well, here we are again.

im all out of words. im not sure if they mean anything anymore.

My favorite diaries:

rainforme profile - diary
comments: "Dont ask and I wont tell."
lifeisempty profile - diary
comments: I like the stories she writes in it.
itoldyou profile - diary
comments: [locked] �It's exhausting to live in a world where there are other beings who express their views. Because a view is just that - a point from which you see, and certainly we can't all stand on the same point."
ashesrose profile - diary
chalkstain profile - diary
gypsyxdance profile - diary
comments: "I want to be reckless and high and even though I'm happier now, I still wish I was out in the dark, chasing a high."
lipsonmyskin profile - diary
xworstideax profile - diary
comments: "i don't build these walls around me to keep people out. i build them to see who cares enough to break through them and see who i really am. and believe it or not, it really does hurt when you run in the opposite direction scared."
readthisline profile - diary
comments: "Some people are dying more quickly than others, because they can do nothing about it. Some feel more pain. Some don't feel anything at all. But we'll all die, each armed with every precious failure."
thatgirlx profile - diary
comments: "I've become so accustomed to living in the dark, amongst the shadows and the fears and the uncertainties, I'm afraid now that when I step out, I'll get burnt."
getinline profile - diary
comments: "So I got a razor, went to the bathroom downstairs in the lobby and cut. It's like it's a game, and I'm daring someone to catch me."
pollys-pins profile - diary
comments: "If I knew what I was feeling I would say. Its not good whatever it is. I am always act such a victim."
downcasted profile - diary
comments: Is it possible to worry so much that you cause your own problems? Like self-injury to your thoughts, and destruction of the soul.
complexmynds profile - diary
comments: "I wish I could prevent tragedy all over the world and save lives. Sadly, I'm only human. A classification and a weakness all in itself."
just-fine profile - diary
comments: Another one who is just like me... "I don't have the energy to be sick anymore, and yet i just don't think i have the energy to get better either."
myromance profile - diary
shotvodka profile - diary
collusion profile - diary
comments: "i would hurt you immeasurably, because i dont know any other kind of affection."
cuttersblood profile - diary
comments: "nights when i think...when i wish that i had it in me just to end it all."
cut-up-girl profile - diary
comments: "i feel numb. i feel cold. it feels like i wont be able to take another day."
spilled-milk profile - diary
comments: "everyone's a protagonist in their own life story."
grayinside profile - diary
breakthedark profile - diary
comments: beautiful poetry
onecutabove profile - diary
life4rent profile - diary
comments: "I want to find Mr. Right because only he can make me forget you, but what if you are my Mr. Right."
ohmyjetsabel profile - diary
comments: she no longer writes here, but I loved everything she's ever written... They're so sad that they're breathtakingly beautiful...
amazinfuckup profile - diary
andthisair profile - diary
heartslashed profile - diary
comments: "I've become someone who just fills space, who just wakes up and walks without life through the day, only to fall asleep and begin again."
andwebreathe profile - diary
comments: "I perpetuate my own ailments."
prfct-circle profile - diary
lunarsea profile - diary
breathe-salt profile - diary
dimstar profile - diary
the-thinline profile - diary
kyane profile - diary
comments: "Exorcism works. The victim must believe it."
xcutxthroat profile - diary
lie-to-me-- profile - diary
comments: "the voice inside me laughs. "Weak, yes. Pathetic, yes, but all so beautiful"."
axde profile - diary
comments: "i want to know someone really, really well. someone who doesn't filter out any of their mind garbage. i want to know it all. i think i want that to be the fruits of my labor when i'm in love and not anything else. i bet if we could peel ba
defaults profile - diary
sun-dials profile - diary
comments: "You are strangely cute. And you don't know my name."
permeation profile - diary
comments: simple words, and pictures that seems to scream more...
emotionalist profile - diary
comments: "if i'm in love with someone who loves me, i'm not sure what's left to write about."
shoot-down profile - diary
comments: "if i'm to make the same mistake each day, would you mend it? time could take this endless love to escape it."
papersnow profile - diary

My favorite music:

Breaking Benjamin
My Chemical Romance
Ashley Parker Angel

My favorite movies:

Lord of the Ring
comments: Big production. Meaningful scenes that's sometimes boring and hard to deciphere. Great actors :)
Girl, Interrupted
Prozac Nation
comments: Christina Ricci was insanely beautiful in it.

My favorite authors:

Juliet Marrilier
comments: Daughter Of The Forest - beautiful story
Franscine Pascal
comments: I wish I'm like Gaia too. Fearless.
Elizabeth Wurtzel
comments: Prozac Nation: A book of constant suffering. Of truth.
Martha O'Connor
comments: The Bitch Goddess Notebook - full of dark truths. the sadness in it is almost beautiful.

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last updated: 2021-09-20 08:40:42
this user's total entries: 445
user since: 2002-12-05

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