
The most beautiful people I have never met:

My favorite diaries:

Loveherwell profile - diary
jarofporter profile - diary
pettyquarrel profile - diary
Aryssa90 profile - diary
comebacktome profile - diary
fuck--that profile - diary
atwowaydream profile - diary
shewholies profile - diary
frankie123 profile - diary
karbonphyber profile - diary
papotheclown profile - diary
ping-island profile - diary
stellarrobot profile - diary
silver4 profile - diary
msjessica profile - diary
axde profile - diary
jimbostaxi profile - diary
kabukicharms profile - diary
theways profile - diary
portlypete profile - diary
strayrecluse profile - diary
nessus profile - diary
moodswing profile - diary
darthuae profile - diary
amazinfuckup profile - diary
deriveazure profile - diary
witty-remark profile - diary
deathoffsure profile - diary
acuteapathy profile - diary
notunique profile - diary
friskyseal profile - diary
unhealthyme profile - diary
elusive-you profile - diary
zoela profile - diary
the-grey-one profile - diary
happyone profile - diary
myheavyheart profile - diary
Crazy-raver profile - diary
Swordfern profile - diary

My favorite music:

No Doubt. Tegan and Sara. Meg and Dia.
comments: Ani Difranco. Eisley. Paramore.
Jack's Mannequin
comments: The Fray. Coldplay. Death Cab For Cutie.
Soundgarden. Audioslave. Chris Cornell.
comments: Pearl Jam. Alice in Chains.
Nirvana. Hole.
comments: Automatic Loveletter. Lucero. Kings of Leon
comments: Joni Mitchell. Janis Joplin

My favorite movies:

City Of God
Slumdog Millionaire
Bonnie and Clyde
comments: Not a movie. but happens to be the BEST SHOW EVER MADE
comments: Had to do it.

My favorite authors:

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last updated: 2024-03-13 10:52:05
this user's total entries: 1264
user since: 2003-07-21

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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