
So would you still be in love, if I were to tell you everything about me, about my family? Or would you go running away as fast as you can? Would you be shocked and disgusted, because my life isn't as immaculate and simple as yours?

My favorite diaries:

amazinfuckup profile - diary
comments: "In my dreams, a long time from now, you don't tell me I'm worthless and you don't yell at me when I try to fix it..."
breathelilac profile - diary
chalkstain profile - diary
cheekyash profile - diary
comments: "That sleepy, dreamlike state where you know nothing and everything all at once. Where you theorise about life although you're almost dead and still, you manage to realise some of the more important things."
downcasted profile - diary
comments: "The soul, your body, it feels like a corpse, a person you tried to become."
drawtheline profile - diary
comments: "You said you wanted it you got it, sad to say it's not exactly what you thought it would be..."
razorblade-- profile - diary
comments: "& i dig this grave just a little deeper everyday"

My favorite music:

The Weakerthans
Snow Patrol
Cat Power
Ani Difranco
The Cranberries

My favorite movies:

The Green Mile
comments: "We each owe a death - there are no exceptions - but sometimes, oh God, the Green Mile seems so long."
Imagine Me And You
comments: Rachel: What does the lily mean? Luce: The lily means... [pause] The lily means, "I dare you to love me".
Happy Gilmore
comments: Virginia: What's this about you breaking a rake and throwing it in the woods? Happy: I didn't -break- it, I was merely testing its durability, and I -placed- it in the woods cause it's made of wood and I wanted it to be near its family.
Antwone Fisher
comments: It don't matter what you tried to do, you couldn't destroy me! I'm still standing! I'm still strong! And I always will be.
The General's Daughter
comments: "It was awful." It was awful. Go ahead. She cheated, she lied, what? "Worse." Drugs? "Worse." Rape? "Worse." What's worse than rape? "When you find that out, you'll know everything.&qu

My favorite authors:

Paulo Coelho
Melanie La'Brooy
Belinda Alexandra

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last updated: 2013-10-15 02:53:37
this user's total entries: 264
user since: 2006-05-06

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