cut his throat

lost a great deal of blood

My favorite diaries:

metastasized profile - diary
comments: "I tried to forget myself. I almost did. "
moodswing profile - diary
comments: "i used to sit in the closet. all the time."
gonzoprophet profile - diary
comments: "i am a relentlessly suspicious person"
locony profile - diary
comments: "nothing left to do but think."
bombasine profile - diary
comments: "... as if i were a person with ideas."
daath profile - diary
comments: "I despise reality for the hollow comforts it brings. How uncivil, how unvested, how incoherent and meaningless."
honeysmoke profile - diary
comments: "i dreamt about carnivals and extremely elaborate tubs."
matt profile - diary
comments: "why can't we live in a world with better quality tomatoes"
friskyseal profile - diary
comments: "i am a boy and i have a metal bar in my chest and it's not the first one and i sleep with an otter and he's not the first one, either."
andrew profile - diary
comments: "I tried to do up my pants as subtly as I could without making any kind of arm movements that might look fishy and perverted"
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: "In the past nine years I've posted 688 entries about food, crotch-related things, and, well, that's about all I ever write about--food and things that happen between legs."
in-alaska profile - diary
comments: "i should not live with strangers. i am the weird roommate."
orangepeeler profile - diary
comments: "I cradle a hot water bottle, rather than a drink, and consider violence, that which makes utopia possible, yet converts it, simultaneously, into an impossibility, for there is always resistance to that violence."
ottodixless profile - diary
comments: "I'm now slightly lost as to what to do with my time. I guess I could write a novel."
perplexing profile - diary
comments: "i know what i'm doing is wrong, yet continue to do so because on some level it makes me feel wanted."
shellboy profile - diary
comments: "i don't know what to do about this little part of my life except sit in it"
soon profile - diary
comments: "the idea of getting outside my own mind is wonderful right now"
perceptions profile - diary
comments: [the best diary that ever ran on diaryland, hands and other extremities down.]
duplicitous profile - diary
comments: "I look calm on the outside, but on the inside I'm an unstable, raving loon."
coldwars profile - diary
comments: "I had to look in the mirror. I had to see if it really was me."
hotwaterlove profile - diary
comments: "my hungry heart like a dinosaur, thundering down the road. eating all the ferns."
dullstar profile - diary
comments: "This is not how I want my life to be going, but I can't imagine it going any other way."
circuswheel profile - diary
comments: "alex mack is so hot i don't know if i ever would have reached puberty without her especially season four!"
a-d-w profile - diary
comments: "i have this terrible personality fault whereby whenever i spend too much time with one person, i begin to despise them."
avantbedroc profile - diary
comments: "i want to please you but my ideas are not creating comprehensive text"
moonsocket profile - diary
comments: "we will never be here again, experiencing this, ever again. so embrace it. document it. never forget."
tyd profile - diary
comments: "I do have ideas to write here but by the time I get the time, I have forgotten what it was I wanted to write."
xxsorrowxx profile - diary
comments: "I am going to stand up, walk out of this room, and we won't ever speak of this again."
omfggwtf profile - diary
comments: "p.s i didn't die in my sleep, how brilliant!"
leotard profile - diary
comments: "I love these things so much that they feel more like actual magic than anything else. 1. MUSIC 2. SWIMMING 3. CANDY"
secret-motel profile - diary
comments: "If I stand still long enough, the wind will blow a hole through me."
sunflowerowl profile - diary
comments: "I woke up this morning feeling extremely crapity. Yes, crapity."
achmardi profile - diary
comments: "I do not take pride in being normal, and become fearful when I realize that I am."
loz-er profile - diary
comments: "I let the hot tears roll down my face because there is nowhere else for them to go."
dope-slave profile - diary
comments: "How is it that I can look back on that time in my life, knowing full well how depressed I was under the surface, and feel charmed and wistful?"
sin-is-moist profile - diary
comments: "you follow behind me, like a sacred shadow or my better half."
peixe profile - diary
comments: "Here. Today. And it feels so different."
idividedbyi profile - diary
comments: "it's a constant waiting game, for the perfect moment." [pictures]
comebacktome profile - diary
comments: "I want you to look and me and regret what you did. [...] that's the way I feel about you."
msjessica profile - diary
comments: "the more you love yourself, the more there is to hate."
catsoul profile - diary
comments: "I will be a paper lantern all my life."
sadistiksoul profile - diary
comments: "I want a tree, here, in the South. I want to sit above the world and observe and write, again. I want to write, again."
whitepigeon profile - diary
comments: "Who says Po-Mo no mo'?"
atwowaydream profile - diary
comments: "I've always felt like I was living in a postcard of an untranslated era"
floorplan profile - diary
comments: "another lonely night in paradise."
ninabean profile - diary
comments: "It started when I was a child and found such a love in chewing my barbies little hands into crippled deformities."
chatterwall profile - diary
comments: "i hope things will be ok. i love the sound of the sea. it means almost everything to me and why i never ask why."
sunfuck profile - diary
comments: "i really feel like i lost myself. and only now am i realizing that i don't wanna lose this."
opposure profile - diary
comments: "Create or die - some will understand."
bibles profile - diary
comments: "The ideal that passion is everything is too elementary. No one can be on fire all the time."

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last updated: 2010-10-23 20:01:28
this user's total entries: 753
user since: 2010-02-23

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