lovely little gluey things sometimes happen

fuck fight fail

rien ne va plus.

je me fais malade

My favorite diaries:

pip profile - diary
oniontears profile - diary
liss profile - diary
obsolete profile - diary
babyhead profile - diary
moodswing profile - diary
guiltysneak profile - diary
dry-pavement profile - diary
out-to-sea profile - diary
comments: dreaming: we are a mess of tangled limbs and hungry honey kisses.
ahng profile - diary
jerkface profile - diary
fuschiashock profile - diary
hiddenside profile - diary
backatyou profile - diary
medieval profile - diary
i-am-nice profile - diary
bluknitscarf profile - diary
blanketstare profile - diary
sunfuck profile - diary
breaklight profile - diary
ndslotesse profile - diary
central-red profile - diary
dial-revenge profile - diary
redd profile - diary
whenyouare profile - diary
throwingjuly profile - diary
chaos68 profile - diary
heartshaped profile - diary
delicategirl profile - diary
shimmerluv profile - diary
thisisjohn profile - diary
histamine profile - diary
freemanson profile - diary
andthisair profile - diary
luminescent profile - diary
cultureshock profile - diary
boogie profile - diary
comments: "when being alone started to feel like salt in a wound."
truepyrite profile - diary
comments: " Little decisions, and I mean stupid things like should I put air in the tires tomorrow or today, can paralyze me."
killing profile - diary
comments: "the giraffe said to the elephant, "ha, i'm taller."/the elephant rolled his eyes and sat on the giraffe./"not anymore!""
swallowthkey profile - diary
arspoetica profile - diary
comments: "we need a little easy love and a little heartbreak love. "
anti-gens profile - diary
comments: "i can't imagine a god capable of facades so cruel they would break you. me maybe."
robotheart profile - diary
comments: "i hope i end up somewhere on the sand in the middle of the night, twirling like a madwoman"
thumbellin-a profile - diary
comments: "saving money. i don't know what for. maybe to buy a wagon and a donkey and ride through the backwoods of the country stealing food and jewelry from people. "
the-forest profile - diary
monday-night profile - diary
comments: "but it's not a hard fall. it's more like a comfortable settling."
angrypariah profile - diary
comments: "they sell you lies."
ill-pretend profile - diary
comments: "silence gives me the strength to commit suicide. "
sleepystorm profile - diary
orchidprint profile - diary
symmetree profile - diary
comments: "i probably hated you when i met you."
thefallofart profile - diary
comments: "i want to go to sleep but it's too cold."
myx0mat0sis profile - diary
comments: "the air is cold and dry and empty and breathing is tedious. it's quiet save for leaves under feet and wheels over pavement. my fingertips and toes are cold but my heart is warm. i love this season. "
nakedembrace profile - diary
comments: "Colours are loud, but your eyes will just have to adjust."
lilywithagun profile - diary
bendme profile - diary
comments: "There`s a full moon out tonight/but it`s not quite as dark as I thought."
bluecinema profile - diary
comments: "And I have discovered my beauty and it has enabled me to be cruel."
permeation profile - diary
cleansheets profile - diary
comments: "see, i've got this feeling called tomorrow that i can't get to when i can't breathe and your lips are covering my mouth"
unresolved profile - diary
comments: "i will tell you that i haven't seen daylight in four days. but i have seen the first colors of every sunrise before sleep."
friskodisko profile - diary
comments: "Heart is racing yet I am so sleepy."
so-dead profile - diary
comments: "i hate when i have to talk to anyone. just watching white and yellow lines fly by on the pavement is good enough for me. "
icomeundone profile - diary
comments: "nothing will stop the ringing in my ears. i am lonely."
i-love-straw profile - diary
satansballs profile - diary
comments: "everything dies baby, that's a fact."
loserface profile - diary
comments: "so I waited until it rained"
cicatrixed profile - diary
comments: "fear made room for itself."
crapolalola profile - diary
comments: "I've got eyeballs filled with rainbows./I've got cracks in my windows./Ladybugs creep in without my knowing."
frankie123 profile - diary
honkytonk13 profile - diary
comments: "I can�t stand to know who people really are."
obscuritron profile - diary
comments: "i write these songs/and i keep my hands in my pockets./no one has touched me for days"
skinthesun profile - diary
comments: "we should mourn."
blackshirt profile - diary
comments: "sometimes when it looks like the world has fallen apart, it has just cracked a little bit and let in some light and air."
citrusflower profile - diary
comments: "some things have changed, others haven't. "
axde profile - diary

My favorite music:

sonic youth
comments: "she thinks she's a goddess/she says she talks to the spirits/i wonder if she can talk to herself/if she can bear to hear it"
comments: "a voice coach taught me to sing, he couldn't teach me to love"
modest mouse
comments: "everyone's afraid of their own life/if you could be anything you want/i bet you'd be dissapointed, am i right?"
the beatles
comments: "we're all one, and life flows on within you and without you."
godspeed you black emperor
comments: "i said: 'kiss me, you're beautiful/these are truly the last days'/you grabbed my hand and we fell into it/like a daydream or a fever"

My favorite movies:

comments: "But mom, they're not even sure if it IS a baby ."
comments: "Your name is Rosetta. My name is Rosetta. You have a friend. I have a friend. You have a job. I have a job. You have a normal life. I have a normal life. You won't fall into a rut. I won't fall into a rut."
jesus of montreal
comments: "On est i�i pour aider quand on peut"
comments: "A family's like a gun. You point it in the wrong direction, you're gonna kill somebody."
greaser's palace
comments: "Dad, I was swimming in a rainbow with millions of babies... ...and they was naked... ...and then all of the sudden I turned into a perfect smile!"

My favorite authors:

comments: "What are the stars but points in the body of God where we insert the healing needles of our terror and longing?"
comments: "I was the victim of a series of accidents, as are we all."
comments: "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."
comments: "To hell with reality! I want to die in music, not in reason or in prose. People don't deserve the restraint we show by not going into delirium in front of them. To hell with them!"
comments: "We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."

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last updated: 2024-07-05 02:42:11
this user's total entries: 1579
user since: 1999-10-17

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