Udder Cream." No shit, web search it. Good stuff and works well for me.
from jimbostaxi :
wish I knew how :0)
from dangerspouse :
Wow, that was some back story. I'm honored you opened up to me like that. Thanks, and hang in there :)
from dangerspouse :
If only our screams were answered. I feel for you :(
from whystinger :
Stay warm. It is cold here too. I turned the heat on and had to put on long pants today. It will hit 35, while not as cold as I used to live in when I lived up North, it is cold for Florida. You use the abbreviations GB. I used to live in a GB.
from misfitstray :
Can't your granddaughter live with you all the time? I don't think that her parents are a positive influence on her growing up as sad as it sounds. It's cold here too. They say down to -10F next night *bbbrrrrrrrr* I wear a lot of layers at home too.
from whystinger :
As I have said before, I believe that you are a true blessing to your Granddaughter.
from whystinger :
Hey Catsoul, how do you... um never mind, I don't want to know... LOL. Thanks for the note! Ha ha ha, made me smile.
from jimbostaxi :
Im still kind of stunned about the whole thing, i love and miss her soooo much I'm glad she came to talk and include me in her life. 2017 brings new things I wonder what else this year has in store for us. Thanks very much for reading and the note :0)
from misfitstray :
The package is on the way since yesterday. I hope it will arrive soon :) I guess it will take like 2 weeks or so to arrive. I love your pics on fb.
from whystinger :
Re: Your 12.23 entry... so true!
from whystinger :
I made the buttermilk because I had too much milk. So far, I have used the buttermilk to make ranch dressing or to drink. I wanted the probiotics from the cultured buttermilk. Sort of same with the sauerkraut. So far, I have just been eating it raw (fermented) for the probiotics. Thinking very seriously of cooking the sauerkraut like my Polish Grandma did...
from whystinger :
What have I been up to? Besides a catheter (LOL). I have fermented my own sauerkraut and cultured my own buttermilk.
from whystinger :
Florida, what a trip. Lots of old people and serial killers. Just great to hear. I do still miss Georgia. Beautiful entry today.
from nineofswords :
The web address that sells the med massager is Please note that it is more expensive on the website than it was at Costco. I paid 199.99 for mine. So if you have a local Costco, you can get a better price. You should call in advance to see if the med massager is being sold in that store. The display was not a permanent part of my store.
from glorycloud :
American Transcendentalism
from glorycloud :
pictures of the old kitchen and new kitchen
from mistfree :
Welcome to lets-all-catch-a-cold weather. Freezing in the morning, warm in the afternoons. I laugh that I put my butt warmers on at 8 a.m., but by the time I leave the gym at 10 I've got the A/C running. Hope you found your energy and something to eat. Take care my friend.
from dangerspouse :
Lol. I don't think I've ever used a chainsaw in my life. That's what wives are for! BTW, I do hope your diarrhea has abated by now. Otherwise it would be really shitty.
from jimbostaxi :
Sorry for the delay getting back to you, she's out of surgery so far so good thanks for the healing vibes :0)
from mistfree :
I imagine your raking is really zen for you. It would be a chore for me. I smiled at cleaning out your planters because I've been doing the same all week and spreading the soil on our not-so-dirtlike-soil here. Hoping this will improve my flower beds in the spring. Still warm here during the days in the high 70's, but cooler at nights. Finally! Some of the local trees are starting to change colors now.
from dangerspouse :
What a wonderful way to look at it. That was really sweet :)
from dangerspouse :
You're going to be alone on your birthday? Say it ain't so, Joe! What's your address??
from glorycloud :
Friday is your birthday. If I was near by I come over with cake and ice cream to celebrate. Happy Birthday!
from dangerspouse :
Friday's your birthday? Toga! Toga! Toga! C'mon babe, let's par-tayyyyyyyyy!!! I'll make a nice Ensure cake and everything :)
from jimbostaxi :
Happy early 61st bday!!! Hope you have a fabulous day with the family :0)
from whystinger :
Thanks, I have been taking it easy. Maybe too easy, ha ha. I did start to work on my sleep and for some reason with the catheter, I seem to sleep a bit deeper, am puzzled by this? I was advised to put the bag in a plastic bag, but I am not sure that would give me enough freedom. Then again, a guy claims his buddy had his bag hanging off the shower handle and slipped and yanked the catheter out. So far, just taping to my body works well and if I slip and fall, it goes with me instead of staying on the wall LOL. I have begun to figure out how to deal with it and election day will be a day of BIG relief - I get the catheter out first thing, then I vote and hopefully NO MORE political commercials for a while. Thanks!
from whystinger :
Beautiful word really. I do hear you and you are definitely NOT nothing.
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note :0) Aaaa sue Its like a freaking soap opera over here :0( Abigail is doing well she's so tiny I can't wait till she's crawling and walking around. No time for any me things I'm just going to keep on working till I can't work no more.
from whystinger :
I hope you make out well with Sadie. As for the raking, I have a ton of raking to start here and our leaves are starting to fall, but our leaf falling season is long, as they stay on the trees until the new leaves grow and push them off.
from jimbostaxi :
Yeah, holding her brought out a lot of memories as far as being the baby soother I don't know about that lol lol we shall see how it all plays out once she comes home,
from jimbostaxi :
Lol, yep Abigail will now join the cast of characters at the compound Lordy Lordy I hope she's a quiet baby and likes to sleep :0)
from mistfree :
Deep in thought? I recommend the dancing! Just don't attempt any stupid moves like mine or you'll have a week of hamstring ouchys to remind you. LOL And I used to enjoy raking leaves too. Not when the wind would blow though and all my work was for nothing. Our trees here (a few Oaks and Crepe Myrtles) won't lose their leaves til December. And even then there just aren't that many. Pines and Palms fill the rest of the tree lines. They're all nice to look at.
from jimbostaxi :
Hi, thanks for the note I'm going to try and sit back and relax and have a few beers :0)
from misfitstray :
Thanks for the hint. ♥ It helps. I'm really wondering why the entries are not showing anymore since Andrew doesn't do anything at all.
from misfitstray :
as the tomatoes are on my little roof terrace they are pretty protected against too deep temps but I wouldn't drag them in and out like you do. I gave up hope to pick any ripe tomatoes for this season, though. I fully understand your aversion against going shopping. I love online shopping... The only thing I do is grocery shopping as it would be too expensive to do that online. Have fun raking. ♥
from mistfree :
Not that financial planning/burdens are anything to sneeze at, I'm glad it wasn't anything serious or health related! I'm sure we'll be advising and/or assisting our children with finances til the day we are gone. LOL - Best of Luck!
from mistfree :
No updates on your son's girlfriend and what she wanted?
from mistfree :
I can't imagine a life without mayonnaise. And I never imagined ever having to type that sentence. You may want to stay clear of South Caroline. They put mayo on/in EVERYTHING here!
from dangerspouse :
You poor thing! I don't know what I'm gonna make you when you come over for dinner now! :(
from dangerspouse :
Sorry for the delay responding. Still can only type sporadically. Anyway...woo hoo! That's so cool that you're Polish, speak Polish, have great memories, and keep them alive on FB! I really had my eyes opened to that wonderful community when I was dating that girl, and fell in love with the whole scene. It really does not get enough recognition, I think, considering all it has to offer. A lot of Americans not of Slavic descent seem to thing that the only things that area has to offer is polka, pirogi, kielbasa and vodka. There's so much more! One thing I love is the traditional textiles and fashions. They are so good with needlework and embroidery! The dancing is amazing! And man, when you guys get together with family or just a large shindig, you put us Italians to shame. Thanks for the great note - Dzięki!
from whystinger :
hoping you stay dry and safe.
from life-my-way :
Thinking of you, sending thoughts of dry basements and happy, zen-like granddaughter. <3
from jimbostaxi :
Locked up for the moment I will send you a message with your pass-ID
from swordfern :
Sept 10 - I've been reading your diary every now and then for a while... I just read your August entry about your reaction to the food... sound terrible, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It's not fair that you just eat a simple salad and that happens. Sending good thoughts your way.
from dangerspouse :
Awww, thanks for the nice note. And I was just kidding - there really are leftovers. If you hurry...... ;) (Oh, and to answer your question, NewWifey(tm) will not be returning til early October. *sigh* Looks like I'll be doing a lot of "substitution" dining.) :)
from bridrinkspee :
I love your entries! Be well
from dangerspouse :
Haha! Yep, as soon as I get the cast off nobody better get within 3 feet of me for a while ;) Glad to hear you got your toenails clipped! How exciting!!! :)
from jimbostaxi :
Don't think I haven't thought about it I most certainly have its just so hard spending money on myself lol. You know the deal its bills then everyone else then me that's what I was taught. Jeez I spent 55 dollars on a pendant yesterday and thought I might pass out! :0)
from whystinger :
Sounds like you are doing well. Side note: I am waiting to find out if I will be moving to Michigan.
from jimbostaxi :
I'm loaded with so much baggage I figure unloading some of it here might help,,, I wrote that entry when I was feeling very sorry for myself ,, it's hard to share stuff like that because it's that vulnerable side that I refuse to acknowledge... But I'm trying and you all get to see the show lol :0) best time for the FaceTime thing for me is usually 8-9am New York time peace out :0)
from misfitstray :
Don't know myself what's going on with this long episode of migraine. It will go away - eventually. I saw that you tried to contact me via fb last week. I only have the messenger on my tablet and the computer at home, thoough I saw it too late. Is there anything I can help you with?
from dangerspouse :
My god, don't you ever rest?? wife needs a husband like you!
from melodymetuka :
I am so glad to fead that you are home and okay. That is really scary. Stay well and Gd bless.
from jimbostaxi :
That's some freaking insane stuff you got going on over there, glad your feeling better. Have you spoken to specialists outside of your general area about that allergic reaction?
from life-my-way :
So glad that story ended well--terrifying! Take care of yourself and keep that epipen handy. Eat with caution and feel better soon!
from dangerspouse :
That's a good motto. I'm glad - amazed really - that you're keeping such a positive attitude. Well done! As for me, I've got at least 3 more weeks to go before they free me from this cast. Can't start PT til then. I don't mind though, 'cause that means3 more weeks of ordering wifey around. Woo hoo! :)
from dangerspouse :'re saying you just laid around and got nothing done? Nice! Just kidding of course. That was a harrowing tale of a really frightening event! I'm glad you lived to write about it. Hang in there. SKIP THE SALAD!
from misfitstray :
Wow, that was close. Glad you have your experienced husband. And I'm even more glad you made it out of this alive. I didn't ask you for a necklace but if I could felt something for you. I could do a cat or a dog if you like, or a little squirrel... I think I could felt nearly everthing but a peacock or porcupine
from glorycloud :
Glad you are alive-what a trial! peace
from catsoul :
Sure, what would you like. I make necklaces. If you wear necklaces what sort of type do you like?
from misfitstray :
I'm with you with the pine sap. It really doesn't go well with clothes. Maybe it would work on a clothes rack on one of your porches? I don't want to be a pain in the ass on this theme, but I just want to save environment where I could. Of course it's just me and my opinion. I won't bother you anymore. :) Take care! Oh, btw., you'd like to have a felted thing too?
from misfitstray :
Just wanted to ask why don't you hang your laundry since it would dry pretty quick in those hot conditions over there. You would save on environment and electricity.
from dangerspouse :
LOL!!! Thanks for the well wishes, and the rockin' shout out here in your own corner of the interwebs, babe! That was sweet of you :) But I don't know which is more scary: the thought of NewWifey(tm) cooking for me, or attending to my "personal hygene". Either one has me risking death, and possible jail time for her. (I will completely ignore your comment about 'not pulling it', because I'd have to be DEAD for me to stop. Just ask the clerk at ShopRite this afternoon.) Thanks again very much for your kindness, and I look forward to reading more of your pooper-scooping adventures when I get back. Rock on, Catsoul!
from dangerspouse :
I love that you make everything from scratch! You're my hero :)
from misfitstray :
I hope you are feeling better soon. Sending you some *hugs*
from whystinger :
I did not know you had BBB. Take care of YOU. I am sorry that he doesn't say "I love you" often, those things do help. I understand being lonely in a marriage and it really sucks. I sometimes think about being lonely in my marriage and now that I am divorced, why I am not lonelier. I do miss talking with my ex, but not much else, so I think I understand a bit of what you are feeling, well as best as I can. Hugs.
from dangerspouse :
I didn't know you had BBB (I should read more carefully I guess). That has to be very disquieting, to say the least. As is the lack of overt affection from your husband. That's one thing I've always tried to be cognizant of in my own marriage. It always seems to me that a constant stream of small acts of consideration and affection are much more conducive to happiness than long stretches of general apathy punctuated by grand gestures. I hope you can convince him to cater to your emotional needs more. That is very important.
from dangerspouse :
Wow, what talents you have! Very impressive. Thank you for asking, but I don't need anything created. I more asked because my wife is an exert at needlework, specializing particularly in cross stitching. She's now also a designer and teacher, and gets invited to shows and retreats around the country to come teach classes and vend her designs. I never really thought much about it before meeting her, but seeing the level of expertise it takes when it's done well is pretty awesome. I have a real respect for it now, so I was curious what your experience with it was. Very cool that you do so much, and have been doing it for so long! Bravo :) Ok, off to hug a tree as instructed....
from dangerspouse :
Do you cross-stitch, or do any other embroidery work?
from jimbostaxi :
It's like I just woke up after thirty years and realized I'm old,,,,just call me Rip Van Winkle from now on.
from dangerspouse :
Just curious - have you read the Harry Potter series yet? I'm ashamed to admit how much I enjoyed it, myself....
from jarofporter :
eye is better, as is the sinusitis. no pets; love cats, but i've been berated/browbeat for wanting to declaw, so i just won't have cats again, i guess. thanks for the note!
from dangerspouse :
Really? Cinnamon repels chipmunks?? I've gotta try that - we're overrun with the little buggers!
from glorycloud :
We had problems with chipmunks a couple of years ago-I bought from Amazon a chipmunk trapped and caught 13 chipmunks and let them loose out in the country-if I see more than five chipmunks by our bird feeder I trapped a couple and take them out to the country-suggest this idea to your neighbor-peace
from misfitstray :
How was your pudding, btw?
from misfitstray :
Looked up where Wisconsin is exactly. As I saw, it is still half the continent away from BC. There are the states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Minesota in between until I would arrive in Wisconsin. Though, I don't think I would make it that far east while I'm in Canada, sorry. *sigh* Even if I would love to visit.
from cocoabean :
When I was little, 2 of my favorites were mom's chili (eaten at room temp just before she'd put it in the fridge for the night) and mashed potato sandwiches.. also room temp, potatoes between 2 slices of home made buttered bread. Yum!!!
from dangerspouse :
You poor thing! Hope the GI issue settles down soon. No one likes being pooped.
from dangerspouse :
Woo hoo! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!! Yup, I think I'm gonna take your suggestion. I can't wait to see the look on NewWifey(tm)'s face.... :)
from dangerspouse :
OMG - GloryCloud didn't bring any books home? THAT'S ONE OF THE SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!
from thruthecrowd :
Thank you, again...I appreciate it. I needed that note, more than you know. <3
from glorycloud :
You can come over anytime and visit us-our door is always open-sorry to read your feelings were hurt-some people can be so unkind-peace
from whystinger :
Enjoy your time with your Granddaughter. You are a true gem in her life.
from thruthecrowd :
Thank you so much! <3
from whystinger :
I m glad that your guests enjoyed the food! As for your 05/16/16 entry and wondering why the Granddaughters Mom is such an irresponsible person? You have mentioned that your Son's ex has mental problems. The mental illness is what makes her make such piss poor decisions. I can't remember now if she is into drugs too, but if so, she is most likely self-medicating due to the mental illness.
from dangerspouse :
Congrats, Chef! Glad everything went well. What do you put in your salad dressing?
from curious-me :
What a good idea - prepping all that food before visitors arrive and letting them help themselves! No slave in the kitchen and you and your guests can enjoy time together!
from dangerspouse :
ALWAYS forget the dusting. It's like sweeping sand off the beach. You're never going to win, and it just takes time away from important things. Like mojitos! :)
from jimbostaxi :
Thank you for the kind words I do feel good! I accomplished sonething it's been awhile I forgot how giddy one can get :0) I do want another tattoo it's just hard to decide what ,, I think it has to be large to match the one on my other arm :0)
from dangerspouse :
Great menu! I'm sure your daughter and everyone else will love it :)
from dangerspouse :
Thank you for adding me in as one of your favorites. I'm very flattered. :)
from dangerspouse :
Gosh, I hope everything works out well in that the best choice is made for the long term care of your grandchild. It's very sad when kids get caught in the middle of adult mayhem. All the best that the court case goes as you hope.
from jimbostaxi :
Awesome pics now I want another one :0)
from curious-me :
I love the anniversary gift you are giving your husband - what a great idea! Happy Anniversary to both of you!
from jimbostaxi :
How bout s pic of that new tattoo :0)
from whystinger :
It is a pleasure to get into the woods and just relax and become one with the woods (or outside for that matter) and take a few deep breaths. Perhaps that is why I like my home - my backyard looks like the woods. Congratulations for cutting way back on diet Pepsi. I too, have cut back on diet soda and I have noticed a difference. After cutting back severely, I have pretty much lost the craving for diet soda and I feel better. In my opinion, it isn't the caffeine but something else in there. I have replaced the diet soda with coffee and water and both make me feel better than the diet Pepsi or Coke.
from whystinger :
She's a temp and I will probably not see her again. I did have an opportunity as I had to go back and have my bite adjusted, but was not able to chat with her.
from thruthecrowd :
Thank you for your note, it means a lot to me. <3
from jimbostaxi :
I wish I could go get banged up and be as high as a kite but it's impossible at the moment :0)
from jimbostaxi :
It's very discouraging being a trainee but I'm taking my licks and just taking it one day at a time :0)
from misfitstray :
omg, thankfully your granddaughter wasn't with her in the car! Maybe your granddaughter could live with you all the time? When the mother is that irresponsible maybe you could have a chance if you say something to the officials. Your son has to work all the time I guess.
from jimbostaxi :
I'm not officially and employee yet till I pass the road test but I'm pretty freaking close :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Thank you very much for the note Sue I'm going have to figure something out because I'm not doing the meat thing at all. I think I'm going to try nuts of some sort I'm not s big fan of beans. Good catch with the grand daughter :0)
from whystinger :
I need to spend some time learning to meditate and meditating. As for helping, that is wonderful, but I really hope that someone does something nice for you - that is only right and you deserve it. I think you should do something nice for YOU. Get a massage, a facial or something to take care of you. I am not usually the sort to do that for me, but lately I have been and it has helped.
from misfitstray :
I don't sign up a lot on fb for CandyCrush. I am so used to my username at, that I don't want to play with my real name now. I'm at level 1567 now. You play Candy Crush too? Thought you are just in for FarmVille. Nice to meet you on fb xo
from whystinger :
Gee, has it been that long since I have read your diary? I spent some time catching up and realize that I had previously read a few, but missed several. I have begun to eat some oatmeal but mostly when on the road. I still favor one egg in the morning, which seems to help me better than two eggs and toast. Let me know what you think about the book Nineteen Minutes. I may read it soon.
from glorycloud :
we eat Quaker Oats for breakfast-I started eating oatmeal so as to lose weight-I use to eat for breakfast eggs, meat, toast, coffee cake and coffee/orange juice-now just a small bowl of oatmeal. You should take bird photos and post them-peace
from misfitstray :
It is fixed now. :) Hopefully it will work. I tested it and it was ok. You should change your pw ;) Not that I would do anything with it, but one can never know.
from misfitstray :
The link to your profile doesn't work. You want me to fix it?
from curious-me :
The author was Jodi Picoult and the title was 19 Minutes. Not my normal type of read (I usually prefer lighter topics!) but this kept me reading non-stop. BTW I like the new look of your page - very nice!
from jimbostaxi :
Nice setup :0)
from misfitstray :
Glad you like it. :) You want any changes in the links?
from whystinger :
What do I do at the end of the day while traveling? If I am good, I run a few miles (every other day) and then get a light dinner. Then I should do paperwork and read. Sometimes I am just too tired and I sleep.
from misfitstray :
Sent the layout to your yahoo-emailadress. Is the one with amber eyes still actual?
from misfitstray :
do you have a pic somewhere of a mermaid you would like to use?
from jimbostaxi :
i will stay out of it thanks for the note :0) glad your feeling better
from misfitstray :
Thank you! I could help a bit with your design if you like. Mine are old ones of the old dland-times when there where more people here and with that tons of more designs available (as you can see on the no more functioning links to the design-links). Now there's noone here anymore, it seems. Just write me what colors you like and what picture you want. I'm not a geek when it comes to html but I can do simple things.
from whystinger :
I am glad you are feeling better!
from glorycloud :
Glad to read you are feeling better-Spring is coming soon-peace
from whystinger :
I hope you feel better and get well soon.
from jimbostaxi :
Feel better get well soon:0)
from misfitstray :
You poor one! Get well soon!
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note :0) shes mostly relaxing on my daughters bed now just looking out the room with those sad eyes but I'm sure she will perk up in a few days and be her normal self.
from dangerspouse :
Sloppy Joes! Mmmmmmm. Can I come over and steal...I mean, share some? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm....
from nineofswords :
Thank you. :-)
from glorycloud :
Diaryland is broken that is why nothing works-peace
from whystinger :
So your Son's ex-girlfriend told him to go screw - in a way, this could be great news, especially if he can get her to legally sign over parental rights. If I remember correctly, she was putting him through hell. I'll pray and hope all goes well..
from dangerspouse :
When will shovel manufacturers wake up to the fact that their handles are death traps?! Why can't they design a shovel without a handle, dammit, for women!! Jeezus, you poor thing. Be careful! :)
from glorycloud :
thanks for the note-stay warm-peace
from kseniacole :
Hi catsoul, I was wondering how have you been able to maintain GOLD MEMBERSHIP here at Diaryland, the reason I ask is because I paid for the upgrade and Andrew never upgraded it, I've emailed him tons, even messaged him on Twitter, but no responses .. any feedback would be appreciated.
from dangerspouse :
Yeah, the roof rake is definitely a necessary item for those of us in the Snow Belt. Good luck - don't hurt yourself. I hope there isn't too much more coming for you in this next storm!
from dangerspouse :
A big fuckin' thanks for the fuckin' awesome birthday wish, Champion Spellller Babe! Cake, booze, and blowjobs for all!!!!!!!!! :)
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the note, kiddo! And good luck at the clinic tomorrow. I hope it's not too uncomfortable :(
from wovoka :
keep on tor read human emotion..
from jimbostaxi :
Hope you feel better :0)
from cocoabean :
email the pictures from your phone to yourself, then you can pick them up from any computer!
from glorycloud :
Catsoul Diaryland has been abandoned by the fellow who started-I am hoping someone will take over Diaryland someday or sad to think take it down-but right now nothing works in Diaryland-I can not archive my past diaries or other things-disappointing to me-so do not buy a gold membership-a side note-I never watched football till I got married-my wife is into football-I do not think the Packers can beat the Panthers-but anything can happen in a football game-stay warm
from whystinger :
I have noticed the same with mosquito bites and poison ivy - scratch it and it seems to keep it alive longer. I have been bitten by a mosquito, had a BIG itchy bump and refused to scratch it and it went away in a day or so, versus having an itchy bite, scratching it constantly and having it last a week. out of the time I don't scratch the rash, but sometimes it has been irritated and it just gets the best of me... The coffee, banana peel and epsom salts worked well, THANK YOU!!!
from whystinger :
I think your husband is being a bit overly critical. I would agree with Glorycloud, that over the course of a marriage, people go up and down but it can pass and things can get better. I don't know if I am articulating this well... I hope I am. Hang in there and I hope things are better. BTW, thanks for the tips, I am trying them.
from misfitstray :
I feel with you and I know exactly how you feel. (((o))) Humans can be so unfair and cruel.
from glorycloud :
I think there are times in a marriage where we do not like one another-but they pass and love/understanding prevails in the end-I have come to see that love is not always feelings but a decision to love/care for the other-we have been married going on 37 years and I am amazed of all the emotions I have experience with my wife-all the ups and downs-the misunderstandings-the disappointments-the feelings bliss and the feelings rejection-in the end we love by will power-our lives are far richer by being married through the good and the bad-but I can feel your pain-we have to forgive and keep the channels of communication open-express to your husband your feelings/thoughts-be real, love should prevail hopefully-peace
from dangerspouse :
That's very sad. And all over a stupid football game. Seriously, what's more important: that, or a spouse? Do you guys at least have any common interests that you can engage in together? I hope football season ends soon so you can at least be spared this particular indignity for a few months. Sheesh.
from dangerspouse :
Oop! My wife is right - I don't listen to women. Lol. Daughter, granddaughter, whatever. It's someone smaller than you, that's what counts :)
from dangerspouse :
Woo hoo, a fellow treasure seeker! Lol. Yeah, I've gotta get some of those helpful tools you mentioned. When I went out that day all I had was a screwdriver to dig with, and...well, that's it. I couldn't find wifey's garden spade (I think she knew I was gonna try to abscond with it, and hid it before she gave me my present, lol.) You and your daughter must have a blast - what a great shared hobby! What kind of machine(s) do you have? Wifey got me a Tesoro "Compadre", and I just love it. Thanks for the great note :)
from jimbostaxi :
Happy new year! I hate seeing her like that I would do anything to change it. I was kind of shocked she revealed her sadness to "N" instead of myself I thought we were making progress aka baby steps in that area I guess I was mistaken.
from whystinger :
Just shy of 7 hours of shoveling. Wow, you have my respect.
from whystinger :
A guy with a huge mower? Is this the state or county doing this? The annual or semi-annual where they just ruin the crap out of trees and such as they "trim" them? Bless you for cleaning up after their mess. The key was interesting, that clearly was not your fault. That brought back a few memories.
from misfitstray :
It doesn't seem that winter is happing at your place either. Good that your car is fixed too. ♥
from jimbostaxi :
If you ever set up Planet of the Apes fort let me know ill play :0) had that as a kid:0)
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks sue ! :0) listening is easy the opening up and talking part is very very difficult.
from theshivers :
I'm glad at least someone understands!
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note sue :0) my back is starting to feel a little better now I was not prepared physically for the move. I felt very ashamed moving a box or two and almost having a stroke. Thank god there were people in better shape helping me otherwise I would not have been able to move.
from life-my-way :
Floating sounds grand. You are a wise woman and, based on your recommendation, I shall try to float more often myself. Float. xoxo
from cocoabean :
I remember driving one Thanksgiving from Oshkosh to Shawano and it being an intensely horrible snowy drive. Glad to hear you are staying home!
from glorycloud :
If you want a list of the books mentioned in my videos they are usually listed in my LiveJournal diary-
from melodymetuka :
Just wanted to say 'hi.' I'm sorry to hear about your granddaughter's mother. Hope the screening, and the drive to it, goes well. That is just too early in the morning!
from whystinger :
Just read your response to Dangerspouse and that said volumes! Part of Honi's issues stemmed from her parents being very dominating and controlling - I believe that is why she would constantly struggle for control, even going to the point of inventing issues so she could feel that "familiar and comfortable" struggle. Amazing!
from whystinger :
You are correct, one person cannot change another person. In order to change, one must want to change and have the motivation to change. This change is very difficult, (I know because I have been trying to change some things I want to change and it is a lot of work). All we can do is change the way we respond to that person and hope they will change their responses. I assume the alcoholic you mention is your son's "in-laws" and not your son. Alcoholics are an entirely different issue too. Alcoholics are too busy with their alcoholism to be in good relationships or be "healthy." All you can do is do your best, stay in the grand daughter's life and maybe change your reactions/interactions to this group. As far as for responding differently, I don't know if that would totally work with an alcoholic, I don't have the training or experience. I will never forget when I was working with a therapist on changing the way I respond to Honi. We did a lot of hard work teaching me to spot her manipulations and to think of alternative responses. Therapist sat me down one day and said "you know, I am trained and can almost always spot a liar. Either you are a super liar and are not doing what I taught you about changing how you respond to her and I just don't see the "liar signs," but what you are doing to change your responses to your wife should be generating a different response. Something is wrong."
from dangerspouse :
It has been my great misfortune to have had to deal with a number of serious alcoholics over the years. If I can just offer my one amateurish opinion based on nothing but experience and anecdotes, it's this: always dismiss out of hand anything an alcoholic tells you. Always. If two people tell you different stories about the same event and one of them is an alcoholic, always believe the other one. When you bathe a brain in booze it doesn't work any more. Memories are affected, judgement is affected, and truth becomes both relative and a casualty. That's how I experienced it, anyway. And since I like to generalize my own experiences to the experiences of others, it must be true for everyone! go tinkle again. You must need to after reading all this :)
from misfitstray :
Sorry to hear that it doesn't work out between your son and his girlfriend/wife. I really hope that everything will turn out good for your granddaughter.
from whystinger :
I need to learn to pace myself... definitely.
from dangerspouse :
Sixty, huh? Don't sweat it. And maybe take Groucho Marx's advice: "You're only as young as the woman you feel." Except, y'know, adjust that to your own particular gender and inclination. :)
from dangerspouse :
You must answer the call of the pillow. Must! The leaves can wait. :)
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note :0) I'm feeling a bit punchy myself ., hoping for a wave of good to wash away the bad
from enurta :
boobs are always yummy :D
from dangerspouse :
It must be so frustrating to see your granddaughter go wanting because of the failings of her father. Do you know if they made it to Sir Bounce A Lot for her birthday? I really hope so - and I hope she's an adorable little witch who gets tons of candy tonight. If she lived around here I'd dump my entire cauldron of mini-Snickers in her sack...then belt her dad for you.
from enurta :
im sorry catsoul. this is very sad. but you are with her in spirit wherever she is <3
from glorycloud :
What kind of work does your husband do? Do you live on an island?
from dangerspouse :
ALL husbands are assholes. Present company excluded, of course :)
from cocoabean :
I got sick of the chore of hair washing when I had it long, and also when I had it permed. It's totally why now my hair is short short, easy to wash and quick to dry!
from misfitstray :
Yeah, I will definitely plant only tomatoes of my Jerry-type (grape-tomatoes) next year. If I already have to care for my own plants they have to be of the most tastiest kind.
from cocoabean :
I am not a shoe person either.. I have 3 pairs, crocs, work shoes, and one other pair that I have for emergencies when I can't wear crocs or work shoes! LOL I hardly ever wear them..
from whystinger :
I too, was hoping it was for unbridled sex... The cat situation is complicated. First, I doubt that she would let loose of the cats. Second, with my work travel schedule and many weeks leaving on Monday and returning on Friday would not be good for the cats. Who would clean the litter boxes and manage their food? Chubbles is much too social of a cat to be along and would tear up the house.
from dangerspouse :
I was really, really hoping it was "unbridled sex" (although bridled sex is also pretty enticing). Yeah, you get sore shoulders and back from that too (if you do it right), but at least you get a nice meal afterwards, and maybe flowers. At least, I do! :)
from whystinger :
I'll be watching the well stuff closely now because the house I am buying is on a well system.
from dangerspouse :
Hey kiddo, thanks for the note! I appreciate your suggestions and expressions of concern. Lol - her doctor is not the bumbling butcher I make him out to be. NewWifey(tm) has been a rather difficult case, as her C-Diff has been compounded by certain other conditions I haven't written about. She requires rather a rather conservative approach, and thankfully it does seem to be paying off. But I loved your expressions of indignation :) To answer your question: there have been periods where she has not been able to work when the symptoms were particularly fierce. But fortunately she works from home, so generally when she was not in the bathroom, she was gettin' 'er done. Thanks again, Cat! :)
from misfitstray :
Thank you! I would never write somewhere else. I like our little community here on dland. It's special. Take care my dear!
from dangerspouse :
OMG - I already pooped and ate a half a container of soft food today too! It's like me and Malcom are brothers or something. Hang in there, Malcom! And hang in the Malcom's mom as well. You're a saint.
from enurta :
thanks catsoul! :) may I call you cat? :) Don't worry about Malcolm it's going to be okay! <3 he knows you love him he just probably hates to be away from you that's why he doesn't like when you leave him. I had a dog many years ago. I still love him to this day but I can't deal with how strong that love-bond is. cats are more independent some how. even if mine is very needy, more like a dog than a cat there is still a difference. I'm glad things got better with your granddaughter. happy for you. hm. alphabet house? the one about Nazi Germany?
from cocoabean :
Comfort food always helps!
from whystinger :
I agree with what a few have written. Children that age change their mind frequently and she may "hate you" because she has to leave you and has trouble with that. That may be her way of dealing with leaving or she could have just had a bad day. While it hurts, it is meant to hurt, to make you hurt like she is or she just doesn't know it hurts. I still say you are a blessing in her life and need to stay in her life. Never say anything bad to "Mommy" or your son because you want to stay in your Granddaughter's life and if you tell the truth to Mommy, she may remove you from her life. You are still a huge blessing in her life.
from life-my-way :
There are so many possibilities that would explain Laila's strange and hurtful behavior, none of which are that she actually feels the way she describes. She may be homesick, or she may be upset about having to leave your house to return to her own home. You are an amazing grandparent and an enormous positive force in her life and (on some level) she knows this. Unlovable behavior is almost always a cry to be loved--I hope you will just love her harder. XOX
from cocoabean :
Your grand daughter is just homesick.. maybe a call would help?
from enurta :
I don't know what to say. I cannot understand what makes a child utter such words to her caring grandmother, but it beyond your control just like you wrote she is influenced by her mother. it is truly sad. maybe in time she will come to understand and appreciate what you have done and still continue to do for her. if not, that is not your fault. you have done everything in your power to help her and her parents. you help others every day and if anything that is something that is worth so much. stay strong you did nothing wrong. I cannot even begin to comprehend or imagine the pain and suffering you are going through right now. but your voice is not silent and what you did for her will never change. xoxo
from enurta :
I love your adventures! <3
from whystinger :
The poem was interesting to me and I saw some deep meanings in it. Deep enough to make me read over and over and ponder it. Isn't that the purpose of some poems? Let the words flow. Sometimes ya just gotta.
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note !:0) still flying high I still can't believe it.
from whystinger :
Interesting poem, very deep. I will read it several more times I think.
from enurta :
thanks! <3 <3 <3
from whystinger :
Loved your entry, must have been the extra sleep, it was more fun than usual, which is good. If only I could type better and not have to correct the e mistakes. What does the shredded bark look like? Could it be a deer with itchy velvet antlers? I am glad the granddaughter is coming to visit!
from glorycloud :
Rudy was born with no fur on half his body-he is normal-he looks strange but he is a sweet friendly dog-peace
from whystinger :
Honi, my ex-wife also had the higher blood sugar in the morning when she woke. I don't remember how the doctor explained it, but she did. She would make matters worse by eating carbs for breakfast. When she went gluten free, all she did is change her carbs, substituting one for a different one. When she was on prednisone for her sarcoidosis and was terrified of gaining weight, she went on to balance her breakfasts and ended up losing weight. I think it was because she ate well and proper, more balanced. I wonder how her blood sugar is now that she has to do things for herself around her new house. I know her lung capacity has increased to the best it ever has, since that pulmonary specialist has been caring for her. What is it with us and boredom and not wanting to clean? Maybe cleaning is boring? Take care
from whystinger :
Yes, Dad is still around and is now 80. He is slowing down and I cherish any time I can spend with him and my Mom. I would like to spend some quality time with him alone, but that rarely happens. I do love them both and they were so supportive of me through the divorce. Thanks.
from rainbow127 :
It's nice to see another long time Diaryland user still uses this site. ^_^
from whystinger :
Interesting entry. My Dad was pretty much the opposite. Oh he would take his belt off, start snapping it and yell and scare the shit out of me. but wouldn't do think of forcing me. Maybe I was too scared to test it. I remember being about 14 and the neighbor's four year old wanted to hang out with me. I shit and tried to send him away and my Dad told me "you can't ignore him son. He looks up to you and he idolizes you. You are a role model for him and you MUST talk to him and don't be mean or nasty." I told him "I don't want to be a fucking role model" and he told me "tough shit, you are his role model and you have to be nice to him, speak to him and oh, don't swear in front if him, he will pick it up... show him what you are doing with your motorcycle and such." I protested and said "he messes with my tools and loses them.." Dad cut me off and said "what do you think you did at his age..."
from enurta :
beautiful entry.
from whystinger :
Awesome! Truth with oneself, especially when put in a diary is gutsy. The truth is necessary but the gravy is putting it in your diary. I have been scolded at times for being too truthful, but it is necessary.
from glorycloud :
I drink English Breakfast tea.
from enurta :
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the encouraging note sue :0) i wish there more sweet people as yourself out there.
from enurta :
I never wear a bra. unless I'm going outside. what's the point? :D
from enurta :
thanks!! <3
from whystinger :
Interesting update, felt sort of similar to me, sort of a combination of me and what I had from my wife. Oops, ex wife.
from enurta :
sure! <3 we can be friends there! can you e-mail me? i keep deleteing everything on my e-mail because of N so all the addreses always get lost. <3 <3 <3
from enurta :
dear catsoul, I lost your e-mail when I changed the password for the second time so I can't send the password again. e-mail me if you still have my e-mail or leave a note. If you want the pass...anyway, miłego dnia! <3 <3 <3
from dangerspouse :
Good lord. I should get you together with my wife so you can recuperate together. You're both walking disasters. Be careful out there, willya?
from dangerspouse :
Believe it or not, wifey has already broached that subject with her doctor. (She's up on all the latest shit.) So it may be in the cards. Or her rear, rather. If they go ahead with the procedure, I'm gonna see if I can get the doctor to use our cat's poop instead of mine. We need another good mouser around here. Thanks for the note and the suggestion - that was very kind of you :)
from thruthecrowd :
Thank you for the note, I appreciate it. <3
from whystinger :
Can you eat wheat? (I can't remember). If not, they may have added wheat or wheat gluten to the turkey burgers. Honi went GF due to gut pain, especially made her gall bladder act up and lots of bad burping (urp, urp, uuuurrrrrppppp). Don't remember how we found out, but turmeric pills (yes the spice helped quiet her gut and avoiding wheat. Part of the problem (in my opinion) is all the antibiotics and hormones they add to our food as they grow it. When I eat "wild caught" and more things like that, I definitely feel better. Like the beef here that is organic, grass fed. That beef also has more omega 3 fatty acids (they don't tell us that often, do they). The turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory.
from whystinger :
Thank you so much for the note. I am feeling the peace. I am a bit sad today and that is allowed. The decree was signed and just waiting for it to be "officially filed." Some time to grieve and it is back in the drivers seat.
from whystinger :
Many of the entries I read where you talk about the Grandchild, remind me of my grandparents and I smile and think how lucky she is, (as I was). She will cherish these memories longer than anyone can imagine.
from glorycloud :
I did cut down the tree-it was ok with our next door neighbor-we have a few tulips-we would have more tulips around our place but due to neglect by me they have ceased to exist-I am not into gardening-I prefer to let things go wild and therefore some plants/flowers die because they are not able to thrive without care/pulling weeds around them-giving them water etc. . . it is good I do mow the lawn and cut down small trees so the bigger trees don't get killed-I think I could get into gardening if there was someone that could guide me-show me what to do and not to do-like come by once in awhile and give me some garden tips-give me a long range plan on how to build a small garden or just how take care of the plants and flowers around our home-sad to say last year I killed our honeysuckle plant which I find depressing-on and on it goes-well thanks for the note-grandchildren are a blessing-peace
from glorycloud :
You have not written in six days. Hope everything is alright-peace
from whystinger :
No, not whining too much. I just like the Natural Calm, has helped me in the past. I am glad you are here too.
from whystinger :
How are you? I am returning
from glorycloud :
Grandchildren are a blessing from the Lord!
from dangerspouse :
NO MORE JELLO!!! Lol. But yeah, peaches rock :)
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for the note! :0) I was very upset but I am begining to calm down. I miss her very much and there are no words that adequately describe how heart broken I am. :0(
from glorycloud :
sorry to read about the death in your family-yes time passes and loved one die and also our pets-may the Lord comfort you in this time of sorrow-may the Lord bless-Jonny
from dangerspouse :
I'm very sorry to hear of your family's loss. Very, very sad for you. (I never heard that saying about snowing 3 times on robins. Now I'll have to pay attention to it!)
from misfitstray :
is that your granddaughter? Cute! Very!
from dangerspouse :
HAHA! Thanks for the rockin' note, kiddo. Glad my silly story made you laugh. LOVE your pic, btw. You look so much younger than I imagined!!
from crowbelle :
Hi Catsoul, Found your diary at Diaryland, where I have one too but never use it anymore. Do you have subscribers? Didn't see a link. I'm enjoying reading random of your entries. Don't know your name or anything but just wanted to say hi and that I enjoy your writing. We live in Salem, MA, on the coast and husband is a lobsterman. Well, that's all really. Will save your link and check back tomorrow! Ta ra Bex Crowell
from dangerspouse :
Wow, thanks for the great note, babe! Put it all in perspective :) Now stop reading and get back to shoveling!!
from enurta :
I wish you were my grandma <3 you are so sweet!
from life-my-way :
Two things: first, a book recommendation--I just finished All the Light We Cannot See and it was pretty amazing. Second, I hate it when my tubes run low so I cut them in half with a heavy duty scissors so I can dig around in there and get the last bits out. Oh, and have fun with your granddaughter--you are an amazing grandmother and you're both so lucky to be making memories with each other. Also, I love reading about when she visits, though I know you don't have much time to write since you're busy playing and all. :-)
from misfitstray :
So, you are still into the scandinavian crime scene. :) Bought that first book you spoke of. I'm curious if I like it. Thank you. It had another title I read on amazon, that it is also called "Mercy". It says that it is the 1st of the "Q"-books. ♥
from misfitstray :
What do you read at the moment? I'm always interested in reading as I'm always in search for new books to read. Take care and stay warm!
from glorycloud :
thanks for the note-here in West Michigan it is snowing and very cold-I doubt if Diaryland is going to be fixed-the fellow who runs Diaryland has gone onto other projects-I read online an article about Diaryland and the fellow who started it saying he/Andrew started Diaryland in hopes it would make money but never did-but like you I will keep writing in Diaryland till it disappears-I am a creature of habit-my main blog is in LiveJournal-stay warm-peace Jonny
from jimbostaxi :
Hey ty for the test note :0) things are good lots of cold weather here glad dlands got everything up and running. Next month I've made and appt with a new and better artist to touch up my tattoo and bring it up to where it should have been in the begining. One bad thing is I have to pay to get it like that :0)
from dangerspouse :
Wow, thanks for leaving such a detailed recipe! (I'd make it, but...I ONLY HAVE 11 TOOTHPICKS! WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!) Lol. No, seriously, thank you for writing all that out for me. I can see why your husband likes it so much. Simple, but packed with flavor. And you're kidding - there's cheese in Wisconsin? Who knew?! :)
from jimbostaxi :
Glad your feeling better and im going to start keeping track of all the stuff I eat as you and Dangerspouse suggested. Happy Holidays! :0)
from dangerspouse :
You're right - a much more exciting entry than 6 days ago! I have two questions though: what is a "big dog shirt", and what do you put in your husband's spaghetti casserole (other than the angel hair pasta)?
from jimbostaxi :
How's the back and neck pain? Hope your feeling better and if I don't hear from you have a happy Holiday! :0)
from julymalaise :
I sent you a message via email!! lol, it's all good!
from dangerspouse :
Thank you for the sweet, sweet note regarding my Casey. Having the support of people who've gone through the same loss has been more of a balm than I would have thought possible. Your little story of Katy, Sadie, and Taffy meant a lot also (I loved "The Incredible Journey" when I was a kid!!). As for another pet...I don't know if it will happen. My wife is pretty adamant that she never wants to be so upset again ever in her lifetime. We'll see if she changes her tune in a few months when she's alone for hours at a time while I'm at work, with no dog to talk to. Thanks again :)
from glorycloud :
yes we have been talking about getting a treadmill-but have not gotten around to checking them out-peace
from dangerspouse :
Oooh, a hot shimmering pink hat - with beads! I'd wear one of those!
from cocoabean :
I used to bake things for my parents, because anything they wanted they bought for themselves.. at least they enjoyed eating some goodies!
from dangerspouse :
from jimbostaxi :
There's never enough time most days it feels like im taking one step forward two steps backward :0)
from thecrankyone :
Have a great birthday!! :)
from glorycloud :
Happy Birthday!
from cocoabean :
Happy birthday!!
from dangerspouse :
I agree. Don't shouldn't be left outside all day! They are social beings, not "just animals".
from jimbostaxi :
When's the next one thats a tough question,, I'm so dam neurotic I see stuff in the one i have that look unfinished and need to be touched up. I stopped by the shop to ask what they thought no one there said it needed a touch up. I really need to drop by another place to get another opinion before I do the other shoulder. I was thinking of another warrior type character
from julymalaise :
Thank you! I'm really glad that you like my poem! It really means a lot to me that you liked it! :) lol
from whystinger :
Words drifting through one's mind while in bed Indeed! I have that happen once in a while and if I don't capture them, they frequently are gone. Sometimes they will come back, but sometimes no... Loved the poem
from jimbostaxi :
It definitely reached into my soul :0) I've done a few poems myself and if someone feels it or gets it thats cool, and if they don't thats cool too because I didn't write it for them I wrote it for me :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Loved your poem :0)
from cocoabean :
One year it snowed early and I didn't get to finish the raking. It was horrible the next spring, half rotted leaves that were soaking wet and heavy! After that, I raked as soon as I could!
from julymalaise :
Me too! I love to get notes! How's it been? Thanks for wishing me a good day. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to go to the mall, but if I would've went today, I would've bought some clothes. Haha. The mall that I was going to go today did had a Sephora. I like that store a lot too, pretty makeup and great quality!
from jaysthoughts :
Just checking to see how many diarylanders still actually check their notes and stay active.
from dangerspouse :
NOOOOOOOO! NOT WINTER!!! Better make that new truck a 4x4 or AWD. (And lazy husband tip: put off raking leaves until the snow covers them. Problem solved!) Oooooh, I think you should make the Alex Gross pic of the girl with snakes coming out of her eyes into a tat! ( )
from curious-me :
What a beautiful moment with your granddaughter and the monarch butterfly! It made me smile.
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for the note :0) I agree sleep is the winner!
from melodymetuka :
I always like to read your diary, and today's just left me with a huge smile. Enjoy!
from glorycloud :
Always enjoy reading your diary. The Lord is faithful.
from msjessica :
Thanks for the follow x
from x-centricity :
from julymalaise :
I'm sorry to hear about the loss. May she rest peacefully with a new world wothout pain. You are in my thoughts, catsoul.
from curious-me :
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.
from jimbostaxi :
My condolences on the passing of your good friend. :0(
from jimbostaxi :
Im sorry to hear about your good friend.... Hope your granddaughters visit will be great!
from julymalaise :
You're welcome, dear catsoul. And you take care as well. :) I'm doing well, just hanging in there.
from julymalaise :
I'm sorry to hear about your longtime friend. I hope you feel better.
from whystinger :
I am sorry to hear about your friend and all that is going on.
from jimbostaxi :
It's healed nicely, I was thinking about making another appt for her to add some color but I'm not sure thats a good idea,,,
from jimbostaxi :
Dropped in to say hi ! :0)
from jarofporter :
hi! thanks for the note - i don't really do much on the creative front, hence my wondering how i can meet new people. going to have to figure something out though. ^.^
from flicka :
username: catsoul password: catsoul
from flicka :
It's been a while, but I'm back. Hunger Games Trilogy was good by the way if you haven't already read it. I've missed your journal for many years. Looks like I have some catching up to do.....sorry I quit writing....was a dark period and I had a few people that scared me off.
from cocoabean :
Maybe you could start eating again!
from whystinger :
Wow, that is frightening! Glad you are better and on the mend.
from life-my-way :
How frightening! I'm so glad you're okay and back home with the pets. XOXO
from curious-me :
Oh my goodness - I am glad you are ok!!
from curious-me :
Yup temp agencies suck - I just wrote ALL about it!! I feel for your son (and you too).
from jimbostaxi :
Yep, counting down!
from cocoabean :
My sister used to use one of those huge safety pin type things for a cable holder... you know those pins that came as decoration on some skirts?
from jimbostaxi :
The appts for the 18th of this month. Im supposed to see the stencil or drawing shes using one week before the appt. All this waiting sucks i should have made the appt for and earlier date! I had to arrange it for a day im off and shes available so i settled for the 18th. Im thinking of getting a little buzzed before i go down just to calm my nerves
from glorycloud :
"I get tired of writing about my boring ass life" to me every life is mystical-we are made in the image of God-we are all full of wonder-as far as the chipmunks when I trap them in the trap I place the trap with the chipmunk in it and drive near by to a county park open the small trap door and out the chipmunk runs-I do not think I get any fleas etc. . . hope you have a good weekend-God bless
from jimbostaxi :
Glad your doing good :0)
from linguafranca :
Thanks. I would like to have a lot less, too, but my inlaws are very generous and we can't very well give it all away, especially now that Q is getting old enough to remember what she has. It's well intentioned, but even with 3/4 of it out of sight it is too much. The day ended with the baby throwing up on me. *sigh*
from misfitstray :
Glad that the drains are out. It's not nice to have those as it's always the feeling of something strange, achy inside you. Sending more healing vibes your way for a fast recovery.
from melodymetuka :
So happy for you nap! and that you are feeling okay and healing. Enjoy your 'vacation.' :-)
from whystinger :
I wish you a speedy recovery!
from misfitstray :
whoa, that is not so nice news. Hope you will be up and raking and whirling around your house soon again. Sending huge amounts of healing vibes your direction! <3
from jimbostaxi :
I wish a speedy recovery! How long will you have the J.P drain?
from life-my-way :
Like Mel, sending prayers that you won't need for a rested and happy surgeon and a speedy and painless recovery. Let us know how you are when you're able. Smaller girls--that sounds pretty great!
from melodymetuka :
I'm sure it will all be okay, but I'll be praying for you anyway. :-)
from glorycloud :
bird song-I like reading your entry about robins-I love birds-peace
from jimbostaxi :
Numbers, numbers numbers there everywhere just look at the The pervasive appearance of Phi, 1.618, the Golden Ratio, in mathematics, geometry, life and the universe. If i had to pick a number to be tattoed on my body it would be 1.618, but I would get it in a place that I wouldnt have to explain it ;0) I looked at many designs before I picked the one that I emailed to you. If I come across something that catches my eye I may change my mind but that ones stuck in my head for now
from jimbostaxi :
Sounds yummy! where was i during earth science? Not sure .. Probably outside somewhere :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Its great to have the smell of a cake baking wafting through the house! What kind were you going to make? I didnt know that the air pressure outside affected the cake like that. Have a great day sue.
from life-my-way :
I hope your procedure goes well and that you and that precious grandbaby have a fabulous visit! XOXO
from cocoabean :
It's the anesthesia that is making your MIL confused. My mom was confused for a few days after her surgery...
from x-centricity :
Are you loving this weather as much as I am? Stay warm!!!
from toejam :
Hi! The cookbook is called The Oh She Glows cookbook by Angela Liddon. It's really, really good. She also has a blog with lots of other recipes. It's made becoming a vegan really easy for me. I'm trying to make something from the book every day and I really do feel amazing.
from x-centricity :
Your MIL sounds like a peach.
from cocoabean :
Refrigerators and freezers need to be upright for 24 hours before being plugged in.....
from glorycloud :
thanks for the note-Spring is in the air finally! here some pictures of some of our books
from imalex :
Already feeling much better after a quick visit to the clinic. Got some anti-biotics and anti-acid stuff. I'll take this as a wake up call to stop indulging myself - no more junk food! Thank you :)
from glorycloud :
thanks for the note-have a good week-peace Jonny
from x-centricity :
I love chicken boobs but when I bake them they are always dry. How long do you bake them and at what temp?
from dangerspouse :
Stout heart there, kiddo. Modern medicine can do incredible things. My best wishes that things go smoothly with your father, and he's on the road to recovery in the quickest possible time.
from glorycloud :
yes we have to enjoy each moment-stay warm as the cold winter winds howl
from jimbostaxi :
Im sorry to read about your dads surgery and that your mom doesnt want you guys there. What if you went anyway how would she respond? Believe me when i tell you Its tough waiting at the hospital without any support.
from whystinger :
I just stumbled on your diary (from Jimbostaxi) so I haven't read much. I share you irritation with the comment about cholesterol and rice... That was not the most intelligent statement the so called expert could make. I have my own views about cholesterol, after struggling with high cholesterol most of my adult life. I believe they give us a ton of bad information on cholesterol. Cheers!
from jimbostaxi :
Great idea thanks!
from jimbostaxi :
Sent u another pic in your email
from jimbostaxi :
Ty! :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Very cute pic! :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note! :o) those times were very difficult just thinking about them brings back a tidal wave of emotion.
from misfitstray :
what is so difficult to put in new light bulbs? You only have to srcew the old one out and the new one in, or? Is there anything different to the bulbs in Germany? that's not meant to offend you, just curious. Take care Mrs catsoul! xo
from jimbostaxi :
For me its easier to write about total strangers lifes than my own. :0)
from x-centricity :
Be careful up on that roof, Lady! *huggles*
from dangerspouse :
What a fascinating family you come from! Thanks for sharing that story about your educational background. You sound like a real renaissance woman - I'm sure your parents are very proud of you whether they said so or not.
from dangerspouse :
21 years, good for you! I hope you have as many more. Now tell us - what's your Masters degree in? I'm curious to hear of your academic background, and how it led you here.
from curious-me :
Wow - pretty interesting! Thanks for taking up my idea - I can't wait to hear about #3!
from curious-me :
I don't think your writing is boring! But if you want some ideas or a topic to write about - how about how you met your husband? I don't think I've ever read about that. You can also post more pics if you want - I love looking at the ones you do post! Take care.
from melodymetuka :
I don't find what you write boring, but my days often have the same sense of 'nothing happening here.' Saying prayers for your dad, I hope all will be okay there. Will think of a topic. What about 4 seasons? We don't have them here...
from dangerspouse :
Do I have tats? Lol. No, I'm a big boring scoop of vanilla pussy. My wife doesn't have any ink either, but she usually rubs on a temporary tat before her motorcycle races to make herself feel mean. It seems to work, too :)
from dangerspouse :
Wow, talk about "hearty stock". You're pretty amazing, taking all that labor on yourself. Yeah, good winter gloves make a huge difference, but still. Amazing. I hope your dad and mother-in-law turn out ok!
from dangerspouse :
Good GRIEF! Did you ever hear this joke: "What is 'CDO'?" "It's 'OCD'...IN THE CORRECT ORDER LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!" But yeah, I bet your driveway-cum-hockey rink is absolutely lovely. I can't believe how much work you do! I mean, you do your hermit neighbor's also?? And cut down trees and put up bird feeders and plow the north 40 and drain the swamp? Makes me almost feel guilty that I have to call my wife to come pour the milk onto my cereal every morning. Oh, the effort! The sheer pain of existance! go, girl :)
from dangerspouse :
You don't do the shovelling, do you.
from jimbostaxi :
Ok i sue i sent the email :0)
from melodymetuka :
The photo is fantastic. *sigh* I do miss the beauty of winter, just not the work of it.
from jimbostaxi :
I work the night shift 12-13 hour days and sleep very little, yeah I go fbook sometimes :0)
from jimbostaxi :
Great note! the pups will be joining the family jan 1st. My daughter kelley will always be my princess, but you knew that ;0) i will keep you posted.
from misfitstray :
That really looks beautiful and peaceful. But I'm glad that we don't have any snow here in Munich yet. Better for cycling...
from dangerspouse :
What a beautiful picture! The little bird makes it magical. And I agree about pets. As someone once said, "I wish I was half the man my dog thinks I am". Gotta love 'em :)
from dangerspouse :
Thanks for the nice note at my place! Glad you were able to get a laugh at the expense of my teenage discomfort :)
from dangerspouse :
David Sedaris is hilarious! You've got good taste in humor :)
from misfitstray :
Thanks for the note. I'll check the books out on amazon. :)
from misfitstray :
what book are you reading? I'm always in need of a good book as it is still boring at work... Take care!
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for the note! ;0) if I fall down the ground will scream LMAO . Nice tattoo i stll havent done one yet
from julymalaise :
Well, I'm happy I got the speech over it. It wasn't too bad, it was fun, and my teacher said I did excellent, so I guess it was good. I practiced immensely, but I was still nervous! Lol, thanks for the kind words, catsoul. And you took Public Speaking as well in school? Lol. And sure, I'll send you an email! Thanks for telling to have a good day!
from julymalaise :
Thank you, dear catsoul. I also hope you enjoy your Thursday as well. Thank you for the kind words about my cat. He passed back in March. He had diabetes, which later turned to cancer. I miss him a lot. I'm glad to be back to diaryland, it's like returning home from a long journey. How have you been? Hope all is well!
from melodymetuka :
The channel looks lovely.
from dangerspouse :
Ha! I know what you mean about raking and re-raking for the umpteenth time. My house is surrounded by all kinds of different trees, and they all shed their leaves at different times. And even if they did all drop off at once into one massive pile, the wind at the top of our mountain here just keeps blowing leaves out of the woods right back onto our yard, driveway and deck. I know exactly what you mean about trying to shovel snow when there's a thick layer of leaves underneath! Lol...ah the joys of nature, huh? Hang in there - I hope flooding isn't an issue for you again! :)
from dangerspouse :
Hey, thank you very much for adding me to your Fave List. I'm very flattered!
from dangerspouse :
Hi! Yeah, just randomly clicking through - although I've seen your name around for some time. I'm glad to hear that your birthday entry is not reflective of your life in general! And thanks for updating the status of your dad for me. All the best to you :)
from dangerspouse :
What a sad, sad birthday morning entry. I hope the rest of your day wasn't as dolorous. So sad. (Did you find out if your dad opted for surgery or not?)
from imalex :
Thanks! I'm feeling much better. Soup is always my go to comfort food when I'm feeling under the weather. Thanks for the note :)
from melodymetuka :
I haven't anything to say, just wanted to say 'Hi!' 'cause I read you and like to know what is going on. ;-)
from x-centricity :
Take cre of yourself! The leaves and house work will be there tomorrow.
from curious-me :
I hope all goes well with the tests and that you are not in too much pain. It sucks when others do not understand the pain you are in. Of course 'their' pain is always going to be worse because 'they' are the ones experiencing it! All the best!!
from curious-me :
I am so glad things worked out for your husband! It's nice when the good guy wins for a change!
from jimbostaxi :
Ty for the note :0)hope your back is feeling a little better!
from cocoabean :
My parents bought life insurance policies for my kids when they were born. They will be worth lots when my kids are 65... not the best way to invest, but starting a college fund isn't a bad idea. Neither is buying land, it can be sold later for a big profit. Great news!
from imalex :
It's not that I'm unworthy! In fact, it's the opposite. He provides a certain comfort to me, but I want more, that he can't give that to me right now. So I guess, in a way, I'm the one that got away? In reality, anything more than friendship never really worked for us because he would always let me down, and that went both ways. I think I was just having a realization that despite it never working, we both care for each other, and for the first time in my life I had something 'real' with someone else. So I guess am keeping him, in a way.
from misfitstray :
The only shows, I know, you named are BB and Dexter. I have to look up those others you mentioned. Maybe there's some of them I might like. I only watch those shows on the internet as I don't have a TV. xox
from melodymetuka :
I've yet to find any socks that I really like, except for one pair that I knitted for myself. My feet are a bit oddly shaped and I also cannot bear seams. It must be more common than we are given to think. ;-) Good luck, and if you do find some good socks, please let me know what they are.
from curious-me :
I love the picture - the flowers are beautiful!
from misfitstray :
Mosquitos are so BAD. Same over here in Germany. We had lots of rain and then heat. So those damn blood suckers are everywhere. I feel with you.
from life-my-way :
6/21/13 It IS so sad what's happened to our health care system, and I'm so sorry the woman made you sad. I think you're doing a great job of caring for yourself and that you keep a great spirit about the process. I'd give you an A+. Also, happy Solstice. XOXO
from x-centricity :
I find that coconut water works really great for dehydration too. I hope you feel better!!
from life-my-way :
6/14/13 Congrats on progress with the house--now I want a light on a remote control! You inspire me, maybe I'll make some house progress tomorrow. It wouldn't be too soon. XO
from x-centricity :
You are a saint having your son and his girlfriend live with you. I don't think I could handle that. *huggles*
from misfitstray :
wow, that is a lot of things that you have to deal with at the moment. You're such a good woman that you take care of your son's family especially for your granddaughter. They can be very glad that they have you. I hope that it works out for all of them.
from imalex :
hey thanks, that's actually the direction I've ended up going in. Sorry about your dad. All my best wishes to you and your family. <3
from linguafranca :
Thanks for your note-- the kitty in the picture passed away last summer, I miss him so much!
from melodymetuka :
This is my third try - problem is with my new computer, not d'land, but I wrote you a nice chatty note and it is gone and then I had to log in again and... *sigh* So, yes, I love entrelac knitting, I've been doing it for about a year. I hope you enjoy it, too. 'Nuf said.
from thruthecrowd :
Thank you. I hope you get better soon, its terrible to be sick. <3
from college-kid :
That's a good mantra. :)
from college-kid :
Thanks for the advice. :) I've been eating lots of peanut butter and apples, peanut butter and celery, etc. I'm wondering if I'm just eating too much fruit and need to add more veggies. Diabetes runs in my family, so all this change is an effort of prevention. Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it! :)
from jimbostaxi :
Hi :0) I must admit that I did watch Jersey Shore, but Snooki is only funny when she is drunk so her new show seems boring to me.
from julymalaise :
thank you for the lovely message, dear catsoul :) Yes, it was quite an awesome day for me. I haven't found anyone to talk about politics with, but I have been following the debates and whatnot, so it is all good. Also, I am reading lots of articles and listening to opinions from both sides and finding my own opinion about the whole election. I'm hoping it gets colder here again so I can just snuggle up in bed and be all bundled up. Take care, and your doggie is so cuteee!
from melodymetuka :
Oh, man! I love this - "the usual, sleep, eat, and poop, plus watch football." I hope you are having a lovely day
from julymalaise :
I love Fleetwood Mac!
from curious-me :
Wow, I am so glad you are okay!! Take care of yourself and go ahead and give your husband a big goofy smile in return!!
from melodymetuka :
So scary! I'm glad you are okay.
from life-my-way :
I'm so glad you are back and feeling better! I've missed you!!!
from julymalaise :
Oh my goodness, that was horrible of what happened to you! I am glad that you are better now though. Have some rest and watch a good movie and cuddle with the pets... I missed you. I am glad you are back and I watched the Packers game too!! So glad that they won!
from melodymetuka :
Wonderful to read that Malcolm is doing well, and getting better. Poor doggie! Don't forget to take care of yourself, too.
from melodymetuka :
Remember when most books were of a length that 100 pages a day would finish the book in one day or two? I love reading, but books seems to have put on an awful lot of weight over the years. ;-)
from julymalaise :
Aww....of course you may read my journal. The entry titled "300th Entry." will explain why I locked it up. Okay, I am going to send you an email with the password. Do tell me when you get the email and when you get access to my joyrnal please. My email starts with my d*land username, by the way. Hope you have a lovely day, catsoul!! :)
from melodymetuka :
'One more day in the oven.' May it be so. :-)
from melodymetuka :
from julymalaise :
Thank you for the lovely suggestions, catsoul. I love making lists myself as well and the recipe idea sounds very enriching, I will try that out as well. I want to learn a new skill this summer so I was thinking of learning a new language or learning like crochet or sewing or I dunno...painting for making a craft, something like that. I also want to start a garden as well, so maybe I will start to try that. Again, thank you for the suggestion, I'm going to check them out!
from melodymetuka :
It sounds very exciting and wonderful! Enjoy!
from melodymetuka :
I need an extra-LONG pet hand, 'cause my short-legged guard doggie won't let oldest son's Canaani close enough for me to pet. :-(
from melodymetuka :
Lucky Grandma, and what a lovely baby. :-)
from julymalaise :
Hi catsoul! Thank you for the lovely note, it made me very cheerful and happy. I've been thinking about my life and how I need to step up and make it better and I've been feeling frustrated because I feel as if I haven't been giving my all of these years, but I'm willing to make up for lost time. I dunno why I feel like that, but it's probably because I am transitioning, as you mentioned to me in your note. By the way, your note was very encouraging and I'm not as tense as I was before. I'm determined to try my best and I want to succeed and hopefully try to fufill what I need to do. And I'm glad you like my new picture!! LOL. Have a lovely dayyy!
from melodymetuka :
Good luck!
from melodymetuka :
Thanks, the photos are lovely. I particularly like the one of the critters looking out the windows - it surprized me for a bit of extra delight.
from julymalaise :
Hey, we had a fire warning around my town yesterday and I found it so bewildering because we usually never get that around here, it was weird, but thankfully nothing happened. Now we just have a pollen warning. I can't believe the weather is warming up so quickly, it is completely crazyy!!! We might get up to 80 degrees in my neck of the woods on Tuesday. It is simply unbelievable indeed. I feel lije I was cheated this winter because in my town, we barely got snow and it was warm the whole time, so yeah, not looking forward to this new weather trend... and oooh!! What a lovely picture that is! SO BEAUTIFUL!!
from melodymetuka :
Feeling pretty good sounds pretty good to me. I like to imagine how your property looks, with all the trees and stuff. Nothing like here, where if there is a tree someone planted it, and they are all rather small and stunted compared to what you get up there. I'm sure it's lovely regardless of winter's debris.
from julymalaise :
Hope you have a lovely day, catsoul!! :)
from julymalaise :
I know, having a mental health day is very recommended for everyone!!! And it is a octopus ring, I will probably post the picture up just for you!!!
from melodymetuka :
I don't know about anyone else, but I waited for it to come around in reruns. ;-) These days I suppose you could download it or watch it online? I don't do that, so I don't really know how it works.
from college-kid :
I want to take up knitting soooo bad! It would probably be good between bouts of studying, and portable to boot! Thanks for the suggestion. :) Oh, and enjoy the snow. xD It's supposed to get into the 80s this week here. :( Not yeeettt!!
from life-my-way :
Sending wishes of strength and comfort as you help your son through his difficulties - and you are helping so very much by not making everything okay again. Also sending love.
from cocoabean :
As my parents got older, they more appreciated things they could eat, since they already had everything else they needed. When they get to the point of being hard to buy for, get flowers or food... they use it and don't have to find a place to store it...
from melodymetuka :
I'm so sorry to hear about the situation with you son. It must be heartbreaking for you. May you get through this as quickly and painlessly as possible.
from curious-me :
No judging from me - just wanted you to know how sorry I am for all that you are going through - take care of yourself.
from julymalaise :
Oh, that sounds quite fantastic! I know a lot of my friends who have/want sleeves! And dragons do sounds lovely, as a matter of fact. What color is it? I'm only asking because I know a lot of people who have dragon tattoos in a variety of colors, like I know this person has a dragon in a nice shade of blue and it looks nice on them. And I will take that into consideration. I don't know what I will want if I get a tattoo, but it will ever happen, it will be something that defines who I am and what I stand for. And I will definetely check out the pics of your tats, they sound cool and you are completely right, tattoos are like your own personal "work of art." Beautifully said, catsoul. ;D
from julymalaise :
Yes, I am very thrilled that I got a C on that math exam. I'm glad that I passed. Yes, you are right, catsoul, I should get math classes out of the way, so I'll be able to get it over with when I get to college. That is what I am planning to do. And I will post pics up of my creations once I start Ceramics, it'll be so much fun!! Yeah, it is going to get warm here next week, which is boooooooo!! Ice Pellets? Oh my, please be careful out there!! That is insane!! You're lucky you get to have Hot coco every morning and I never thought of putting ice cream in it. Sounds lovely, though. It really does. I'm going to try that the next time I have hot coco. I love Hot Chocolate. I perfer Hot Chocolate rather than coffee or tea. Tea is weird-tasting while coffee is too bitter, haha. I never heard of Gardens of Time, is it a fun game? Lol, I play the Sims Social on FB, it is pretty fun, but I keep getting requests from like everybody. It's insane. And tattoos, that sounds fun!!! I have to look up Myka Jelina and her collection. What tatoos do you have? And if you get another one, which one would you like to get? And you take care as well, catsoul!! ;D
from julymalaise :
That is so cool that she was able to let you come to her studio and take summer classes on ceramics and pottery!! You've must of been quite excited. That's something really cool to do in the summer. I'm excited for ceramics as well, I think it is neat doing that and would love to make urn or pots, or whatever I can make. That is my favorite kind of art, pottery. And I have thought of that computer-activated voice ma-jig. It seems really grand, and I know one of my friends has them because he was telling how the computer deleted what he wanted to say while he was writing an essay. I had Thursday and Friday off and I got back Monday, where I will start fresh on my second semester!! Yeah, I had loads of the past two days. I've been hanging out with my friends non-stop for the last few days. It's crazy! LOL. And it snowed today, so I might go outside and frolic in the snow, lol. I love snow. Awwww.... that is cutee, Taffy. My cat used to lay on my keyboard all the time and I was always thought it was funny!!! You stay warm as well and please do take care as well!! Thanks for telling me to take care and I definetely write about my adventures in Ceramics and what things I will be crafting there! Have a lovely day!!
from julymalaise :
Yikes!! That is pretty scary. I hate when that happens, when you hear a noise, but cannot explain what it was or what might have caused it. It really freaks you out. Hope you are doing well and be safe!
from cocoabean :
I agree! Any time before 10AM is too early for clothes! Unfortunately, for me there is work, and sometimes I'm dressed and out the door by 4:30AM. That is really no fun.
from cocoabean :
and if you will send me crystals every day, I will send some to you, so you are guaranteed 2 a day! You are limited to sending 20 and receiving 20...
from julymalaise :
I hope your son's girlfriend gets better!! And I don't think writing about your pets is boring at all. I love hearing about your pets, because your pets are so cuteee, especially Idamay, she's so lovely. It's nice listening to their adventures and how much you love them. It's great that you are devoted to your pets. I know I love my cats, they are the best things in the world!!! My little treasures! And I hope Sadie feels better!! What a sin, poor doggie. Hope you are doing cool as well, catsoul!
from cocoabean :
I sent you a friends request for the secret FB group "gardens" and then you will have lots of people to get crystals from! I won't buy them either!
from misfitstray :
books title is "Blutbraut" (translated = blood bride) by Lynn Raven. Didn't found it on amazon in english, so I don't know if it is out on the american market yet. It's quite good. Before, I read "Der Kuss des Kjer" (translated = kiss of the Kjer) by her. It was also very good.
from melodymetuka :
I sort of vaguely remember that rain in December was an odd and often disturbing thing. I remember once we were supposed to be driving up to Richland Center from Chicago, and it rained and the water froze solid on everything - we still made the trip but it was rather more exciting than I think it needed to be! ;-)
from melodymetuka :
I left a comment for you, and it seems to have vanished into the ether. It's not important, just that I actually managed to write something, so here's another something. Twice in one day! Amazing. *wry grimace*
from college-kid :
Ahhh! It's freezing here, too! I like the weather better when it gradually gets colder, but here lately it'll be 80 one day and 50 the next. But that's Texas for ya. D:
from college-kid :
Your notes are always so encouraging and full of wisdom. Thanks for that. :)
from orderwine :
thx for the second paragraph of your last entry. sometimes i can't even bring myself to normal in those dark circles. xo
from julymalaise :
She's sooooo cooooot!
from melodymetuka :
She is adorable - lucky grandma. I hope you get to see her often
from julymalaise :
Thank you for suggesting that website, the journals they had were very lovely indeed. I'm hoping I'll get a journal soon because the journal that I am writing in literally has four pages left and ughh... it sucks a lot. And yes, I'm a Senior. Hahah, I can't believe it myself. I've been on diaryland since my the summer before Freshman year. And your entry is very lovely. I like the way you described the night.
from cocoabean :
How does your husband like his new job?
from stepfordtart :
I hope you had a lovely birthday, and thanks so much for adding me! s x
from misfitstray :
Congratulations to your new grandchild-girl! I guess she's absolutely lovely and cute. What's her name?
from misfitstray :
you are doing absolutely right in my opinion with things concerning your son! Why is he still so careless, when it comes down to money and taking responsibility? It would make me so very angry dealing with him, I would not have been so patient, but I'm not his mother and you are such a very good mother. I have to cry because I think he hurts you a lot, with being like he is.
from misfitstray :
thank you for your note! You are always so caring. :) As you might remember I got a thyroid surgery last November and it was cut out completely. The parathyroids had to be cut out and replaced into the muscles of my neck. So my Calcium- value is always a bit out of control because the Parathyroid don't work too good until now. They still have to grow into back into the muscles. So, since surgery I have to take medications against hypofunction. The L-Thyroxin. Everything is out of control a bit. Maybe it will calm dowm with the years.
from frogeye :
Be careful with hunters around. They will shoot at antything that moves.
from frogeye :
Thanks for the car message. I really hate the dings I have to repair. Is everyone so disrespectful of other's properties? I understand your mom problems. Tough being the eldest child. Wish you luck in your dealings.
from misfitstray :
Love the pics! Looking very beautiful, especially the orange tree. I guess I'll go for the nature version this weekend, even if I will have a very bad conscience congregation wise. Well, it won't run away as I will have plenty of more weekends to visit this one. How was the first working day at the new work for your husband?
from frogeye :
Perhaps your husband's firing will result in a new beginning for him. I will include him in my prayers. St. Anthony where are you when I need you?
from misfitstray :
I'm glad that your husband got that new job! Yay for him :) x
from frogeye :
I'm looking for hot to the point where it does not swell the tongue nor take away the flavor of the food it's put on. The utimate HOT! I've had hot that are unbearable. Good, but too much. The habanero sauce is getting there. Just a level short of what I'm looking for. And the solar lamps are a kick! Stupid fun for me!
from frogeye :
Yeah, don't you hate the earlier darkness. I have arranged my lights so I can read in the back. It will be too cold soon. Now I will have to set myself in the family room.
from acornotravez :
Very cool of your hubby to follow his heart, and very cool of you to make your son's GF feel loved! =]
from misfitstray :
I'm sorry for your husband. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he will find a new and good job within the next weeks. What a nightmare to have such a$$holes as bosses. Instead of being glad that the have experienced reliable workers they fire them. Very dumb and very inhuman. I would wish that they will become insolvent!
from misfitstray :
water inclusion can have many reasons. I guess I have just weak connective tissues. My legs look and feel normal with colder temps.
from enurta :
hey, thanks for the note. to be honest I *wanted* to get it all done in one sitting. it went well. even though I almost fainted at one point :/
from jimbostaxi :
We used to have a small vegetable garden in the backyard. I love tomatoes but we ended up growing so many we had to give them away to the neighbors.
from misfitstray :
what's your sons name? you can speak norwegian?
from misfitstray :
we just fly into Oslo and pick up our car and head west to the direction of Bergen. The race starts at a fjord near Bergen and ends somewhere in the middle of nowhere on a mountain called Gaustatoppen. You could die anywhere, so what... But thanks for caring about me xox
from misfitstray :
yes I do and did read a lot of classics like Tolstoi, Hesse, Goethe, Shakespeare, Irving, Hemmingway, Yeats etc. I LOVE the lyrics of Hesse and I really like Irving but I have to fight myself through some of the other stuff or gave up after a few pages. Lately I read Ishmael by Quinn and a book about running by Murakami. I'm a bookworm but I haven't got enough time to read other than theocratical stuff for the last 2 or 3 years.
from misfitstray :
I'd never hate you for anything you write to me. And of yourse you're right, when you say, that my body is telling me, that I'm overdoing with my training. That's why the rupture happened. I know that I'm not the youngest and that I'll never be among a top ten finish list or even near to that. But it's just in me that I want to be satisfied with myself and my performances. I always want to do the best I can on everything. Not only in sports. Sometimes I fail, but next time I fail better - maybe. xox
from college-kid :
Hey! Yes, I quite enjoy napping-- probably a little too much. I didn't get one today, so I'll probably be going to bed early tonight. I do read yours! When D-land actually manages to tell me you've updated, anyways. (:
from cocoabean :
I emailed you about FB, not sure if you got it, can you email me? drkchoclover at Thanks!
from misfitstray :
thank you so much for your note! Well, it's not everything for me to just finish. I'm ambitious - unfortunately. I always want to finish in a good time. So, I wasn't last, that means a lot to me :) Take care!
from stardumb :
thx cat, thx for reading. thx for the comment. :)
from misfitstray :
I really, really wish that the interview will go smoothly and that everything will go ok and that you'll get the job in the end. I'll keep my fingers crossed! x
from misfitstray :
Thank you! Take care too!
from life-my-way :
Thanks so much for the note--I'm looking for my sunbeam right now. XOXO K.
from frogeye :
3/8/11. Just heard that Greg Iles was injured in a car accident and is in serious condition. As reported by Associated Press.
from misfitstray :
So much snow! I'd hate to live in that country. I would move to some place with no snow at all if it would be possible. I'm so very thankful, that this years snow has left my part of the world for this season. You are such a wonderful woman!
from misfitstray :
oh no, I had to cry so hard when you said, that IdaMay will be put to sleep as I know how very sad it is to loose a dear pet friend. This isn't a good time for you and I really hope that it's going hill up for you very soon! Take care! xox
from snoopy-9487 :
Hoping for the best for you and your husband! I also hope it warms up a bit and spring comes early for you as well. Cheers.
from curious-me :
I hope everything goes okay with your hubby. Take care of yourself as well!
from misfitstray :
I really, really hope that your husband will be fine again. I wish him and you all the best!
from frankie123 :
fire/fly :) thanks for reading my diary that's sweet
from julymalaise :
Those shovels certainly are swell... lol!! I loved your entry about shoveling!
from life-my-way :
I was going to send you the login information, if that would be okay? Can you get email at catsoul at diaryland dot com?
from frogeye :
That dream felt real. Good writing! So your'e sending the snow out to me. Supposed to start late tonight into the morning. Oh, my aching back!
from julymalaise :
Reading is my life, so I can relate to you being a reading junkie like me !! But lately, I haven't been able to read that much as I used to do, because I've been too busy.. =( and plus, I can't find any good books out there right now !! Glad you got a cool new laptop!
from life-my-way :
I miss your typeface! I hope you're well and happy and that the snow doesn't just plain bury you. XOXO K.
from frogeye :
Goog luck with your snow. We're under attack again after the 22.5 inches we received after Christmas. Looks like just a dusing right now, but we'll see if it continues thru the night. I'll say a prayer for your job hunting. Happy New Year!
from snoopy-9487 :
Happy New Year (again!) and thank you for the kind words. Yep, Russian lit is an acquired taste I picked up from one of my college literature courses and I still love reading it. Although some books take me a long while to get through though. It's worth the challenge. :) Anyways, cheers and I hope your year is off to a great start!
from misfitstray :
Thank you for this hint! A crockpot is not very popular over here in Germany. I had to look it up, what this could be ;). The husband of the couple is a chef, and I think he's very traditional/conservative about cooking. So I don't think this would be the right present. But anyways. I guess it's a nice and easy way to cook with such a thingy.
from secret-motel :
...thank you. I'm glad to be back.
from fightn4life :
Break ups are hard no matter what time of year�but during holidays it cuts a bit deeper. I hope your son is doing OK with this. As far as normal and turkey being in the same sentence�LOL I skipping out of turkey dinner all together�today�tomorrow and I am fine with it. Maybe next year�or...maybe I become a full blown vega�don�t like meat much anyway. I am rambling�have a happy Thanksgiving. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
So far weather here has stayed in the 50's 60's...that soon will end. Winter is close, friday calling for snow. Blah. I really don't mind as long as it isn't ice. Then like you I'll just stay home. :)
from curious-me :
Happy Birthday!!!!
from opposure :
Haha, I hold no ill will towards farmville, as long as my status scrawl is not inundated with updates from it. But yes, soul is always desirable over the facade. Hope your job situation comes to a quick resolution.
from thecrankyone :
Good luck on the job search. I remember last time I was between jobs, job searching was my full time job. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
from flicka :
I just found out what Farmville is on facebook. I'm playing the mafia game. It takes up time, which is good for me because I feel bored a lot.
from fightn4life :
I had to laugh...plant and harvest. Same here. I too wish I didn't have to work tomorrow...but then I would be stuck with basement guy. Sigh...just can't win. Sandyz
from secret-motel :
Thank you! That was the only half-decent line in that entry, written while tipsy and nearly tipping over. It was one of those entries that makes me cringe when I revisit it with clearer eyes. I have since vanquished it to the shadow world of aborted texts.
from fragilegirl8 :
Very true. I just sit back and wonder. One day he will pay for what he has done & hopefully he will pay me my $$ back, but I am not holding my breath.
from flicka :
You said your entry sounded boring--no it is not! You have so much stuff going on in your life and you sound like you handle things well. I aspire to be like that again. My life went to shambles for about 3 years. I'm reading you again!
from fightn4life :
The weather is wonderful here too. 10/10/10 and all the windows are open, sheets were on the line and I am still able to wear a tee. Love it. I know soon winter will be banging on the for now I count blessings...another warm day. :) Sandyz
from fightn4life :
So glad you are getting your house back in order. I know all about a mans pity party. LOL My soon to be X has been having one for almost 10 years now. ENOUGH! Yours will snap out of it. :)
from julymalaise :
That was very nice of you to give your coworker some flowers, I love doing something good for other people, it makes you feel so better about yourself. I think more people should've done what you did in their daily lives, maybe it will make some people a better person. Glad things are well, by the way.
from fragilegirl8 :
thanks :)
from fightn4life :
Oh Lord, I saw all the flooding on world news. So glad you are doing Ok and were able to get most of your basement cleared of all the water. Here in PA it has been in the 90�s�very hot for this time of year. We missed all the rain and we are still in a drought. My thoughts are with you and loved that your entry ended on what a gorgeous day it was for you�hope you see more of the sun and much less of the water. I am working on doing just as you have done�focus on the positive. Sandyz
from the-grey-one :
Thank you for your kind words!
from opposure :
Thanks. I'm glad you found it relatable.
from opposure :
Hello, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for your interest in my book. If you like, please email me for details on where to buy the book. The email link in my journal should work.
from misfitstray :
I know you love your son. You are a mother. But don't you think your son is old enough to be responsible for his life on his own and deal with reality? What kind of son (grown up man he should be!) is that who knows that his mother has not much money and nevertheless let her pay his electricity bills? You always will pay for him, if you you let him do so.
from julymalaise :
That is so weird your neighbor has four refrigerators! I agree with you, it makes you wonder what he does with all four of them. BTW, pinapple slices are awesome.
from pattypat :
I'm thinking of you and hope things work out the way you want them to. Hang in there.
from fightn4life :
Once mom passed I decided not to keep calling family. Guess what I don't hear from them any more. Mom was the link. Sorry you have so much going on in your dad stopped sending us kids (his sons and daughters) any thing for Chritmas many years ago. Grand kids? He never asks about them. He just told us about 10 years ago he wasn't going to send Christmas or Birthday gifts to us five kids...we never knew why. It wasn't the money, he is very well off. Guess he figured he had done enough during our raising years. He never did send to the grands.Oh well this is a strange life we live. Or me any way. Hope your son has a great Birthday...he has a great mom. :) Priceless!
from curious-me :
You have a LOT going on in your life right now and you help your son out SO Much - a lot more than most parents would. I wouldn't feel guilty for saying no and having 'me' time. I know saying that is easy for me but I just wanted you to know that I think you are doing the right thing. Take care of yourself.
from fightn4life :
We need time, there are just days when we have to have alone time. Don't feel guilty, you do so much already. I hope so much you can find a less stressful job. My heart is with you. {{Hugs}}
from musicman6724 :
Sometimes you just don't want company. I don't think you should feel so bad about that. I'm looking for a job, too, now. Been unemployed for just over a month, which, from what I'm hearing, is nothing. It seems that I can reasonably expect to be out of work for almost a year. So there are days (today isn't one of them) that I'm feeling about as low as a sponge on the bottom of the ocean.
from moonsocket :
hello therenew friend! it seems you too have been writing here for quite some time. i feel i may be on my way out of here shortly, on to something newer. leave all of this stuff that has passed, in the past, you know? thanks for stopping by. oh, and unfortunately i did not draw the image on my site. it's by an artist that goes by the name 'milk'. her real name is chiara bautista. brilliant stuff!
from fightn4life :
Congrats on your 13 year anniversary. :) Ours was last month...18 years. Wow...wonder if they were wasted years or good. Time will tell. We did nothing exciting but hey...he isn't much for excitment. We have tomatoes to put in the ground...still to cold at night here as well. I feel age creeping up on me too...yesterday I thought all day I had to work today. It is tomorrow I have to work. Oh well, good thing we have calenders to count on. Missed reading your diary...I'm back now, Sandyz
from old-story :
whoops, a superfluous "screw."
from old-story :
heya catsoul. I'm using a screw on bower 52-46mm screw on attachment. It's great because you can zoom in and/or out using aperture priority, all the while using autofocus. It fits on my Nikon D40. :)
from frogeye :
That jaccuzzi soak sounds wonderful. I would love to have on in the back. My neighbor has one with a TV and wet bar setup and they never, never use it. What a waste!
from damfest :
Aloha, I just now read your note. I rarely check the ones left for me, so apologies for the late reply. I have enjoyed most of McCarthy's works but especially enjoyed "Blood Meridian" and "Suttree". Am re-reading "Blood Meridian" now. Which of his works did you like the most? Also, have heard "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" has recently been made into a fairly good movie. What did you think of the book?
from frogeye :
Sorry to hear of your job worries. Good luck in your future.
from curious-me :
That sucks about your job - but I think the way you are going about it - looking at it as a positive change is a good thing. Good luck with everything!
from misfitstray :
I feel like you with Monday, Tuesday and Friday's so far away *sigh* Wished I would like my job more... we spent too much time to earn money!
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the warm welcome back:>) Im not going lie, I missed my Diaryland buds ! And having a place to vent my feelings. The changes in my daughters emotions are exhausting, I hope she doesn't pull too far away it wouuld be very difficult for me to handle something like that.
from bettyalready :
I like bonehenge
from beyondpanic :
Is that Stonehenge or Bonehenge?
from fightn4life :
Don't feel bad about not keeping up with your diary. I think I lead the worst ever trying to post. I keep telling myself I need to write more. :) I like the bones. :)
from life-my-way :
Your bones are beautiful, I would love to know how you do it. My two little doggies are hard on toys too, and they would love those. Recipe, please? So glad to see you back! XO K.
from life-my-way :
Thanks for your sweet notes. Kids--who knew they'd be such a challenge? Everyone but me, apparently. Have a good week and thanks again for your support and concern. XO K
from fightn4life :
You're so is fragile. My thoughts are with you.
from julymalaise :
What a lovely photo!
from fightn4life :
I loved your photo...looks like a nice sunny (warm-HA) day. Yesterday when temps were in teens the sun was out and it was blinding bouncing off the snow...but oh-so-pretty.
from frogeye :
You sent the cold wave out here. My bones are numb. I wish now I didn't lose the weight. A walrus I was loved the weather. Now I have the chills. Got to get the stove cranking.
from fightn4life :
It hasn�t stopped snowing here long enough to see the blue moon�how awesome it sounds. Thanks for sharing the visual, I feel like I saw it myself dancing across the snow. I loved your entry�the title��Bring it on.� A new era begins. Sandyz
from college-kid :
Haha, I can't really play the guitar /yet/. I'm learning. :) And I used to play farmville, but it was sucking up too much of my study time, so I had to break the habit. It's so addicting!
from h2ophobic :
I suck at leaving notes. But I thought I'd do a "once in a blue moon" thing of my own. I've been reading you for months and always enjoy your blog. If I ever get back on Facebook (I had to leave because of an old friend/stalker) I will definitely have you help me set up farmville. Happy New Year!
from julymalaise :
Packers are cool! I like them, my mom likes them also.
from frogeye :
Cat-Have yourself a very Merry Christmas!
from photofawn :
thank you! :) the little fawn at the bottom of my page was from photobucket. i was using it as filler space.
from beyondpanic :
"I can't make it all go away, I can't make it any different than it will be. I will say that our illusions are always our most precious possessions. I so remember when his life was innocent and pure, then he grew up and made choices." I wish we could protect them forever!
from sunflowerowl :
Feed the Flame is my favorite! They were all so good. I really enjoyed reading your poetry. Jim said he'll post the script on his diary within the week. Probably after finals are done. Talk to you soon! Bye! :)
from sunflowerowl :
i will definitely read your entries. i love reading poetry! i used to write a lot, lately i've had writer's block, but once that goes away i'll post some work here. i'll ask jim for the link to his script. maybe he'll post it on his diary (foxsol). i'll ask him when he comes home tonight. right now, i'm headed for the bed. :D talk to you soon!
from sunflowerowl :
oh no! i hope you're feeling better. i haven't been feeling well since last night. i think it might be too warm in the house. i also keep gatorade around when i'm having stomach problems. strawberry kiwi or lemon lime flavor only. hope you're having a great day! -noey.
from sunflowerowl :
hello :)
from misfitstray :
It's your diary, and you can write about what ever you want. You shouldn't think so much about others, but think more about you. It's good to be good to yourself and give yourself what YOU need. Not what you might think others would/should need. I so can understand your feelings about your son, even if I'm not a mother. I'm with you.
from fightn4life :
So glad you got home safe and sound. You all got allot ore than we did this round. I have been watching the weather off and on all day. Hope your son and hubby make it in with out having to stay some where else. Sure was mess but so very pretty. Sandyz
from julymalaise :
Wow, it already snowed down there! It snowed here last Saturday, but it was no big deal actually. It melted the next day, but it was a lot!!! And the funny part was, I was running around that day in the snow! Crazy! Can you believe that?
from fightn4life :
We too are waiting to see what the weather will or a mixed bag. I am trying my best to enjoy the winter. I too got tired of griping about the cold. Yesterday when I was out I could smell how crisp and clean the cool air and was glad we did have the first snow that cleaned the air. That was something that never happened in Florida...some thing awesome about mountain air. Maybe this year I will not find myself in a depression during the absence of color days. At least I am working on it. :) Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Now that I read your entry about being cold I feel foolish about walking around in the snow with my flip flops on. Just another day of me being me. Your husband sounds like a gem. :)
from jimbostaxi :
I just dropped by to say hope you and the family have a great thanksgiving ;>)
from jimbostaxi :
yep i will check it out:->
from jimbostaxi :
i sent you a friend request on facebook :->
from jimbostaxi :
Hope you had a great Bday and nice pic of hubby :>)
from julymalaise :
Happy birthday, catsoul.
from life-my-way :
I play Farmville too--if you want to be neighbors, email me at @ and I'll add you. Supah! I need more neighbors too~
from jimbostaxi :
Three breakups in one year would be enough to stress anyone out. Its great that he has loving parents to get him through this emotional time.
from julymalaise :
Hope everything will be well with your son. Agruments are never fun.
from jimbostaxi :
Hope your feeling better :>)
from warpednormal :
hello darling, thanks for the add! Cute diary. =)
from fightn4life :
I hope you are feeling better today...high blood pressure isn't good. I am on face book and have a farm on farmville...I'll be your neighbor. :) I also have a farm on My farm, named "Heaven" and Farm Town, named "Bare Foot Happy Farm". I love them all.
from julymalaise :
Cool! I never seen an episode of Destination Truth, but it looks like a great show!
from julymalaise :
Swiss Rolls are okay now, I guess I wasn't getting used to the taste because I never had them before, but now I am. Overall, they're okay. Thanks for the compliment, I'm really against drugs, I do not get why people use them, they only hurt you.
from jimbostaxi :
Is that big snow storm heading your way yet?
from misfitstray :
beautiful and very romantic poem! Thanks for sharing.
from julymalaise :
Has it been raining over where you live too? Same here! Ahh, what a little cute mouse!
from svenhard :
ha ha, twice a day would be nice, we'll have to wait until we're retired. up early for work and knackered at the end of the day plus child crashing round the house most of the week makes difficult for private sexy tiem, J is normally asleep by 9pm i guess some kind of melatonin issue, we make good use of the brief slots available to us (dinners cooking, fancy a quickie?) just holding out for the lottery now to give us lazy mornings for the rest of our lives
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note, I almost didn't post that entry because It wasn't one of jimbos finest moments :>)
from jimbostaxi :
Sounds like you have your hands full, hope you feel better and all works out well with your son.
from old-story :
hey will be: user name: circus pass: freak cheers, m'lady.
from misfitstray :
hm, I don't know if I want that kind of fun anymore. He's a lot younger than I am and there's nothing a young man would want from me but sex... But nothing against some flirting ;)
from jimbostaxi :
cute dogs I like the brown one with the squinty eyes
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks Sue, Lmao I feel like such a dope. I noticed the soda and tp after I uploaded the photo.:>) I still like coming to Diaryland but a few problems had come up first my sidekick T-mobile phone crapped out and thats what i usually use to update my diary, and second I was tied up for a few days doing a hard reset on a I-pod touch for one of the owners kids. But Im back and Im sure I will be adding more photos but lets hope I will remember to hide the soda and tp paper :>)
from julymalaise :
Warm milk is simply delicious!
from julymalaise :
Thanks! Well, the cartoon is called Mutts, but I do not know who the author is or the creator. Um..all I know is that it used to be in the Sunday cartoons and I remember reading them, I do not know if they still show them in the papers anymore, I do not think so, but my favorite cartoon from the funnies is Sally Forth! No, the milk wasn't soy. Is soy milk good? Because me and my friend were talking about it the other day and she said it was nasty!
from frogeye :
Just finished two by James Huston, 'Balance of Power' and 'Price of Power'. Couldn't wait to turn the next page in both. They have a backround of terrorism and forefront of government interaction. Not the spy novels I enjoy, but were both enjoyable. Passed each along and got the same reactions.
from jimbostaxi :
Just about all the cars in our fleet are Impalas. The biggest problems I see in most of them are a/c compresors and dashboard lights burn out way too fast. Besides that all they other problems are minor hope your husbands christmas red one is problem free ;>)
from jimbostaxi :
Its fixed check it out and let me know if you see the pic :>)
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note I will see what's going on with the link. Its more than likely I messed up the link and didn't link it right to the pics. Have a good weekend :>)
from frogeye :
No, no other pets, unless you count fish that continue to survive and a couple of finches. I'd love to get anothe dog, but realize I am not in a position to keep one. Guess I'll have to live vicariously through you to maintain my love of them.
from misfitstray :
Maybe it would help your son if you won't help him out of every situation he's in? Maybe he has to experience the whole cruelty of life to learn to be more responsible for himself and the ones he has to care for?
from fightn4life :
I loved your walk down memory lane�I could picture each person as I read about them. I am so glad your parents are holding dear to the afternoon coffee and tea ritual�how special. It is something we can learn so much from�no matter how busy or hectic our days are we should always have a special time to just look at each other and feel blessed. Thanks for sharing your memory�it made me smile, Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
Love all the pets!
from julymalaise :
What a lovely picture, lol. The pets area surrounding your husband, how cute!
from jimbostaxi :
Angelina was great in the Changeling ;>)
from misfitstray :
I hope that your week off will be wonderful for you. Take more time for yourself and enjoy! xo
from frogeye :
I wish you had film of your neighbors and the tree hitting their SUV. That must have been priceless! And yes, a foot will be coming off. When, I don't know, but get your husband ready. Damn city-slickers!
from beyondpanic :
Your entry today about your neighbors made me laugh out loud! So, so funny!
from julymalaise :
Aw..she's so cute, your son's second daughther! =) Hope you have a nice day, catsoul!
from jimbostaxi :
I hope your feeling better I just read your entry about what happened at work. Thank you very much for the bday note and the diet pepsi :>)
from frogeye :
I too hope that you are feeling better. Life ain't hard enough to worry about ourselves.
from misfitstray :
Hope you feel better soon! You should really take better care for yourself and not always think of the others. oxo
from beyondpanic :
Oh no! I hope you're feeling better now. Nothing worse than getting sick at work, is there?
from fightn4life :
I too am glad you husband asked you if you were happy. It makes you look inside and ask yourself some difficult questions. Once you answer them in your heart it may be enough to continue searching until you figure out how to make your life more enjoyable. I love your thought process and being thankful for even the smallest of wonders this life has to offer. Makes me want to readjust a bit of my thinking and look at the little wonders, thanks for sharing, Sandyz
from frogeye :
Your strength is amazing! I wish I had the ability to see life as you do. I am blessed and things are good to me. Physical ailments are just obstacles in my way. I take each day and look forward to the next. God bless you!
from julymalaise :
Wow, I must agree with you, that painting is so lovely!
from misfitstray :
Thanks for the hint on that knitting pattern page. I'll try that out. I don't knit scarfs or shawls, as I mostly don't wear scarfs etc. Just mostly pullovers/sweaters. And I'm pretty much perfect in knitting nowegian patterns
from julymalaise :
The Packers are quite a great team, me and my mother like them!!!!
from jimbostaxi :
Hmmmm I don't know if I can post pictures on Diaryland but I will look into it. You were right also about it being better to have flowerchild here half asleep than not here at all.
from beyondpanic :
Just to be able to button a shirt!!!
from beyondpanic :
Seriously, how these boy-men never heard of birth control..or self control!!
from fightn4life :
We finally came into summer here too�the temps are in the 90�s and humidity way up there. Yesterday I cleaned all day and was covered in sweat. It was time to turn on the air conditioner and enjoy the cooler temps. Not as you said below zero�but in one day it went from the 70�s to 90�s. Where is the middle ground? I can so relate to you having to race around with your son�seems my quiet times are between trips to court and back. But what can we do�disconnect with the people we love. I can�t so I try not to complain�some how it sneaks up on you any way. I hate it when loud noises interrupt nature sounds�even though we live in a very small town I still miss the quiet of the back woods country. No one lived close to us and we had a dirt road. Now the cars seem louder than life and dogs barking at all times through the night. It does help to have air-conditioning on. Hope today is a better day for you; my thoughts are with you, Sandyz
from boxx9000 :
Do you have an approx. due date for your grand baby?
from julymalaise :
Omigosh!! The same thing happened to me yesterday! I seriously though yesterday was Tuesday for some apparent reason, and when I looked on my Ipod calendar, it said Wednesday! Well, yesterday DID felt like a Tuesday for some reason
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note I'm finally starting to feel better ;>) I checked the beads out on google and they are very pretty. If I come across something I will keep you posted.
from redsilk :
Thank you so much for leaving a note for me! It was my very first one as well! I have over 800 of your entries to catch up on so I could be busy for a while... xxxx
from jimbostaxi :
Can you take a pic of that lampwork bead? This way if I see it up here I will let you know ;>)
from julymalaise :
Oh, thanks for telling me. I was wondering to myself what it was, but then when you told me, I was like "Oh, duh." It was something so simple! Lol, really, how good is that show? I never watched it before, but of course, I heard about it, but I heard it was good.
from julymalaise :
I was wondering, catsoul, what is BB11? A radio station?
from julymalaise :
Wow, I never knew she made a sequel to the story. I like that book, it was quite interesting and very remarkable. I definetely Chevalier's way of writing, it is very great and inspiring. Thanks for the titles of her other books, I greatly appreciate it, catsoul and I will check them out.
from jimbostaxi :
Sex is good and men love sex!!! Even when we are hurt we still want it. :>) a few years back I even had sex in the hospital while recovering from an injury(it was a semi private room) nothing will stop us ;>)
from fragilegirl8 :
Thanks for the concern.... :)
from axde :
can you get drunk off fermenting bananas in your gut?
from misfitstray :
I think it's more the magnesium which is responsible for spasm and cramps and that's the mineral which is most in bananas. And hm, I don't like diet pepsi ;) Take care!
from julymalaise :
Yes, you are right, catsoul. Cancer is a great water sign and Scorpio is compatable with Cancers. So your birthay is around November, that is like so awesome!! Thanks for the greeting! Have a nice day!
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note :>) good answer I helped him pick up his money and I only took the fare
from jimbostaxi :
Nice pic: >) I had some people from wisconsin in my car today but I forgot to ask what part.
from beyondpanic :
Wonderful, happy pic! Now you need to show us one of your hair when it's done!
from julymalaise :
Hey catsoul! Your son is a cancer too? (Zodiac Sign.) Reply back!
from beyondpanic :
Our Lola LOVES to sretch out on my bed and look out of the window so now I make sure to make the bed for her every day and open the window - even when the central air is on...and I find nothing strange about that! :)
from fightn4life :
I was offered a pretty little kitten and almost brought her home. My worry was my two older cats and one very dominate male. I didn't want any of them to get hurt. I sure would have liked having a new kitty. I hope yours stop fighting. Sandyz
from julymalaise :
Hello catsoul, are your pets fighting with each other? That happens to my cats all the time. My cat Kitty, for some odd reason gets annoyed that my other cat Blackie rubs the wall, so she hissing at him and the more she hisses, the more Blackie rubs his face on the wall and acts all beserk. I find it very funny actually. They are such cute cats.
from beyondpanic :
You know, when I read how sick you are sometimes, it just makes me so mad about your son. I just wish he would grow the hell up and stop causing you so much stress - I somehow don't think it's a coincidence that he calls you and shortly thereafter, you're down for the count. I know that YOU know this is said to you by someone who's son needs to do a hell of a lot of growing up too! Feel better!
from julymalaise :
Thanks catsoul for adding me! I will add you! Luv ya, take care.
from jimbostaxi :
I just made the background lighter let me know if its wasy to read :>)
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note :>) hope your feeling better and everything works out with your son. As far as the backround color goes it was a little lighter if its hard to read I will keep playing with it until I get it right
from misfitstray :
Yes, your son is grown up and should take the responsibilities in his life on his own. Your husband is right. I totally can understand you on the other hand, that it hurts you to give that pressure on him with the finacial thing. I think you did the right thing. big hug for you, my dear xox
from axde :
wow! those cats are huge
from dovesanddust :
Hello again! :3 Actually, my newest doll isn't a cat. She's a bunny -- mostly. But they /do/ have lots of cat dolls, too. I didn't make Fia, but I did some customization on her. There are several companies that make these types of dolls. They're called asian ball-jointed dolls. The major downfall of the hobby is that it's quite expensive. If you are interested in learning more about it, though, join! It's a very popular forum where tons of people who're into ABJDs get together to share pictures and information about their dolls. You can see all the different kinds and learn about costs and customization and everything. I'm littlebrokenbutterfly on there. :3
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the pic :>) very helpful
from jimbostaxi :
Ill look for the organic chicken and jasmine rice next time I'm in the store and ill let you know the outcome. As for the work thing ive got a trip into long island city later but I kind of hope they cancel :>)
from jimbostaxi :
Feel better, and does organic chicken taste much different than the other kind?
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for the note :>) your interpretation of my dream is a very accurate description of my thoughts and feelings. Maybe you missed your true calling as a shrink. Dr. Catsoul has a nice ring to it :>)
from svenhard :
hai, pleased to meet you
from jimbostaxi :
Burnt bird yuck! sounds like you guys had some excitement out there.
from raschel :
thank you for adding me but it's mostly everything written in german, I'm sorry. some entries are similar to my other diary and some are more detailed. and I don't know, if you don't know german, that it makes sense to add me to your favorites. but nevertheless, Thank You!
from misfitstray :
Thank you for your note! I'll try to take some pictures.
from jimbostaxi :
:>)thanks I will give it a try.
from jimbostaxi :
Nice pics of your tatoos. The one you describe on your back sounds great, if I get one it will be big and have a lot of detail. Possibly An angel with a sword I'm not sure yet.
from jimbostaxi :
Thanks for reading :>) yeah some peoples lifes are void of meaning and they look fill in those gaps. Ever since the show prison break I have wanted a tatoo what design do you have on your back?
from fightn4life :
Your life appears to be going along like mine...not much going on just drifting...sort of. While we were on the orad a simi with a load of cows over tured and we wee stuck in traffic over 3 hours. All I could think about was those poor cows. I am weird like that. {{Hugs}}...Sandyz
from frogeye :
Sorry to hear of your BP level. I have maintained mine somewhat with exercise and some medication. Am convinced that the body can control itself if we take care of it. Easier said than done!
from goodluckgold :
Catsoul, I am very sorry about the lost that has occured in your family. Hopefully, you guys are okay and I wish you the best in your family. I know it's very complicated losing a family member, but I know you get through because you're a very strong woman, catsoul and that is why I admire you. Take care.
from thecrankyone :
Its always a tragedy when someone passes on,especially somebody who should have so many years left. I will keep praying for the two of you (((hugs))
from snoopy-9487 :
I meant to leave a note last week, but I got busy. Thank you so much for the good wishes! Cheers!
from curious-me :
Thanks for the info. I did read that in the info they gave me about my bp pills. Thankfully I am much better today and have no nausea. Hopefully it was a one off. I know when I read some 'side effects' then I super sensitive too everything I do or feel - sometimes this can be a little misleading. I figure I'll give it a week or two and make sure I closely monitor myself and then decide if I need to see my dr to change the meds.
from fightn4life :
I am glad I am not the only one that has nothing to say because things are going very good. I don't want the other shoe to drop...I think I may have run out of shoues. LOL Nice post today. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
I loved that book Duma Key...I hope your little critters wished you a very Happy Mothers DAy. :) Sandyz
from yaketyyak :
Good luck! I've spent most of my life trying to find relief from heaadches.
from misfitstray :
I know as I got through that before. But I so so hate to take maedications 'sigh' But thanks. You take care too!
from dovesanddust :
My mom is a huge Stephen King fan. She says I should read the one you are reading now. I read a bit of it and it seems quite interesting.
from dovesanddust :
I like the pointy hat! It has character. It's like an elf hat. :)
from acaldwell : you can play scrabble there also!!!
from goodluckgold :
I know right, but Leonard is betterrr. Yes, send me some rain catsoul please!!!!
from acaldwell :
red jello, i mean the strawberry jello!! but i believe it do have the red dye innit, (boo hoo) check the package ingrediants, and nice and ice cold with the bananas innit is special also!! i added you to my yahoo messenger list, go see!! happy sunday!! drivel posting is imminent!!
from acaldwell :
i love the red jello with just a lil milk!! not too much, ya know! also, i dont think one or two marshmellows will do any harm!
from goodluckgold :
Awww, man you woke up late today? Shucks, that happens to the best of us. Stopping by to say Hi and wishing you a great Thursday!!!
from acaldwell :
i too, suffer from drug induced CRS! hell i cant remember high school, and that was over 30 years ago, and dont ask me who my classmates names were, i couldnt tell ya!! hehee!! but i can recall getting my tonsils removed in 1963. sheesh!! i like a good peanut butter sandwich!
from acaldwell :
chicken and rice is one of my faves!!! especially with pinto beans mixed in the rice!
from floodtide :
Got an e-mail that looked like spam from - is that you? Didn't open it since I didn't know.
from annanotbob :
Thanks for your note. Pressies is stupid talk fro presents - gifts. xx
from floodtide :
Thank you for your kind request. I don't like to leave passwords here in notes that anybody can see (even though I know it is unlikely). Would you mind sending me an e-mail address? I'll send a password and username there. Would you mind, also, telling me how you found out about me? I don't mean to seem suspicious, I've just gotten burned a few times here. You can also e-mail me at [email protected] Thank you!
from acaldwell :
happy birthday to yer dad!! yay!!
from acaldwell :
great pics of the country road and lake and doggies!! i miss country roads!! and lakes!!
from fightn4life :
I love the pictures of your dogs and I noticed on your book shelf "Duma Key," I just finished that book and loved it. It is one of Kings books that I could read again. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
I forgot to take my morning meds...I figured it out when I took my night time ones. I am getting older my the second and I never saw it coming. :) Sandyz
from fragilegirl8 :
Thanks for the note! :)
from goodluckgold :
You're entry wasn't lame, mine was totally lame!
from goodluckgold :
I missed you too, catsoul!!! I'm back!! Hoorah!!!
from acaldwell :
please tell son to get a restraining order against the crazy ex girlfriend!! it will be for his own safety, she sounds like a real loon!! and i hope y'all get the deposit and 1/2 months rent back!! i linky'ed you in todays drivel!!! HAPPY EASTER!!!
from acaldwell :
that easter bunny is a riot!!! hahahaa!! thanks for the laff!!!
from fightn4life :
I loved that Stephen King book, �Duma Key� I couldn�t stop thinking about it. I felt it was one of his best. I suppose maybe because it was about art and I paint in oils and have often felt like a part of me was in a weird state of mind when I do a painting based on feelings. You will love the book, I think. Aren�t cats great? LOL Mine are a pain in the as* when I open my eyes. They sit there and when I open my eyes no matter what the time they are ready to pounce on me. Good morning it seems they are saying. Then�it becomes all about them. I love my cats. Sandyz
from acaldwell :
thats a dirty rotten shame about what happened with your son and all that.
from acaldwell :
eagles are so majestic!!!
from acaldwell :
there are 2 diamonds with a ? in the middle of them, one above the other, on the left side of your page, thats what im talking about!
from acaldwell :
im sure your parents are all right!!! seems like a fun adventure for them to drive from mini-soda to florida!! how did you make the � i copied and pasted it from your page, i never seen � before!!
from fightn4life :
Change is good and if you do go blond or get the streaks I hope you post some pictures. I have alwasy wanted the dark hair and brown eyes. Both my girls got their chocolate eyes from their son is a blue eyed blond. (When he lets his hair grow.) Sandyz
from acaldwell :
cute lil malcom doggie pic!! sorry you gotta put up with that snow, hwever, in this pic is looks pretty.
from katrinaox :
Soooo random reader here. One of my favorite poems. Its called Darkness, Its pretty.. depressing, but it got me through alot when i was younger ill post it in a second.
from erases :
to have those memories back, i suppose - in the present. but you have to leave them in the past, because that is all that they are: memories.
from beyondpanic :
I completely understand what you are saying. Although I would love to see my son and grandaughter, I sure as HELL do not want that biotch in my house - and something tells me he won't come unless she can come, so...
from acaldwell :
anyone who judges you for venting your true feelings, aughta be strung up! judge not, lest ye yourself be judged. you have a right to your feelings and express them. if the offending parties get offended? tough cookies. you have a right to say what you will in here YOUR DIARY IMHO, i think its high time for some tough love. you cannot continue to support your son and his wife and kids when you have your life to maintain. i say, tell the kid that is high time to get offa his ass and get a job. he has a car labor ready will hire him on the spot because he has a car! welfare will give him money, and he can goto the salvation army for rent assistance.
from cocoabean :
Im sorry your son makes you feel that way. Kids can be thoughtless, sometimes. He needs to know how you feel, even if it hurts his feelings. And write what you want in your diary, it's for you first, and the rest of us second.
from fightn4life :
It is nice in an odd sort of way when someone is on the same path in life we find ourselves on. It makes us feel as if we already �know� them, and most important not so alone. Sandyz
from acaldwell :
i made a stoic man laugh!! that makes my day!! i still got it!! enjoy the day!!
from college-kid :
I don't know how to knit, though I've always wanted to learn. :( I solved the problem, though. Went out and got a game for my Gameboy DS and a couple of books. =)
from acaldwell :
happy monday!! liven things up a bit at work with the desk creeper! bring in one of those air horns in a can and when he comes over, let him have it!! BRAAAANNNGGG!!!! he will stay away!! haha!! enjoy the day!!
from acaldwell :
i surely hope that the upcoming week for you will be much better. having the crud is rotten, and im sending you good feeing healing vibes your way!!! get well soon!!
from fightn4life :
You driving to work feeling sick and trying to deal with emotions concerning your not so boss man reminded me of my "monster boss" back in Ark. Back then my home life was a wreak and work was a nightmare I recall driving up and down the mountain thinking I was on the road between two hells. Thank God I no longer have those thoughts. Time moves forward as the seasons change and with it goes those horrible memories that at times seem to dominate our life. There is sunshine behind those dark clouds you see today. Have a wonderful weekend. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Sorry too about your bad day yesterday and so glad today is a bit better. I am so glad to be able to catch up and read diaries...dial up towards the end gave me spastic fits. I am thrilled to back to high speed...can't believe I got by almost a year with out it. I couldn't see many pictures that are posted. Have even a better day tomorrow, Sandyz
from college-kid :
Wow, that's terrible that your work environment can be compromised by one solitary person. It still amazes me to this day how some people refuse to take other's feelings into consideration. He's just a jerk on a power trip. I'm sorry you have to deal with someone like that on a daily basis.
from whyme63 :
1-12-09 When I read your entry, I wanted to hug you and punch out the dickhead "notboss". So--did your boss say it was okay for that guy to give you these mandates, or did she offer to handle the stuation in any way? Next time he wants to have a conversation in private, I'd insist on having your boss there.
from curious-me :
wow what a crap-tastic day. I hope the situation gets better. You're a strong person so I know you will be able to handle this. One day at a time. Good Luck!
from whyme63 :
1-12-09 When I read your entry, I wanted to hug you and punch out the dickhead "notboss". So--did your boss say it was okay for that guy to give you these mandates, or did she offer to handle the stuation in any way? Next time he wants to have a conversation in private, I'd insist on having your boss there.
from pattypat :
I hope things go better for you - it sounds like you are having a really rough time. I hope your boss supports you in this - sounds like your co-workers will!
from college-kid :
Thanks so much for your honesty-- it was really nice to get another's perspective. It's funny you mention that about my mom-- she really is unhappy with her life... I was somewhat amused she accused ME of being unhappy when I'm honestly the most upbeat person I know. Some things just upset me. I'm more like my mom in that I don't like keeping things I don't need and my sister is more like my dad in that she sort of hoards stuff.. It's just a personality clash. I /want/ to move out, but I'm smart enough to know I'm not exactly financially stable yet-- especially considering that I pay for my own education, most of my food, and all my toiletries. It's tough, but I'll make it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy. Thanks. =)
from acaldwell :
didja know i used to live in oshkosh, by gosh? hehehe!! it was winter, too!
from misfitstray :
and thanks for the favorite too :)
from misfitstray :
Thank you so much for your kind note on Tula. I know that she is waiting for me somewhere over the rainbow. And she is always in my heart.
from bornearly :
That hot and cold thing that's happening to you in the night -- that's exactly what I've been experiencing on and off for a couple of years, only I'm asleep when it happens. By the time I wake up I'm drenched, and then the tremors start! It's always worse in the winter when the bedroom is colder. Good luck dealing with that. I know it's annoying!
from acaldwell :
im must applaud you in the decision to help out your kids with they rent!! its the peoper thing to do!! kudos to you!!
from frogeye :
No frog collection for me. The name represents my 1959 Austin Healy Sprite, which is affectionately known as either a Frogeye or Bugeye depending which side of the world you are on. Cute little thing, basically a tub with a smile in the front. Google up an image sometime.
from frogeye :
Hey Cat! I just love the way your pets get along with each other. Shoulda, woulda coulda, I always wanted to be a vet when I was young, but it wasn't in the cards. And please keep the cold winds in your neck of the woods. I'm feeling the chill this year!
from goodluckgold :
My goodness, there is a lot of snow up where you live, hahaha. I don't think we'll get another snow day in PA, it's cold, but not cold enough to snow unfortunately.
from goodluckgold :
Thanks catsoul and you're welcome!!1
from goodluckgold :
Hey catsoul, haven't talk to you in a long time. It's been lovely weather down here and I'm so ectastic! I love Boston Terriers. On my way to the local store in my neighborhood, I would always see this Terrier in the window with his toy, he was so cute, his name was Charlie!!! Sam
from frogeye :
Hey, thanks for the good words. Yes, the shirt has to go. Full speed ahead with the diet. Slow and steady that is. I guess I've increased my cardio workouts also, so that helped. Enjoy the change in weather.
from fightn4life :
I love soup during the winter time...we made so much last week I have little bowls lined in the freezer. I am waiting for spring now...only six more weeks. :) Sandyz
from acaldwell :
just think, 6 more weeks til spring!! wheeee!
from boxx9000 :
1-28-09 AQUARIANS RULE! The first half of Februray is my favorite time of the year (Valentines & my birthday)
from realchild :
I've been reading Tarot cards off and on for about 18 years. I'm pretty bad at it. I usually use a miniature Albano-Waite deck. How about you? Any preferences?
from acaldwell :
i have read a lot of those books! now, heres one that you might enjoy, Freedom by William Safire!! best book i have ever read!!!
from acaldwell :
how about timothy leary's the politics of ecstasy, or fear and loathing in las vegas by hunter thompson? those 2 come to mind!
from fightn4life :
I wish I could help...I read so much in my early years but that one doesn't ring a bell. I keep thinking on it, Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
I know exactly what you mean about the middle of the night phone calls. They must sense that our defenses are down and we'll probably do what we might not normally do if we had time to think about it. Damn kids.
from acaldwell :
what a darling picture!! i had a hot piece of chicken last night too! YUM!
from annanotbob :
I don't own a pair of jeans either - nasty stiff things. Hope things ease up a bit, best wishes xx
from beyondpanic :
First of all, what an absolutely beautiful baby!!! Secondly, if your son says it's OK to tell the granparents about the babies, then go ahead and tell them. You can't control how they react and all you have to worry about is your relationship with your son.
from fightn4life :
I hope your hubby made it home safe...thinking of you. Sandyz
from acaldwell :
happy saturdaying to yew two!! colonos~~~~, well, they suck!! good luck!
from beyondpanic :
How the hell can she blame him for the baby being lactose intolerant? She is definitley as crazy as the Sea Hag!
from goodluckgold :
Actually catsoul to answer your question about the sledding thing, I still sled and so do the other kids in the area where I live. I looooove sledding, I go with my friends and we fool around like little hoodlums we are and throw snowballs at each other and stay outside until it gets dark, ahhh, then I go home and have some choco coco! Yum! I wish it snowed here in Pa, freaking annoying that it didn't yet! Sam
from college-kid :
Everytime it snows in Texas, we attempt to sled. Sadly, no one in the area actually owns a sled due to the abnormal lack of snow every year, so we resort to using laundry baskets and trash can lids. However, it doesn't take long before the grass is visible because we never get more than an inch or two at a time, and it's usually ice anyways... So sad. D:
from beyondpanic :
Thanks so much for your kind thoughts. Every day I am shocked anew when I think about how I've lost my son.
from dovesanddust :
Which poem? (: If it does not say "[Borrowed poem]" in the title part then it is one that I've written. Thank you for reading. I'm glad that you liked it ... sometimes I just need to grind words together until something comes out. <3
from beyondpanic :
You have a wonderful attitude about your illness that many people should follow. As far as the next grandbaby is concerned, I guess we have to both thank God that he takes care of babies and drunks (as the saying goes!)Have you ever thought about having an automatic starter installed on your car? My husband installed one for me and now I can start the car with a push of a buttom from the warm confines of my kitchen.
from acaldwell :
wanting time alone in the morning? NOT SELFISH! sounds like the co-worker can only be tolerated in small dosages. like a few guys i know here! BTW, im adding you to my blog-o-roll!! i didnt know you read me! say a few syllables!! :-)
from bettyalready :
HA! I just read the entry about liking your alone time in the morning. NOT selfish, it's probably one of the only "Self care" things you do for yourself. "Self care" is what we discuss a lot in massage school. Anyway, I drive an hour every 3rd weekend to get to school and someone who lives near me wanted a ride. So then it was assumed that I would give her a ride every weekend. Oh and then she would assume I was giving her a ride around the little town all weekend. We were joined at the hip and I'm thinking "WHY does this always happen to me????"
from bettyalready :
No way, thanks for your input. That's actually my thought but I have a friend who's much older and was a single dad. His way of dealing with it and my way are very different. I'm happy they're still talking to me and I don't know what it is about this age-this particular generation- I know they lie but they're actually pretty honest about a lot of things I wouldn't have been at that age. It wouldn't have occurred to me. Anyway, I wouldn't want my mom to know. I just want to make sure she knows when she's ready. She'll have to make that decision, I just want to make sure I'm doing the best I can.
from beyondpanic :
Thanks for the complement on my quilt. I don't know how to crochet but I sure wish I could!
from yaketyyak :
Your latest entry made me smile. I guess it really is the little things that count!
from wigglewurm :
from fightn4life :
Healing wishes coming to you from this part of the world. I hope you are feeling better. My thoughts are with you and I hope your bracelets come soon. Sandyz
from beagle47 :
venti venti
from goodluckgold :
I like your poem, it's very pretty! I wish I was good at poems like you. My poems suck, hahahaha. Have a nice day Sam
from curious-me :
Happy New Years! Thanks for the advice, I'm going to pass it on to Keith asap! Take care.
from beyondpanic :
IdaMae is like an angel sent to keep an eye on you!
from college-kid :
Thanks for the wonderful advice. :) I hope I get to see him today because its his day off, but who knows.
from bettyalready :
I get a kick out of that, dogs on high alert due to a ......branch.
from beyondpanic :
That story about the dogs furtively pooping while keeping an eye on the lurking pine branch was so funny! It made my day :)
from lovelynight :
Also, Merry Christmas to you, too! :)
from bettyalready :
I like that mantra quite a bit actually. I like the snow caps too. We just had snow here and it covered up most of my mom's outdoor nativity scene. Just the heads of the three wisemen were poking up through the snow.
from yaketyyak :
Love the snow photos!
from fightn4life :
Merry Christmas...rambling is good on Christmas. We seem to rewind and contemplate our past moves on this holiday. Loved your entry, Sandyz
from yaketyyak :
I'm half Polish, but I think I get my dark circles from my Italian grandmother. Merry Christmas!
from boxx9000 :
MERRY CHRISTMAS. Peace, Love, Health & Happiness in 2009.
from goodluckgold :
Thanks catsoul! Same to you!
from goodluckgold :
Hello catsoul, Hope your Christmas is merry and bright!
from goodluckgold :
Yeah I was busy this week and yeah, I meant to say Zen Fountains, lol! I always spell stuf wrong even though I know how to spell it, it's probably because I type too fast and sometimes I hit the wrong keys, but oh well, it's okay! Yeah, I won't let the bickering get to me, but it is just so annoying going to the mall listening to them while other people look relaxed. We went to the mall again and bought Mom the boots and luckily, noone fight, but I was cranky that day, so I was a little crabby with them. Sam
from goodluckgold :
Awwwwwww, I adore your pets!!! How've you been doing? Sam
from curious-me :
that is the cutest picture!
from whyme63 :
Merry Christmas--it was so cool to get you in the Weetabix Card Exchange! Glad we were on the same list. Mel
from fightn4life :
I am so glad you made it safe...they say here this has been an early start to winter. It has snowed almost every week starting in October. Have a wonderful weekend...this is my weekend to work. Sandyz
from frogeye :
I can't wait to see Tasha and Sasha together. They were the perfect pets. Thank you for your kind words and understanding. I'm an emotional mess tonight but that's to be expected.
from frogeye :
Thank you for your kind message. Sasha was put to sleep this morning. I miss her so much right now. I dread going home tonight and not see her by the couch. I know she's better off, but it is still hard on us mortals. God bless you!
from fightn4life :
They say when children are young they step on our they grow up they often step on our hearts. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Lord I do understand what you are going through with your son. Wish I hadn't been down that road so many times. I will not tell you that you do too much. I understand how the heart works. Darn-it! Baby is a cutie and I hope all works out with the landlord and such. Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
First of all, the baby is so adorable! Now, has your son applied for any social security disability or welfare or at least the WIC program for the baby? I'm sure he'd be eligible for WIC and I can't imagine he wouldn't be eligible for welfare if they're both not working! I used to work for the Dept of Welfare, and it sounds like they would be eligible for it. You and your husband are angels. Joan
from beyondpanic :
I asked my husband to read your entry because I wanted him to see that we are not the only one who has son problems. He commented that he had to agree with your husband - that he hates tot see me get upset when something "new" happens with son. I hope your son doens't have to go to jail or live in his car - something tells me he'll work something out.
from goodluckgold :
Hey catsoul, How are you? Hope you're week is going good! My dad snores really loudly too when he has a cold and it's always good to let out your feelings in a diary, so you won't make no one else upset and hurt their feelings. Ever since I kept a new diary, I'm improving with my attitude. Ooooh, I looooooooooooooove Chinese Food, I hadn't had some of that stuff in a really really really long time, I'm craving for some, especially for some orange chicken! Sam
from fightn4life :
Good grief...sounds like you have more snow than us. No...I am not jealous. Take care and don't shovel too much or drive too fast. (I hear the snow too.) :) Sandyz
from bornearly :
I have three good guitars, and I tour with two. The third is a beauty but in view of the present cash situation, I'm better off selling it. ...I'm an on-and-off knitter with several longterm, unfinished projects! Right now I'm just doing cool scarves for a couple of people for Christmas. I have knitted one excellent sweater with unusually long arms, and one that would fit a moose. Every project is a learning experience, right? I have been very successful at hats, though, and mittens.
from goodluckgold :
You're lucky catsoul, you're off today? Gosh, Wisconsin is cool! I always wanted to go there and to Michigan also when I was a little girl. What I like to do in snowy days, which I hadn't had one yet, which sucks a lot is to play in the snow with some friends, go home and eat Ramen Soup and some hot chocolate and watch some tv and cuddle up someone where warm and read a book. Awesome isn't it? Sam
from goodluckgold :
It's snowing over in Wisconsin? Cool! We had a little snow in Pa like Saturday, but sadly it melted, but it wasn't much so I wasn't disappointed!
from frogeye :
Hey, I know what it's like to be in the snow. My poor Sasha gets lost in the backyard and I have to put on the old boots to help in some nights. Damn pets,are they great or what!
from fairygodmum :
Hey gurl... you could mail it back to me and I can fix it! Email me OK! Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FGM
from realchild :
Re: intestinal bacteria. I can't believe you had that bacteria and lived through it. Wow.
from fairygodmum :
So glad that you are feeling better! What beautiful pictures... Wow... I haven't been in snow in years! Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from goodluckgold :
aww that is so cute about the dogs, they had loads of fun, hmph there is no snow in Pa yet, but I'm wating, I love snow. You're so lucky you have snow now, catsoul! Sam
from dovesanddust :
Gatorade, nom nom nom! (: Two excellent things to add to my Sick List! Thank you! n_n
from beyondpanic :
I think you and I have the same son! hahaha. My son has none of the beautiful pieces of furniture we have given him either...and I'm afraid when he calls because I'm sure he wants money or he's in trouble! We must be strong because they will NEVER grow up if we continue to help them!
from acorncity :
from goodluckgold :
hey catsoul, That's good you got your Christmas card early and that you're son called and that he misses you. How are you doing today? Sam
from goodluckgold :
Heyyyyyyyy! hahaha, I hadn't realized I spelled weird wrong, hahaha! wired!! toooooooo funny!!! Sam
from goodluckgold :
Hello catsoul, I have read your poems and they're all very creative and full of meaning. I love "A paper Latern", I really liked that one. It's always good to be creative!!! And I will continue to write because I have a passion for it too. And that's cool you read all the Twilight books, I never read one of them, but I heard they're good. I'm a big Harry Potter fan, I read all of them books hahaha! I heard about that book "Crank" that it is an awesome books, my friend Jessi read it. That's cool you were a high school teacher, lot of fun you had I guess! Thanks for recommeding those authors and letting me read your poems, they're really unique! Sam
from goodluckgold :
Hello catsoul, Yeah the Traveling Pants is a very good movie, the books are aweosome, I'd read all four of them and I definetely wanna see juno too, I heard it was good and it must be a real good kneeslapper. Here's another movie for you that is a book, it's called Twilight and all my friends are obssessed with them books. They are going to see the movie tonight. It looks like a good movie, but I like to read the books before the movie, ya know? Have an enchanting day!!!! Sam
from goodluckgold :
Hey catsoul. I should ask my teacher about my problem with alegebra so I can pass and not worry about it. but I don't have an F in math no more because my teacher is going to give me a B because I handed in this pakcet I had to hand in today and he says he is going to change my report so yeah, but still..... you know I need to ask anyway. Thanks for the advice, I really enjoy your notes, they're so sweet and full of confidence!!! Sammy
from curious-me :
you know I can't even begin to guess what it must be like with all those limitations but I can bet you any money I would be quite the whiner about it...all the time! I think you handle it quite well and you definitely deserve to go off on rants about it....
from goodluckgold :
hey catsoul, Reading your diary about the beach house reminded me when I used to play with toys, I was always so imaginative. I used to have a barbie high school and I would always love playing with it, I also had a bakery and I'd pretend for all the Barbies to have their hangout there....hmph.... that was always the good times. Sammy!
from fightn4life :
While you were fixing dinner we were putting up storm windows getting ready for the north winds. I think we are ready.. :) Sandyz
from goodluckgold :
hey, that's weird, my phone didn't ring today either and it always ring, strange huh?
from goodluckgold :
Hello catsoul, I absolutely love your note, it was very generous!! Modpodging sounds cool and that is a very creative idea with the calendars, I love to to be artistic. Also, I have to agree with you about reading, I looove reading! I was in the high reading class last year, but I don't have reading anymore because I don't need that class anymore because I was in the highest so now I have spanish, so yes, but I still read!!! And the journals, I love journals, I have three written journals so far in my house and it's all filled in, to the front and to the back, hahahaha! I love to write too! It makes me feel so special!! Enjoy your vacation! Hope all is well! Sammy
from beyondpanic :
That bobcat story scared the CRAP out of me!!!!!...and that says alot because I am extremely anal retentive...if you know what I mean. :)
from goodluckgold :
Hello catsoul!! Happy Birthday!!! YAY!! Hahaha!
from fightn4life :
Happy Birthday my friend. :) Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
Happy Birthday! I know you don't really feel like "crazy" celebrating right now, but at least celebrate who you are. You are a wonderful person who has lived through a whole lot of turmoil and survived beautifully!
from goodluckgold :
hey catsoul, thanks for the note. Actually, swimming was fun, i thought it was going horrible from what I heard!
from curious-me :
Hi there, as you know I don't have any kids so I can't relate to what you're going through at all. Just so you know you sound like a great mom and I know you do what you can for your son. I do hope you take a little time and appreciate your birthday tomorrow. Even if you don't feel like celebrating maybe you can stop to take a moment and just celebrate that you're alive and appreciate those who are in your life (your hubby and cute puppies to start!). And what I wouldn't give to have my hubby send me flowers on my b-day! Enjoy the best you can! Take care.
from goodluckgold :
yay! obama won! everyone wanted him to win in school! YAY!
from curious-me :
that's awesome that you signed up for the card exchange - it's so much fun! I'm not sure if you signed up for one or both but I hope I'm on your list to get a card!
from goodluckgold :
thanks for the note! It was some wild fun and i am not much of a football fan either, i like baseball better too, the Brewers are agood team, I like them also!!
from weetabix :
Thank you for the condolences. No, Tilly was our only kitty and actually, we were just talking about another pet tonight. We're still undecided at this point, but I think it's impossible to imagine a future without a kitty in our house. If we do get a new cat, it will probably be another non-kitten rescue kitty, which is what Tilly was. I think it would be a good way to honor her memory, saving another cat from being punished for not being cute enough at the shelter.
from mmmfactor :
hola! I would post a pic of my tattoo for you to see but I don't want any identifying pics to get my super private (sarcasm lol) blog to get uncovered! I got an aum sign with angel wings and it says 'rj' underneath, its a memorial tattoo. I am planning on getting two more tattoos; I'm not sure what the design should be though but I want it to be either say mom and dad or have both of my parents initials. The third tattoo I want to be more artsy, more badass-ish. *shrug* lol - what about you?!
from goodluckgold :
hey, Happy Election day, ha ha ha! Just joking, how are you? I like the packers too! they're a good team! comment back.
from curious-me :
The card exchange was started by Weetabix. She has this whole system and you get cards from all over. People are so creative! I myself have to rely on funny cards cause I am just not that creative when it comes to arts and crafts! But it's fun to get so many cards in the mail during the holiday season.
from beyondpanic :
Are we twins or something? Apparently my son is not talking to me (again), but when he was, he actually asked me if he and the Sea Hag and Swee'Pea could stay with us for a week in October. I burst out laughing and said, "Are you kidding me?" I told him that he and Swee'Pea were most welcome to stay any time they wanted, but that the Sea Hag (of course, I didn't call her that to his face) was not wlecome in our house. I told him that she was too violent and that I was afraid she would start an argment with one of us or kill one of us in our sleep. I know that sounded pretty dramatic, but I had to be honest with him. These boys of ours do not realize that we love them and we hate anyone who hurts's as simple as that. Also, our homes are our sanctuarys and we have the right to say, "No, I don't want that person in MY home.
from goodluckgold :
oh I meant to ask you, have you watch the world series??
from goodluckgold :
hey cats, I have two cats Buster and Kitty, I wish I have a dog especially the one you have a terrier and I love cats so much and your cat is so cute and you must love it a lot. I love to have pets, isn't it a wonderful thing?
from goodluckgold :
helllo I love ur cats, they're adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
from college-kid :
Thank you soooo much for your support-- it hurt alot when he just flat out left so I felt the need to pour my heart out. Thanks again, it really means alot to me. [Hearts]
from fightn4life :
Sorry you have a cold while on vacation but I think I'll pass on getting yours. :) I am just starting to feel like I belong to the human race...I have been sick too...and cooking for husband. Get well soon, Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
Oh My God!! We're both sick and still cooking for the husbands! Now tell me this, would they cook for us if we were sick? Ya know they wouldn't, darn it!
from maliger :
Hi, I think all of us think of up and abandoning the roots that tie us down when we aren't happy with the way things are and don't see a way to change them. I just keep trying to convince the people around me that things could be so much better if only we protest the wars of conquest since 9/11 and raise awareness for global community instead of the paranoid thinking that the media is promoting. /end_of_rant ... anyway I know someone else that's a fan of Nin, who also likes Henry Miller.
from cocoabean :
Things CAN get that bad, although cashing out your retirement first would take some planning.. but there are times when leaving is the best for everyone concerned, whether it's spouse or children or other family. It's not easy either. But for a person to just disappear, it would make me wonder if they are still alive. I moved, I didn't disappear.
from dietingqueen :
Tim Tams are chocolate cream filled, chocolate biscuits covered in chocolate. Absolutely delicious. You should read The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl. She describes aussie biscuits in amazine detail. I was craving Mint Slices after reading it!
from beyondpanic :
Of course, you know I completely understand why you're helping your son. I just wonder at what age will they stop asking us for the money.
from fightn4life :
It is hard to turn our back on our children when they are up front with us. You are Right it is only money and you can't take it with you. I hope once you help him this time he can get back on his feet. I feel sure he was able to exhale after talking with family. My thoughts are with all of you, Sandyz
from cocoabean :
maybe it would be better to put the traps outside the garage... or get a slew of cats! hahaha
from goodluckgold :
lolz means laugh out loud but i don't why i add a z to the end prolly cuz I like it that way sorry to confuse u on that, anyway, your book sounds great how is it going so far? I am reading the Harry Potters book again and I am now on the second book of the series. I am reading the whole series again because I don't get the story at the end of the series, it confsuing! Anyways, you have a greeeeeeat wweek!
from goodluckgold :
hey i was reading ur diary and I love books too! AND PETS!!!! lol you said the same thing my aunt always says when I tell her I love books too because she loves books also lol. She says you get lost when you read, you are like in your own world and books are my drugs, I need to have a book at my all the time or else I get grouchyyyy..... lolz!
from goodluckgold :
haha ur so funny!! And i won't tell him and i hope he gets over it and yeah i have 2 get up real early and i hate it bcuz i m always grouchy when i get home well school starts at like seven-thirty but i m usually widely awake when i get 2 my locker bcuz i m always running around wit my pals so yeah! Lolz
from goodluckgold :
hey yay!! I know and a banana flip sounds deelish! Now u got me hungry lolz so how u doing? Hope all is well!
from beyondpanic :
Oh my God...what horrible people!!! I feel so bad for you and your son and your granddaughter. I promise to send up a prayer for your son and his granddaughter!
from fightn4life :
Rainy days always make me sleepy, I too love to listen to sounds. Yesterday was a gorgeous the rains are coming. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
It took me some time to figure out how to scan, and upload. I don't know if this will help but I figured out I had to scan the photo then save to my computer in my pictures and then up-load to photo bucket. It was then up to me to keep on my hard drive or delete them. I hope this helps. :) Sandyz
from frogeye :
Thank you. I know you understnad my feelings as you have with you own pets. Sasha has been my love for so many years, I can't bear to have her stumble without my help. She and my first Husky, Tasha, were the best friends I have ever had. They asked no questions and told no tales. Why can't humans have those traits? Damn world!
from beyondpanic :
I went to goodsandwich's site and left her a note. Isn't it fascinating how the internet helps us to express what we are feeling and take comfort knowing that others feel the same way?
from curious-me :
It's so funny you should mention today about writing an entry every day this month. As I was logging in to my account just now I was wondering if anyone updated since last night when I checked it and my first thought was that catsoul probably updated and sure enough when I opened up my buddies list there was your name hi-lited and I couldn't help but smile! I for one am glad you update as much as you do! I'm glad your vacation was a restful one and hope you have a good week getting back to the ol' grind! Take care.
from beyondpanic :
Beautiful art work - each with a special meaning.
from snoopy-9487 :
I love the pictures of your tattoos. They're all really pretty. They all seem to flow together and make a story like a one of those murals that they used too in ancient times. Thanks for sharing. :)
from boxx9000 :
THANKS for sharing. Both my kids have 3 or 4 tats each and all for the same reason, major life milestones. The very first one my son had done was when his grandpa died. He did the design himself. I made him wait until he turned 18 to get it and it was something he really wanted. I'll look and see if I have pics of it to post.
from boxx9000 :
That is a nice tat. nice art work and detail. OUCHY tho. As much as I LIKE tattoos, I'm too afraid of the pain to get one. I'd never be able to decide on a design. congratulations. I'd be interested in seeing ALL your tattoos or at least a list and where they are located.
from beagle47 :
wow, the cat ying to my doggie yang. may i add you as a favorite though a) i am locked; b) i rarely update c) i have read only your most recent entry (liked it a great deal though!) and d) *ruff!* (an obvious downside if you have a cat soul but our cats love me if that helps). thank you in advance for your consideration.
from boxx9000 :
I'm feeling as tho I need to carry my own food supply with me as well. It's so hard to find foods that I like and am NOT allergic, too. It's a bit of a hassle, but worth it to not get sick.
from boxx9000 :
HAPPY VACATION, ENJOY! We are about the same age, I was born in 1956. My kids were born in '82 and '84. I'll be a grandma by year's end.
from maliger :
I've learned in my life (though I'm only in my 30s) that letting go is hard unless one really looks at it the right way... but recognizing that you have to choose between holding on to things not being the way you want, and the other choice, of being happy and accepting things as not being something you want to classify, in case that the plan of everything by whatever deity you believe in has would actually end in something better because of it... like shaping one to be able to appreciate when things are better, from the bad experiences. Anyway, take care of yourself, saw you on recent public entries and liked the screenname. - Donald
from sduckie :
Thank you for adding me. I look foward to reading more of you... my template was actually made by my friend rose of rose-phoenix... I don't know if that's her doll or she found the photo someplace... I don't know much about dolls!
from boxx9000 :
I hope all goes well for you at the hospital today. I didn't know you were diabetic, too? Both my parents were diabetic. I haven't had soda in over a year and I do not miss it. However, I am addicted to my diet Rock Star drinks and I'm thinking that even tho they have vitamins in them, they're probably not a healthy choice to drink one everyday. (sigh)
from fightn4life :
I think it is sad when a family member voices their disapproval of another especially when it involves a younger one. No one knows what we are to learn about ourselves while here and family should not be so quick to voice their judgment. I don't understand the whole "you disappointed the family" does another persons actions truly reflect the actions of others? We are are own worst enemies when we realize it is us that may be disappointed with our own actions. Any way I am sorry your mom makes you feel bad...more sorry how she talks about your son. Look more week and your vacation starts. :) Sandyz
from fightn4life :
You are amazing to handle what ever comes your way with a touch of humor. I love reading your Diary it is so inspiring. Many positive thoughts for your health issues...I hope little by little your body will learn to tolerate a few things you love, Sandyz
from boxx9000 :
clostridium difficile? I've never heard of that one, I'll have to look it up in my medical book. If it is a bacteria I would think there would be some way to control the balance, but ulcers are also bacteria and hard to control at times, too. I can't have any dairy or wheat or I get sick. Meat I gave up on my own as well as soda and alcohol. I feel so much better since I went vegan. What is your ancestry? Some ailments are more prone to certain groups. Any family history of this?
from catsoul :
Yes I see a dietian. No we never totally figured out where I got the bacteria. I have my ideas, where I work could be one, but really really can't be sure, and I don't want to get in trouble for even saying that outloud at work. I see a holistic person on my own. Going totally organic and learning to keep my body safe are the most important. Other than that, I still miss chocolate but my memory of chocolate isn't good. I should just try a small bit. I so loved white chocolate Reese's peanut butter cups. Oh well. I buy candy for the people at work, so when they have a piece, at least I can smell it. Muffins I also miss alot, so I make my husband alot of those, I can make them for him and it does make me happy. Thanks, I hope all is going alright for you, and how do you like the change with sitemeter? Take care. =^..^=
from thecrankyone :
Yikes, Now I understand why you are so careful about what you eat. I have some food issues, but nothing anywhere near that serious. Do you work with a dietician or a specialist to make sure you get your nutrients, and work on being able to tolerate more foods?? Did they ever figure out where you picked up that bug?? Just curious. Glad you managed to come out of it okay. You seem to be dealing with it, a lot better than many people would, but then it isnt' like you have much choice, huh?!?! (((hugs))
from beyondpanic :
The way you handle your illness is amazing - I don't know if I would have had the strength to evaluae how sick I was and whether I had the srength to drive myself to the ER. You are truly someone to be admired.
from boxx9000 :
Why are you sick? What is the diagnosis? Isn't there some diet they could put you on (like ENSURE) so this would't happen to you? I've known people with Crohns, irritable bowel, diverticulitis, and polyps that were able to control a good portion of the problems thru diet alone. My Mom had colon cancer and had to have her colon removed and she had one of those bags. so sorry. it's no fun to feel unhealthy.
from beyondpanic :
That tattoo is WAY to big for me. I like the fact that my tatoo surprises me sometimes. Like, I forget I have it and then WHOA..what the heck...oh, that's right, I've got a pumpkin tattoo:)
from ragdollheart :
Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm doing better now, back at school on time and everything. I still have some kidney stones, but they're too small to cause problems ... yet. I'm trying to keep hydrated, they said that's the best thing to do. (: I hope you're enjoying the end of the summer.
from fightn4life :
My daughters and granddaughter have tattoos across their backs, they wear low cut jeans and short shirts. Me...I am happy with my two little foot prints on the top of my left foot. I thought about another but decided I had nothing left to say...this one says it all. Don't forget to post a picture of your new one when you get it. I do love the body art...or expressions as some call them. Sandyz
from goodluckgold :
hello lol and thank you i will
from cocoabean :
do you live near wauzeka?
from catsoul :
two granddaughters, one will be turning 5 in Oct. and the second GD will be 1 yr. in Oct. Two different women. =^..^=
from boxx9000 :
My daughter is 24 (turning 25 on 2/6) How old is your grandchild? Do you have just the one grandchild? boy or girl? I will have a grand daughter by the end of this year. I also have a son who will be 26 on 11/23 and will FINALLY be graduating in May of 2009. Some kids just take longer to find their purpose. I didn't even START university until I was 42 years old.
from boxx9000 :
How old is your son? Is he your only child?
from orgami :
from the worlds truamas I search the sky when Im on my own And Venus in her gown Grown has graced the floor with charm and grace the beauty of her long loved face and here I sit connected to the internet with my sites few and find a flower blazed in light a flower like my Venus night
from fightn4life :
I missed fall last year being in the sunny state...this year I will see it all around us. My fave are fall and spring...both for me new beginnings, Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
You know I love the autumn - hence the pumpkin tattoo! I also wear a lot of amber jewelry all year to bring that color into my life every day.
from beyondpanic :
A new dog!!!!! You're so lucky that you can do it! Best wishes!
from ragdollheart :
Thanks. Often, truth is bitter. I think we seldom get real truth ... it's usually candy-coated or veiled with words that make it hurt less. Sometimes that's good, but sometimes it's frustrating! (:
from beyondpanic :
Tiny paper scraps Clutter the desk of my mind Forcing me to feel. heeheehee...that was fun!
from ragdollheart :
I don't think I have any recent pics of Lace. I should take some of me and her since we have been summer companions. :D And yeah, it hurts to lose so much writing. I've kind of come to terms with it but I've been remembering all sorts of other stuff that I lost along with. Oh well -- much of my poetry's on here, and besides, it's an excuse to write even more! (:
from fightn4life :
When I am in a wondering thinking mood, my thoughts are in rhythm and rhyme. Some times an entire poem will come together and eat at me until I write it down�other times I hear one liner in my mind and write it down and the rest flows. Most of the time if some one gives me one line�I can run with it. When I was young I thought I was weird when I realized I was thinking in poetry�later I just started writing them down�I have hundreds in my paper collection. Weird isn�t it to know how others write poetry. Yours was an interesting entry�thanks for sharing, Sandyz
from boxx9000 :
I've often thought that something must have happened in my childhood because I can't remember large parts of it. One evening I was thinking very hard on this topic and fell asleep. I was awakened with my heart practically beating right out of my chest and the words from the movie, A Few Good Men, was shouting thru my head. I could hear Jack Nicholson shouting, "You can't handle the truth!" After that, I let it drop. Some things I just don't need to know.
from xoleni :
I just came across your entry you just posted... the one with the picture of all the books filling the bookcase. That made me smile.
from boxx9000 :
from ragdollheart :
Thanks! And I meant the chicken noodle casserole you told me I should eat! :D It was good.
from ragdollheart :
The casserole was delicious! (: I hope you're enjoying your summer.
from snoopy-9487 :
Hummingbirds are amazing, but insane. They're very territorial apparently. We have two hummingbird feeders real close to each other on our deck. There is a hummingbird that sits up in a nearby tree and likes to dive bomb other hummingbirds who try to get a drink from the feeders. It's amazing to watch, especially when the zoom past, chirping at each other. Really random thought about hummingbirds. Hurray hummingbirds! Cheers.
from fightn4life :
Thank you for your note...the picture is a sky view of the valley we live is peaceful here, and I adore the wild life. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Loved the pictures of your furry friends. They are adorable, Sandyz
from happyone :
hello! I've never read any of Jean Auel's books, but they sound fascinating and right up my alley. I'll have to check them out sometime. :D
from goodluckgold :
Hey, I do agree with you, so glad for Friday.....
from fightn4life :
So glad to be back on line, I have missed Diary Land. It does feel at time like we are endless money pits some times it is hard to just say, "no I don't have it." Our hearts are to big. Maybe things will settle down now. Missed you allot, sandyz
from swimmmer72 :
Re: toes. I got the idea at my chiropractors office. I was looking for something medical as my sponsors are physicians and there were all these D. Donna Korkes prints, mostly abstract spinal stuff, but WAY too complicated. I checked out her other stuff online and found the toes, which were relatively simple. Yes, I'm really looking forward to doing it. Thanks for the note! :)
from swimmmer72 :
They are "windspinners" and a vendor from Wisconsin was at DPI last year and I hope they are back. I got one for my mom, and she loves it! They are pretty neat, regardless if they are going a slow spin on a calm day or going like crazy during a gale. You are right; more than one is the way to go! :)
from musicman6724 :
That fairy tattoo is really pretty!
from thruthecrowd :
You have amazing taste in tattoos. :-)
from ivyparker :
Thank you so much about the layout. I was so happy that we got to see Tom Petty. When we came out of the auditorum it was like no air at all. It was stifling outside. At least a north wind tonight.
from artgnome :
I also love the fall. very much. go fall!
from thruthecrowd :
Seeing the fuschias made me happier. I love fuschias. My emotional grandmother had three hanging baskets on her front porch just dripping with those beautiful blossoms. Them and the bees greeted me every day after school. :-)
from cocoabean :
its not even that hot in San Diego... and much less humid!
from goodluckgold :
hi sure you xan you're great Sammy
from ivyparker :
Thanks for asking about the limoncello. I posted the recipe. Its lemon vodka. Hope you are doing well these days.
from fightn4life :
A fun quiz...I took it from a fellow Diary writer. I'll post mine soon. I liked yours better, Sandyz
from cocoabean :
grilled cheese with onion is da bomb!! At least Brewer's stadium has a dome, so if it did rain, they likely didn't get very wet.. at least not during the game!
from fightn4life :
I keep telling myself I'll write every day and something always comes up. Loved the picture of the cute little pup. Sandyz
from ragdollheart :
I was named after my two grandmothers, too! Their middle names (Marie and Lou) became my name and middle name. (:
from fightn4life :
I am like that at times, when a memory flares up it is as if I am reliving what I recall, other times I can't remember a thing about my child hood. I feel as if I have to peal layers to remember things. Love the picture, Sandyz
from musicman6724 :
Thought I would let you know, I'm about 3/4 through Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
from fightn4life :
I am sorry about your son, it is hard letting go and letting kids stumble over again. It is learning all about life, and hard to do. As a parent we feel we should always clean up the mess, make things better but it really doesn't help as years go forward. I think you are doing the right thing, letting go and allowing your son to learn to grow. Sandyz
from ivyparker :
Thanks for cheering me up. I will try to take more naps. Promise.
from snoopy-9487 :
Hey, thanks for the note. The newness of a new job was a nice change for once instead of having the old oldness of the same routine of the past few weeks. I hope your week is going well. Cheers! :)
from thecrankyone :
Taco soup sounds quite yummy. its a little warm for soup right now, but I may sub some "no chicken broth" {a veggie broth seasoned like chicken broth} and make it for a veg potluck. Thanks. I love new recipes
from fightn4life :
Cool this morning in your part of the world? Here it has been in the 90's and they said cool down, (88) HA! I live on the lake (OK not on it) next to it, so far no biting bugs but some have said watch out for snakes and alligators. Crap there is no Utopia no matter where we live. Hope you find some relief. Sandyz
from thruthecrowd :
Thank you for what you said in your note to me, sincerely. It means more than you know.
from ivyparker :
that is some wall hanging. i haven't been to Michaels in a while. still need to get to Wal-mart and pick up some more neon pink yarn. should have got some the last time i was there, but didn't have time to. it gets so packed there on saturdays. hope you have some enjoyable moments with your pets.
from frogeye :
Just finished 'Mortal Fear' by Iles. What a great novel. Can't wait to start the next one. Thanks for the info on him.
from waycoolmama :
holy freaking crap... someone is reading my babblings!? ty for the bd wishes, and hugs to you!
from chaosdaily :
retirement sounds great, and Thunder Bay is beautiful.. at least in the summer. My joints feel much better in the warmer weather, so I am really looking forward to San Diego!
from fightn4life :
DOn't you just love Spring? Loved your entry, Sandyz
from ragdollheart :
You use BareMinerals? Do you like it? Does it work well? I've thought of trying it!! Thank you for your thoughts about Cupid. We all miss her, she was such a scruffy and beloved part of our family.
from ivyparker :
Thank you so much for that bitter sweet story about the crocheted throw. I loved it. I did start something...its more of a scrap throw. We'll see how that goes.
from ivyparker :
Thanks for the note..I did finish the throw. Sorry, I can't take a pic of it. Wish I could. Hoping you have a wonderful mother's day. You are one of the best Mom's I know. I love your creativity and you're very cool too.
from fightn4life :
Why can't you have a light lunch with them instead of watching them eat? I don't believe in any way you must listen to stuff about your son, he is YOUR son, and their grandchild. Your mom made the choice to help him; "thanks" was all you needed to say. I spent many years feeling the need to defend, now I believe it is not about any one except me and my children�if another family member steps in well it is at their own risk, so deal with it. Stand up for you�you deserve much better. My thoughts are with you, Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
What a sweet story about your dog and the cat -and how great that your neighbors called you when they didn't see them. That is what life is all about!
from chaosdaily :
Maybe your cat was waiting for the dog to give her a minnow or two!
from chaosdaily :
maybe you should just buy him one of those lights...
from musicman6724 :
I work 10-6:30 Sunday night through Thursday night, then sleep regular hours on weekends. I never get more than 5-6 hours sleep on weekdays, and only get about 2-3 on Sunday. So I miss one full night's sleep every week. Fun times! But I've been doing it so long, it's "normal" to me. Also, I wanted to let you know that I just ordered three Stephenie Meyer books yesterday. Can't wait to read them.
from chaosdaily :
I worked 11-7 when I was single, and got more sleep then! My house was quiet during the day, once I got my family to realize they couldn't call at 10AM!!
from fightn4life :
Hey, I watched BB9 too, how cool. :) Sandyz
from snoopy-9487 :
Thank you for the note. I was reading what I wrote last night again and wondered what I was thinking because I haven't ranted like that in awhile (after it built up all day). I really don't know what the future holds but I plan and try to figure it out. :P I know friends and family really don't often mean if they say something like that, but words are very powerful after all. I think I've rambled enough this morning. Thanks again for the note. Cheers. :)
from fightn4life :
Your entry about Friday made me smile; it is nice when all is good in your world. I'll send some prayers to those that are battling cancer and a BIG Happy Birthday to your dad. Sandyz
from snoopy-9487 :
Thanks for the note yesterday. I have no idea what is going to happen with the internship. Working for me during the school year isn't the best plan since I have no car and there really is no good work within walking distance around here. Hm. That is what summer is for anyways. And the beach. :) This year has gone by quickly. Anyways, cheers!
from ivyparker :
I haven't gotten to the other books in the Twilight series but I really want too. Hope the weather isn't too bad where you are.
from beyondpanic :
Thanks for the compliment on my tattoo! I don't know if I'll get another one too soon - it took me a year to work up the courage to get that one :). You and your husband are doing the right thing for your son. Sometimes, when one of my sons gets into trouble and we once again help them, my Hub will say to me, "When is this going to get easier?" I wish I knew the answer for him and for all of us parents who continue to give and give and give.
from fifidellabon :
Dear Cat, did you get the sitemeter to work? Usually the site will give you some code to stick into your template. I have a feeling that you've already worked this out though. xoFifi
from chaosdaily :
sure looks like it works... it had my visit listed!
from ivyparker :
thanks about the gateraide info. beautiful baby picture, too. wishing you a warm spring.
from chaosdaily :
if that link I left didn't help, I don't know how to tell you to do it... otherwise, if you want, you can email me your password (and name and pw for sitemeter) and I can put it in for you.....
from musicman6724 :
I read the poems you directed me to a few days ago. Good work. Here are my comments. "A Single Flame"--I like that one a lot. Very sensual imagery that created a strong desire for a partner. "Essence of Eternity"--Strong emotional struggle, here. I've felt those feelings, so it really resonated within me. "My Woods..."--Very nice. I immediately got a visual of my Granddaddy's old place...lots of woods that I could wander around in. "A Paper Lantern"--This one hurts. What a sudden twist. It almost hurt my stomach, like a kick in the gut. I liked that line that said, "We drank ginger tea and ate your promises..." "Feed the Flame"--It was simple, yet perhaps the most difficult to grasp. Looking for a way to release the soul. A soul that wants to be heard, by anyone. It feels lonely. Anyway...there you go. I liked them a lot.
from fightn4life :
What a beautiful baby. Yes he made a wonderful choice. Sandyz
from chaosdaily :
try this.. its the same for Dland as for Blogger..,9
from frogeye :
Interesting question. My life has generally been a struggle to survive, to get the bills paid and the problems solved. Scattered in between are times when I do find myself living to live and enjoy the breaks.
from stitchfish : Don't know if you've been to this website or not, but I thought of you when I went through some of the cute animal pics! PS>>> LOVE your Easter Bunny!
from ivyparker :
LOL...I can't believe you did that..thats so so funny of the Easter bunny....Happy Easter!
from snoopy-9487 :
I think I just had tea come out of my nose when I saw that Easter cartoon this morning. Thanks for the early morning laughs. Have a great day. Cheers. :)
from musicman6724 :
We have a doggy bed in our house. The "doggy" has never set foot in it. But two of the cats take turns sleeping in it. :-)
from chaosdaily :
As far as I know, it doesn't go on your criminal record, but if you don't do what the judge says, it can go on your credit report. Your son should name the girl's father in the suit too, because he was just as involved... that way, maybe the judge will order punitive damages because he knew what he was doing was wrong.
from musicman6724 :
I just saw your question on my book list. I was 16 in '74. I graduated in '76. As I get it updated, there will be some Michener books later. I know I read Texas and at least one other. There's also some Mary Stewart in there, although I never finished the Arthur series (yet). And yes, I am absolutely still into science fiction/fantasy. But I have been hard pressed to find replacements for the great masters such as Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke. On a different subject, I sure hope your son can get his laptop back. That story sounds like something from a scifi book...or maybe Stephen King...
from chaosdaily :
I hope he did learn from that.... guess they all have to grow up sometime.
from fightn4life :
Your son is blessed to have you and your husbands support, I am sorry he is going through such a rough time. I am glad you have given him helpful hints on what to watch for people in anger sometimes do things to others without thinking. If they are "unstable", they do think and that is scary too. My thoughts are with you and your family and I hope he can move on without any more problems. My heart is with you, Sandyz
from musicman6724 :
Whoa. Some pretty intense stuff going on there. I hope it works out for the best...
from beyondpanic :
Alright, you know that we have shared many of the same experiences so all I can say to you is I am thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts. There is no "right" decision when it comes to these men.
from fightn4life :
The most difficult thing we parents do is to "let go, let God." I know I have spent my life being an enabler and change is hard but knowing everything does happen for a reason and most of the time we learn as we stumble along helps when dealing with our kids. When I look back some of my difficult times trying to get back on my feet were my greatest lessons about life about me, maybe this will be a time for you son to learn about himself. My thoughts are with you, Sandyz
from catsoul :
Hi, I to am a read-a-holic. Have you read any books by Greg Iles? I looked at your list and thought of Greg right away. Oh, oh, and also Stephenie Meyer, her first book is called, "Twilight," it is about vampires. I just can't say how good of a read it was. She wrote a series of three, all are intertwined and one picks up where the last one ended. I just devoured them. They are in the young adult book section, but gosh, they are for any reader who loves vampire history but the familiarity of their lives. Stephenine hooks you right away with the entertwining love of Edward and Bella(who isn't a vampire). Yeah, I think maybe I will have to just reread these. Let me know if you start to read "Twilight" and what you think about it. =^..^=
from fightn4life :
Loved the picture you picked. I too have been losing weight and thinking the same thing, I need to get back to an exercise program. OK, now I thought about it now I need to put it in motion. :) Sandyz
from curious-me :
Hey there. Sometimes I forget people actually read my diary but I kind of figured that I might get a comment or two about this cause it's a pretty serious topic. I'm sure you've already figured out from my diary that I have many issues about confrontation and I'm sure it may even borderline as a phobia. I have never confronted T - intervention type deal - but I have been more vocal about how much she drinks etc. Now that the driving while under the influence has entered the scenario I definitely can't take a back seat anymore. I really am hoping that this was a wake up call for her. When she was over at my place on Monday she didn't have one drink which frankly rarely happens. But I know that this is far from over and there will be reprecussions which I have to admit that I hope there are many for her....she needs to deal with and if this is what will get her to do so then I am all for it. I never thought about the bar thing in all honesty. Keith and I have planned on putting a bar in since we moved into the house. It's more for looks than to serve drinks if you know what I mean. I will be interested to see which way T goes after the initial shock where's off. If it's denial than I know I will have to speak up. Sigh. Anywho, sorry to be so long winded! If you want we can chat via email rather than in this forum - but that's up to you! My email is [email protected] - feel free to email me anytime.
from fightn4life :
I loved the list so much I did a few things not on my list...added them then crossed them off. LOL Now that was silly. I plan to use a list to help keep me motivated, it worked and I feel good about the day. Thanks for your comment. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
I got back from a Drs Appointment and she suggested I talk to a professional. My weight loss is significant, blood pressure too low, energy zapped. She tried to get me to open up and I only listed a few things, loss of home, back surgery that cost me my job, my 19-year marriage just walked away on Feb 14th. She asked how I was feeling�I told her numb�I feel tired. This makes three or four people in the last few weeks that have told me to seek help I suppose I should. Thank you for caring, Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Oh my and I was raving to myself how much I love the new look. I was thinking of doing my page in black and red. Glad I read your comment; I would not want you to have a headache reading mine. Part of the attraction for me is I am colorblind and seem to favor extreme light on dark. Sorry, Sandyz
from ivyparker :
I was shocked by the D-land change too. Hope all goes well with your Father in law. My thoughts are with you. Wishing you warm weather thoughts too.
from ragdollheart :
Well, they don't really taste like ice cream, I can't say they do ... the crust part is chocolate and they have sprinkles, which are tasty. The insides taste like ... like really good frosting from cake? I can't describe it. -I- like them, they're really really good. Awfully sweet though. I would recommend them if he likes sweet things and sprinkles! (: The sprinkles are mostly what cheer me up.
from beyondpanic :
Don't you hate it when you're not feeling good, but you know that someone is going to be calling you and you just DO NOT feel like talking to anyone, but you always want to be polite because that's how you were raised...AAAAGGGHHH!
from fightn4life :
My weekend starts today, Lord am I glad. You're right we can't help that our bodies are in perpetual change, unfortunately as we get on with the age thing our bodies don't keep up. I need to get back to some kind of exercise; I have been pretending work is enough. Hope your days were good ones. Sandyz
from tuff517 :
Thanks for the BB9 heads up! I watched some of the after dark on Showtime last year, but I don't have it this year. I was glad to see Eric and mmmm.... that girl are still together, they're cute.
from chaosdaily :
not taking any animals with me.... orion is my sons cat and he would be quite upset! zorro is my daughters, and oreo... she just is the house cat.
from curious-me :
I couldn't help but laugh when I read about the people who go to work with wet hair - that is so me! I jump out of the shower, get dressed and pretty much head out the door with a head full of wet hair - and yes it freezes when I do my little walk to work from my car - ha!
from chaosdaily :
if there's double time, there's triple time, too. i love getting paid double time! i used to be one of those going to work with wet hair.. until i started having to go in a -15 freezer which froze my hair. now i wash it in the afternoon....
from chaosdaily :
mark time!
from ivyparker :
Good luck on your puppy search. Is there anyway, you can take Sadie somewhere to visit with these dogs before you get a new one. Thanks for your notes. I am trying to figure out an apron by using the idea of a baby one piece smock..but for grownups. I'm not sure if my best bet is to make it out of a newspaper first
from beyondpanic :
I remember when one of my son's former girlfriends called me once and complained about him not working and owing money, etc. I told her that I certainly felt for her, but that she should hitch her wagon to a star, not my son, because he wasn't going anywhere. I agree, it is sad and hard to say these things, but we are their mothers, so we know them best.
from beyondpanic :
DAMN! That poem is sexy! I think I'll make sure my husband doesn't work late tonight! heeheehee
from thecrankyone :
Actually the other day, there was a town in ND, I can't remember which one, that dropped 30 degrees in about an hour. YIKEs. lol.. Stay warm, I'm certainly trying.
from frogeye :
Yogurt, what an interesting suggestion. I may just add some to her food tonight. She's a fussy eater anyway and that may just be the taste she needs in the backround. And thanks for the dryness help. My fingers are a mess.
from fifidellabon :
What a nice woman you are! About those boxes of toys of yours, perhaps you might wait a while longer---then they might sell on ebay!~ Fifi
from curious-me :
Hi there. I just read your message and you did alarm me....but in a good way. I have a way of taking my health problems and minimizing them. Or else I tend to think that I over react and the problems are all in my head (no pun intended). My doctor isn't very big on explaining things but I guess I am also at fault as I don't probe him as much as I should. But thank you for your input it definitely is much appreciated. I've been now doing some research and know that I need to make some changes. Any words of wisdom...or encouragement are definitely welcome! Take care.
from chaosdaily :
your husband is right... just part of why i'm moving. i need to let my children control their own lives, and if im here, it wont happen.. they will continue to lean on me. and how did his axle get bent? that doesnt just "happen"...
from snoopy-9487 :
Thanks for the note. Some things always seem daunting at first, especially when that something is new and unknown. :) I'm sure I'll get a handle on this semester within a week or two. Have a nice day! :)
from chaosdaily :
yeah, 35 this weekend. ill bring the lawn chairs!
from ivyparker :
Please don't tell me moonlight wasn't new. I hope not. Where was I Friday night? Darn. I do so want to keep up with that show.
from megsworld2 :
Its almost in the single digits here tonight. We were suppose to get this huge storm yesterday but it wasn't as bad as we expected in Omaha.
from frogeye :
I take the same Potassium. I'd have to check on the amouont of mg though. I'm very happy with it also.
from beyondpanic :
Restless Leg? My legs twitch and spasm. It's hard to describe the feeling - all I know is that I should be skinnier for all the running I do in bed!! :)
from frogeye :
So far I've received "Dead Sleep", "24 Hours" and "Mortal Fear". Was going to start with "24 Hours". But I need to improve the lighting near my chair. I like to read outside, but given the weather....
from ivyparker :
Hope things are staying serene for you. Maybe you'll find something to write about soon. Looks like the picture could be a good story starter for you or maybe it'll inspire a poem.
from frogeye :
The storm was a giant dud here on Long Island. Hope you didn't get hit too bad. Think there is another one headed our way towards week end. My Iles books are slowly arriving. Can't wait to read them. Thanks for the recommendation.
from fightn4life :
I understand having much to write but then nothing. So much going on but nothing. LOL Sounds redundant doesn't it? I hope you had a peaceful rest, that photo made me want to sleep/dream as well. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Lord I hate the drive in the fog, there was a HUGE pile up on I-4 last week, fog and smoke, many died even more hurt. I wish I could stay home when it is that foggy. Stay safe my friend, Sandyz
from fifidellabon :
Woman! You've gone through so much!! Amazing. And I totally understand about the fog driving. Horrible, that! Did they not just have a huge fog traffic pile-up somewhere near you? /Fifi
from flicka :
I don't know either. My tech-savvy is on the rather low end. I'm just now starting another online ambition....livejournal. I'm at bloodspilledout at the livejournal site. It's a new beginning....
from beyondpanic :
What a wonderful attitude. You're dealing with the cards you've been dealt in the best way you can. I can learn alot from that.
from forty-plus :
Managing what life has given you makes you extraordinary, not just normal! I love that photo also.
from flicka :
You sound so normal sometimes. I miss that life! Oh, my Dad LOVES Tab too. There's a Tab Energy drink out too. I'm so trying to get back on the horse again. I know I'll be okay....just because I always do. I miss my cat, Big Baby, after reading your entry. I have 3 cats I'm caring for for various reasons--one is 18! She's still beautiful and full of life. Your title could've read "All my troubles seemed to fade away." (Yesterday) I hope you're well and in good spirits. I'm starting this year out sober and without medication.....
from forty-plus :
Sounds like a perfect way to begin the new year!
from yarnsmith :
Happy New Year to you and your family.
from ivyparker :
wishing you a quaint and lovely new year.
from chaosdaily :
Oh they are royalty, aren't they? At least they expect to be treated that way!!
from fifidellabon :
Dear Cat, Happy New Year! And aren't your fur children ADORABLE!!!! I can't even tell you how much I miss my Pat the Cat. /Fifi
from frogeye :
Hey, thanks for the note. Yes, Clancy is my favorite, but he can't keep up with my reading skills so I have to cheat on him and read other authors. Fowlett and DiSilva come to mind, but I'll get a few of your recommended writer. Amazon here I come! Spy novels are my favorite readings, but anything from WWII and the Cold War pique my interest. Thanks again for saying hi.
from chaosdaily :
how lucky the packers are to have ANY fans!!
from curious-me :
I wasn't too excited about the hot tub until recently - suddenly I can't wait! Also thanks for the message you left before about my brother! I'm a huge worry wart but I was so relieved when he was released from the hospital. He has been doing great with no reprecussions! Take care.
from ragdollheart :
Sometimes I am afraid I simply exist, and drift through life without thinking, ignoring both pleasure and pain in a hollow listlessness from which no memories can ever be made. It's a terrifying thought, and once in a while I get so caught up in thinking that I don't know I'm alive that everything around me wraps me tightly in the awareness that yes, I am alive, and that I should recognize it more often. Do you ever feel like that?
from ragdollheart :
Merry Christmas! Yes, I went to look at the dyes yesterday and I thought, "I don't think this is a good idea." My real hair colour isn't really that light. It's kind of an auburn. I'd say it's a medium brown. But still, it's much lighter than black. And my hair is really long, past my waist, and I want it to be even longer. So I didn't buy any dye. I have done my hair before very temporarily, with some dye that washed out within ten days. It was supposed to be black but turned out purple. It was kind of scary! Another time I dyed my ends (professionally) with what was supposed to be permanent, but it washed out within a couple days. But for the moment I'm not ready for the commitment of dying if it could be permanent!
from ivyparker :
wishing you lots of warm memories this Christmas. you're a great mom!
from forty-plus :
I hear you, Wise Mama!
from fightn4life :
I love the picture of Santa puppy, :) Sandyz
from forty-plus :
Sadie looks so cute in her hat!
from ragdollheart :
All I know is he really likes trucks and cars and things of that nature, but I got him a truck last Christmas. I don't get to spend enough time with my little brother. I only see him like, once every two months. Thus (unfortunately) I know little about his interests outside of toys, and I want to give him something more special than just another truck. I know he used to love to draw and he used to really like fish, but I can't really decide whether those gifts would be good. He likes to draw, and also to sit and watch me draw in my sketchbooks. Maybe I'll get him one of his very own, and some coloured pencils and a sharpener. That would be awesome. If I were his age I'd love it.
from fifidellabon :
Ach! The present wrapping! I did so much of it last night. Why, oh why does the left-hand side of the string always end up longer than the right?? Happy wrapping! /Fifi
from ragdollheart :
The thing is, she does not make me feel guilty about it. In fact, she tries to make me NOT feel guilty about it, and always asks whether I need money, etc., etc. But she works two jobs and we have been through lots of money trouble before, so it makes me feel bad that she has to support me even after I'm an adult. I feel less bad when I remember my dad still has to pay child support and that he makes a crapload of money. He always said he wouldn't help me pay for college or anything, but the law says he has to. So I suppose I can imagine that the money mum sends me actually comes out of child support . . . then I feel less guilty because dad has a nicer job.
from ragdollheart :
I will ask about that. I am sure it is a deficiency of something. I'm a college student and thus my diet is not always well-balanced, as most of the food my school serves is questionable and more often than not I find myself eating a bowl of dry cereal and a scoop of whatever they're serving for the day. LoL. It is quite tough waiting to find out. I'm really scared it's something serious.
from ragdollheart :
Awww! What a pair! (: My family has two dogs, Lacy and Cupid, a miniature daschund and a shi tzu. They are best friends and worst enemies, of course. I also have some fish and my little froggy Poseidon. I wish we could have a cat, but my stepdad doesn't like pets in the house. Sad!
from ragdollheart :
I saw a picture of your puppy, Sadie, in your diary. How adorable is she!!! What kind of dog is she?!
from ragdollheart :
You just made me smile. A lot. (: I think I will wear it more often. It makes me feel warm inside.
from lovelynight :
I have never been without power for 7 days, but last year we were out of power for 2, which is extremely rare. That's the longest I was ever out of power. Usually it is a few hours on a rare occasion. It was pretty fun, though. We slept by the fire and went shopping! The whole area was without power, except a few dots here and there. Of course the malls were with power! I heard some people were out for 7 or more days. That wouldn't be so cool. But 2 was like a vacation! What's the longest you've been out for?
from ragdollheart :
I like all of those words, but they seem stormier or darker than the sky was today. You know when the sky is so brightly white, completely obscured by clouds, with the faintest hints of gray that foretell snow? It's like an ash, but the palest, whitest ash.
from beyondpanic :
OOH! That website is gorgeous!
from beyondpanic :
I use Clinique's three step face system. I was with their bar soup (which lasts for months) , then I use their toner and then their yellow moisturizing cream. I have used this three step system for YEARS! Everyone always tells me that I have nice skin, so I guess it's working :)Before I started using it, my face used to flake, but it doesn't anymore and the lotion is light with barely any scent.
from thecrankyone :
You should be able to just type in your email address in the box on my page and hit subscribe. From there is should walk you thru the rest of the process. :}
from ivyparker :
I have a question to ask you ....regarding corn bags (you heat them up in the microwave) & lavender bags to put over your eyes for sinus headaches and such. I was wondering if you knew where I could find out how to make these.
from snoopy-9487 :
Thanks for the note! Even though those papers won't mean a thing in a few years, I really want to do well on them because literature is a passion for me; I try to do well on those types of things, even though I seem a tad obsessive at times. :P Also thanks for the writing wishes...every bit helps, especially when the brain doesn't want to work! :)
from forty-plus :
I hope you and Sadie are chipper today!
from forty-plus :
Email me at [email protected] and I'll give you the links to the locked diary.
from ragdollheart :
I really liked that one, too. "Paper Lantern" touched me, though, partly because it was very well-written and partly because you used the image of the paper lantern so expertly. I have felt fragile like that before, I think it is an experience most women and maybe all people can share. I am very glad you are happier in your new marriage, though. <3
from ragdollheart :
Hello! I translated the last poem. It is in Spanish, yes. I am in a Spanish course this block at my college and I must say, I have been thinking in Spanish recently! I decided to let some of it out in a poem. (: I have also searched through your archives to read your poems. I loved "Paper Lantern." You are a very good writer . . . especially when you write about love. (:
from ragdollheart :
How sweet of you to leave me a note. You really brightened my day. (: I am flattered you like my poems. I decided it was much more interesting to write diary entries in verse -- if my life must be boring, at least let it be boring poetically!
from chaosdaily :
hawaii would be my first choice, but for a couple reasons... you cant drive there, and its really expensive to live. even more expensive than california!!
from lovelynight :
You have snow? You are soooo lucky. It snowed on and off all day, but just melted and then it was raining. I am hoping for a white Christmas this year, but who knows. When I am older, I am totally living somewhere where it snows! Have fun in the white!
from chaosdaily :
yay~! bad weather is good for business!!!! my kid decided to stay home this weekend, instead of going to Point.... im very happy about that!
from beyondpanic :
This morning I was listening to the radio and the announcer mentioned that if your snow angels are starting to look like crop circles, you need to lose weight. As soon as it snows, I'm going to fall backwards into that snow and see how big my "angel" is.
from fightn4life :
Why is it summers we are too hot, winter we are too cold, ironic I suppose. I love the "do the Cha-cha, made me laugh. When you get that snow make me a snow angel, I'll make you a sand angel, Sandyz
from lovelynight :
I have to have everything even numbered. I can't just eat one cookie, I have to eat two. I can't have 25 noodles in my pasta, I have to have an even number. With almost everything you can think of, I must have it even numbered.
from beyondpanic :
I'm seeing a little OCD here - but that's OK with me :)
from beyondpanic :
73 degrees?! 73 degrees?! If my heat was set at 73 I would collapse in a sweaty heap in my house. I keep it at 66 and then if I get REALLY cold, I'll turn it up to 68. Of course, I probably wiegh lots more than you!
from fifidellabon :
Dear Cat, well, fairy lights. They are awfully common, but perhaps you live in a sheltered area, which must be quite lovely! Fairy lights, the ubiquitous wee things, are lights that come in a string, (something like 2-3 metres long), and are spaced about 10-15 cm apart. (The individual bulbs, that is...) They can come in a single colour or mixed. Some do the flashy-flashy twinkly thing, but I've never been fond of them. You can see them everywhere, in shops, on outdoor landscaping, or in gardens, or...many, many people use this kind of lighting on their Christmas trees! I'd even go so far as to say that most do. If you can just get to a town these days, you'll be certain to see some! xoFifi
from ivyparker :
Hope you got in plenty of catnaps too. Happy Holidays!
from fightn4life :
Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, your husband is awesome. Enjoy this day after, ok night time. My thoughts are with you, Sandyz
from fifidellabon :
That makes two of us, and thank you! It was orange, but it didn't really actually taste like anything. /Fifi
from beyondpanic :
Thanks so much and best wishes to you and your family!
from yaketyyak :
Happy Thanksgiving!
from beyondpanic :
I just mailed my Thanksgiving day cards this afternoon! If they get them late, it's the thought that counts!
from beyondpanic :
You'd better take that turkey out before Wednesday - it might not thaw in time. I thaw my "birds" in the fridge for a couple of days - of course,I just bought a 23 lb. turkey!..and my Mom doesn't think that's big enough!
from chaosdaily :
i wouldnt mind not having a job... the house sure would be cleaner and more organized!
from thecrankyone :
Awww such a sweet and helpful assistant you have. I bet she's a great help LOL...
from fightn4life :
It is all about the cat�I think that often. Sandyz
from goodsandwich :
Hey there dear. I just came across this news item on Yahoo about a new c-diff treatment -- it's definitely unusual but it appears to be real. is the link if you'd like to read it. (I know, I know! It looks like a mean joke. But apparently it's legit.) I'm sure you're on top of things yourself, keeping up with treatment news and all. I just can't stop wanting to help a little, even though I don't know you and can't even remember how I started reading your diary.
from lovelynight :
SNOW?!?! Awww! I want some sooo bad. Last year it didn't snow when I was away at school, but snowed in that area when I went home. AND, it snowed at home whenever I was at school! It was so not fair! It's La Nina this year, I think, so I'm hoping for some snow! So exciting for you!
from beyondpanic :
I wish we had quiet Thanksgivings! I would just love to watch the Philadelphia Parade, read the thick newspaper full of Christmas ads and chew on some turkey, but my family makes a HUGE thing of Thanksgiving. Enjoy your quiet day!
from chaosdaily :
and there are free stat meters, one is at, and bravenet has a free one too!
from chaosdaily :
i read whenever you post....
from fifidellabon :
Cat, the stats here at D-Land are not really the best. Many times they do not reflect your actual readership. You can buy an externally sourced stat tracker, though,and just plop the html into your template, et voila! If you know roughly where a certain reader is from, you can tell when they pop on to read, and you can label their address if they are not on a pooled server. I do like this silly D-Land, though! And I love patchouli as well! xoFifi
from ivyparker :
Happy birthday! Hope your hubby did something fun for you.
from fightn4life :
I love birthdays! (Everyone else's.) Have a great day no matter what you do�just make it very special, Happy Birthday!! Sandyz
from chaosdaily :
do you make a whole turkey?? we sell just frozen turkey breasts...
from lovelynight :
Thanks for all your encouraging messages. I am always glad to hear from you. Staying in bed and having your husband do the work sounds awesome. I wish I had a day where there was nothing going on and I could just lay in bed and not have any assignments or work to worry about. I just love curling up in my down comforter watching movies all day with my kitty at my side. Hope you have a good birthday! :)
from fifidellabon :
Wouldn't you simply adore to have a pair of knit trousers? I mean to say that they would be like sort of a nice, chunky sweater, but for your lower half! Wouldn't that be delicious! xoFifi
from fifidellabon :
Well, hello! I shall be strolling through your archives, so no worries there. I like to let people know, so that they won't be worried. /Fifi
from forty-plus :
Good for you, standing up for yourself.
from fifidellabon :
Well, I hope that it is a happy birthday. Sometimes what seems like selfishness to others is actually the nurturing that we need. /Fifi
from beyondpanic :
A few things I've learned as I've gotten older. #1 - Yep, it will be your birthday and you should be able to do whatever the heck you want to. #2 - Sometimes parents speak without really thinking - I just try to chalk it up to their age. Whatever happens, I hope you have a great birthday!
from chaosdaily :
well i see im up just as early as you!!
from thecrankyone :
I don't count steps, but I rarely ever turn the light on, at night as my body seems to remember exactly where everything is and when to turn etc, kind of the way it remembers how to ride a bike
from chaosdaily :
then you can count your steps with letters! haahhaaha
from fightn4life :
I don't do fall back very well either. But it will be light earlier, but dark sooner. Oh well, It is just time. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
It's ok to be all mushy-gooey when you love your man as much as you do. You have a wonderful Halloween night too, Sandyz
from fightn4life :
I love your picture, I still feel like I am walking in a dream world�Florida�not the mountain. It was great reading about your world. I'll back track soon. So much catching up to do, but it helps me feels alive. :) Sandyz
from ivyparker : I thought of you when I went to this site. I really want to make the "eggroll" toy.
from chaosdaily :
youre right, surprising someone is a lot of fun! and i know what you mean about the weather.. we once drove from shawano to madison in a blizzard, just for thanksgiving dinner. i told my husb i wouldnt go again if it was snowing!
from thecrankyone :
Yes I do know where Minto is, I've never really been there though. I grew up in Northwestern North Dakota, {Crosby/Divide County area, north of Williston}, but I have relatives all over the state}. Where are they comming from, from your description of going to Duluth I gather maybe somewhere in northern Minnesota. Its kind of gray adn blah here right now, but the temps are nice and there is no wind or rain in sight, so they should have a nice drive.
from beyondpanic :
What a beautiful baby - and what a beautiful thing you did by visiting her. Our sons - through them we get so much pain and so much happiness.
from thecrankyone :
What a gorgeous baby. My mental grocery list, Toilet paper [always need that}, soy milk, peanut butter, fruit {what ever is on sale}, baby spinach/baby lettuces, frozen berris, fresh vegetables, dried lentils, white whole wheat flour, oatmeal, Great Harvest Bread, Paul Newman black bean and corn salsa, and eggs. {usually}, it can vary week to week as sometiems I have items carry over.
from ivyparker :
Beautiful baby girl. Did you take the picture? Excellent shot. Glad the proceedure is over. Hope you are getting some rest now, but knowing you, you're always busy.
from ivyparker :
Thanks for making me feel better about crocheting. Maybe it is theraputic. All saw this strange title at the lib. "After the divorce, the cat hair the knitting begins.." something like that. And in the back they show the pattern for a knitted "cat tunnel".
from forty-plus :
Your second granddaughter is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!
from lovelynight :
Is your puppy a boston terrier?! I love boston terriers!
from monkeymom :
Let's trade! You make a scarf for me and I'll knit a pair of socks for you. My winter coat is black (of course). If you'd rather have a pair of fingerless gloves, let me know. Write me at [email protected] -Oozaroo
from ivyparker :
I crocheted a scarf for a friend, recently. But I've been working on glove creatures. Now I'm working on a sock zebra. If I get this one done, I have to make another. The hair part is giving me trouble. Thanks for the note.
from yarnsmith :
I bought a microwave rice cooker at Target and it was only 7.00. Steams veggies good too. Works great.
from goodsandwich :
You've got me laughing about the "rice spittle!"
from beyondpanic :
Oh my God, you read my mind - I was just talking to my hub about getting a rice cooker - I don't know if I'd feel like dealing with the rice spit though!
from fightn4life :
How beautiful the change of the trees are, I was hoping the trees would change here before I leave but so far nothing. When I went north I thought I would see awesome colors too but they were in the middle of a heat wave, colors of fall just didn't happen. Soon, you'll be on vacation, how awesome is that? Sandyz
from chaosdaily :
the doc will likely give you hormones or birth control pills to start a period. i dont believe that not taking them will cause other problems to come up... and taking birth control will artificially give you a period for as long as you take them. im with you, i wouldnt want to take anything!
from ivyparker :
Such a cool tat!
from forty-plus :
LOVE the autumn faerie!
from fightn4life :
Oh my what an awesome tattoo. I love it. sandyz
from stitchfish :
The tatt turned out beautifully!
from fairygodmum :
I'm in LOVE with this Tattoo! Where did you find this picture? It is everything that I represent! Wow... we have a lot in common. You are a Goddess! Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from ivyparker :
Thanks so much for the cat story. That must be some cat with only one front leg. Thanks for sharing that story. I wish I had more time to read. I haven't finished Twilight yet. I want to. I know, I must stop watching TV.
from beyondpanic :
I really do think that tattoo is beautiful - I can't wait to see it!
from yarnsmith :
what kind of tat are you getting this time?
from yarnsmith :
Seems like my last month has had to do with waiting around clinics for test results and to be poked and prodded or watch my huband be poked and prodded...I know what you mean
from fightn4life :
I am so sorry about your husband's friend that were hurt in the accident, I too wonder why people don't wear helmets while on a motorcycle. I suppose because they don't have to. I do understand about our pets little quirks I worry about the upset from their routine more than mine. Everything is changing so fast around here, everyday something new, in a few days nothing but me will be familiar to my cats, yes, I worry. But like me, they will adjust; we will still have each other. I am back to doing yoga, I feel better when I do something for me. Sandyz
from thecrankyone :
Yikes.. My prayers to their family. Amazing how life can go from great to tragic in an instant.
from yarnsmith :
Sorry to hear about the accident. That's just awful. Greg Iles is the best isn't he?
from forty-plus :
I'm sorry to hear of the motorcycle crash. It can happen so fast. I hope she and her husband heal completely.
from yarnsmith :
You have cute critters with cute names. I also put words to the looks on my pets faces. I know what they're thinking...especailly the cat
from ivyparker :
Thanks for explaining why you only took showers once a week. I wanted to ask for the longest time, but I thought I best not. You really are brave, you know that. This neighbor we know who's like a step-grandma, won't go and get her mammogram, she's afraid too. I think she's silly the way she goes on and on about it. Jonah's Mom keeps telling her to bite the bullet, she'll be glad that she did because she needs to take care of herself. So how are the baby blankets coming along? I didn't know you had two to make blankets for. I need to crochet. It keeps me out of trouble.
from yarnsmith :
Hope all turns out well with your tests. It must get tiring to be poked and prodded so much..and scary.
from chaosdaily :
they told me when i started curves not to go every day, that the muscles needed rest between visits. instead of curves, i go for a walk, and ill do that until it gets icy....
from yarnsmith :
Well thank God you won...he might have worn you plumb out.
from yarnsmith :
Always hard to get back to work after a vacation. Almost makes it hard to take one.
from fightn4life :
I opened the windows and now see fall moving across the mountain, an awesome sight. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts when everything was blocked from my view. It is how many times I tumble into abyss that I count, it is the ability to get back up, take a deep breath and keep right on going. Little steps will get me where I am going after all. Thanks again and I am so glad you have another vacation in the wind. Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
That IS a beautiful tattoo. How big will it be and where is it going?
from yarnsmith :
That's a beautiful tattoo. I have leanred to embrace football season for the time I get to do my own thing too. Only for us it's the Bears....except when the Bears play the Packers....the game gets nasty and depending on the outcome I have a severely depressed hubby or a manic one.
from fightn4life :
We can't pick family darn it�we can pick friends. I wonder at times if half the world is from some kind of dysfunctional families. What you feel about you is what is important, pay no attention to those that have little hearts and cut deep with words. You're special and know it, that is all that matters. Thinking of you with kind thoughts, I wish you peace and can relate. Lord�do I understand, Sandyz
from forty-plus :
I love that autumn faerie! That would be a pretty tattoo.
from fightn4life :
You find the most awesome pictures, I wish I knew who painted this one. I might Google in some I think may have. Sounds like you had a relaxing day. Sandyz
from yarnsmith :
Have a good trip.
from forty-plus :
I hope you rest well this weekend.
from fightn4life :
Thank you for your entry on "control" I could use some of your experience to get through this time I am living. Hard as was you said but you did it and so can I. With loving thoughts, Sandyz
from chaosdaily :
it is hard to give up control! dude has been trying to make me quit controlling him since he was about 10.....
from yarnsmith :
It is nice to have an extra beautiful day off and have all your chores doen. Isn't it? What a gift.
from fightn4life :
I love that painting, I feel as though the fairy is catching a tear when I look at it. I love it. Sandyz
from yarnsmith :
love your picture. My former assistant sort of looked like that fairy.
from chaosdaily :
amazing, isnt it?? no rain for three days!!!
from fightn4life :
What beautiful trees, your life sounds just fine to me. I'd have husband go to the store for me but I'd be worried he "get lost" and <i>hey look the liquor store.</i> Thanks for sharing a rainy day, we sure need some cool temperatures and rain here. Sandyz
from thecrankyone :
Sorry about sending you the storm, but we really didn't want it anymore (Fargo had 1.5 inches in 20 minutes.) I've driven in blizzards with better visability, and the streets were flooded everywhere, even popped a few manhole cover. NorthWood a town about 75 miles or so north of here, was flattened by a tornado (f4). I think Mother Nature needs a valium lately or something.
from fightn4life :
I do hope you are feeling better; let us know how you feel in the am. Many {{{HUGS}}} Sandyz
from forty-plus :
It's nice to know your co-workers care. I hope you feel much, much better.
from beyondpanic :
There is absolutely nothing worse than getting sick at work - you know you have to go home, but somehow the guilt tries to talk you into staying. Hope you feel better tomorrow!
from ivyparker :
I haven't exactly joined personally, sort of a group effort thing here at home. I think Jonah's Mom might get the press kit for 10 books. Hope Sadie had a wonderful birthday.
from forty-plus :
Happy Birthday to Sadie!
from randomrabbit :
Would it be bad form just to say hello? Hope not - Hello!! The alternative would be for me to have gone 'Awwwww puppy!' but that really wouldn't do my butch, tough-guy image much good!
from yarnsmith :
What a cute puppy pic.
from ivyparker :
oh, yeah, have you ever done the thing before?
from ivyparker :
Thank you for the suggestions for lunch. I promise I won't starve.
from fightn4life :
Picture of the year how adorable, some day I am going to get a little pup. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Family some times are to quick to judge when they should be giving us time to grow wings and make our own mark on our life, our path is ours alone not there's. I sympathize with you; my dad is disappointed my life is a disaster so when his brother, my uncle came to visit from California he excluded me from being part of the family gathering. I felt sad�alone. I would not have brought up what is going on in my world; I can skip over the truth and would have loved a visit with my uncle. I try my best not to let his voice of disappointment get me down. Sometimes I it does though and I feel the rejection when I some times just need a parent that has no boundaries for love. Oh well, life moves on with or without his approval. My thoughts are with you, Sandyz
from beyondpanic :
When I was going thorough some very rough times with my son, and my mom would ask about him, I finally learned to just say, "Mom, I love you, but I just can't talk about this right now." She always accepted it and by starting with "I love you", it kind of disarms them.
from forty-plus :
I cannot even speak with my parents because they act very much like your mom. It's best to keep my (emotional) distance.
from chaosdaily :
i love my routine, too.. just like the old people... hmmmmm. by the way, i added you to my messenger list...
from forty-plus :
Great eye photo!
from forty-plus :
I think it's very nice you do those things for others. It's too bad they don't appreciate your efforts as they should.
from fightn4life :
Lord I could have wrote that entry, not about jewelry about helping and doing for others and getting not so much as a thank you back. I was thinking the other day and felt I just might be too nice some times, or I have a sign that says, "Use me." Go ahead and vent, some times it is the only way to feel good about ourselves, if we do the thanking. Sandyz
from chaosdaily :
i think we all feel unappreciated at some point or another.... but we here on dland appreciate you!!!!
from fightn4life :
Awe, what an adorable pup�I want one. Later. :) Sandyz
from ivyparker :
I've been thinking about one of my favorite words..and it would have to be ingenuity. Like at the moment..I really need a safety pin to pull a strap through so the sewing will be on the inside. All I can find is this curtain pointy thing. I hope it works. I really want to get this handbag done.
from fightn4life :
Hope you get to felling better, and maybe this bug missed your husband. I love a full moon. Sending you healing thoughts. Sandyz
from chaosdaily :
we had a lot of rain last night, 4 inches.... it was awful!!
from chaosdaily :
i finally caught the last cat i was feeding, it had been here for 7 months.,.. i had to trap him, because he wouldn't come to anyone. i have a friend who lives on a farm, and it is now her good buddy, and even lets her pet him, after only a month. fickle cats!!
from forty-plus :
Happy Birthday to your son and Happy Birth Day Anniversary to you!
from ivyparker :
Here's a free knit pattern directory.
from ivyparker :
This looked kind of cool for wrist warmers. I want to crochet some.
from forty-plus :
Very cool tattoo.
from la-the-sage :
YAY! Thanks for listing me! ~LA
from beyondpanic :
Thanks so much for your encouraging words - it truly does help to know everyone isn't mad at me!
from ivyparker :
Thanks for the thoughts. I really appreciate it. Beautiful flowers! I've been trying to crochet on a bag, but haven't been up to putting the handles on it yet. Thanks again.
from fightn4life :
I too love my animals, they make me smile and I need to smile more. (Your "babies" are adorable) Sandyz
from forty-plus :
We DO love our pets! :)
from fightn4life :
Yes, the flowers...I love them too. What nice picture. Sandyz
from fightn4life :
Thanks for your continued support and kind words. I am on the brink of a decision. I hope I can find the words to write about it, first I need to slow my thoughts down and put them in order. I am feeling better, take care and thanks again, Sandyz
from ivyparker :
Glad things went well for all of you. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
from chaosdaily :
i live near milwaukee.. in a little burg, like the song says, its so small you can throw a rock from end to end! ok, maybe not that small, but small.
from ivyparker :
You're in my thoughts about meeting you know who. Hope you have a very quaint & quiet 4th.
from forty-plus :
Good luck with the meeting.
from fightn4life :
Oh, I love that Zen message. How awesome the timing...just when I needed to stop, sit, and reflect-think. Thanks you for sharing at a time so deliciously perfect. Sandyz
from ivyparker :
Thanks so much for the note and the good wishes. I made it through ok. Hope you're getting some cooler weather there.
from beyondpanic :
The puppies won't be ready to leave their moms until August 1. I'm just hoping I can avoid the panic attack!
from fairygodmum :
Gosh... What a beautiful painting, and the poetry. Funny how we use words to describe our inner nature. Mine is Destiny. Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from fightn4life :
You did a great job at cut and paste...I enjoyed your entry. Pretty neat I thought. Sandyz
from ivyparker :
Hey, don't know if I ever got a note to you or not, but I did see a pic of your tattoo sleeve. That is so cool.
from fightn4life :
There is no such time as too much time for our furry little critters. I love reading about how people interact with gods little furry angels. I am not sure if you know I am going through difficult times and decided it was best for me to lock my Diary. There is so much going on I felt enough hurt is going around without involving my children. They don't need to worry about "mom." If you want my password and user name, leave me a not or e-mail me at [email protected]. Put "catsoul" user mane request in subject line as not to be sent to spam pile. Take care my cyber friend and give extra love to your little cats for me. (I am sory I didn't write sooner, my husband is leaving me and the pain was too much to bare. I am trying to keep my heart in check and understand his actions are grief speaking, not the man I married 17 years ago.) When my future became uncertain I feel into a deep depression, I am slowly climbing out. One day at a time. Right? Sandyz
from forty-plus :
You know I'm all about my pets, too. It's a very nice place to rest your heart.
from m-lewis :
I'm with you on the yarn -- lucious yarn! Lucky you to find it for a dollar at a yard sale. BTW, I'm posting at a new site now but continue to read my friends at diaryland:
from forty-plus :
It was exceptionally nice of you to run the article and even bring acidophilus to your neighbor. I hope he takes your advice!
from ivyparker :
I've made a scarf. Maybe I'll make a shopping bag next. Kenny's been showing me how to do crochet. He likes double crochet best. Thats bad about the yarn. Maybe its the needles?
from stitchfish :
I got me some crackers last night and some Vernors ginger soda which surprisingly does help. I have some ginger powder that I use in cooking but I'd love to hear some more ideas for better ways to eat it or fix it.
from stitchfish :
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And I will be trying out that ginger for nausea!!!
from yaketyyak :
Wow, gorgeous tattoo!
from yaketyyak :
Wow, gorgeous tattoo!
from fightn4life :
Feeling out of sorts sounds like what allot of us are going through. Wonder why. Love the tattoo, it makes my little feet prints tattooed on my foot seem very small. You do have a gift of the arts. Sandyz
from pink-circle :
*The Circle of the Phoenix* Hi, I'm Phoenix, and I'd like to personally invite you to join The Circle; a writers' and artists' group for diaryland members. It's a public journal, so that anyone can post to it, but members have profiles on the site, as well as critiques, and once promoted to Apprentice have buttons to show off their achievements on their site. I hope you don't take this as spam, you can just delete this message if you're not interested, but if you are, please visit our welcome page: -- Thanks for your time -- Atara Phoenix
from thecrankyone :
If you wants some great "health" books, Fast Food Nation, Super Size Me and What to Eat by Marion Nestle give great information on food and politics of the food industry. I rarely eat canned food {save Tuna and beans, as I am not that industrius and fresh tuna is spendy, oh and tomato products as homemade sauces from fresh take too damn long}. Good luck with the probiotics, I take them on occassion, though I eat a lot of {soy} yogurt so I dont' need quite as many, they are also available in almost any fermented food {ie saurkraut, kombucha, kefir, etc..}.
from fightn4life :
I love watching the little critters even when they are chewing at our plants. Too bad my husband doesn't feel the same way although he would never hurt one. I saw a little chipmunk today out side my computer window my cats saw it too. Good thing my cats all inside only kitties, they do love to hang out at the window s and watch. Enjoy your three-day weekend. Sandyz
from toejam :
It must get REALLY boring eating the same foods every day. I wonder...have you tried freezing bananas and then whirring them in the food processor for a banana ice cream like thing? (this works best if you cut the banana in small chunks before freezing) Or baking bananas? Yum. You just put a whole banana in the oven (peel and all) for about fifteen minutes (until the peel is black and the inside is very soft) and then eat it. It gets buttery when its baked. (I eat mine with brown sugar but that's probably not a viable option for you?) Also. I'm glad you're not too mad at the rabbit for eating your plants. You're right, all creatures need to eat and like a rabbit would know the difference between a hosta someone planted for decoration and a weed. You're a good human.
from forty-plus :
Sadie & Idamay are too cute!
from ivyparker :
Thanks for the note. You're right. I'll have to do something about that library book. I think I'd rather buy a copy than pay for it right at the library. They get so expensive. Just wish I could buy it at Wal-mart because it would be the cheapest there. Wish I could say something to brighten your day. I can imagine how horrible it would be seeing someone eating something you're not suppose to eat. But just remember you're stronger for it. Its amazing you do so much. If it were me, I'd be in bed hiding under the covers. You're a very spiritual person and hopefully, some day that will wear off on your son, and he might be a better person than you think, unfortunately, just not to you or his family, like someone I know, which I will not speak of or dwell on at the moment.
from fightn4life :
Sometimes it helps to cry just for us, I have heard crying cleans the soul. Maybe I liked the sound of it and it justifies our "pity party." I think we need them some times, like the song goes, "it's my party I'll cry if I want to." I pray unconditional love for your son is never tested; as if you spend your life with an ache in your heart that will not go away. However, mothers find a way to cope. This is life. Hope your day is a good one. Sandyz
from ivyparker :
Thanks for the note. Hopefully, I'll find something to read today at the library. I'll be babysitting a lot this summer. That usually keeps me out of trouble.
from fightn4life :
Oh my gosh I love "A Single Flame" you are so talented. I need to back up and read more of your ponderings. Thank you for these links. Sandyz
from ivyparker :
Yes, people still get hickies. But this has to be the worst one I've seen. I'm slowly recovering from it. I mean, a light one would have been so much nicer. You have such an adorable pet.
from fightn4life :
How weird this was, I saw the message someone wanting to add me to their "my space". I went over to check out the profile and saw where we had much in common and added you, without knowing who you were. When I get an invite on "my space", I go check out the profile and if they appear to be someone I can connect with, I will add them. Many of the invitations are just to add their friend's numbers up and that is not what I enjoy about "my space" Thanks for telling me about your son and you longing to keep tabs with him, life can be a struggle emotionally at times. Who ever said once our children grew up our worries would end, never had children. Hope your Mothers day was a wonderful one. Sandyz BTW I would love to see some of your poetry, I write poetry too.
from ivyparker :
Happy Mother's day! Woooooo...about the bear. You are out there in the wilderness. You are such a hip person.
from fightn4life :
It took "dummy" books for me to learn about the computer. I still goof things up but then I learn what not to do. If you need help I can try and walk you through. I do understand what it is like to feel like the younger womaen�my husband is a year older. LOL He is 55. I too am glad we have weathered many storms, and more to come I am sure. Take care Sandyz
from thecrankyone :
How sweet to have him think of you on Mother's day. Hope you have a great weekend
from ivyparker :
your poem has a good beat to it. actually, i like the way its grouped together. how do you do it?
from ivyparker :
Wish I could send you some rain. Maybe you'll get some this week. Here in the Iowa&Nebraska area its been raining like 6 inches Saturday night, then more yesterday. Lots of flooding in Iowa. We're thankful we didn't get a tornado like those in Kansas. Ivy
from fightn4life :
The middle of April our first hummer came by and looked at me through my computer window. I was excited and made a couple cups of feed. Now we have so many around it sounds like an active bee hive. I am now making feed by the gallon. A few days ago, a beautiful cardinal stopped by, now there are two and it seems they have taken to the tree across from one of the feeders. I am thrilled to have them here. My husband asked me if I wanted him to buy a 25 pound of sugar and put it in the bucket we use each year. He isn't as excited as I am. I love the little birds. I think our road runners are nesting; we have three little families that I haven't seen in about a week. I miss their presents but they will be back. Oh, we had an interesting watch this morning four Blue Jays were shedding a piece of plastic, not sure why or where they were taking it but it was fun to watch. Sandyz
from chaosdaily :
i dont mind feeding the birds and a stray cat or three, but i draw the line at raccoons. they are pushy and will take what they can get!
from fightn4life :
Thank you so much for adding me to your favorites. I'll be adding you to mine. I like your writing style and enjoyed your entry. I am heading back to check out more. Sandyz
from meganwaits :
Hi, I've moved to blogspot.
from ivyparker :
Glad to hear you have having a good week. I hope it stays that way. Hope your son will be more considerate too.
from forty-plus :
I hope these tests give the doctors an indication on how to proceed. How scary. Poopy on your son for worrying you and hugs to your mama.
from tuff517 :
I hope everything turns out for the better! SWAK.
from thecrankyone :
Sorry to hear about all your health problems. Hopefully they will find a cause soon so they can start treatment. {hugs}}. HOpe things work out with your son. I'm afraid if I don't do something with Warren soon, in a few years I could be in that boat.
from m-lewis :
Speaking from personal experience, I have to agree with your husband -- make sure your son sets daily goals. If you don't, you'll end up being a parent enabler. And in the long run, that's not a good thing. Like many parents, this problem happened to my husband and me and for our own sanity, we had to force set deadlines: "you may live here for three months. You'll have a job in within two weeks or you'll be out on the street." They knew from experience that we weren't kidding. I hope I haven't offended you. Good luck!
from ivyparker :
I'm hoping all will go smoothly in the transition of your son moving back home. Hope you get that nap in too. I have to take a long nap today if I want to be awake for all of 'after prom' tonight.
from eatmorepizza :
hey! I havent talked to you in a while. Ive been so busy with school. i hope things work out with your son. Best of luck!
from chaosdaily :
i have some recipes for biscotti if you want them...
from ivyparker :
I hope Sadie will be ok. It is strange about the Virginia thing. Somebody I know it school just can't stop talking about it, I'd rather not talk about it.
from m-lewis :
Oh My Gosh! I used to be so possessed by soap opras that I sometimes skipped college classes to watch them. As you said, we didn't have video recording devices back them. And it's funny because when I was little I thought soap opras were just dumb.
from ivyparker :
I liked your entry today. I watched Guiding Light a little bit this summer because I liked Johnny on the show, but he was always causing trouble. I really wouldn't want a boyfriend like that.
from chaosdaily :
i just wish i had the money most of the people on soaps seem to have. none of them worry about paying bills~!
from ivyparker :
Thanks for telling me about that 'craft' you mention. Thats really cool about the calender stuff, too. Amazing. I'm still not sure about what I bought. I like to make an apron. I've found a couple of books at the library about alternating t-shirts and other stuff too. Its just I'm not sure I'd have the guts to carry it off at school, but who knows. I might. Hope your husband is better. Hope your cat is letting you sleep. I like chocolate with carmel in it and chocolate bunnies too.
from forty-plus :
Get well wishes are being sent to your husband!
from ivyparker :
Thanks for the note...atleast Easter Chocolate is on sale today.
from forty-plus :
Oh, your poor Hubby! I hope he feels much, much better (and you don't get IT).
from yaketyyak :
I don't know ANY husbands who are fun to be around when they get sick. I think it's some sort of requirement that they have to revert back to infancy at the first sign of illness...
from ivyparker :
Happy Easter! I like your user name. Hope all get to feeling better at your place.
from beyondpanic :
Stick to yur guns and do not sign for that loan - if he needs a loan to get him out of fiancial difficulties, you can be sure he will never completely pay you back - I'm speaking from LOTS of experience here!
from m-lewis :
Yeah. You're right. It would suck big time to watch someone else eat wonderful-looking food while you only get a diet cola.
from m-lewis :
And I thought I got up early! I can't even hardly reason correctly if I don't get 7 to 8 hours or sleep. I'm so glad you mentioned Gerbera Daisy Flowers. It pricked my memory. I love those things.
from eatmorepizza :
Hey! I have to say that... I also woke up at exactly 3:33 this morning. Creepy at all?
from forty-plus :
Happy Friday!
from beyondpanic :
Kiss - that was lovely.
from chailife :
Oops, sorry, where is my head? I thought you were locked the last time I tried, but I am just silly. Thanks for reminding me that you're open!
from eatmorepizza :
man, tough morning huh? well I'm glad everything is alright. It sounds like you have a very caring husband... even if he does have a lot of shoes
from forty-plus :
I'm glad your hubby was there to help you. I am always intrigued by how animals realize medical things about humans. Have fun shoe shopping today!
from forty-plus :
Very pretty artwork on your arm!
from forty-plus :
I think it's good you said no, as hard as it was. If we keep bailing them out they will never have to stand on their own feet.
from forty-plus :
Feel better!
from eatmorepizza :
Hey, I saw that you commented on my page so I felt like I should return the favor! Nice last entry. keep in touch?
from yarnsmith :
Love that EMTB...yes I do. If I send my husband shopping for 2 or 3 items, he'll come home with 10 bags full of cookies, cakes and candy.
from m-lewis :
I leaned a long time ago that men need to have the dot-to-dots put really close together; arrows wouldn't hurt either.
from tuff517 :
All hail the Queen of Gas! I think a lot more women have some type of Irritible Bowel problem than we realize, based on what I hear in public restrooms.
from m-lewis :
Try eating something like sugar-free chocolate. It won't be long before you'll start hearing digestive noises like you've never heard in your whole life.
from m-lewis :
So far I can think of nothing to add. I did read your past entries though. I guess I'm just brain dead this morning.
from forty-plus :
Very interesting. Many foods make me ill so I was wondering how you decide what you should tolerate.
from forty-plus :
If you don't mind me asking, what twelve food are you allowed to eat?
from yarnsmith :
Hard not to help our kids but if you can manage to ignore the pleas for help it ends up easier in the long run as hopefully they will learn some responsibility....then again maybe not...hard to decide what to do so I guess when you love them, you help them. So sorry to hear about your trouble. What's a Mom to do?
from forty-plus :
I'm so sorry to hear about the situation with your son. We are parents forever but there is such a thin line between caring and enabling. It's very confusing, especially when they know how to work us and others.
from beyondpanic :
OOPS! I forgot about your food restrictions - OK, just hang out in the library - you can't use your cell phone there so "they" can't get at you - I've hidden there many, many times!
from beyondpanic :
Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend. Lord, do I completely understand what you are going through. Do you think the whole "abortion" thing was just an excuse to get money from you - that's something my kid would do. Diet Coke and a couple of Hershey kisses will help. If that fails to calm you, I recommend a Big Mac meal from McDonald's and a trip to the library
from stitchfish :
I don't think you're responsible for the choices your son is making. You did the best you could! I'm sure of that! And you continue to do the best you can! *hugs*
from chaosdaily :
i know the feeling of wanting to forget everything for a while. and you are right, no matter how old they are, we mothers still worry about our kids.
from m-lewis :
Oh Joy! Snow! We've only had one weensy little snow this year. Last week it was in the low 70s. This weekend is another story... burr. We rarely get the opportunity to use our non-existant snow blower or our not-used-very-much snow shovel. Are you sick of snow by now?
from m-lewis :
You went to Wal-Mart? What were you thinking? The guy with the "blue balls" hanging from his truck fender made me think about the south -- the part of the country I live in. And here I thought we had ALL the rednecks. Count me wrong! I'm glad you had a good, relaxing day. I had one of those yesterday.
from beyondpanic :
Your obsession with peanutbutter? I have just recently been able to eat peanut butter again without the horrible reflux issues. Last night I had a toasted peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwhich for dinner (Hub is away camping. I love peanut butter! OOH - how about the peanut butter cookies with the chocoate hershey kiss in the middle - love them!
from chaosdaily :
those days are so nice... they are usually when everyone else is gone and no hurry to be home to cook or clean...
from m-lewis :
You knit at work?!! So do I. My husband was looking at vintage yarn the other day on eBay. I was tempted to buy it, but I guess I better knit up what I already have. By the way, is seems my favorite color in yarn is a soft sage green. But I like the off-white colors too.
from chaosdaily :
yep.. my mother was a knitter, and she had bags and bags of yarn when we cleaned out her house. so much yarn that we ended up donating half of it to a convent because no one wanted any more...
from m-lewis :
GATORADE! Now I'm laughing (sorry). That was just so funny -- your condition is not funny, but the Gatorade comment was.
from beyondpanic :
Oh my gosh. I can't imagine what it must be like for you to live with this condition! A friend of mine has something like it - she can only eat a few things also - well, I hope it calms down for you for a long time.
from m-lewis :
What or who is Gatrode? I'm guessing it is something you drink for your condition -- but then again, maybe it is a friend of yours. I don't even know what to say about the rest of your entry -- except maybe, how very scary! I guess that explains why you are so careful about what you eat.
from forty-plus :
Thank goodness you were at work where someone could find you. How scary that experience must have been. I hope you are feeling much better today.
from m-lewis :
Yup! Good Grief -- it's a good book. I've got her other one on my nightstand, but right now I'm reading The Thirteenth Tale. I try not to read two authors back-to-back. I don't know exactly why, but I try to put some distance between books or I get burned out on the author -- or I feel let down. I envy your day, snuggly dog and all. I've got to make myself finish a transcript today -sad sigh-.
from m-lewis :
I'm a HUGE fan of routines... morning, noon, evening. I've usually got it all laid out. Don't you just hate it when something interrupts your routine?
from sillycake :
That peanut butter entry was too cute. I, too, love peanut butter. Never tried it with dill pickles, though. Will look into it to see if I like it.
from fairygodmum :
Thank you sooo Much for the note! Please email me so I can send you a bracelet.. Okayyy. I had long forgotten about PB and Celery Sticks... Used to eat them as a kid. Have to add them to my lunch box! Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum
from stitchfish :
I like pb and banana sandwiches!!! Note to self: Must try pb and dill pickles!
from m-lewis :
Peanut Butter Cups! With hot tea on the side. It just doesn't get any better than that.
from yarnsmith :
I bought Peanut butter and celery to make healthy snacks for the game today, but something tells me we will end up eating the junk food
from chaosdaily :
try tuna salad on your pb toast... yummy!!
from m-lewis :
It is pretty darn cold here in the Ozarks -- and then we've got SNOW! which is a nice change from just plain ole gray and dismal and COLD. How is the knitted hat coming along? I'm reading a new book: The Thirteenth Tale. It's really good.
from chaosdaily :
ice fishing is fun! if its not windy, and the sun is shining, it can actually be warm out on the ice. no one goes when its this cold though, unless they sit in a heated fishing shanty.
from m-lewis :
How funny: You know your age by your parents wedding anniversary. I wish it were that easy for me. Sometimes, I actually have to subtract the year of my birth from the year it is now to remember how old I am.
from flicka :
that's okay; I got saved when I was eleven and it didn't "stick." But the second writing always seems to be better in some way or another.
from m-lewis :
Are you writing a book; if so, what kind? I sometimes write human interest stories for our local newspaper. I love to interview people and I'm so flattered that the newspaper likes my stories enough to run them. P.S. I don't work for a newspaper, though. I'm a court stenographer or as they have been renamed, "Court Reporter." Anyway, I was just curious as to what you write; fiction, history, poems, non fiction, journals. Paula (yarnsmith) is also a writer... a very good writer I might add.
from m-lewis :
Lucky you! As I think I told you before, I'm currently reading Lolly Winston's "Good Grief." Such a good book... um,um,um,um,um. Be careful. Something about her book makes me want to compulsively eat. I also just -- just ordered Lolly Winston's book "Happiness Sold Seperately." The book had mixed reviews on Amazon. Then again, I don't trust reviews very much. She's a very good writer. Now, I guess I better go check out your poetry since Silly Cake gave it such a good rating.
from sillycake :
Oh dear! I meant "quiet," not "quite." Slip of the the fingers. Anyway, kitty faces rule! =^.^=
from sillycake :
Haha! I purposely took my boyfriend's picture in the shadows because he's a very quite, reserved guy and the shadows through a great sense of mystery on the picture. Dark, yes, but I liked the touch. You were right on! ^__^
from sillycake :
I read the poems you gave me the dates to in your archives. I have to say that the one you thought to title "Paper Lantern," moved me. It reminded me of a relationship I was once in. I think Paper Lantern is the perfect title. Also, your poem from 11-16-03 describes just how I feel for my boyfriend right now. I have honestly (and I mean this quite sincerely) never enjoyed poetry as much as I've enjoyed yours. You should publish a poetry collection.
from sillycake :
I have a few book suggestions for you, if you're interested. Any book by Mitch Albom is wonderful. I belive he has three out so far. I own two and have only been able to read one, but once I started, I couldn't put it down. Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones- This book was a beautiful story. I also couldn't put this one down. It made me sob, smile, laugh... it really is extraordinary. Last, but never least, is one of my favorite classics: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. That's really nice about "new gal." She sounds like my kind of friend. I wish I lived in Wisconsin. I've always wanted to be part of a book club.
from m-lewis :
Thank you for the book suggestion, Running With Scissors. I'll have to check it out. Right now I'm reading a book by Lolly Winston called Good Grief. I love it. I love it so much I'm almost scared to read it too fast because I don't want it to end.
from m-lewis :
And here I was thinking I was the "strange" one. I write phrases, thoughts, emotions and observations in real time. I write in my daily calendar, on note paper, in my court reporter books. I wonder what my kids will think when they go through my stuff some day.
from yarnsmith :
What a lovely thing for your husband to're a lucky girl. I love your one liners by the way...I have a collection of them too...somewhere around here.
from sillycake :
"You can only write what your soul has become." That is absolutely beautiful! Well said.
from m-lewis :
We humans do tend to like our "routines" don't we? Just this morning I was reading about the importance of climbing out of our comfort zones. And I wondered, could I really do that? Do I want to? Should I? Hum...
from m-lewis :
Our automatic garage door has been broken for years. We got a service guy to come over and take a look. He said he needed to order a part and then he never came back. As far as your co-worker's daughter goes, send her little cards once a week or so. Be sure and include your own personal handwritten message (besides the one included in the card already). It will mean more to her than any gift you could buy. Obviously you care very much.
from flicka :
God I wish I could knit. Maybe that would complete me. Me and my needles....
from stitchfish :
Hey! Thanks for adding me!
from m-lewis :
Nelly Furtado. Don't you just love her? I know I do. Since I started knitting these socks (my very first knitting project, by the way) has put me in touch with a couple of other "knitters" in my home town. We want to find time to begin a knitting circle... if we could only find a day, time and place when we could all be there. The library has lots of good books on knitting projects and I've noticed several craft stores have free knitting instructions on how to make something like a simple sweater. I'd like to try that next -- a simple sweater.
from m-lewis :
I should have thought of Robert Browning. Of course! Don't you love to read the poetry of Elizabeth and Robert Browning? They were so much in love. There is a library dedicated to them at Baylor University and since I went to college there, I've been through it several times. Oh, and by the way, please don't ever hesitate to gush over your Miss Kitty and furry puppy. I love animals.
from forty-plus :
We should gush over our furbabies!
from m-lewis :
I'm not sure. Shakespear?
from m-lewis :
Thank you for pointing out, I missed the cat's eyes in the cat icon. Let's see if I can do it again =^..^=
from forty-plus :
Happy New Year!
from m-lewis :
Aren't kids funny? My son calls me occasionally to ask how I used to cook this or that. I'm just impressed that he wants to cook at all. We haven't been watching any ball games, just knitting and listening to a marathon of Bob Dylan's theme time radio on XM. I've learned a lot of neat stuff by listening.
from chaosdaily :
i know what you mean about the packer game... hehe!
from m-lewis :
I saw a Seinfield episode like that once. He dreamed he said the funniest thing ever, woke up long enough to write it down, then couldn't read his own writing. When he finally figured it out, the lines weren't as funny as he remembered.
from m-lewis :
Inheritance Trilogy. Is that the book you are talking about? Eregon? When I was younger, I used to stay up all night to "see what happened next." I can't do that anymore. My eyes won't cooperate. They shut and won't reopen as I dream I'm still reading words that don't make any sense. When I finally wake up, I am usually slouched at an ackward angle against the headboard of my bed.
from m-lewis :
See me withdraw in pain? I felt my stomach close in a couple of times as I read your entry. My favorite part was when a nurse opened the door and found the doctor "close to your nipple." Oh Lordy. What a story!
from chaosdaily :
ow that must really have hurt!!
from forty-plus :
Even though you had me giggling once or twice, I see very LITTLE amusement about slamming your nip like that in the bureau drawer! Your poor boobie.
from m-lewis :
Your husband is a nurse? That is just too cool. I'm a morning person as well. Nighttime is my time to snooze so I usually go to bed early (9 - 10).
from m-lewis :
Pass me some of that passionate ketchup. Yum. How do you feel about horseradish? I could eat that stuff plain, right out of the cup.
from m-lewis :
I thought everyone carried a phone book in their car. Our phone company distributes a phone book that is the size and shape of a paperback novel -- we also have the big size for our home. It's warming up here to -- in the 60s. Doesn't feel much like Christmas weather, does it?
from forty-plus :
Good news about your MIL! My son's brakes started doing the scraping thing - and I had to let him take MINE to college today. I was nervous but it seems to be all in one piece.
from forty-plus :
I am thinking of your MIL and sending her healing thoughts. You take care too.
from m-lewis :
I feel so sorry for the elderly -- a condition that is fast approaching all of us baby boomers. Loss of hearing, bad eyes, everything hurts, high blood pressure and sagging... lots and lots of sagging. I hope your MIL recovers quickly. By the way, it's Polar Ice in northern Arkansas too. Eight degrees this morning and who knows how cold it got last night. Imagine the poor beasts out there having to endure it!
from m-lewis :
Some people simply have a gift for writing poetry. I have a gift of appreciation. That poem you wrote may help more people than you know. Thank you.
from m-lewis :
Biographies are wonderful. I used to read nothing but... until I realized there were "other" books in the library besides biographies. My favorite biography, to this day? The "Little House" series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I still have every single one. However, I just finished a biography, "House Calls and Hitching Posts." It's about a country doctor who lived in an Amish community in Ohio. I hated to see that last page.
from m-lewis :
I am reading three books. One is "What to Do When there is Nothing to Do." It's a really old book. And the Secred Life Of Bees -- I've just starte it. Very good so far.
from chaosdaily :
did you ever read "the alienist"?? one of those you cant put down.....
from forty-plus :
Snorting always gets me going even worse! I love it.
from m-lewis :
I am SO enjoying your "lists of you." I think each list you make must ignite a spark of recognition in everyone who reads it. I played the piano from the fourth grade until my second year in college. Attended Piano Guild and Festival every year. Memorize at least 13 songs a year and got Superior + my last two years of Guild. I can't play the piano at all anymore. You're so lucky!
from m-lewis :
I also have crates filled with notebooks... years and years and years worth. Yes indeed, notebooks are a good thing. I continue to enjoy your list. I'm serious. It's wonderful how one can learn so much about someone's else's personality simply by reading a list they've left. Thank you for the hot chocolate (soy)milk tip. Right now I'm reading two books and knitting my second sock. We don't watch TV at out house, so I have lots of spare time to read and knit. Are you hand sewing the binding on those placemats?
from m-lewis :
Hey, by the way, thank you for talking about soy milk. Because of you, I went out and bought some "light" soy milk. And it's really good too. Only 50 calories per cup as opposed to 80 calories per cup for skim milk. And by far it has more taste. I'm hooked. I enjoyed reading your list -- maybe that's because lists are so personality friendly. I'm a huge book reading fan, too. In fact, I'm usually reading two or three books at a time; one travels with me, one is on my bedside table and one is in my bathroom. Oh, and then there are books on tape to listen to while I travel. What books are you reading now?
from poolagirl :
Thank you so much for making me a fave! I look forward to reading your archives and learning more about you!
from forty-plus :
In my House of the Three Men I am the only one with the ability to put the toilet paper on the dispenser too. I think it's another of those Venus vs. Mars things. Or just a lazy vs. not, which is probably closer to the truth. Have a great Saturday!
from forty-plus :
Idamay is so pretty. A little tripod kitty.
from m-lewis :
Dr. Spock. Now, there's an expert you don't hear too much about anymore. My mother gave me a copy of Dr. Spock's childrearing book when I had my first child, and I read it and I read it and I read it. Otherwise, I think sometimes I'd have gone mad. Parents are such treasures, aren't they? Happy Thanksgiving. P.S.: I have a relationship with my sister kind of like you have with yours -- sounds like it anyway.
from flicka :
Hi :) We have a lot of similar likes and favorite diaries. I've been ill and working myself to death. I will start at the beginning and work my way up to the 2006's soon. Take care. Catsoul...that's such an awesome name. I miss my cat--he was my soul. And my soulmate.
from m-lewis :
That is indeed a soul-filled tribute to the love of good good friends. I have a friend who has been my true good friend since we were in grade school. We've seen each other through an awful lot. I agree, good friends are not a dime a dozen.
from forty-plus :
I feel the same about my dogs and other pets, but you already knew that!
from m-lewis :
Amen! I adore my three dogs and two cats and can't imagine what my life would be like without them.
from hissandtell :
Oh, gracious. Those tattoos are just about the loveliest I've ever seen. Fabulous photos! (And belated happy birthday wishes, too, of course.) Love, R xxx
from m-lewis :
Sorry it took me so long to thank you for the web site you sent me. I never turn down good advice or help on a project. Thank you. My husband and I just returned from a trip to Memphis to see Kris Kristopherson in a near sold out concert at the Orpheum on Beale Street. He's 70 and he still looks and sounds amazing. Our weather here is getting ready to change as well. So I think I'll take your good advice and be prepared. Tonight the forecast is 100 percent chance for rain and dropping temps into the 40s. Be sure and take a picture of the binding you're putting on those placemats. And hug your mother.
from m-lewis :
Gosh, I'm just barely able to knit. I'd be terrified to use some expensive yarn. But I'll get this knitting thing down yet. I'd like to use beads in my knitting projects. What a cool idea! I envy artistic people, because I'm NOT. It's also a nice that you donated to an unwed mother's shelter; gave back, so to speak. The women's circle I'm in at church does that, donates, I mean -- except it's just called a women's shelter. Period.
from forty-plus :
Wow, your color retention is GREAT! I'd love to see even more close-ups.
from m-lewis :
Thanks for telling me about the other tatoo photo. I didn't realize you had posted it earlier. How long does it take to get all those colors? I doubt I'll ever get a tatoo. I don't even have pierced ears. My son is a BIG fan of tatoos though. He designed his own. Right now I'm partial to needles of a different sort -- knitting needles. I finished my first sock last night. Yea me! I hope to cast on the stitches for the other one this evening. I'll have to post something about it... later.
from m-lewis :
Hey! You got your picture posted. Good for you! It's hard to belive that tatoo is 25 years old. I guess tatoos don't fade like color photos used to.
from forty-plus :
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a nice day with something special planned. I can't wait to see all your pictures.
from m-lewis :
I have a son-in-law who claims he used to be addicted to The Weather Channel, and he's not old. The weather is such a huge part of our everyday lives -- that's why people talk about it so much. A friend of mine just returned from Alaska. She said Alaska had been experiencing a heat wave with temps in the mid 20s to upper 30s. The day before she left, she said her son-in-law was outside grilling and her grandchild was running around bare-footed.
from forty-plus :
Before I bring a photo online I crop it either in Microsoft Photo Editor or, more often, Adobe Photoshop CS2 9.0. Usually I start at the 8x10 (inch) setting, then crop a little closer for subject (for online use) and then reduce pixels to 550 x whatever or whatever x 550. Most times this cuts down on the blurry/grainy stuff. I hope this helps!
from m-lewis :
Congratulations are in order. Well done! I used to be a gold member, when I was on Diaryland once before. I'm going to wait and think about it a while longer. I also had a hard time figuring out how it all works. That's how I became acquainted with Yarnsmith. She taught me how to use HTML and upload pictures.
from forty-plus :
Any chance of seeing a photo of the Glad to be 50 tattoo?
from m-lewis :
I've never heard of raseberry applesauce. Sounds yummy! My husband and I have food issues as well. And like most people, we just eat too much of it. But we're working hard to change our lifestyles and eating habits. I like soy milk too, but it has more calories than regular milk (unless you know something about it I don't). I'm a big advocate of soy products and visit our health food store regularly. It's just across the street from the courthouse where I work, so... how convenient is that?
from yarnsmith :
A tattoo sounds like just what I need right now, something to remind me I am not get old, really, however I am chicken of anything that breaks my skin...maybe I should just defy my fears and get one.
from m-lewis :
I've read several of the books you mentioned.I plan to print out your list, certainly go to my library and see what is available. Can you believe that I only recently discovered Fanny Flagg? Now I'm hopelessly hooked. I think I've read every book Elizabeth Berg wrote and with baited breath I wait for her next one -- same thing with Sue Grafton. By the way, you did do good remembering all those books. I'm not sure I could do as good.
from m-lewis :
There is nothing better than a good, slobbery weekend nap in the middle of the day, especially if the weather is dreary. My cats LOVE it when I take a nap -- they are soooo happy. And you just thought kids were the only ones who depended on a routine schedule. Hey for halloween, I thought I'd send this web site for you to check out. It's cute and so much fun too:
from forty-plus :
I like getting up early, way before everyone else. It's nice to have the house to myself and it ALMOST seems nice to get chores done early. And I am a firm believer of the nap when you need it, especially if it includes a dog or two or three!
from m-lewis :
What do your parents think about your tatoos? Or are they hiding underneath your clothing so they can't see them? Have a good and safe trip.
from m-lewis :
I'll tell you what, my husband would park himself on your doorstep if he knew you "knew" Bob Dylan. I'm telling you, he'd just die. We live in a real little town so we have to travel far and wide to see concerts. We bought his 30th anniversary tribute DVD (at Madison Square Garden)and have the CD too. However, we've personally seen Bob in concert. St. Louis or Kansas City is about as close as he comes to Northern Arkansas. This summer, though, he actually performed in Springfield, Missouri. We were there. He's absolutely amazing. I gave my husband the book, Chronicles (one) for his birthday. I get to read it when he's finished reading. But will he EVER finish? Thank you so much for sharing that personal bit of information. I am SO impressed! You should do a blog on this subject.
from m-lewis :
My sister has a yellow rose tatooed on her ankle. EEEK! And she always professed to be terrified of needles...
from forty-plus :
Your tattoo sounds interesting. My Oldest Son has a Celtic cross on his deltoid muscle that he's thinking of adding some green ink.
from m-lewis :
I will have to go to my local library and look for "The Snow Garden." My daughter, like you, is a huge fan of Anne Rice. I think she's read every single one of her books -- twice or more. She knows the history of every character. When she and her husband went to New Orleans, they had their picture taken in front of Anne Rice's house. I'll have to tell her about "The Snow Garden." She likes to read as much as I do.
from tuff517 :
How is your autumn going? I'm catching up on my buddy list. I liked the poem that you had - "Snowflakes" was it? Very pretty.
from m-lewis :
Just happened upon your diary and saw you were a fan of Yarnsmith (she's also a friend). How is the book by Anne Rice's son? The title sounds tempting. I've a voracious reader. Right now I'm reading some vintage books I bought on eBay. So far they've been wonderful. I'll be back to your site. Good to meet you.
from forty-plus :
Sorry it took a while to get back to you. The artist is Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and her work can be found at:
from forty-plus :
Honestly, I would love (some) of your hot weather. It's been on the cool side here which is unusual for June and July.
from forty-plus :
I am writing again, right here at D-Land.
from forty-plus :
Enjoy your visit today!
from cdghost :
enjoyed your words.will return
from moosehunter :
Morning Catsoul (or afternoon, or Tuesday evening or August 1387 or whatever time it is there - I get so lost with transatlantic time-zones). I've just read back through your last couple'o'entries (I'm at work and our firewall logs EVERYTHING - fortunately, I'm the IT manager and can clear it). Your cat and dog sound rather cool. I'm a big fan of dogs myself. We had a dog from when I was very young and, being in rented accomodation now, we can't keep one at the moment. I'm having to visit my parents' dog. Being without a dog sucks. I'll have to start reading about yours for my canine fix. Moosey.
from hissandtell :
Thanks so much for reading, and for adding me to your list. I've been going through your older entries and truly enjoying your writing - I envy you the cold weather at the moment. I got to your entry about Katie, and to your entries about the dreams and how you miss her, and my heart is aching for you. I don't know if we ever get over the loss of a much-loved pet. We have two new pups who are sheer delights (and like you, I can't sleep properly without them) but I think of our darling little Patchouli every day and miss her awfully. I look forward to reading more of your moving and well-crafted words, darling. Love, R xxx
from luvabeans :
thanks for the add! i envy you your morning energy. i simply cannot get up without pressing snooze millions of times.
from when :
Uh oh! And i'm tagging you back!
from monkeymom :
I'd like to read your journal - could you send me the URL? Thanks!
from girlof78 :
You've been tagged! 8op
from forty-plus :
Oh my word, how scary! I am sending you my best healing and gaining strength vibes. Take care, Yvonne
from forty-plus :
I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
from pantrypuff :
Thanks for the add!
from forty-plus :
Enjoy your "warm-up!" :-)
from forty-plus :
I hope you continue to feel better and the snow holds off until after the dinner.
from steelcollar :
I agree with your comments about Thanksgiving. Having an 'attitude of gratitude' really makes a difference in everyday life. It shouldn't be reserved for once a year. Hang in there!
from forty-plus :
When my husband went out of town with our oldest son for a night, I let my dogs sleep with me and couldn't believe how well I slept. I even looked well rested first thing in the morning and functioned like a normal person the entire day. Hubby will not let the dogs sleep with us. I am thinking about sending him to the kennels and keeping the pooches with me! :) I hope today your son gives you a call. xx, Y.
from forty-plus :
I do know what I want but it is not within my power to make it happen. What I need to do is learn how to manage doing without. It's not the end of the world, I'm sure.
from forty-plus :
Oh honey, I am so sorry about Katie's passing. My heart aches for you.
from forty-plus :
I was hoping it was something easily managed. ♥
from forty-plus :
I liked it very much.
from forty-plus :
I hope you can find the poem, I'd love to read it!
from daze-of-rain :
thank you so much for the add. both of them
from celticshadow :
I love your entries, I hope you continue to fill up this diary with your flowing and elaborate words.
from bluknitscarf :
Hello, Just wanted to say that I really admire how you write. 'Paper Lanterns' was deeply beautiful... I enjoy reading your entries, so keep posting! --Elizabeth

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