My favorite diaries: |
jburnage profile - diary |
cannet profile - diary |
drastik profile - diary |
blueozark profile - diary |
chalkstain profile - diary |
comments: "I think I've found my treasure. It won't last forever, but it's there, and I'm going to appreciate it because life is beautiful sometimes, when we're not in control." |
sherpahigh profile - diary |
notunique profile - diary |
comments: "Because, really, a logical person should see the obvious about the second time around, that you're trying to win back something, remember it. Whatever." |
myheavyheart profile - diary |
bridgecity profile - diary |
imworried profile - diary |
boyecho profile - diary |
erases profile - diary |
comments: "music is the last beauty on earth" |
is-life profile - diary |
flenflyys profile - diary |
darthuae profile - diary |
comments: "maybe i can live with certain flows of ignorance but sometimes i might just want the truth that preys on your heart. and so if that's what's going to come and peace will meanwhile rust, let it come and you won't deny it if you could. |
secret-motel profile - diary |
comments: "It amazes me the infinite number of ways emptiness can be defined and configured. All this birth and death around us: the Earth won't remember a single one." |
moonsocket profile - diary |
comments: thank you. |
coffinspire profile - diary |
iiv profile - diary |
comments: "and i sat next to a guy smoking a cigar, and another guy with a corncob pipe came by and said NICE STOGIE, and they talked smokes for a bit, and the guy with the corncob pipe said how it makes him feel like hugh hefner without the women or the money |
pretendlemon profile - diary |
twoguns profile - diary |
weatethesea profile - diary |
comments: "I hope this for us young folk: even if everything is the worst it can ever be, we will still be able to absorb external joys and glow warm like a lantern." |
aperfectmap profile - diary |
comments: "i find that there are many shapes, and many instruments that create them; fires for the forging make the dark a lesser place, never again so oppressive or binding." |
bi-pet profile - diary |
rugged profile - diary |
hrtlssrmntc profile - diary |
passthetrain profile - diary |
idividedbyi profile - diary |
insertsmilex profile - diary |
lostelephant profile - diary |
hovercrafts profile - diary |
permeation profile - diary |
in-alaska profile - diary |
comments: "the other day i almost stepped on a dead rat. this place is beautiful in a non-traditional way. i ramble." |
bunnymama profile - diary |
floorplan profile - diary |
boombasticat profile - diary |
comments: "He's so smart and dry and funny, the kind of guy you'd like to take along to some juicy American stuff like a rodeo or a bingo hall and constantly lean in close, to find out what he's smiling about." |
che profile - diary |
xcjamesx profile - diary |
chatterwall profile - diary |
solitaryblue profile - diary |
misfitstray profile - diary |
spires profile - diary |
comments: "my eyes may be busy on the ceiling, and my thoughts might turn to envelopes and hands and sealing tongues, but god fuck you, i am present. and i will be evermore." |
defaults profile - diary |
catsoul profile - diary |
manvsdevil profile - diary |
comments: "Of course there are my family and friends but even when around them I cannot help but think that I just don't fit in and if I could would I jump head shot into eternity, early and forsaken?" |
and-the-way profile - diary |
clingwrap profile - diary |
ping-island profile - diary |
sorrowshadow profile - diary |
zoela profile - diary |
comments: "I'd do anything for the child I married, and in return I dare you universe, to give me the man he was meant to be, so that I can trade my armor for a gown." |
warpednormal profile - diary |
unclockwise profile - diary |
sassymcgee profile - diary |
nakedpride profile - diary |
avantbedroc profile - diary |
frankie123 profile - diary |
comments: "well fuck this shit i don't need a thing" |
loladesilva profile - diary |
vesselland profile - diary |
clingwrap profile - diary |
foreveragain profile - diary |
comments: dearest! |
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last updated: 2016-04-01 06:34:56
this user's total entries: 650
user since: 2005-10-22
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